The page lists 57 projects related to the topic "1500".
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1 | SoSGlobal | Stories of Survival: Recovering the Connected Histories of Eastern Christianity in the Early Modern World | 2015 |
2 | GrowSmarter | GrowSmarter | 2015 |
3 | Invisibilia | Tracing the Invisible. Old Norse and Latin in medieval manuscripts. | 2016 |
4 | SPERONI | Sperone Speroni (1500-1588) and the Rebirth of Sophistry in the Italian Renaissance | 2015 |
5 | Eciwind | Cost effective wind turbine of 40 kW of rated capacity | 2015 |
6 | ELECTRIC_AXLE | Electric axle for hybrid / electric commercial vehicles | 2015 |
7 | ADiRaS | Alzheimer’s Disease Diagnosis by Spectroscopy. Accurate and Non-Invasive Medical Device for the Diagnosis of Early Stage Alzheimer's Disease. | 2015 |
8 | ARTECHNE | Technique in the Arts. Concepts, Practices, Expertise (1500-1950) | 2015 |
9 | CRYVISIL | Crystalline and vitreous silica films and their interconversion | 2016 |
10 | BlueBRIDGE | Building Research environments for fostering Innovation, Decision making, Governance and Education to support Blue growth | 2015 |
11 | POP | Performance Optimisation and Productivity | 2015 |
12 | SILGEN | Sustainable farming of European catfish (Silurus glanis) for innovative, resource efficient and eco-friendly pond farm production | 2016 |
13 | SCODEV | Scooping Device for Aerial Forest Fire Suppressant | 2016 |
14 | FabSpace 2.0 | The Fablab for geodata-driven innovation - by leveraging Space data in particular, in Universities 2.0 | 2016 |
15 | CARMI | Cosmology, Astronomy, and Religion in Medieval India | 2017 |
16 | INSTINCT | Inhibiting Stress in the Construction Industry | 2017 |
17 | Back2theFuture | Back to the Future. Perceiving the future and the development of early modern capitalism, 1500-1700 | 2016 |
18 | SafeShore | System for detection of Threat Agents in Maritime Border Environment | 2016 |
19 | PRODRIVE | Production-Ready Oriented Development of Radically Innovative Vehicle Electric drive | 2016 |
20 | EXOPLANETBIO | Exoplanet atmospheres as indicators of life: From hot gas giants to Earth-like planets | 2016 |
21 | PrintPack | Arranging the Particles: Step Changing Chemical Measurement Technology | 2016 |
22 | i-movo | International productisation of a disruptive digital vouchering technology | 2016 |
23 | FFL4E | Future Freight Loco for Europe | 2016 |
25 | MedPub | Medieval Publishing from c. 1000 to 1500 | 2017 |
26 | CLLS | Analysing coherence in law through legal scholarship | 2017 |
27 | UPALET | Strong, sustainable and waterproof cardboard pallet that equals load carrying capacity of wooden pallets | 2017 |
28 | Renaissance Idiocy | Representing Idiocy and Intellectual Disability in Early Modern English Literature, 1500-1640 | 2017 |
29 | AveTransRisk | Average - Transaction Costs and Risk Management during the First Globalization (Sixteenth-Eighteenth Centuries) | 2017 |
30 | SKILLNET | Sharing Knowledge In Learned and Literary Networks. The Republic of Letters as a Pan-European Knowledge Society | 2017 |
31 | PIGSs | Program for Innovative Global Prevention of Streptococcus suis. | 2017 |
32 | FEWFAST | Few-Cycle Electric Field Waveforms for Advanced Science and Technology | 2017 |
33 | ICO2CHEM | From industrial CO2 streams to added value Fischer-Tropsch chemicals | 2017 |
34 | SHOKA | Community-based cyclist navigation solution to increase safety of utility bikers | 2017 |
35 | Wind-Drone | A powerful UAV-based ICT solution allowing safe, reliable and effective inspections of wind turbines | 2017 |
36 | HealthScaping | Healthscaping Urban Europe: Bio-Power, Space and Society, 1200-1500 | 2017 |
37 | GRASSHOPPER | GRid ASsiSting modular HydrOgen Pem PowER plant | 2018 |
38 | Magnetic Fluids | A Key Enabling Technology for metals recovery and water management based on functionalized magnetic particles for galvanic industry | 2018 |
39 | BEE LABEL | Bee Label: A new remote beehive surveillance for better bee health and secured pollination | 2018 |
41 | EuroDag | The first European daggers: Function, meaning, and social significance | 2019 |
42 | KITAB | Exploring Cultural Memory in the Pre-Modern Islamic World (700–1500):Knowledge, Information Technology, and the Arabic Book | 2018 |
43 | JOINTIME | Connecting Bronze Age Europe: High-precision Radiocarbon Dating 1700-1500 BCE | 2018 |
44 | INBETWEEN | Reappraising Middle Nubian Identity through Material Culture | 2019 |
45 | SemanticCity | Structuring Raw Scans | 2018 |
46 | GeoTherm SWS | The First Truly Mobile Geothermal Drilling Rig | 2019 |
47 | ICORDA | Ice CORe DAting tools revisited to infer the dynamic of glacial – interglacial transitions over the last 1.5 million years | 2019 |
48 | Circlenergy | Production of renewable methanol from captured emissions and renewable energy sources, for its utilisation for clean fuel production and green consumer goods | 2019 |
49 | InProV | An inventory of the prosimetra in vulgar tongue in the early centuries of Italian Literature (1250-1500) | 2019 |
50 | EMESAS | Early Modern Exchanges in Sanskrit Astral Sciences | 2019 |
51 | WMM | Women Making Memories: Liturgy and the Remembering Female Body in Medieval Holy Women’s Texts | 2019 |
52 | TRANSLATIO | 'Translatio.’ The art of (re)moving relics and reforming holiness in Europe’s borderlands. | 2020 |
53 | POPGEO_BG | Population Geography of Bulgaria, 1500- 1920: A Historical Spatial Analysis | 2019 |
54 | Windrone Zenith | Autonomous & Intelligent UAV-based Wind Turbine Inspection System for Cost-effective, Reliable, Safe and Actionable Blade Fault Detection and Prediction | 2019 |
55 | TeNDER | affecTive basEd iNtegrateD carE for betteR Quality of Life | 2019 |
56 | T-SKIN | Shaking-up user experience by introducing the first-in-kind arduino-programmable AI-driven gesture control wearable | 2019 |
57 | AVIAZE | The social network for pilots, to make flying safer and cheaper | 2020 |