Researchers' Night 2009 Szczecin Time


 Organization address address: AL. PIASTOW 17
postcode: 70310

contact info

 Nazionalità Coordinatore Poland [PL]
 Totale costo 34˙935 €
 EC contributo 32˙000 €
 Programma FP7-PEOPLE
Specific programme "People" implementing the Seventh Framework Programme of the European Community for research, technological development and demonstration activities (2007 to 2013)
 Code Call FP7-PEOPLE-2009-NIGHT
 Funding Scheme CSA-SA
 Anno di inizio 2009
 Periodo (anno-mese-giorno) 2009-06-01   -   2009-11-30


# participant  country  role  EC contrib. [€] 

 Organization address address: AL. PIASTOW 17
postcode: 70310

contact info

PL (SZCZECIN) coordinator 32˙000.00


 Word cloud

Esplora la "nuvola delle parole (Word Cloud) per avere un'idea di massima del progetto.

hall    poster    city    people    competition    impact    event    regional    academic    public    night    experiments    corner    engaging   

 Obiettivo del progetto (Objective)

'Europe full of opportunities and innovations - that is how we want it to be constantly. There is a lack of researchers though, who are the link between a necessity and a progress. NIGHTreSEARCH meets these and the regional public needs which were appraised during Researchers’ Night 2008 impact assessing. Hence, the main aims of the project are: 1)to show the role of the researchers in human life and to present them as “ordinary people” 2)to stimulate the youth to embark on this career 3)to sustain European visibility by arranging a “European corner 4)to hold a poster competition titled “Imagine the poster of the 2010 Researchers’ Night” 5)to assess the impact of the project implementation 6)to make the date 26th of September rememberable as a European Researchers’ Night. These aims will be achieved by dynamic awareness campaign, which-comparing to the RN 2008-will be longer this year, also by engaging general public and academic society into fascinating and entertaining experiments and finally by disseminating project results. Activities will be splited into different scientific levels, to make them attractive and understandable for various age and social groups from all West Pomeranian Region of Poland. During the event many novel actions will have place e.g. engaging public and researchers in creating tables which will be placed in universities’ buildings, schools, City Hall as a lasting memento of the event. The City Hall and Marshal’s Office will patronage the event to enhance its regional character. Reassuming the attractions will be divided into 3 blocks: 1.„Academic campus” where open air experiments and inventions grouped in themes will be shown e.g. Agriculture, Marine, Medicine, Technology, Arts, Media, as well with “European Corner” and stage to present people makings. The best of them will be awarded during “Inventor Cup Final” 2.visiting “Mystery Labs” and taking part in experiments 3. participating in poster competition and many others.'

Altri progetti dello stesso programma (FP7-PEOPLE)


"European Union, China and Free Trade Agreements in the Asia Pacific"

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RN2008CZ (2008)

The Researchers Night 2008 in the Czech Republic

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QCEC (2012)

Quantum control and error correction with discrete and continuous variables

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