# | ||||
1 | ESL_STR Automatic Hardware Generation Using the Stream Programming Paradigm | 2008 | 100˙000.00 | 100˙000.00 |
2 | MRISIMUL ENHANCED MRI PHYSICS SIMULATOR | 2010 | 100˙000.00 | 100˙000.00 |
3 | WINIE WIreless Networks with Interference Exploitation | 2011 | 150˙520.00 | 150˙520.00 |
4 | GREENROUTE "GreenRoute: A web based platform which help individuals and companies move commodities with the most environmental friendly way, minimizing emissions and transportation cost" | 2011 | 75˙000.00 | 75˙000.00 |
5 | LOVE-TO-HATE Pesticides: Felicity or curse for the soil microbial community? | 2013 | 1˙774˙735.00 | 1˙774˙735.00 |
6 | UNAELCO Unsteady aeroelastic control for multi-MW wind turbine rotors | 2013 | 75˙000.00 | 75˙000.00 |
L'Ente panepistimio thessalias (university of thessaly) partecipato anche in questi progetti.