Progetti FP7 coordinati da "Instytut lotnictwa"

# progetto  anno  totale costo  contributi 
1 SAT-RDMP Small Air Transport - Roadmap 2011 397˙995.00 369˙377.00
2 ESTERA Multi-level Embedded Closed-Loop Control System for Fluidic Active Flow Control Actuation Applied in High-Lift and High-Speed Aircraft Operations 2011 249˙980.00 187˙470.00
3 STARLET Basic Wind Tunnel Investigation to Explore the Use of Active Flow Control Technology for Aerodynamic Load Control 2012 249˙850.00 187˙387.00
4 COMROTAG Development and Testing of Computational Methods to Simulate Helicopter Rotors with Active Gurney Flap 2013 320˙000.00 240˙000.00

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