Eye-hand coordination in space and time


 Organization address address: University Road
postcode: BT7 1NN

contact info
Titolo: Mr.
Nome: Rory
Cognome: Jordan
Email: send email
Telefono: +44 2890971161

 Nazionalità Coordinatore United Kingdom [UK]
 Totale costo 75˙000 €
 EC contributo 75˙000 €
 Programma FP7-PEOPLE
Specific programme "People" implementing the Seventh Framework Programme of the European Community for research, technological development and demonstration activities (2007 to 2013)
 Code Call FP7-PEOPLE-2012-CIG
 Funding Scheme MC-CIG
 Anno di inizio 2013
 Periodo (anno-mese-giorno) 2013-05-01   -   2016-04-30


# participant  country  role  EC contrib. [€] 

 Organization address address: University Road
postcode: BT7 1NN

contact info
Titolo: Mr.
Nome: Rory
Cognome: Jordan
Email: send email
Telefono: +44 2890971161

UK (BELFAST) coordinator 75˙000.00


 Word cloud

Esplora la "nuvola delle parole (Word Cloud) per avere un'idea di massima del progetto.

ultimately    time    brain    signals    space    machine    neural    loss    arm    movement    paradigm    life    interfaces   

 Obiettivo del progetto (Objective)

'Loss of arm function can have a severe impact on a patient’s life and results in a loss of productivity. As a remedy, scientists are currently developing brain-machine interfaces, which ultimately would allow patients to control a cybernetic arm by thought, through signals recorded from the brain. Even though many basic real-life situations, such as interacting with other people and navigating traffic, require movement coordination in both space and time, surprisingly little is known about how the brain simultaneously controls both these aspects of a movement. This limitation is fueled by the difficulty of extracting signatures of spatial and temporal control from behavioral or neural signals. There is a need for a new paradigm that allows for the systematic examination of interceptive timing and positioning in isolation. In EYEHAND, I will develop and use such a paradigm for in depth investigation – using transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) – of the neural basis of eye-hand coordination in space and time. This work will ultimately contribute to neurorehabilitation through improvements of brain machine interfaces and to the development of novel training tasks.'

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