"Development of the research potential of the Faculty of Chemistry, Sofia University, in the area of advanced functional materials for successful participation in world-class research at EU level"


 Organization address address: Tsar Osvoboditel Blvd. 15
city: SOFIA
postcode: 1504

contact info
Titolo: Prof.
Nome: Tony
Cognome: Spassov
Email: send email
Telefono: +359 2 81 61 236
Fax: +359 2 962 54 38

 Nazionalità Coordinatore Bulgaria [BG]
 Totale costo 4˙260˙380 €
 EC contributo 3˙799˙998 €
 Programma FP7-REGPOT
Specific Programme "Capacities": Research potential of Convergence Regions
 Code Call FP7-REGPOT-2011-1
 Funding Scheme CSA-SA
 Anno di inizio 2011
 Periodo (anno-mese-giorno) 2011-10-01   -   2015-09-30


# participant  country  role  EC contrib. [€] 

 Organization address address: Tsar Osvoboditel Blvd. 15
city: SOFIA
postcode: 1504

contact info
Titolo: Prof.
Nome: Tony
Cognome: Spassov
Email: send email
Telefono: +359 2 81 61 236
Fax: +359 2 962 54 38

BG (SOFIA) coordinator 3˙799˙998.00


 Word cloud

Esplora la "nuvola delle parole (Word Cloud) per avere un'idea di massima del progetto.

excellence    catalytic    strategic    university    area    bulgaria    universities    materials    national    helping    boost    edge    sofia    cutting    faculty    scientific    functional    class    highest    beyondeverest    building    chemistry    world    de    centre    recruitment    bulgarian    centers    science   

 Obiettivo del progetto (Objective)

'This project aims to focus the research potential of the Faculty of Chemistry in Sofia University for performing world-class research in the area of Advanced Functional Materials. The Faculty is leading scientific centre in this area in Bulgaria and in the region, with recognized contributions in the design and characterization of materials with desired chemical, catalytic, biological and optical properties. The high research level in the Faculty was recently acknowledged by the National ranking of Universities - the Chemistry in Sofia University received the highest rank among all research fields in all Bulgarian universities. European evaluators, in the frame of FP7 project “EVEREST”, estimated highly the research achievements of the Faculty and noted that the studies in the area of Advanced Materials have the potential to be developed to the level comparable to that of the leading European centers. Based on a thorough SWOT analysis, an institutional strategic plan is defined and implemented in this proposal, aimed at boosting the Faculty excellence and creativity, and building a unique Research and Educational Centre on Advanced Functional Materials in Bulgaria. This objective will be attained by building strategic partnership with leading European research centers: TU Munich (DE), Oxford University (UK), MPI for Polymer Research (DE), University of Turin (IT), ESPCI – Paris (FR); recruitment of five experienced researchers, complementing the Faculty expertise; extending the existing infrastructure with new NMR, TEM and catalytic equipment, needed for cutting-edge research in this area. The project content fits within the thematic priorities of FP7 (NMP) and within the national priority “Materials science and Nanotechnology”.'

Introduzione (Teaser)

Bulgaria is establishing itself as a leader in world-class research in modern materials science. An EU initiative is helping to boost its research capacity.

Descrizione progetto (Article)

The Faculty of Chemistry of the University of Sofia is recognised throughout Europe for its work in materials science. Previous work determined that the field of advanced functional materials has the highest potential for development given the Faculty's research quality and capability.

To further the study of advanced functional materials, the EU-funded project (BEYONDEVEREST) (Development of the research potential of the Faculty of Chemistry, Sofia University, in the area of advanced functional materials for successful participation in world-class research at EU level) is helping to boost research potential through mobility schemes, recruitment, modernisation of facilities and various events.

BEYONDEVEREST focuses on functional materials for clean energy, environmental protection, optics and optoelectronics, as well as materials with pharmaceutical and medical applications.

During the first 18 months of the 4-year project, partners identified 18 research groups in functional materials within the Faculty. Each group has presented its research path.

To strengthen the Faculty's research excellence, more than 30 meetings were held that resulted in key research reports, in addition to planned discussions, workshops and seminars on materials for medicine and pharmacy and on functional materials.

Incoming and outgoing visits between researchers and partner organisations and other renowned research institutions are taking place to exchange know-how and experience. Plans for joint research projects have been laid, with some initiatives already being implemented.

The Faculty is in the process of recruiting two leading Bulgarian experts in transmission electron microscopy. Contacts with industry, companies, and Bulgarian government and municipal institutions are raising the visibility of the Faculty's cutting-edge research activities.

BEYONDEVEREST is helping to further enhance the Faculty's position globally as a centre for scientific and research excellence and know-how in functional materials.

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