Progetti FP7 coordinati da "Instytut maszyn przeplywowych im roberta szewalskiego polskiej akademii nauk - imp pan"

# progetto  anno  totale costo  contributi 
1 IMP SURVEY Survey and Prospects of IMP PAN Research 2008 87˙600.00 78˙110.00
2 IMESCON Innovative Methods of Separated Flow Control in Aeronautics 2011 2˙246˙263.00 2˙246˙263.00
3 TFAST Transition Location Effect on Shock Wave Boundary Layer Interaction 2012 5˙096˙031.00 3˙567˙790.00
4 MARE-WINT new MAterials and REliability in offshore WINd Turbines technology 2012 3˙822˙753.00 3˙822˙753.00

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