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H2020 projects about "polarized"

The page lists 75 projects related to the topic "polarized".

# achronym  title  year 
1 PoLiChroM Superfluidity and ferromagnetism of unequal mass fermions with two- and three-body resonant interactions 2015
2 STARLIGHT Steering attosecond electron dynamics in biomolecules with UV-XUV LIGHT pulses 2015
3 BetaDropNMR Ultra-sensitive NMR in liquids 2015
4 MARS Electronic Order, Magnetism, and Unconventional Superconductivity probed in Real-Space 2015
5 CosmicDust Lighting up the dark - the evolution of dust throughout cosmic time 2015
6 GraM3 Surface-grafted metallofullerene molecular magnets with controllable alignment of magnetic moments 2015
7 SIW-SAT-ANTENNAS Circularly Polarized Antenna Arrays for Broadband Satellite Data Terminals Using Substrate Integrated Waveguides enhanced with Metamaterials 2015
8 NMOSPEC Experimental Nuclear Magneto-Optic Spectroscopy 2015
9 EpiNKT Transcriptional and epigenetic control of innate-like T lymphocyte development 2015
10 PLACAV Polarized light as an alternative to colour in animal vision 2015
11 QuantumLaP Quantum Effects in Multicolor Ultrafast Laser Processing: Broadening Boundaries of Classical Descriptions 2015
12 NEUROMITO Mitochondrial Dynamics and Local Protein Synthesis in Dendrites 2016
13 PolAME Polarimetry of Anomalous Microwave Emission: Implication for B-mode Polarization Detection and Galactic Science 2016
14 BARREL Barrel Assemblies of Membrane Active Artificial Foldamers 2015
15 KINSELECT Microtubule organisation and polarized transport of kinesins in neurons 2015
16 SUSPINTRONICS Magnetic, electric-field and light induced control of spin-polarized supercurrents: fundamentals for an offbeat electronics 2015
17 NeuroNanoChip A Nano-electrode chip for high-resolution/high-throughput cellular assays in cultured neurons including synaptic tranmission 2015
18 SPIN-PORICS Merging Nanoporous Materials with Energy-Efficient Spintronics 2015
19 INSULATRONICS Controlling Electric Signals with Insulating Antiferromagnets and Insulating Ferromagnets 2015
20 SORBET Spin Orbitronics for Electronic Technologies 2015
21 NANOGRAPHOUT Design, synthesis, study and applications of distorted nanographenes 2016
22 MagneticYSOs Interpreting Dust Polarization Maps to Characterize the Role of the Magnetic Field in Star Formation Processes 2016
23 DIPPHASE Exotic quantum phases with dipolar Fermi gases of spin-polarized Erbium atoms in reduced dimensions 2016
24 TACT Towards an objective and quantitative Assessment of human Corneal Transparency 2017
25 TempoQ Temporal Quantum Correlations 2016
26 Immune Regulation How Infection History Shapes the Immune System: Pathogen-induced Changes in Regulatory T Cells 2016
27 GUIDESIGINT Competitive assembly dynamics of the DCC receptor with its guidance cues integrates signals for cellular steering 2017
28 EXCITERS Extreme Ultraviolet Circular Time-Resolved Spectroscopy 2016
29 ELECTRON4WATER Three-dimensional nanoelectrochemical systems based on low-cost reduced graphene oxide: the next generation of water treatment systems 2017
30 HP4all Persistent and Transportable Hyperpolarization for Magnetic Resonance 2017
31 RARE Dipolar Physics and Rydberg Atoms with Rare-Earth Elements 2016
32 HyperMu Hyperfine splittings in muonic atoms and laser technology 2017
33 TOPOQDot A bottom-up topological superconductor based on quantum dot arrays 2017
34 FEMTOTERABYTE Spinoptical nanoantenna-assisted magnetic storage at few nanometers on femtosecond timescale 2017
