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H2020 projects about "insulators"

The page lists 77 projects related to the topic "insulators".

# achronym  title  year 
2 TUNNEL Tunneling Spectroscopy in van-der-Waals Device 2015
3 STATOPINS Theory of statistical topological insulators 2015
4 MIRAGE 20-15 Mid Infra-Red near-field control by Adiabatic frequency Generation Enabling 20fs/15nm resolution 2015
5 SENSQUID Scanning SQUID view of emergent states at interfaces 2015
6 QUIC Quantum simulations of insulators and conductors 2015
7 Fractional Fractionalized quantum matter: Characterization, realization and generalization 2015
8 HARPOCRATES Smart phononic crystals for aircraft noise reduction 2015
9 HELICOMBX Quantum spin Hall insulator with two dimensional crystals 2015
10 DENE Dynamical effects on neutral excitations 2015
11 ISOTOP Interactions, Spins and Edges in Optical Lattices with Topological Band Structures 2016
12 INSULATRONICS Controlling Electric Signals with Insulating Antiferromagnets and Insulating Ferromagnets 2015
13 NuQFT The Hall Plateau Transition and non-unitary Quantum Field Theory 2015
14 TopInSy Novel phases of matter emerging from topology, interactions, and symmetries 2016
15 Topological-Plasmonics Robust light manipulation in plasmonic nanostructures assisted by topological protection 2016
16 BosQuanTran Quantum simulation of transport properties in arbitrary shaped potential landscapes with ultracold bosonic atoms 2016
17 DYNAMOX Charge carrier dynamics in metal oxides 2016
18 FIRSTORM Modeling first-order Mott transitions 2016
19 GEOPET “Ecological, sustainable and economical non woven acoustic insulating felts for automotive industry 2016
20 Smartphon Small - and nano - scale soft phononics 2016
21 NovelTopo Novel topological phases of matter: From topological invariants to experiments 2016
22 SUPRACOP Systems Chemistry Approach towards Semiconductive Supramolecular Copolymers with Homo- and Heterometallophilic Interactions 2017
23 SPINBEYOND Spin Transport Beyond Electrons 2017
24 sharpEDGE From Bulk to Edge: Realization and Characterization of Fractionalized Quantum Matter 2017
25 quasiTENS Quantum Systems Investigated through Tensor Network States 2017
26 hyControl Coherent optical control of multi-functional nano-scale hybrid units 2017
27 MCIATTP Molecular to Continuum Investigation of Anisotropic Thermal Transport in Polymers 2017
28 4-TOPS Four experiments in Topological Superconductivity. 2017
29 TOPMAT Topological Materials: New Fermions, Realization of Single Crystals and their Physical Properties 2017
30 HiTIMe High Frequency Topological Insulator devices for Metrology 2018
31 CHROMATADS Chromatin Packing and Architectural Proteins in Plants 2018
32 ETOPEX Engineering Topological Phases and Excitations in Nanostructures with Interactions 2018
33 PARATOP New paradigms for correlated quantum matter:Hierarchical topology, Kondo topological metals, and deep learning 2018
34 ODDSUPER New mechanisms and materials for odd-frequency superconductivity 2018
35 CASTLES Charge And Spin in TopologicaL Edge States 2018
36 CHROMDOM Chromosomal domain formation, compartmentalization and architecture 2018
37 topDFT A topological approach to electron correlation in density-functional theories 2018
38 OPTOvanderWAALS Optoelectronics with Complex van der Waals Heterostructures 2018
39 QSIMCORR Quantum Simulation of Strongly-Correlated Systems 2018
40 ARTES AntifeRromagnetic spin Transport and Switching 2019
41 ELECNANO Electrically Tunable Functional Lanthanide Nanoarchitectures on Surfaces 2018
42 XFab Xene Fabrication for a Two-Dimensional Nanotechnology Platform 2018
43 LEGOTOP From Local Elements to Globally Ordered TOPological states of matter 2018
44 NOJUNKDNA A strategy to investigate cell type-specific effects of non-coding regulatory elements to be applied in neurodegeneration research 2018
45 SOT-2DvdW Spin-Orbit Torque in 2D van der Waals Heterostructures 2018
46 ESTIMA Electronics and Spintronics of Topological Insulator/MAgnetic Insulator heterostructures 2019
47 UVALITH Continuous Wave, Tunable Monolithic Frequency Converter 2018
49 ThermoQuantumImage Thermal imaging of nano and atomic-scale dissipation in quantum states of matter 2018
50 TopSupra Engineered Topological Superconductivity in van der Waals Heterostructures 2018
51 ProMotion Probing Majorana quasi-particles and ballistic spin-momentum locking in topolocical insulatornanostructures 2018
52 ExQuiSid Extreme Quantum Matter in Solids 2018
53 E-DESIGN Artificial designer materials 2018
54 Topo Ins Laser Topological Insulator Laser 2018
55 MagDirac Magnetic Doping of 3D Dirac Semimetals 2019
56 MaMBoQ Macroscopic Behavior of Many-Body Quantum Systems 2019
57 LaGaTYb Exploring lattice gauge theories with fermionic Ytterbium atoms 2019
59 TMCS Topological Matter and Crystal Symmetry: From Microscopic Structure to Phenomenology 2019
60 SKYTOP Skyrmion-Topological insulator and Weyl semimetal technology 2018
61 TOCHA Dissipationless topological channels for information transfer and quantum metrology 2019
62 TOPSPIN Topotronic multi-dimensional spin Hall nano-oscillator networks 2019
63 SELPH2D Spin Electron-Phonon in 2D materials 2019
64 EMOF Synthesizing and Investigating the Exotic Electronic Properties of Two-Dimensional Metal-Organic Frameworks 2020
65 TOPCHEM Topological Chemistry in Ternary Compunds 2019
66 GRISOTO GRaphene-Interfaced heterostructures for Spin Orbit TOrques 2020
67 ExcitingTopology Topological order beyond the equilibrium ground state: driven quantum matter and magnon excitation spectra 2019
68 TOPLASMON Experimental study of plasmon polaritons in topological insulators and Weyl Semi-Metals. 2019
69 Q-Skyrmions Engineering the dynamics of magnetic skyrmions using non-equilibrium protocols 2019
70 BALLISTOP Revealing 1D ballistic charge and spin currents in second order topological insulators 2020
71 Breakborder Breaking borders, Functional genetic screens of structural regulatory DNA elements 2019
72 SUPERGRAPH Topological Superconductivity in Graphene 2020
73 emergenTopo Emergent topology in photon fluids 2020
74 MATTER MAcroscopic quantum Transport maTERials by nanoparticle processing 2020
75 SOTMEM Topological Insulator-Based Spin Orbit Torque MEMories 2020
76 SPINHALL Computing with mutually synchronized topological insulator based spin Hall nano-oscillators 2020
77 Siphony Combination of Supercritical Carbon Dioxide and Water for foaming of polymers 2021