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Negotiating early job-insecurity and labour market exclusion in Europe

Total Cost €


EC-Contrib. €






 NEGOTIATE project word cloud

Explore the words cloud of the NEGOTIATE project. It provides you a very rough idea of what is the project "NEGOTIATE" about.

pl    structural    through    young    participating    interviews    job    transition    negotiate    differently    historical    crisis    national    active    closer    display    inform    creates    policies    participation    people    scientific    employability    quantitative    el    data    organisation    strengthen    arrangements    cso    actively    variations    resilience    skills    layers    observe    macro    de    es    course    disciplinary    sensitive    negotiation    vignette    uk    private    gender    influence    unequal    maximising    market    interacts    differential    trans    welfare    core    europeans    scope    qualitative    innovative    exclusion    agency    adverse    institutional    linkages    economic    ch    nine    levels    regimes    mechanisms    severe    combination    solidar    bg    prevent    employment    stakeholders    cz    question    international    micro    prospects    policy    labour    public    societal    move    primary    experiments    thereby    life    youth    structures    capability    relations    insecurity    characterised    governance    2020    countries    meso    goals    individual   

Project "NEGOTIATE" data sheet

The following table provides information about the project.


Organization address
address: PILESTREDET 46
city: OSLO
postcode: 167

contact info
title: n.a.
name: n.a.
surname: n.a.
function: n.a.
email: n.a.
telephone: n.a.
fax: n.a.

 Coordinator Country Norway [NO]
 Project website
 Total cost 2˙919˙232 €
 EC max contribution 2˙476˙609 € (85%)
 Programme 1. H2020-EU.3.6. (SOCIETAL CHALLENGES - Europe In A Changing World - Inclusive, Innovative And Reflective Societies)
 Code Call H2020-YOUNG-SOCIETY-2014
 Funding Scheme RIA
 Starting year 2015
 Duration (year-month-day) from 2015-03-01   to  2018-02-28


Take a look of project's partnership.

# participants  country  role  EC contrib. [€] 
1    OSLOMET - STORBYUNIVERSITETET NO (OSLO) coordinator 878˙670.00
2    UNIVERSITY OF BRIGHTON UK (BRIGHTON) participant 305˙028.00
3    UNIVERSITAET BREMEN DE (BREMEN) participant 277˙925.00
4    UNIVERSITAT DE GIRONA ES (GIRONA) participant 217˙253.00
6    Institute for the Study of Societies and Knowledge BG (Sofia) participant 173˙178.00
7    Masarykova univerzita CZ (BRNO STRED) participant 165˙825.00
10    UNIVERSITAT BASEL CH (BASEL) participant 0.00


 Project objective

Through an innovative use of four key concepts (resilience, capability, active agency and negotiation) and primary data (life course interviews, vignette experiments), NEGOTIATE will deliver gender-sensitive comparative knowledge about consequences of early job insecurity. We move beyond the state-of-the-art by investigating the linkages across macro, meso and micro levels as mechanisms of early job insecurity. General labour market processes and a severe employment crisis currently define the macro level. The micro level is characterised by young people with unequal opportunities to influence individual job prospects. The organisation of meso level structures creates differential access to public and private support within and across countries. NEGOTIATE’s core question is how young people’s scope for agency interacts with different layers of structural conditions in a multi-level governance system. By actively involving national and European stakeholders – including young people – NEGOTIATE will contribute to policies that promote the employability of young Europeans, thus maximising societal and scientific impact. We will observe the present, learn from the past and project the future to inform policies that help prevent early labour market exclusion and adverse effects of job insecurity in the short and long term, thereby leading Europe closer to the Europe 2020 goals. A trans-disciplinary Consortium of nine research institutions – from BG, CZ, DE, EL, NO, PL, ES, CH, UK – and one international CSO will implement NEGOTIATE. The participating countries are differently affected by the economic crisis and display historical variations across key institutional factors, such as welfare state arrangements, employment relations and youth transition regimes. The participation of SOLIDAR will strengthen NEGOTIATE’s policy impact. Overall, the participants’ wide set of research skills enable a rich combination of advanced quantitative and qualitative comparative analyses.


