EIS 2011

Towards a European Innovation Ecosystem: Research and Innovation Strategies adapted to national and regional contexts


 Organization address address: Wspolna 1/3
city: WARSAW
postcode: 529

contact info
Titolo: Dr.
Nome: Kozlowski
Cognome: Jan
Email: send email
Telefono: +48 22 529 25 24

 Nazionalità Coordinatore Poland [PL]
 Totale costo 204˙527 €
 EC contributo 200˙000 €
 Programma FP7-COH
Specific Programme "Capacities": Support to the coherent development of research policies
 Code Call FP7-Adhoc-2007-13
 Funding Scheme CSA-SA
 Anno di inizio 2011
 Periodo (anno-mese-giorno) 2011-06-01   -   2012-01-31


# participant  country  role  EC contrib. [€] 

 Organization address address: Wspolna 1/3
city: WARSAW
postcode: 529

contact info
Titolo: Dr.
Nome: Kozlowski
Cognome: Jan
Email: send email
Telefono: +48 22 529 25 24

PL (WARSAW) coordinator 200˙000.00


 Word cloud

Esplora la "nuvola delle parole (Word Cloud) per avere un'idea di massima del progetto.

contribution    regions    flexibility    academics    politicians    ecosystem    coherence    innovation    national    regional    eis    policy    industry    contexts    line    society    civil    excellence    strategy    strategies    efforts    stakeholders    conference    cooperation    outcomes   

 Obiettivo del progetto (Objective)

'Europe’s problem is not so much the lack of investment in research and development. What is much more important is the fact that, as opposed to the US, China or India, Europe has to cope with a very fragmented research and innovation system. As a consequence, we are faced with duplication of initiatives with mediocre results, instead of complementarity and focus on selected areas of excellence. Various ambitious initiatives have been launched at EU-level in order to increase Europe’s research and innovation performance. The majority of these initiatives has a strong, if not a primary focus on achieving greater coherence within the European research and innovation system. Despite all these initiatives, achieving a coherent European research and innovation system and agreeing on joint strategies is a difficult task. it is clear that there is no one-size-fits-all design, but that successful strategies must be adapted to national and regional contexts. The key task is therefore to define and develop European research and innovation strategies which, on the one hand, bring member states’ efforts in line with each other and, on the other hand, leave sufficient scope for national (and regional) flexibility and competition. The objective of the conference “Towards a European Innovation Ecosystem: Research and Innovation Strategies adapted to national and regional contexts” is to make an important contribution to achieving goal of greater coherence of the European research and innovation system while allowing the necessary freedom for the member states and regions. The organisers of the conference want to bring together all concerned stakeholders, incl. policy-makers and politicians from EU, national and regional levels, representatives of the academic sector, delegates from both small and multinational companies and, last but not least, civil society. The main topics shall be precisely those areas where the cooperation of member states and regions is crucial.'

Introduzione (Teaser)

Research and development (R&D) in the EU is generally well funded, but the system suffers from fragmentation and inefficiencies. A conference that brought together politicians, academics, industry and civil society has highlighted the challenges to combating this and produced policy recommendations for unified R&D.

Descrizione progetto (Article)

Innovation is plagued by duplicated efforts, wasted resources and different stakeholder agendas. There is a need for an overarching strategy to bring various research efforts in line with one another, while still preserving regional flexibility and competitive practices.

The 'Towards a European innovation ecosystem: research and innovation strategies adapted to national and regional contexts' (EIS 2011) project was funded by the EU to begin developing such a strategy through the conference 'Towards a European Innovation Ecosystem: Research and Innovation Strategies'. Policymakers, academics, industry stakeholders and members of civil society participated and gave their input. Their discussions covered how to tailor strategies for regional and national contexts, and how to achieve a balance between specialisation and diversification. Other topics included how to build participation and synergies between sectors, and how to improve on tools to guide future decisions.

Key outcomes included the importance of communication and retaining scientific talent. It was also concluded that the development of regional excellence is a must and that governance and policy need to become more information-driven.

Participants of EIS 2011 agreed that the conference was relevant and facilitated a much needed discussion. Since the outcomes will be used to inform policy, this event has made a significant contribution to promoting coordination and cooperation in research and innovation.

Altri progetti dello stesso programma (FP7-COH)

TARGET (2009)

Targeted R&D Policy

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GLOVAL (2009)

Global Value Chains as an Emerging Challenge for National and European RTD Policies

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ERAWATCH2 (2009)

ERAWATCH Monitoring and Analysis

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