The page lists 53 projects related to the topic "inspections".
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1 | ECOROADS | Effective and COordinated ROAD infrastructure Safety operations | 2015 |
2 | C-BORD | effective Container inspection at BORDer control points | 2015 |
3 | EI-USAXS | Imaging ultra-small angle x-ray scattering with edge-illumination: exploiting sub-pixel information in medical diagnostics, materials science and security screening | 2015 |
4 | ADS Project | Autonomous Dronistics for Security (ADS): optimized services with fleets of flying robots | 2015 |
5 | Elistair | Bringing unlimited autonomy to Civilian Drones : PULSE, an Intelligent Tethered Power Supply. | 2015 |
6 | UPAC S-100 | Feasibility study for URBAN PROTECTION AVIATION COPTER S-100 | 2015 |
7 | SV2 | Machine vision system for road safety inspection- SV2 | 2015 |
8 | tCat WorkStation | New adaptable equipment for geometric auscultation of railways and overhead lines | 2015 |
9 | CB Container SpeedUp | Conexbird Wind speed up containers and prevent damages | 2015 |
10 | RurInno | Social Innovations in Structurally Weak Rural Regions: How Social Entrepreneurs Foster Innovative Solutions to Social Problems | 2016 |
11 | WInspector | Advanced shearography kit and a robotic deployment platform for on-site inspection of wind turbine blades | 2016 |
12 | EASY Pv | EGNSS high Accuracy SYstem improving PhotoVoltaic plants maintenance | 2016 |
13 | AutoScan | AutoScan – Rail inspection by autonomous systems | 2016 |
14 | CRO-INSPECT | Collaborative RObotic Solution for Advanced Inspection of Complex Composite parts | 2016 |
15 | Scubacraft | Submersible vessel used for multi-purpose sub-aqua applications to enhance marine life, environment conservation and structural integrity of offshore installations. | 2016 |
16 | BreedIT-FIELD | Professional tool to facilitate data collection and digitalization in field trials for plant breeding and seed commercialisation | 2016 |
17 | iNTACT | Commercialisation of the world’s first iNTelligent Access Cover Technology for the protection of ALL underground infrastructure. | 2016 |
18 | ShipTest | Fully automated laser guided inspection robot for weld defect detection on ship hulls | 2016 |
19 | SMILE | Smart Measuring and Inspection for industrial Legacy Equipment | 2016 |
20 | GaSeS | The first low cost optical gas imager for fugitive emissions mitigation, increasing energy efficiency in industry | 2017 |
21 | AssAZAx | AssAZAx: Innovation Methodology for Ground Subsidence Monitoring (The Assessment of small displacements Along Zed Axis) | 2017 |
23 | WEGOOI | Wind Energy Generator Onshore and Offshore Inspector | 2017 |
24 | ADVISE | ADVanced Inspection of Complex StructurEs | 2017 |
25 | tCat | Disrupting the rail maintenance sector thanks to the most cost-efficient solution to auscultate railways overhead lines reducing costs up to 80% | 2017 |
26 | VERNE | Guided (Ultra)sonic Waves for High Performance Deepwater Pipeline Inspection | 2017 |
27 | SheaRIOS | Wind Turbine Shearography Robotic Inspection On-blade System (SheaRIOS) | 2018 |
28 | Andromeda | Predictive Maintenance for railway switches. Smart sensor networks on a machine learninganalytics platform | 2017 |
29 | KoolZone | KoolZone- refrigeration control technology to minimise food waste, avoid food poisoning and minimise energy consumption | 2017 |
30 | BridgeScan | Laser Scanning for Automatic Bridge Assessment | 2019 |
31 | INNOSETA | Accelerating Innovative practices for Spraying Equipment, Training and Advising in European agriculture through the mobilization of Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Systems | 2018 |
32 | ReMAP | Real-time Condition-based Maintenance for Adaptive Aircraft Maintenance Planning | 2018 |
33 | ROBINS | Robotics Technology for Inspection of Ships | 2018 |
34 | PROFILE | Data Analytics, Data Sources, and Architecture for Upgraded European Customs Risk Management | 2018 |
35 | FODBASA | Advanced System for Foreign Object Debris and Bird-Aircraft Strike Avoidance | 2018 |
36 | Datumate | Field data analytics cloud platform using drone-photogrammetry and computer vision algorithms for construction infrastructure planning, execution and delivery | 2018 |
37 | SAPPHIRO | Automated Inspection Tools for Cost-effective Quality Control of Optical Materials | 2018 |
38 | TFS | Feasibility study for Titan Fire System S.L. | 2018 |
39 | IM2S | Inspection Magnetique de Surface (Contacless magnetic inspection) | 2018 |
40 | e-BlueBox | From machines to smart systems: Cloud-based IoT for lift modernization and predictive maintenance | 2018 |
41 | DroneGrid | Simplifying Aerial Intelligence | 2018 |
42 | SafeWaterpark | Ensuring the safest conditions in waterparks, public pools and hotel pools and facilitating crowd-based prevention across the world | 2019 |
43 | FODBASA | Advanced System for Foreign Object Debris, Drone and Bird-Aircraft Strike Avoidance | 2019 |
44 | STOPTHEFRAUDINOLIVEO | Fighting counterfeiting in Olive Oil with blockchain - a working product has arrived | 2019 |
45 | SIM | Smart Incubator Microbium | 2019 |
46 | SMarble | Smart motes for industrial and utility inspections | 2019 |
47 | VECTRACK | Earth observation service for preventive control of insect disease vectors | 2019 |
48 | Drone Harmony | From flight mission planning for drones to 4D asset modelling | 2019 |
49 | CyRaCo Box | The next-generation digital inspection platform for fully remote supply chain monitoring | 2019 |
50 | PLMSAT | Power line vegetation monitoring and maintenance optimization with satellite imagery | 2019 |
51 | TECHEYE | Artificial Intelligence beyond quality | 2019 |
52 | SleekShip | Spectral Imaging Powered Ship Hull Biofouling Detection and Cleaning | 2020 |
53 | Drones4Safety | Inspection Drones for Ensuring Safety in Transport Infrastructures | 2020 |