35 SKDWONTRACK Room temperature stabilization and all-electrical manipulation of chiral spin structures in metallic multilayers 2018
36 MULTIPROSMM MULtiple PROperties Single Molecule Magnets 2017
37 EPISTEMEBEHAVIOUR Behaviour, knowledge, policy. The philosophy of science perspective on the applications of the behavioural sciences in policymaking. 2018
38 DELICE Device oriented molecular spin filter based interfaces 2017
39 UCHIRAL Ultrafast opto-electronic twists: Controlling the chirality of electrons and extreme-UV photons by ultrafast laser pulses (UCHIRAL). 2017
40 SPLICANCER Regulation and reprogramming of alternative splicing in cellular transformation 2017
41 PHOTON-NeuroCom Photonic-assisted Neuromorphic Computing system 2017
42 ENCOPOL Encoding information into polymers 2017
43 POLMAG Polarized Radiation Diagnostics for Exploring the Magnetism of the Outer Solar Atmosphere 2018
44 MIST Molecules, magnetic fields and Intermittency in coSmic Turbulence – Following the energy trail. 2017
45 watersplit Producing hydrogen by water splitting 2017
46 XSTREAM X-ray-waveforms at the Space-Time Resolution Extreme for Atomic-scale Movies 2017
47 EMERGE Tuning Emergent Phases in 2D Materials 2017
48 DYNASSEMBLY Dynamic control of assembly, directonnality and chirality in hydrogen bond networks. 2018
49 CASTLES Charge And Spin in TopologicaL Edge States 2018
50 2DSPIN 2D magnetic materials for molecular SPINtronics 2018
51 FATHERCHILD The role of the father in child development and the intergenerational transmission of inequality: Linking sociological stratification questions to developmental psychology research 2018
52 BeyondPlanck Beyond Planck -- delivering state-of-the-art observations of the microwave sky from 30 to 70 GHz for the next decade 2018
53 LSO Liver Spatial Omics 2018
54 PolarizeMe Feeling Polarity: Integrating intracellular mechanics and forces for a biophysical understanding of epithelial polarity 2018
55 PASIPHAE Overcoming the Dominant Foreground of Inflationary B-modes: Tomography of Galactic Magnetic Dust via Measurements of Starlight Polarization 2018
56 GlueCore Mapping the 3-dimensional gluon structure of the proton 2018
57 NEWCPLECS New circular polarized light-emitting electrochemical cells. 2018
58 MagicFACE Magnetic Hybrid Metal-Organic Interfaces 2018
59 LASSO Layered semiconductors and hybrid systems for quantum optics and opto-valleytronics 2019
60 MAGALOPS The MAgnetic field in the GALaxy, using Optical Polarization of Stars 2018
61 DENOVO-P De novo Development of Polarity in Plant Cells 2018
62 SAW-SPIN Pure SPIN currents generated by Surface Acoustic Waves 2019
63 A-LIFE The asymmetry of life: towards a unified view of the emergence of biological homochirality 2019
64 CUSP Cementochronology Unravels Seasonality in Prehistory 2019
65 EndoPos Endosome positioning in tumour-stroma interactions 2019
66 MIRAGE Independence and quality of mass Media in the InteRnet AGE 2018
67 PopulistFP The Populist Politics of Foreign Policy 2019
68 HEL4CHIROLED Helical systems for chiral organic light emitting diodes 2020
69 SPRING SPin Research IN Graphene 2019
70 PRIMOGAIA Prepolarized MRI at Earth Field to seek new contrasts linked to molecular events for very early detection of pathologies 2019
71 MODSTABVAR Moduli spaces of stable varieties and applications 2020
72 ArtsAutonomy The Arts of Autonomy: Pamphleteering, Popular Philology, and the Public Sphere, 1988-2018 2020
73 Bac2MUC Bacteria-mucin interactions – Shaping intestinal epithelial responses in health and disease 2020
74 EXAFONIS Exploring antiferromagnetic order at the nanoscale with a single spin microscope 2020