Progetti FP7 coordinati da "Txt e-solutions spa"

# progetto  anno  totale costo  contributi 
1 COIN COllaboration and INteroperability for networked enterprises 2008 16˙118˙535.00 11˙159˙654.00
2 MADES Model-based methods and tools for Avionics andnsurveillance embeddeD SystEmS 2010 3˙623˙934.00 2˙450˙000.00
3 CORENET Customer-oriented and eco-friendly networks for healthy fashionable goods 2010 5˙133˙189.00 3˙502˙499.00
4 MSEE Manufacturing SErvice Ecosystem 2011 15˙206˙520.00 9˙870˙000.00
5 TELL ME Technology Enhanced Learning Livinglab for Manufacturing Environments 2012 8˙308˙453.00 5˙900˙000.00
6 FITMAN Future Internet Technologies for MANufacturing 2013 17˙958˙206.00 12˙890˙000.00

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