Progetti FP7 coordinati da "Natural environment research council"

# progetto  anno  totale costo  contributi 
1 CAREX Coordination Action for Research Activities on Life in Extreme Environments 2008 1˙378˙881.00 1˙199˙524.00
2 EUROSITES Integration and enhancement of key existing European deep-ocean observatories 2008 4˙753˙779.00 3˙482˙601.00
3 FORGE Fate of Repository Gases 2009 11˙626˙902.00 5˙988˙647.00
4 ICE2SEA Ice2sea - estimating the future contribution of continental ice to sea-level rise 2009 13˙635˙613.00 9˙994˙842.00
5 MIXCLIM Exploring diapycnal mixing in the Southern Ocean 2009 171˙300.00 171˙300.00
6 HERMIONE Hotspot Ecosystem Research and Man's Impact on European seas 2009 10˙982˙142.00 7˙998˙955.00
7 Geo-Seas Pan-European infrastructure for management of marine and ocean geological and geophysical data 2009 6˙760˙422.00 4˙900˙000.00
8 SENSENET International sensor development network 2009 3˙751˙495.00 3˙751˙495.00
9 EPPIC Energetic Particle Precipitation Interconnection with Climate 2009 164˙269.00 164˙269.00
10 RISCS Research into Impacts and Safety in CO2 Storage (RISCS) 2010 5˙258˙119.00 3˙958˙530.00
11 NANOFATE Nanoparticle Fate Assessment and Toxicity in the Environment 2010 3˙251˙134.00 2˙497˙100.00
13 MEDEA Advanced Methodologies for the Determination of the Lability of Trace Metals and Their Application to Contaminated Soils 2010 172˙740.00 172˙740.00
14 SPACECAST Protecting space assets from high energy particles by developing European dynamic modelling and forecasting capabilities 2011 2˙539˙991.00 1˙965˙071.00
15 CODEMAP COmplex Deep-sea Environments: Mapping habitat heterogeneity As Proxy for biodiversity 2011 1˙401˙012.00 1˙401˙012.00
16 NANO-ECOTOXICITY Ecotoxicity of metal nanoparticles in soils 2011 199˙549.00 199˙549.00
17 FORSEANAM "The forcing of sea level rise in the Arctic, the North Atlantic and the Mediterranean Sea" 2011 247˙586.00 247˙586.00
18 ENVICAT ENVIronmental control of CyAnoToxins production 2011 180˙103.00 180˙103.00
19 ECLAIRE Effects of Climate Change on Air Pollution Impacts and Response Strategies for European Ecosystems 2011 10˙931˙972.00 6˙997˙001.00
20 ROBIN Role Of Biodiversity In climate change mitigatioN 2011 9˙006˙660.00 6˙985˙678.00
21 MICRONANOTOX Microbial community nano-ecotoxicology: interplay between effects on structure and the consequent effects on function 2012 209˙033.00 209˙033.00
22 GEO-HABIT Geo-acoustic mapping of benthic habitat distribution 2012 278˙807.00 278˙807.00
23 ODIP Establishing and operating an Ocean Data Interoperability Platform 2012 984˙248.00 699˙999.00
24 MODISC Modelling glacier response after Larsen B ice shelf collapse 2013 200˙371.00 200˙371.00
25 FIXO3 Fixed Point Open Ocean Observatories Network 2013 8˙607˙911.00 7˙000˙000.00
26 SENSEOCEAN SenseOCEAN: Marine sensors for the 21st Century 2013 8˙065˙330.00 5˙924˙945.00
27 BIOME Modelling effects of exposure to mixtures of chemicals on a multi-species level 2013 309˙235.00 309˙235.00
28 CACHE CACHE: CAlcium in a CHanging Environment 2013 3˙658˙447.00 3˙658˙447.00
29 SPACESTORM Modelling space weather events and mitigating their effects on satellites 2013 2˙544˙144.00 1˙981˙301.00
30 ICE-ARC "Ice, Climate, and Economics - Arctic Research on Change" 2014 11˙517˙770.00 8˙874˙626.00

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