Durham International Fellowships for Research and Enterprise


 Organization address address: STOCKTON ROAD THE PALATINE CENTRE
city: DURHAM
postcode: DH1 3LE

contact info
Titolo: Ms.
Nome: Wendy
Cognome: Harle
Email: send email
Telefono: 441913000000

 Nazionalità Coordinatore United Kingdom [UK]
 Totale costo 19˙214˙382 €
 EC contributo 7˙685˙752 €
 Programma FP7-PEOPLE
Specific programme "People" implementing the Seventh Framework Programme of the European Community for research, technological development and demonstration activities (2007 to 2013)
 Code Call FP7-PEOPLE-2013-COFUND
 Funding Scheme MC-COFUND
 Anno di inizio 2014
 Periodo (anno-mese-giorno) 2014-10-01   -   2019-09-30


# participant  country  role  EC contrib. [€] 

 Organization address address: STOCKTON ROAD THE PALATINE CENTRE
city: DURHAM
postcode: DH1 3LE

contact info
Titolo: Ms.
Nome: Wendy
Cognome: Harle
Email: send email
Telefono: 441913000000

UK (DURHAM) coordinator 7˙685˙753.00


 Word cloud

Esplora la "nuvola delle parole (Word Cloud) per avere un'idea di massima del progetto.

sciences    fellowships    world    fellowship    enterprise    mobility    policy    fellows    ias    theme    career    university    colleges    junior    scheme    durham    building    international    senior    diferens   

 Obiettivo del progetto (Objective)

'The Durham International Fellowships for Research and Enterprise (DIFeREns2) will greatly expand and enhance a successful COFUNDed fellowship scheme at Durham University. DIFeREns2 will provide fellowships across all areas of the natural sciences, social sciences and the humanities for both early-career and established researchers seeking to address challenging problems in the 10 interdisciplinary Research Institutes and more than 50 Research Centres within the University. The Colleges of Durham University will accommodate the Senior Fellows and enrol the Junior Fellows into their welcoming intellectual community.

The renowned Institute of Advanced Study (IAS), situated within the World Heritage Site around Durham Cathedral, will administer the Fellowship Scheme and act as a focus for cohort-building activities and a locus for Fellows to meet and interact. The IAS hosts the University’s signature IAS Fellowship Scheme, which brings together 20 Fellows each year from across all academic disciplines and the creative arts to work together on an annual theme.

The Junior Research Fellowship scheme aims to attract early-career researchers of the highest calibre from around the world, who wish to undertake a substantial research project for a period of 1-3 years. JRFs are full employees of Durham University. DIFeREns2 will enhance our existing JRF scheme by including an outgoing phase for up to 25% of the Fellowship to stimulate network building and trans-national mobility, as well as generous research expenses and new personal development opportunities in the Colleges.

There will be two types of Senior Fellowships: Senior Research Fellowships for leading international researchers, and Policy and Enterprise Fellowships for practitioners in industry, government, NGOs or cultural organisations, who will engage with the application of research in Durham. Intersectoral mobility is a central theme of both the Policy and Enterprise Fellowships and the IAS Fellowships.'

Altri progetti dello stesso programma (FP7-PEOPLE)

MOSAIC (2011)

Middle-Infrared Optical Spectroscopy for Anaesthetic Agent and Carbon Isotope Analysis

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"The Future of Preschoolers At Risk: The Mediational Role of Executive Functions on Effects of Maltreatment and Neglect on Pre-Academic Skills, and the Moderation of Family SES and Classroom Quality"

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SEE 2 SENSE (2011)

Image supramolecular binding processes on the molecular level by STM for fundamental understanding sensor

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