List of deliverables.
The strengths and weaknesses of policy coordination and policy outcomes in a system of multi-level governance: A comparative analysis Documents, reports 2019-05-30 13:38:11
Policy Brief no. 3: ‘Consequences of early job insecurity and labour market marginalisation: Subjective and objective well-being’ Documents, reports 2019-05-30 13:38:00
Explaining cross-country variation in the long-term consequences of early job-insecurity: A comparison of four European countries Documents, reports 2019-05-30 13:38:10
Youth unemployment and the consequences for life satisfaction and social trust in seven European countries Documents, reports 2019-05-30 13:37:34
Policy Brief no. 2: ‘Early job insecurity in Europe: Mapping diversity and the impact of the economic crisis\' Documents, reports 2019-05-30 13:38:07
Strategies to improve labour market integration of young people: Analysing linkages between horizontal and vertical policy coordination Documents, reports 2019-05-30 13:37:59
Understanding unemployment scars: A vignette experiment of employers’ decisions in Bulgaria, Greece, Norway and Switzerland Documents, reports 2019-05-30 13:37:58
Negotiating early job insecurity in the 21st century: Linkages between institutions and individual life courses across Europe Documents, reports 2019-05-30 13:37:49
Policy Brief no. 5: ‘Long term consequences of early job insecurity’ Documents, reports 2019-05-30 13:38:14
Negotiating transitions to adulthood in economic hard times Documents, reports 2019-05-30 13:37:59
Youth unemployment and stigmatisation across Europe: A comparative analysis Documents, reports 2019-05-30 13:37:43
Policy Brief no. 4: ‘Transitions to adulthood in the context of economic crisis’ Documents, reports 2019-05-30 13:37:58
An interview study of early job insecurity and consequences for the transition to adulthood Documents, reports 2019-05-30 13:37:54
Strategies to improve labour market integration of young people: Comparing policy coordination in nine European countries Documents, reports 2019-05-30 13:38:15
Understanding the subjective consequences of early job insecurity in Europe Documents, reports 2019-05-30 13:37:47
The fight against youth unemployment: Enhancing the chances of success by strengthening linkages between horizontal and vertical policy coordination Documents, reports 2019-05-30 13:38:17
Institutional determinants of early job insecurity in nine European countries Documents, reports 2019-05-30 13:37:49
The role of the economic crisis in determining the degree of early job insecurity in Europe Documents, reports 2019-05-30 13:37:45
Consequences of early job insecurity and the role of the welfare state Documents, reports 2019-05-30 13:37:36
Policy Brief no. 6: ‘Employers’ assessments of young job applicants: Findings from a comparative study’ Documents, reports 2019-05-30 13:38:04
Explaining long-term consequences of unemployment: The dynamics of scarring in Norway, Poland, Switzerland and the UK Documents, reports 2019-05-30 13:37:46
The effects of the economic crisis on drug consumption of young individuals in Europe Documents, reports 2019-05-30 13:37:41
Policy Brief no. 8: ‘Recommendations for future strategies to improve the labour market integration of young people in Europe’ Documents, reports 2019-05-30 13:38:09
Explaining employers’ hiring decisions: A comparative study of employers’ risk assessment Documents, reports 2019-05-30 13:37:57
Youth unemployment and early job insecurity in Europe: Concepts, consequences and policy approaches Documents, reports 2019-05-30 13:38:17
Are recessions good for human capital accumulation? Documents, reports 2019-05-30 13:37:48
Negotiating private life: consequences of early job insecurity and labour market exclusion for household and family formation Documents, reports 2019-05-30 13:37:48
Policy Brief no. 7: ‘Coordination of European strategies to tackle early job insecurity and youth unemployment: Lessons from a comparative study’ Documents, reports 2019-05-30 13:37:59
Permanent and transitory earnings inequality of young people in Europe Documents, reports 2019-05-30 11:32:49
The careers of young people in Europe during the economic crisis: Identifying risk factors Documents, reports 2019-05-30 11:32:51
Indicators and data sources to measure patterns of labour market entry across countries Documents, reports 2019-05-30 11:32:39
Understanding the consequences of early job insecurity and labour market exclusion: The interaction of structural conditions, institutions, active agency and capability Documents, reports 2019-05-30 11:32:49
Methodological challenges in the study of scarring effects of youth unemployment Documents, reports 2019-05-30 11:32:49
Policy Brief no. 1: \'Early job insecurity and youth unemployment as a theoretical and societal challenge\' Documents, reports 2019-05-30 11:32:49
Studying employers’ risk assessment and the role of institutions: An experimental design Documents, reports 2019-05-30 11:32:51
NEGOTIATE logo, flyer and large poster Documents, reports 2019-05-30 11:32:44
Operative project website Documents, reports 2019-05-30 11:32:50

