Progetti FP7 coordinati da "Bay zoltan alkalmazott kutatasi kozhasznu nonprofit kft."

# progetto  anno  totale costo  contributi 
1 GENDERA Gender Debate in the European Research Area 2009 1˙030˙585.00 798˙666.00
2 ENVIMPACT Increasing the impact of Central-Eastern European environment research results through more effective dissemination and exploitation 2011 1˙011˙868.00 851˙584.00
3 FAWORIT2011 A Day of the Researcher under the Magnifying Glass - in and out of Laboratory 2011 130˙390.00 120˙000.00
4 FAWORIT 2012 Researchers for the Future 2012 147˙350.00 135˙000.00
5 FAWORIT 2013 "Fascinating World of Researchers in the Age of Technology - It sounds, tastes, looks, smells and feels good to be a Researcher!" 2013 109˙594.00 100˙000.00
6 INNOVER-EAST Building a more effective pathway leading from research to innovation through cooperation between the European Union and Eastern Partnership countries in the field of energy efficiency 2014 1˙056˙708.00 917˙525.00

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L'Ente bay zoltan alkalmazott kutatasi kozhasznu nonprofit kft. partecipato anche in questi progetti.