# | ||||
1 | LIGHT NIGHT Light Night | 2015 | 84˙410.00 | 84˙407.00 |
2 | ICSIS The interaction and clearance of senescent vascular cells by the innate immune system | 2015 | 183˙454.00 | 183˙454.00 |
3 | SPAFIL Structured photonics for advanced fibre lasers | 2015 | 195˙454.00 | 195˙454.00 |
4 | FOC4SIP Functionalised Organic Complexes for rapid Sensing of Industrial Polluters | 2015 | 195˙454.00 | 195˙454.00 |
5 | IPSIBIM Improved Patient Safety through Intensive Biosignal Monitoring | 2015 | 183˙454.00 | 183˙454.00 |
6 | POLYCOMP POLYmer-COntrolled Mesocrystal application-oriented Production: a combined theoretical and experimental approach. | 2015 | 183˙454.00 | 183˙454.00 |
7 | MASSTRPLAN MASS Spectrometry TRaining network for Protein Lipid adduct ANalysis | 2015 | 3˙545˙010.00 | 3˙545˙010.00 |
8 | PYROCHEM Biopolymers 13C tracking during fast pyrolysis of biomass-A 2-level mechanistic investigation | 2015 | 183˙454.00 | 183˙454.00 |
9 | EPINET Detection of brain patterns for the characterisation of epileptic networks | 2015 | 195˙454.00 | 195˙454.00 |
10 | FOMBIST Fibre-Optic Multi-parametric BIochemical Sensing Technology | 2015 | 183˙454.00 | 183˙454.00 |
11 | CARDIALLY Capturing and quantitative analysis of multi-scale multi-channel diagnostic data. | 2015 | 234˙000.00 | 234˙000.00 |
13 | HSPACE High Capacity Space Division Multiplexing Systems | 2016 | 183˙454.00 | 183˙454.00 |
14 | RULE-THERM Real-time up-conversion luminescence thermometry based on lanthanide doped nanodiamonds in a living cell | 2016 | 183˙454.00 | 183˙454.00 |
15 | MINDFLY Mid-IR ultrabroadbaNd thulium-doped Fiber Laser sYstems | 2016 | 195˙454.00 | 195˙454.00 |
16 | INVENTION INnovatiVE cohereNt detecTIon Optical access Networks | 2016 | 195˙454.00 | 195˙454.00 |
17 | ULTRATUNE ULTRA-WIDE TUNEABLE RANDOM FIBRE LASER | 2016 | 149˙445.00 | 149˙445.00 |
18 | MESO_BRAIN Custom architecturally defined 3D stem cell derived functional human neural networks for transformative progress in neuroscience and medicine | 2016 | 3˙225˙891.00 | 3˙225˙890.00 |
19 | PROBIT Identifying Predictors of Risk and Resilience for poor neuropsychological Outcome following childhood Brain InsulTs (PROBIt) | 2016 | 2˙226˙923.00 | 2˙226˙923.00 |
20 | HYBOCOMIX Hydrogen bonds in diblock copolymer/ homopolymer melt | 2016 | 195˙454.00 | 195˙454.00 |
21 | INVEST INdividual Vascular SignaTure: A new machine learning tool to aid personalised management of risk for cardiovascular disease | 2016 | 183˙454.00 | 183˙454.00 |
22 | INNOVATION Multi-wavelength regeneration technologies for advanced modulation optical signals | 2016 | 183˙454.00 | 183˙454.00 |
23 | MULTIPLY International Mobility and Training in Photonics Programme | 2016 | 6˙372˙000.00 | 3˙186˙000.00 |
24 | FORECAST Fluorescence lifetime optical biopsy system | 2017 | 195˙454.00 | 195˙454.00 |
25 | WAVEFIL WAvelength VErsatile Pulsed Raman FIbre Lasers | 2017 | 195˙454.00 | 195˙454.00 |
26 | TASAB TOWARDS A SUSTAINABLE ALGAL BIOREFINERY | 2017 | 183˙454.00 | 183˙454.00 |
27 | SOLOMON Self-Organisation and Learning Online in Mobile Observation Networks | 2017 | 195˙454.00 | 195˙454.00 |
28 | SMAMOMEMODS Smart Modulation Methods for Energy Efficient Operation and Health Monitoring of Future Motor Drives | 2017 | 195˙454.00 | 195˙454.00 |
29 | RANPOFIL Science and applications of random polymer fiber lasers | 2017 | 195˙454.00 | 195˙454.00 |
30 | AMAM Ageing Multiphysics of Asphalt Materials | 2017 | 195˙454.00 | 195˙454.00 |
31 | OMICRON Optical transmission based on integrability and nonlinear Fourier transform | 2018 | 195˙454.00 | 195˙454.00 |
32 | ECOCAT Improving the economic feasibility of the biorefinery through catalysis engineering: enhancing the catalyst performance and optimizing valuable product yields | 2018 | 183˙454.00 | 183˙454.00 |
33 | UNIFORM A Unified Sustainability Index Framework for Small and Medium Enterprises | 2018 | 183˙454.00 | 183˙454.00 |
34 | CHIEF Cultural Heritage and Identities of Europe's Future | 2018 | 4˙580˙371.00 | 4˙580˙371.00 |