Take a look to the deliverables list in detail:  detailed list of NEGOTIATE deliverables.


year authors and title journal last update
List of publications.
2016 Symeonaki M, Karamessini M and Stamatopoulou G,
Gender-based differences on the impact of the economic crisis on labour market
published pages: 437-449, ISSN: , DOI:
16 June 2016 2019-06-07
2017 Christer Hyggen
Etterlater arbeidstrening arr hos unge ledige? Et vignett-eksperiment av arbeidsgiveres beslutninger ved ansettelser av unge i Norge
published pages: 236-251, ISSN: 1504-7989, DOI: 10.18261/issn.1504-7989-2017-04-01
Søkelys på arbeidslivet 34/04 2019-06-07
2016 Symeonaki M, Karamessini M and Stamatopoulou G
Measuring School-to-Work Transition Probabilities in Europe with Evidence from the EU-SILC
published pages: 421-435, ISSN: , DOI:
June 2016 2019-06-07
2018 Bøhler, Kjetil Klette, Tolgensbakk, Ida, Vedeler, Janikke
Cuatro narrativas de desempleo para jóvenes adultos en Europa
published pages: , ISSN: , DOI:
Entre la educación y el trabajo: la construcción cotidiana de las desigualdades juveniles en América Latina 2019-06-07
2018 Symeonaki M, G. Stamatopoulou and M. Karamessini
Measuring school-to-work transition probabilities in Europe with evidence from the EU-SILC
published pages: , ISSN: , DOI:
In: Bozeman J, Oliveira T, Skiadas C, Silvestrov S (eds) Stochastic modeling, data analysis with demography applications 2019-06-07
2017 Spasova, Lyuba
Strategies to Improve Labour Market Integration of Young People: Policy Coordination in Youth Guarantee. Introduction and Implementation
published pages: 125-138, ISSN: 0324-1572, DOI:
Sociological Problems Special Issue 2019-06-07
2017 Stoilova, Rumiana; Krasteva, Veneta; Yordanova, Gabriela
The Role of Employers on the Labour Market in Bulgaria
published pages: 36-59, ISSN: 0324-1572, DOI:
Sociological Problems Special Issue 2019-06-07
2018 Hyggen, Christer
“Svar til Gaute Rygh: Viser Hyggen (2018) hvorfor arbeidstrening påvirker jobbsøking negativt?” [“Answer to Gaute Rygh: Does Hyggen (2017) show why work training affects job seeking negatively?”].
published pages: , ISSN: 1504-7989, DOI:
Søkelys på arbeidslivet 2019-06-07
2018 Lulu P. Shi, Christian Imdorf, Robin Samuel, Stefan Sacchi
How unemployment scarring affects skilled young workers: evidence from a factorial survey of Swiss recruiters
published pages: , ISSN: 2510-5027, DOI: 10.1186/s12651-018-0239-7
Journal for Labour Market Research 52/1 2019-06-07
2017 Boyadjieva, P. & Ilieva-Trichkova, P.
“Expansion of Higher Education and Graduate Employability: Data and Insights from Central and Eastern Europe”
published pages: , ISSN: , DOI:
Delteil, Violaine and Kirov, Vassil (eds.) Labour and Social Transformations in Central and Eastern Europe: Europeanization and Beyond. 2019-06-07
2016 Stoilova, R., Nyagolov, L.
Socio-proffessional Differences of the School-to-Work Transition in Bulgaria
published pages: , ISSN: 0324-1572, DOI:
Sociological Problems 2019-06-07

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