Progetti FP7 coordinati da "Universitat pompeu fabra"

# progetto  anno  totale costo  contributi 
1 SF Synthetic Forager 2008 3˙643˙762.00 2˙750˙000.00
2 iMP intelligent Metadata-driven Processing and distribution of audiovisual media 2009 4˙092˙959.00 2˙905˙000.00
3 PANACEA Platform for Automatic, Normalized Annotation and Cost-Effective Acquisition of Language Resources for Human Language Technologies 2010 3˙399˙262.00 2˙685˙000.00
4 PESCaDO Personalized Environmental Service Configuration and Delivery Orchestration 2010 3˙733˙320.00 2˙785˙300.00
5 CSN The Convergent Science Network for biohybrid and biomimetic systems 2010 583˙179.00 520˙000.00
6 EFAA Experimental Functional Android Assistant (EFAA) 2011 3˙723˙657.00 2˙850˙000.00
7 INBIOMEDvision Promoting and Monitoring Biomedical Informatics in Europe 2011 1˙165˙389.00 998˙000.00
8 MIReS Roadmap for Music Information ReSearch 2011 642˙632.00 573˙000.00
9 IMPART Intelligent Management Platform for Advanced Real-Time media processes 2012 5˙005˙088.00 3˙600˙000.00
10 PHENICX Performances as Highly Enriched aNd Interactive Concert eXperiences 2013 3˙726˙543.00 2˙800˙000.00
11 CSNII Convergence Science Network of Biomimetics and NeuroTechnology 2013 1˙064˙936.00 950˙000.00
12 EASEL Expressive Agents for Symbiotic Education and Learning 2013 4˙095˙862.00 2˙910˙000.00
13 EUMSSI EUMSSI- Event Understanding through Multimodal Social Stream Interpretation 2013 3˙262˙995.00 2˙480˙000.00

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