Green Regional Aircraft Avionics Architecture for Mission and Trajectory Management


 Organization address city: LISBOA
postcode: 1998025

contact info
Titolo: Mr.
Nome: Alberto
Cognome: De Pedro
Email: send email
Telefono: +351 21 382 9366
Fax: +351 21 386 6493

 Nazionalità Coordinatore Non specificata
 Totale costo 49˙820 €
 EC contributo 0 €
 Programma FP7-JTI
Specific Programme "Cooperation": Joint Technology Initiatives
 Anno di inizio 2010
 Periodo (anno-mese-giorno) 2010-04-01   -   2011-05-31


# participant  country  role  EC contrib. [€] 

 Organization address city: LISBOA
postcode: 1998025

contact info
Titolo: Mr.
Nome: Alberto
Cognome: De Pedro
Email: send email
Telefono: +351 21 382 9366
Fax: +351 21 386 6493

PT (LISBOA) coordinator 24˙910.00


 Word cloud

Esplora la "nuvola delle parole (Word Cloud) per avere un'idea di massima del progetto.

hardware    diana    volume    clean    gra    architectural    mission    made    efficiencies    aircraft    cleansky    mtm    avionics    modular    market    domain    ima    architectures    meeting    studied    fuel    swot    enhanced    survey    architecture    federated    route    sesar       candidate    perform    paradigms    weight    atm    operations    scarlett    related    trajectory    green    considering    consideration    components    regional    efficient    list    technologies    sky   

 Obiettivo del progetto (Objective)

'The study aims at developing possible architectures to implement the functionalities of a future Mission and Trajectory Management System (MTM) the requirements of which have been defined during the CleanSky GRA-4.1.1 Aircraft High Level Requirements study. The GRA3M study will Analyse these requirements; Perform a market survey to find hardware and software COTS components to implement these requirements; Define architectural solutions using these components and meeting the MTM requirements; Perform a SWOT analysis comparing the proposed architectures using parameters like weight, volume, power consumption, safety, security, maintainabilitiy, robustness etc. The architectures to be studied follow different paradigms within and beyond of the state-of-the-art in avionics architecture. These paradigms are: Federated Architecture Current Integrated Modular Avionics (IMA) like it has been applied, for example, in the A380 and A350 programmes Next generation IMA technologies (IMA2G) that are currently under investigation by European projects like DIANA (FP6) and SCARLETT (FP7). Skysoft is convinced that a thorough analysis of these three approaches will bring out the best possible architecture meeting the MTM requirements and strengthening the objectives of CleanSky and related programmes like SESAR. With the introduction of concepts beyond of the state of the art, further weight and volume reduction of on-board systems, enhanced reusability as well as more efficient development processes can be achieved than it would be possible with today’s technologies only. Developed by a unique team with extended expertise in the aeronautical domain, at the end of this study a detailed report presenting the most applicable avionics architectural solution, and related SWOT analysis, will be made available.'

Introduzione (Teaser)

A new air traffic management (ATM) system will optimise aircraft route selections. Part of the EU's Clean Sky programme, the new system will mean fuel savings and more efficient operations.

Descrizione progetto (Article)

The Clean Sky programme includes many sub-projects. One concerns mission and trajectory management (MTM), which leads to fuel efficiencies based on careful aircraft route selection.

Such was the domain of the 'Green regional aircraft avionic architecture for mission and trajectory management' (GRA3M) project. The one-member project ran for 14 months to the end of May 2011, and received around EUR 25 000 in EU funding. The project's objective was to study the possibilities for implementing the Green Regional Aircraft Avionics Architecture for Mission and Trajectory Management (GRA-4.1 MTM). This protocol is key to more efficient aircraft flight planning and operation. It facilitates better usage of capacity, reduction of delays, and enhanced predictability, flexibility and cost effectiveness. The project set out to compare the strengths and weaknesses of the candidate approaches for implementation, also considering the larger requirements of Clean Sky and related programmes such as Single European Sky ATM Research (SESAR).

GRA3M began by assessing the requirements of MTM. Based on that, the project compared possible hardware and commercial off-the-shelf components that could be used to implement MTM. The requirements analysis allowed initial estimations of resource usage. The result was a list of descriptors for all possible components, which included parameters such as weight, volume and technical specifications. The market survey covered components for all types of architecture under consideration.

The project studied candidate architectures, considering overall requirements and component availability. The short list included federated and integrated modular avionics, plus the IMA2G concept under consideration by the EU projects DIANA and SCARLETT. Hence, via a comparative analysis, project members arrived at a possible implementation of GRA-4.1 MTM and made relevant recommendations.

GRA3M completed the contribution it intended to make to the Clean Sky programme. In so doing, project outcomes will help Clean Sky implement an ATM system, leading to greater efficiencies in aircraft route selection and operations.

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