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H2020 projects about "exponentially"

The page lists 92 projects related to the topic "exponentially".

# achronym  title  year 
1 PRECIOUS PREvention of Complications to Improve OUtcome in elderly patients with acute Stroke 2015
2 TIMON Enhanced real time services for an optimized multimodal mobility relying on cooperative networks and open data 2015
3 IQCC Integrated quantum correlation counter 2015
4 ALFF The Algal Microbiome: Friends and Foes 2015
5 ELOXIRAS Electrochemical Oxidation in the Recirculating Aquaculture Systems Industry 2014
6 MECHANOPROTEASES Single Molecule Study of Protease Mechano-Specificity 2015
7 SPM Strawberry Processing Machine 2015
8 SmartRay Smart Large Scale Radio Technology for the Tactile Internet 2015
9 WiVi-2020 Wireless Visionaries for 2020 2015
10 PhotoniX PHOtonic Transmitters for Optical Networks and Interconnects in energy-efficient datacentres, supercomputers and homes based on VCSELs 2015
11 FAST-TRACKS Fast rAdio technologieS for uninterrupTed TRAin to traCKside communications 2015
12 QnanoMECA Quantum Optomechanics with a levitating nanoparticle 2015
13 BIOCONTROL-A Biocontrol of Aflatoxin Contamination Using Atoxigenic Strains from Almond and Pistachio Orchards 2016
14 CBTA Feasibility Study for the CBT Academy 2015
15 BIORECYGAS Farming high value algae with industrial gas emissions 2015
16 CoVeCe Coinduction for Verification and Certification 2016
17 SCODEV Scooping Device for Aerial Forest Fire Suppressant 2016
18 DEEPVISION Information-age microscopy for deep vision imaging of biological tissue 2016
19 PCCDX Breaking the curse of dimension in heavy-element chemistry 2016
20 MODES Monolithic Optoelectronic Devices on Silicon 2016
21 ROFeRS Engineering ground-state pair interactions by Rydberg Optical Feshbach Resonance Schemes 2017
22 FTI Cocoon Optimization of the production line of an innovative biodegradable water reservoir to be applied in efficient landscape-scale ecosystem restoration plans 2016
23 OPTIMIsE Commercial feasibility of the Novio-PlainGel: a novel synthetic, reversible thermosensitive, biomimetic hydrogel for organoid-based precision medicine 2016
24 MOLEQULE Unraveling molecular quantum dynamics with accelerated ab initio algorithms 2016
25 MSG Making Sense of Games: A Methodology for Humanistic Game Analysis 2016
26 azoomee A Truly Disruptive Entertainment and Educational Digital Application for Primary School Aged Children 2016
27 EVEARA EVEARA: Testing a New Business Model for Digital Music Distribution 2016
28 OILBLOCK Immediate Oil Spill containment to mitigate impact on the marine ecosystem 2016
29 EMbRACe Effective Multidrug Cocktails for Cancer 2016
30 mF2C Towards an Open, Secure, Decentralized and Coordinated Fog-to-Cloud Management Ecosystem 2017
31 DRYNET Setting an interdisciplinary/sectorial/international research network to explore dry storage as an alternative strategy for cells/germplasm biobanking 2017
32 FALCON Fuel and chemicals from lignin through enzymatic and chemical conversion 2017
33 TOPIOS Tracking Of Plastic In Our Seas 2017
34 OCEAN_2G Second Generation technologies in ocean Energy 2017
35 BePreSysE Beyond Precision Cosmology: dealing with Systematic Errors 2017
36 ESA 2.0 Pushing forward irradiation monitoring efficiency in the PV industry 2017
37 DUALITY Theoretical Foundations of Memory Micro-Insertions in Wireless Communications 2017
38 ACCENT Algebraic Covering Codes Enabling Network Transmissions 2018
39 ATM-METFIN Quantifying atmospheric ice nucleating particle (INP) concentrations via advances in measurement techniques and field studies of ice nucleation 2017
40 COMPECON Complexity and Simplicity in Economic Mechanisms 2017
41 Invidyo Invidyo – Smart Baby and Baby Sitter Monitoring System 2017
42 FAST-TRACKS Fast rAdio technologieS for uninterrupTed TRAin to traCKside communicationS 2017
43 BodyPass API-ecosystem for cross-sectorial exchange of 3D personal data 2018
44 DARE Delivering Agile Research Excellence on European e-Infrastructures 2018
45 FotoInMotion Repurposing and enriching images for immersive storytelling through smart digital tools 2018
