Progetti FP7 coordinati da "Sesm soluzioni evolute per la sistemistica e i modelli s.c.a.r.l."

# progetto  anno  totale costo  contributi 
1 SHARE Sharing open source software middleware to improve industry competitiveness in the embedded systems domain 2008 1˙102˙259.00 590˙000.00
2 ATOM Airport detection and Tracking Of dangerous Materials by passive and active sensors arrays 2009 5˙237˙895.00 3˙478˙545.00
3 SOS Sensors system for detection and tracking Of dangerous materials in order to increase the airport Security in the indoor landside area 2012 1˙884˙205.00 1˙884˙205.00
4 CATER Coordinating Air transport Time Efficiency Research 2013 1˙309˙268.00 1˙198˙710.00

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L'Ente sesm soluzioni evolute per la sistemistica e i modelli s.c.a.r.l. partecipato anche in questi progetti.