Progetti FP7 coordinati da "University of central lancashire"

# progetto  anno  totale costo  contributi 
1 COUNTER Socio-economic and Cultural Impacts of the Consumption of Counterfeit Goods 2008 1˙910˙243.00 1˙476˙226.00
2 INNOVA-P2 Pharma-Innovation - Patent-2 2008 930˙130.00 728˙640.00
3 GEST Global Ethics in Science and Technology 2011 892˙295.00 696˙820.00
4 MULTISIGN Multilingual Behaviours In Sign Language Users 2011 1˙169˙936.00 1˙169˙936.00
5 PROGRESS PROmoting Global REsponsible research and Social and Scientific innovation 2013 1˙715˙490.00 1˙486˙664.00
6 REWARD Performance-based Innovation Rewards 2014 1˙922˙338.00 1˙922˙338.00
7 GOTH-NAR-HAITIAN-REV "Transatlantic Politics of Horror and Terror in Gothic Narratives of the Haitian Revolution, 1791-2011" 2014 299˙558.00 299˙558.00

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