Elenco progetti ente European Business and Innovation Centre Network (Belgium)

Scheda "European Business and Innovation Centre Network": lista dei progetti a cui questo ente ha partecipato nell'ambito del Settimo Programma Quadro.

# acronimo  programma  ruolo  EC contributo  inizio 
1 TURAS FP7-ENVIRONMENT participant 330˙842.40 2011-10-01
2 KIICS FP7-SIS participant 61˙979.75 2012-02-01
3 INNOMATNET FP7-NMP participant 187˙211.00 2012-04-01
4 SFS FP7-SIS participant 137˙607.35 2012-06-01
5 INTRASME FP7-TRANSPORT participant 307˙511.00 2012-10-01
6 ENHANCE FP7-ENVIRONMENT participant 334˙800.00 2012-12-01
7 MIRRIS FP7-SSH participant 65˙745.44 2013-07-01
8 FETRIC FP7-INCO participant 80˙514.00 2013-09-02
9 INNO INDIGO FP7-INCO participant 179˙710.78 2013-11-01
10 ETRERA_2020 FP7-INCO participant 115˙467.00 2013-09-01
11 TRANSITION FP7-COH coordinator 207˙486.50 2013-09-01
12 TRAFOON FP7-KBBE participant 181˙385.00 2013-11-01
13 RRI TOOLS FP7-SIS participant 216˙247.00 2014-01-01
14 CREATI-FI FP7-ICT participant 0.00 2014-09-01
15 ACE FP7-ICT participant 0.00 2013-09-01
16 frontierCities FP7-ICT participant 0.00 2014-07-01
17 SmartAgriFood2 FP7-ICT participant 0.00 2014-06-01
18 ETC FP7-INCO participant 74˙900.00 2009-09-01
19 CHINAACCESS4EU FP7-INCO participant 87˙236.65 2010-01-01
20 CADIC FP7-SME participant 426˙248.00 2010-07-01
21 DigiBIC FP7-ICT coordinator 0.00 2010-12-01
totale 2˙994˙891.87