The page lists 42 projects related to the topic "rats".
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1 | CoordinatedDopamine | Coordination of regional dopamine release in the striatum during habit formation and compulsive behaviour | 2015 |
2 | CHIME | The Role of Cortico-Hippocampal Interactions during Memory Encoding | 2015 |
3 | ReconsolidationDynamics | A Cross-Species Investigation of Memory Replay During Reconsolidation | 2015 |
4 | EPI_nanoSTIM | Enabling motor control after a spinal cord injury through nanoscaled electrical | 2015 |
5 | SIRENE | Silencing miR-199b to attenuate the progression of heart failure. | 2015 |
6 | 5G-AURA | Application-aware User-centric Programmable Architectures for 5G Multi-tenant Networks | 2015 |
7 | WipeOutFear | How the Brain Learns to Forget - The Neural Signature of Fear Memory Erasure | 2015 |
8 | SPIDE | Speech-sound Processing in Infant Development and Evolution | 2016 |
9 | HOW2WALKAGAIN | Mechanisms of recovery after severe spinal cord injury | 2016 |
10 | HIRESMEMMANIP | Spiking network mechanisms underlying short term memory | 2016 |
11 | HypoFlam | Targeting hypothalamic inflammation in obesity and diabetes | 2016 |
12 | PRIORS | Neural circuit dynamics underlying expectation and their impact on the variability of perceptual choices | 2016 |
13 | SPOTLIGHT | Single Point Of aTtachment communications empowered by cLoud computing and bIG data analytics running on-top of massively distributed and loosely-coupled Heterogeneous mobile data neTworks | 2017 |
14 | Neuroheart | Cardiovascular Molecular Imaging for Personalized Tailored Treatment | 2017 |
15 | iGBMavatars | Glioblastoma Subtype Avatar models for Target Discovery and Biology | 2017 |
16 | Bio-ICD | Biological auto-detection and termination of heart rhythm disturbances | 2017 |
17 | NOGOPROOF | Towards clinical trials for a novel treatment for stroke | 2017 |
18 | ISEBI | Individual Specialisation in Established Biological Invasions: importance and Ecological Impact | 2017 |
19 | BrainPredictDynamics | Temporal predictions in the auditory cortex: neural mechanisms and their specificity across species and stimulus domains | 2018 |
20 | IB4SD-TRISTAN | Imaging Biomarkers (IBs) for Safer Drugs: Validation of Translational Imaging Methods in Drug Safety Assessment - Sofia ref.: 116106 | 2017 |
21 | NavigationCircuits | Neural circuits for route planning in goal-directed spatial navigation | 2017 |
22 | MRI-STRUCTURE | MRI Signal To Recover Unique Cerebral TissUe Response to changEs | 2018 |
23 | NeuroBaBEL | Whispering the language of the neurons to restore vision | 2017 |
24 | SOCIORATS | Social Distress Response in the Context of Empathy in Rats | 2017 |
25 | ENABLE | Advancing cell based therapies by supporting implant survival | 2018 |
26 | Group-Dynamics-TCB | Effects of group dynamics on selection, development and demography in cooperative vertebrates | 2018 |
27 | PiedPiper | PiedPiper®: smart pest control | 2018 |
28 | DYCOCIRC | Basal ganglia circuit mechanisms underlying dynamic cognitive behavior | 2018 |
29 | ECOFOULPEST | From marine molecules to eco-friendly tools for agriculture | 2018 |
30 | MgSafe | Promoting patient safety by a novel combination of imaging technologies for biodegradable magnesium implants | 2018 |
31 | HUMAN TEXTILES | Human, Woven, Tissue-Engineered Blood Vessels (TEBV) Exclusively from Cell-Assembled Extracellular Matrix (CAM). | 2018 |
32 | TransReg | Transgenerational epigenetic inheritance of cardiac regenerative capacity in the zebrafish | 2019 |
33 | ArtHep | Hepatocytes-Like Microreactors for Liver Tissue Engineering | 2019 |
34 | IPC | Intelligent Pest Control – a first-line defence system against rats’ infestation | 2019 |
35 | AMYGDALA-ELECTROPHYS | Interrogating Basolateral Amygdala Activity during Social Behaviour at Single-Cell and Population Levels | 2019 |
36 | NeuroTick | The neuroscience of tickling: cerebellar mechanisms and sensory prediction | 2019 |
37 | DEVMEM | Learning to remember: the development of the neural mechanisms supporting memory processing. | 2020 |
38 | BREAK | Blue light remote analgesia with K+ channels | 2019 |
39 | GONOGO | Multi-layered integration of motivated actions and their outcomes in basal ganglia circuits | 2020 |
40 | REPLAY | The Function of Hippocampal and Cortical Memory Replay in Humans | 2020 |
41 | symESTIM | Harnessing spinal electrical stimulation to modulate autonomic function after spinal cord injury | 2020 |
42 | CCMuPWA | Characterize corpus callosum-mediated local and global inhibitory effects with novel MRI-compatible photonic crystal fiber-based multifunction probe and wireless amplified NMR detector in rat brain | 2020 |