# | ||||
1 | LABPOL "Labor Markets, Economic Fluctuations, and Monetary Policy" | 2009 | 600˙000.00 | 600˙000.00 |
2 | GOPG "Globalization, Optimal Policies and Growth" | 2009 | 450˙000.00 | 450˙000.00 |
3 | ABEP Asset Bubbles and Economic Policy | 2010 | 999˙999.00 | 999˙999.00 |
4 | KF&EM International Capital Flows and Emerging Markets | 2011 | 900˙000.00 | 900˙000.00 |
5 | BUBPOL Monetary Policy and Asset Price Bubbles | 2014 | 799˙200.00 | 799˙200.00 |
6 | MACROCOLL The Macroeconomics of Collateral | 2014 | 979˙800.00 | 979˙800.00 |
L'Ente centre de recerca en economia internacional (crei) partecipato anche in questi progetti.