Progetti FP7 coordinati da "Fundacio institut de recerca de l'energia de catalunya"

# progetto  anno  totale costo  contributi 
1 INDUCIS Development and industrial implementation of cost effective advanced CIGS photovoltaic technologies 2011 794˙000.00 794˙000.00
2 SCALENANO Development and scale-up of nanostructured based materials and processes for low cost high efficiency chalcogenide based photovoltaics 2012 10˙023˙295.00 7˙541˙468.00
3 KESTCELLS Training for sustainable low cost PV technologies: development of kesterite based efficient solar cells 2012 3˙705˙320.00 3˙705˙320.00
4 RenewIT Advanced concepts and tools for renewable energy supply of IT Data Centres 2013 3˙582˙800.00 2˙508˙000.00
5 HI-LED Human-centric Intelligent LED engines for the take up of SSL in Europe 2013 4˙630˙310.00 3˙500˙000.00
6 JUMPKEST JUnction iMProved KESTerite based solar cells for cost efficient sustainable photovoltaic technologies 2015 173˙370.00 173˙370.00

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