35 | FONTE Fibre optic nonlinear technologies | 2018 | 1˙081˙619.00 | 1˙081˙619.00 |
36 | PRODELSYS Processing Systems with Optical Delay | 2018 | 183˙454.00 | 183˙454.00 |
37 | HMAM Healing Multiphysics of Asphalt Materials | 2018 | 195˙454.00 | 195˙454.00 |
38 | MOFUS Metal Oxide Functionalized carbon nanostrUctures for photonic gas Sensors | 2018 | 195˙454.00 | 195˙454.00 |
39 | GO RELIGIOSCAPES Churches, Arks of Migratory Narratives: A Comparative Study of the Greek-Orthodox Religioscapes in Germany and Great Britain | 2018 | 183˙454.00 | 183˙454.00 |
40 | DEEPPATIENT Deep Understanding of Patient Experience of Healthcare from Social Media | 2018 | 183˙454.00 | 183˙454.00 |
41 | POLYFIL Polychromatic low-threshold fibre laser | 2018 | 195˙454.00 | 195˙454.00 |
42 | COSAFE Cooperative Connected Intelligent Vehicles for Safe and Efficient Road Transport | 2018 | 1˙380˙000.00 | 828˙000.00 |
43 | WON Wideband Optical Networks | 2019 | 3˙706˙276.00 | 3˙706˙276.00 |
44 | REAL-NET REAL-time monitoring and mitigation of nonlinear effects in optical NETworks | 2019 | 1˙657˙758.00 | 1˙657˙758.00 |
45 | HOPE automatic detection and localization of High frequency Oscillation in Paediatric Epilepsy | 2019 | 1˙214˙400.00 | 1˙214˙400.00 |
46 | AMR-TB Theoretical and computational investigation of tuberculosis antimicrobial resistance development based on extensive experimental library of mycobacterium strains | 2019 | 731˙400.00 | 731˙400.00 |
47 | MOCCA Multiscale optical frequency combs: advanced technologies and applications | 2019 | 1˙092˙262.00 | 1˙092˙262.00 |
48 | ATM2BT Atomistic to Molecular to Bulk Turbulence | 2019 | 299˙000.00 | 216˙200.00 |
49 | HALT Hydrodynamical approach to light turbulence | 2019 | 294˙400.00 | 294˙400.00 |
50 | MEMTRAIN Cell Membrane Training to Advance Industrial Processes | 2019 | 1˙952˙640.00 | 976˙320.00 |
51 | SCAFFOLD-NEEDS Commercialization of 3D scaffold platforms for neuronal cell culture models | 2019 | 100˙000.00 | 100˙000.00 |
52 | CAOS Containment, Avalanches and Optimisation in Spreading-processes | 2019 | 224˙933.00 | 224˙933.00 |
53 | PHOTONIC RADAR Implementation of Long Reach Hybrid Photonic Radar System and convergence over FSO and PON Networks | 2019 | 224˙933.00 | 224˙933.00 |
54 | DINNOS Diversity innovation support scheme for SMEs | 2019 | 696˙343.00 | 696˙215.00 |
55 | MIDLIFT Mid-infrared laser system for high-throughput bioprinting by laser-induced forward-transfer | 2019 | 212˙933.00 | 212˙933.00 |
56 | NEUROPA Non-invasive dynamic neural control by laser-based technology | 2020 | 3˙604˙780.00 | 3˙604˙780.00 |
57 | MEDIPOL Molecular Design of Polymers for Biomedical Applications | 2020 | 1˙232˙800.00 | 1˙232˙800.00 |
58 | MONPLAS The training of early stage researchers for the development of technologies to monitor concentrations of micro and nanoplastics in water for their presence, uptake and threat to animal and human life. | 2020 | 3˙908˙325.00 | 3˙908˙325.00 |
59 | DIMMS Durable Infrastructure Materials Modified by self-assembled hollow nanostructured materials | 2020 | 224˙933.00 | 224˙933.00 |
60 | MEFISTA Multi-scale fibre-based optical frequency combs: science, technology and applications | 2020 | 1˙710˙850.00 | 1˙710˙850.00 |
61 | MULTIBIOSCAN Multimodal hyperspectral system for imaging of biological tissues glycation | 2020 | 224˙933.00 | 224˙933.00 |
62 | DORNA Development of high reliability motor drives for next generation propulsion applications | 2020 | 1˙623˙800.00 | 1˙104˙000.00 |
63 | MCFPAD-3DSLS Multi-core fibre passive and active devices: 3D shape sensors and laser sources | 2020 | 224˙933.00 | 224˙933.00 |
64 | TANBCPDYES Triggerable, Anchoring Novel Block Copolymer Dyes for Use in Inkjet Printing | 2020 | 224˙933.00 | 224˙933.00 |
65 | STEPFORGGR Solar up-draft tower to enable atmospheric photocatalysis for non-CO2 greenhouse gases removal: an emerging negative emission technology | 2020 | 455˙400.00 | 276˙000.00 |
The Institution ASTON UNIVERSITY has been involved also in the following Horizon 2020 projects.