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Horizon2020 projects coordinated by "UNIVERSITAET BREMEN"

# project acronym  year  total cost  totalcontribution 
1 GERMANSLAVERY The Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation and its Slaves 2015 1˙939˙111.00 1˙939˙111.00
2 CODA Custom-Made Ontology Based Data Access 2015 1˙922˙114.00 1˙922˙114.00
3 TFL Transnational Force of Law 2015 1˙943˙502.00 1˙943˙502.00
4 BI-BLOCK Building and bypassing plant polyspermy blocks 2015 1˙910˙769.00 1˙910˙769.00
5 ZOOMECULAR Read the fine print: Zooming into paleoenvironmental and biogeochemical processes through molecular imaging of biomarker distributions in sediments 2015 3˙000˙000.00 3˙000˙000.00
6 BIGSSS-DEPARTS Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences - Doctoral Education in Partnerships 2016 3˙662˙400.00 1˙831˙200.00
7 SUMOWO Surface modulation of wounds: heal by inhalants!Novel drug-based treatment for excessive scars and chronic wounds. 2016 150˙000.00 150˙000.00
8 FIRST.STAGE Fast and easy previsualisation for creative industries 2016 3˙031˙510.00 3˙031˙510.00
9 SMART Smart Automation of Rail Transport 2016 999˙598.00 999˙598.00
10 PREDATORS Plate-rate experimental deformation: Aseismic, transient or seismic fault slip 2017 1˙499˙250.00 1˙499˙250.00
11 SLATE Submarine LAndslides and Their impact on European continental margins 2017 3˙894˙543.00 3˙894˙543.00
12 PROSURF High Precision Process Chains for the Mass Production of Functional Structured Surfaces 2018 5˙213˙365.00 4˙995˙727.00
13 RISE Prevention of child mental health problems in Southeastern Europe - Adapt, Optimize, Test, and Extend Parenting for Lifelong Health 2018 2˙976˙092.00 2˙976˙092.00
14 COLSOC The Legacy of Colonialism: Origins and Outcomes of Social Protection 2018 1˙486˙250.00 1˙486˙250.00
15 ELIONT Electron- and Ion Transfer at the Interface: a Hyphenated Dynamic Multi-Frequency Approach 2018 1˙943˙600.00 1˙943˙600.00
16 RESUNICO Inverted Reactive Spray Processes for Sulphide/Nitride High Surface Area Electrode Coatings 2019 2˙361˙130.00 2˙361˙130.00
17 WARMCOASTS Sea level and extreme waves in the Last Interglacial 2019 1˙499˙965.00 1˙499˙965.00
18 ARCTICO Uncovering the Magnitude of Arctic Climate Change 2019 94˙686.00 94˙686.00
19 INCLUDED Intercultural Digital Media Education for Social Inclusion of Socioeconomically Disadvantaged Youth in the Urban Migration Society 2019 174˙806.00 174˙806.00
20 SMART2 Advanced integrated obstacle and track intrusion detection system for smart automation of rail transport 2019 1˙708˙737.00 1˙499˙528.00
21 REDEBA Revamping the Desalination Battery 2020 162˙806.00 162˙806.00

More Horizon 2020 projects

The Institution UNIVERSITAET BREMEN has been involved also in the following Horizon 2020 projects.