# | ||||
1 | SECURESCM Secure supply chain management | 2008 | 3˙455˙803.00 | 2˙099˙996.00 |
2 | SLA@SOI Empowering the Service Economy with SLA-aware Infrastructures | 2008 | 15˙132˙572.00 | 9˙632˙923.00 |
3 | SmartHouse/SmartGrid Smart Houses Interacting with Smart Grids to achieve next-generation energy efficiency and sustainability | 2008 | 3˙801˙284.00 | 2˙548˙141.00 |
4 | SMARTPRODUCTS Proactive knowledge for smart products | 2009 | 10˙547˙515.00 | 6˙964˙308.00 |
5 | MIRABEL Micro-Request-Based Aggregation, Forecasting and Scheduling of Energy Demand, Supply and Distribution | 2010 | 4˙540˙046.00 | 3˙098˙006.00 |
6 | OEPI Exploring and Monitoring Any Organisation's Environmental Performance Indicators | 2010 | 4˙961˙659.00 | 3˙037˙500.00 |
7 | ActionPlanT ActionPlanT - The European ICT Forum for Factories of the Future | 2010 | 2˙104˙954.00 | 1˙499˙964.00 |
8 | KAP Knowledge, Awareness and Prediction of Man, Machine, Material and Method in Manufacturing | 2010 | 12˙577˙819.00 | 7˙448˙980.00 |
9 | NisB The Network is the Business | 2010 | 4˙843˙064.00 | 3˙045˙924.00 |
10 | PLANTCockpit Production Logistics and Sustainability Cockpit | 2010 | 12˙571˙934.00 | 7˙979˙682.00 |
11 | SRT-15 VIPER: Intelligence Push in the Enterprise Realm | 2010 | 4˙410˙339.00 | 2˙828˙329.00 |
12 | PoSecCo Policy and Security Configuration Management | 2010 | 11˙272˙386.00 | 6˙999˙987.00 |
13 | CUBIST Combining and Uniting Business Intelligence and Semantic Technologies | 2010 | 4˙357˙196.00 | 3˙029˙834.00 |
14 | WEBSAND Server-driven Outbound Web-application Sandboxing | 2010 | 4˙865˙922.00 | 3˙199˙978.00 |
15 | INDENICA INDENICA - Engineering Virtual Domain-Specific Service Platforms | 2010 | 6˙067˙089.00 | 3˙771˙545.00 |
16 | ASSERT4SOA Advanced Security Service cERTificate for SOA | 2010 | 5˙144˙812.00 | 3˙400˙000.00 |
17 | TIMBUS Digital Preservation for Timeless Business Processes and Services | 2011 | 11˙548˙030.00 | 7˙778˙616.00 |
18 | COMVANTAGE Collaborative Manufacturing Network for Competitive Advantage | 2011 | 10˙941˙335.00 | 7˙339˙000.00 |
19 | LinkedDesign Linked Knowledge in Manufacturing, Engineering and Design for Next-Generation Production | 2011 | 12˙561˙115.00 | 8˙061˙848.00 |
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