# | ||||
1 | SPIKE Secure Process-oriented Integrative Service Infrastructure for Networked Enterprises | 2008 | 2˙829˙936.00 | 1˙964˙396.00 |
2 | SPINMANYBODYSEMINANO Spin and Many-Body Interaction Phenomena in Semiconductor Nanostructures | 2009 | 0.00 | 222˙124.00 |
3 | PHOTORCA Photoregulated organocatalysis - From caged catalysts to photoswitchable catalytic systems | 2009 | 0.00 | 160˙996.00 |
4 | CANPY "Design, synthesis and evaluation of novel ligands of NPY Y1 receptor as potential anti-cancer drug carriers." | 2009 | 0.00 | 85˙492.00 |
5 | STRONGNET Strong Interaction Supercomputing Training Network | 2010 | 4˙721˙441.00 | 4˙721˙441.00 |
6 | SRNAS Small non-coding RNAs in cell function and disease | 2010 | 1˙139˙998.00 | 1˙139˙998.00 |
7 | PRECISION LATTICEQCD Precision lattice QCD calculations | 2010 | 100˙000.00 | 100˙000.00 |
8 | CHEBANA Chemical Bioanalysis | 2010 | 5˙757˙837.00 | 5˙757˙837.00 |
9 | LATTICE FLAVOUR QCD Flavour physics from lattice QCD at the physical point | 2011 | 100˙000.00 | 100˙000.00 |
10 | MAG(NET)ICFUN Functionalized Magnetic Nanoparticles and their Application in Chemistry and Biomedicine | 2012 | 4˙425˙987.00 | 4˙425˙987.00 |
11 | MOLMESON Molecular Mesoscopics for Organic Nano-Optoelectronics | 2012 | 1˙480˙555.00 | 1˙480˙555.00 |
12 | ISIS Identification and targeting of somatic changes initiating sporadic cancers | 2013 | 2˙499˙982.00 | 2˙499˙982.00 |
13 | QUANTUMSUBCYCLE Ultrafast quantum physics on the sub-cycle time scale | 2013 | 1˙494˙564.00 | 1˙494˙564.00 |
14 | SELFPHOS Design and Self-Assembly of Organometallic-Based Polypnictogen Materials and Discrete Nano-sized Supramolecules | 2014 | 2˙499˙853.00 | 2˙499˙853.00 |
15 | IONPAIRSATCATALYSIS "Design Principles of Ion Pairs in Organocatalysis – Elucidation of Structures, Intermediates and Stereoselection Modes as well as Assessment of Individual Interaction Contributions" | 2014 | 1˙994˙685.00 | 1˙994˙685.00 |
16 | VISTA-CARB VISIBLE LIGHT MEDIATED CARBONYLATIONS | 2014 | 223˙778.00 | 223˙778.00 |
17 | ALPHA-BRAIN-IMAGING "Brain image processing with Alpha-Stable distributions. Applications to intensity normalization, segmentation and diagnosis of Parkinsonian syndrome and Alzheimer's disease." | 2014 | 223˙778.00 | 223˙778.00 |
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