Progetti FP7 coordinati da "Leibniz-institut fuer festkoerper- und werkstoffforschung dresden e.v."

# progetto  anno  totale costo  contributi 
1 DIVERSITY Improving the gender diversity management in materials research institutions 2009 415˙268.00 315˙083.00
2 LOTHERM Low-dimensional quantum magnets for thermal management 2009 2˙579˙032.00 2˙579˙032.00
3 BIOTINET Academic-Industrial Initial Training Network on Innovative Biocompatible Titanium-base Structures for Orthopaedics 2011 3˙571˙711.00 3˙571˙711.00
4 IRON-SEA Establishing the basic science and technology for Iron-based superconducting electronics applications 2011 2˙169˙814.00 1˙665˙611.00
5 SMART Shapeable Magnetoelectronics in Research and Technology 2013 1˙499˙760.00 1˙499˙760.00
6 MAGNETOFLEX Ultra-thin flexible magnetic sensorics 2014 145˙520.00 145˙520.00
7 INTELHYB Next generation of complex metallic materials with intelligent hybrid structures 2014 2˙499˙920.00 2˙499˙920.00
8 CNTQC Curved nanomembranes for Topological Quantum Computation 2014 2˙048˙828.00 1˙582˙081.00

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