# | ||||
1 | REDUCE "Classifying the conjugacy relation of the group of C2 diffeomorphisms of the unit circle, and characterizing isometry groups of separable ultrametric spaces." | 2008 | 75˙000.00 | 75˙000.00 |
2 | GSQS Geometry and Symmetry of Quantum Spaces | 2009 | 0.00 | 50˙400.00 |
3 | PROBQUANTGROUPS PROBABILITY AND QUANTUM GROUPS | 2010 | 119˙533.00 | 119˙533.00 |
4 | TOPDSC Topological aspects of dynamical independence and chaos | 2011 | 45˙000.00 | 45˙000.00 |
5 | AOS Asymptotics of Operator Semigroups | 2012 | 109˙200.00 | 109˙200.00 |
6 | FLUX Towards regularity | 2013 | 227˙400.00 | 227˙400.00 |
7 | IMPACT IMPAN INTERNATIONAL FELLOWSHIP PROGRAMME | 2013 | 270˙710.00 | 108˙284.00 |
8 | UNIVERSALITY Universality in Topological Dynamics | 2013 | 100˙000.00 | 100˙000.00 |
L'Ente instytut matematyczny polskiej akademii nauk. partecipato anche in questi progetti.