Elenco progetti ente Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (Denmark)

Scheda "Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland": lista dei progetti a cui questo ente ha partecipato nell'ambito del Settimo Programma Quadro.

# acronimo  programma  ruolo  EC contributo  inizio 
14 ERICON-AB FP7-INFRASTRUCTURES participant 30˙000.02 2008-03-01
13 GOODWATER FP7-PEOPLE participant 0.00 2008-09-01
15 ECCO FP7-ENERGY participant 0.00 2008-09-01
20 ICE2SEA FP7-ENVIRONMENT participant 369˙525.00 2009-03-01
17 AQUAREHAB FP7-ENVIRONMENT participant 350˙602.75 2009-05-01
18 Geo-Seas FP7-INFRASTRUCTURES participant 0.00 2009-05-01
19 WRECKPROTECT FP7-ENVIRONMENT participant 181˙278.33 2009-05-01
16 CLIMICE FP7-PEOPLE coordinator 284˙055.16 2009-08-01
21 SUBCOAST FP7-SPACE participant 93˙429.00 2010-04-01
22 SITECHAR FP7-ENERGY participant 315˙000.00 2011-01-01
23 CO2CARE FP7-ENERGY participant 99˙242.00 2011-01-01
24 BIOTREAT FP7-KBBE coordinator 657˙596.00 2011-01-01
25 PANGEO FP7-SPACE participant 40˙106.46 2011-02-01
1 CATALYST FP7-ENVIRONMENT participant 165˙984.80 2011-10-01
2 ULTIMATECO2 FP7-ENERGY participant 80˙631.00 2011-12-01
3 EGDI-Scope FP7-INFRASTRUCTURES participant 0.00 2012-06-01
4 SASMAP FP7-ENVIRONMENT participant 364˙435.00 2012-09-01
5 KILL●SPILL FP7-KBBE participant 349˙999.00 2013-01-01
7 EURARE FP7-NMP participant 341˙663.34 2013-01-01
6 GLANAM FP7-PEOPLE participant 917˙663.30 2013-04-01
8 MINERALS4EU FP7-NMP participant 148˙956.00 2013-09-01
9 TOPS FP7-ENERGY participant 221˙063.00 2013-11-01
10 ICE-ARC FP7-ENVIRONMENT participant 281˙720.00 2014-01-01
11 PREAS FP7-IDEAS-ERC hostInstitution 1˙315˙548.20 2014-01-01
12 PREAS FP7-IDEAS-ERC hostInstitution 1˙315˙548.20 2014-01-01
totale 7˙924˙046.56