# | ||||
1 | CONFIDENCE Ubiquitous Care System to Support Independent Living | 2008 | 4˙659˙541.00 | 3˙499˙997.00 |
2 | HESCAP New generation, High Energy and power density SuperCAPacitor based energy storage system | 2010 | 2˙956˙341.00 | 2˙298˙764.00 |
3 | TREND Test of Rolling Stock Electromagnetic Compatibility for cross-Domain interoperability | 2011 | 2˙825˙600.00 | 2˙042˙026.00 |
4 | ECUC Eddy CUrrent Brake Compatibility | 2012 | 3˙251˙728.00 | 2˙050˙179.00 |
5 | WILDCRAFT Wireless Smart Distributed end System for Aircraft | 2012 | 256˙299.00 | 188˙447.00 |
6 | EATS ETCS Advanced Testing and Smart Train Positioning System | 2012 | 3˙902˙075.00 | 2˙989˙591.00 |
7 | E3NETWORK Energy Efficient E-band transceiver for backhaul of the future networks | 2012 | 4˙894˙422.00 | 3˙519˙000.00 |
8 | RORC Rolled-Only IN718 Ring-shaped Components | 2013 | 971˙738.00 | 609˙091.00 |
9 | NESMONIC NET SHAPE MANUFACTURE OF Ni SUPERALLOY ENGINE CASING | 2013 | 1˙675˙200.00 | 1˙208˙527.00 |
L'Ente centro de estudios e investigaciones tecnicas partecipato anche in questi progetti.