Progetti FP7 coordinati da "Jacobs university bremen ggmbh"

# progetto  anno  totale costo  contributi 
1 ELECTROEXTRACTION Protein electroextraction coupled to direct sorption – a new route for primary recovery of intracellular bioproducts from industrial yeast 2008 1˙316˙800.00 946˙440.00
2 Co3 AUVs Cooperative Cognitive Control for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles 2009 3˙332˙029.00 2˙549˙646.00
3 ORGANIC Self-organized recurrent neural learning for language processing 2009 3˙518˙400.00 2˙700˙000.00
4 HYPOMAP New materials for hydrogen powered mobile applications 2009 1˙179˙624.00 899˙958.00
5 C3ENV Combinatorial Computational Chemistry A new field to tackle environmental problems 2011 1˙500˙000.00 1˙500˙000.00
6 EarthServer European Scalable Earth Science Service Environment 2011 5˙029˙795.00 4˙000˙000.00
7 TEMM1P Computer simulations of thermally excited molecules and materials by first principles 2012 644˙700.00 516˙600.00
8 MICRO B3 "Marine Microbial Biodiversity, Bioinformatics and Biotechnology" 2012 11˙507˙843.00 8˙987˙491.00
9 PGSYS EXCHANGE Bioprocess Platform for the A. sojae PGzyme system 2012 744˙600.00 744˙600.00
10 GREEN EFFORTS Green and Effective Operations at Terminals and in Ports 2012 3˙143˙952.00 2˙199˙244.00
11 INTENSO "Gaining Productivity, Cost Efficiency and Sustainability in the Downstreaming Processing of Bio Products by novel Integration and Intensification strategies" 2012 7˙114˙674.00 5˙260˙960.00
12 PROPAGATE New Propagation Techniques for the simulation of dynamical processes in extended systems 2012 693˙388.00 693˙388.00
13 GA MOF An Optimised Genetic Algorithm to Computationally Predict a Metal-Organic Framework to Separate Helium from Methane 2013 161˙968.00 161˙968.00
14 BELONGINGNESS Where do I belong? The effects of uncertainty-identity on acculturation outcomes for migrants in Germany 2013 100˙000.00 100˙000.00

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