# | ||||
1 | PARTS Probabilistic Assessment of the Retention and Transport of Sediments and Associated Pollutants in Rivers | 2009 | 0.00 | 171˙867.00 |
2 | CROSSINGBOUNDARIES Crossing Boundaries: Knowledge and Technology Transfer and Innovation | 2012 | 194˙300.00 | 194˙300.00 |
3 | GENOVATE Transforming organisational culture for gender equality in research and innovation | 2013 | 3˙185˙139.00 | 2˙200˙332.00 |
4 | CLASSIC deviCes for Light impact on Skin Stem Cells | 2013 | 795˙030.00 | 795˙030.00 |
5 | ECOPREN "Value based entrepreneurship: A study of the cultural, organizing and leadership dynamics of social entrepreneurship" | 2014 | 309˙235.00 | 309˙235.00 |
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