46 HomeEnergyStorage Cost-effective battery for storage of locally produced Photovoltaic energy at residential buildings 2017
47 INSPIRE INfraStructure in Proton International REsearch 2018
48 TechnocaP Innovative technology for capsule filling machines to boost the pharmaceutical manufacturing process 2018
50 FITT-iN Fast IoT market take-up through The Things Networks 2018
51 DYNAVOLC Transitions in Rheology and Volatile Dynamics of Magmas: Mapping the Window to Explosive Volcanism 2018
52 BRAIN Bacterial regulation of Apis neurophysiology 2018
53 DAWN4IoE Data Aware Wireless Networks for Internet of Everything 2017
54 GALILEO 4 Mobility Fostering the adoption of GALILEO for Mobility as a Service 2017
55 DDoS Analyser Revolutionary Non-Disruptive DDoS Testing Technology that significantly strengthens resistance to DDoS attacks and provides ongoing visibility on identified DDoS mitigation vulnerabilities. 2018
56 Haptictouch Introducing the world’s first system for in-air haptic feedback, through ultrasound MEMs arrays 2018
57 GlasSkin 2018
58 HuMaInn DataMall DataMall (Behavee) is an open ecosystem for the eCommerce cyberspace 2018
59 ORTO Ocean Reef Tower Oases: Feeding the World, Restoring the Oceans 2018
60 VeCoScan Development of a Multispectral, Versatile Film Scanner 2018
61 TrueProactive ROMAD TrueProactive - a next generation cyber defence software for European SMEs 2018
62 OPVOL Use of dimensional scanner for irregular shaped items in the optimisation of shipments 2018
63 CereBrill Brain training tools for better focus - using games and brainwaves to improve performance in children with ADHD 2018
64 A-WEAR A network for dynamic WEarable Applications with pRivacy constraints 2019
65 MIAMI Machine Learning-based Market Design 2018
66 SUPERCOOL Superelastic Porous Structures for Efficient Elastocaloric Cooling 2019
67 TELL Towards a fast-uptake of mEdium/Low-voltage eLectric power trains 2018
68 KING An avant-garde measuring principle based on the potentiometric method using signals from the kidney to monitor hospitalised patients water-volemic state 2018
70 Flaner Flaner, a memory enhancement software platform 2018
71 SmartBuild A real-time adaptive projected augmented reality of 3D blueprints on top of the physical construction site that improves both productivity and safety 2019
72 CATTLECHAIN 4.0 Enhancing farm productivity and guaranteeing CATTLE traceability and welfare with blockCHAIN 2019
73 FORSEES Perspective of a real-time structural analysis tool assistant based on Computer Vision and Human Intuition 2019
74 SOLFORPLAS A solution for plastic waste pollution 2019
75 PROTEAN Prospective Environmental Assessment of Urban Agriculture Emerging-Systems 2019
76 MechanoMVP Mechanosensing and Mitral Valve Prolapse: from the Molecular Mechanisms to the Progression of the Disease 2019
77 NEUMACS Neuron-associated macrophages in the gut as novel target for the treatment of enteric neuropathies 2019
78 MRI PADS Dielectric pads for high field MRI 2019
80 INTELEG S HF Feasibility Study for INTELEG® S HF – a Wide Pressure Range Process Gas Analysis System 2019
81 GRE.A.TE.R.S. GREen Advanced TEchnologies for the Retrofitting of masonry Structures 2019
82 CyRaCo Box The next-generation digital inspection platform for fully remote supply chain monitoring 2019
83 ENHAnCE European training Network in intelligent prognostics and Health mAnagement in Composite structurEs 2020
84 QLUSTER Many-photon quantum entanglement 2019
85 NanoMMs Solution-Based Engineering of Nanodimensional Phase-Change Materials and Memory Devices 2020
87 emmtrix Software Parallelisation with emmtrix Parallel Studio 2019
88 UBI Biological Integral Biogas Upgrading 2019
89 XEERPA The Nº1 Social Media Profiling Solution: understanding customer preferences through their activity in social media 2019
90 PolyCarbon Polycentric Carbon Pricing Governance: Cooperation, Contestation and Connectivity 2020
91 I.AM. Impact Aware Manipulation by Dexterous Robot Control and Learning in Dynamic Semi-Structured Logistic Environments 2020
92 MBL-Fermions Probing many-body localization dynamics using ultracold fermions in an optical lattice 2020