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H2020 projects about "ab"

The page lists 154 projects related to the topic "ab".

# achronym  title  year 
1 iCspec in-line Cascade laser spectrometer for process control 2015
2 GlioVac Validation of a conceptually new treatment for glioblastoma multiforme with an IP protected small molecule 2015
3 BIVAQUM Bivariational Approximations in Quantum Mechanics and Applications to Quantum Chemistry 2015
4 CREATe-Network Processing and Characterization of Advanced Nano-Composites for Resource-efficient Applications and Technologies 2015
5 REDOXIT Reactive oxygen species (ROS) as Elixirs against chronic Disease: OXidative regulatory mechanisms In T cells and neutrophils. 2015
6 EXMAG Excitonic Magnetism in Strongly Correlated Materials 2015
7 SEMICOMPLEX Divide and conquer ab initio semiclassical molecular dynamics for spectroscopic calculations of complex systems 2015
8 MICROAB Micro machining with abrasive waterjets 2014
9 NEXTNANOCELLS Next generation nanowire solar cells 2015
10 GRAFLEX Graphene curvature, flexibility and reactivity control by means of external fields: theory and computer simulations 2015
11 NAP-QDYS Nitroaromatics photophysics and photochemistry: a quantum dynamics study 2016
12 STEPDYN H2 and CH4 Dissociation Dynamics on Stepped Metal Surfaces via First-Principles Simulations 2016
13 NEDRATS New Enantioselective Desymmetrization Reactions in Alkaloid Total Synthesis 2015
14 UNRAVELS UNderstanding, descRibing And Visualizing Electronic charge in noveL oxide heteroStructures 2015
15 EKOMAP Eco friendly marine antifouling paint 2015
16 AB ENGINE Advanced Back end as a service Engine 2015
17 BilletPro Development of a harvesting machine for short rotation plantations for the production of billets with advantageous properties in terms of handling, drying and storing 2015
18 IF-EBOla Control of the Ebola Oubreak by both innovative Ultrasensitive Detection of EBOV and therapy 2014
19 Aerowash II InnovAtive automatic battERy pOwered WASHing robot for the aviation industry – Aerowash II 2015
20 MD Rapid monitoring of biomarkers in postoperative care 2015
21 EDePDAC Feasibility study for the validation and industrialization of two diagnostic kits in both ELISA and CLIA formats for the early detection of pancreatic cancer based on the novel biomarkers EZR and ENOA 2015
22 SLA-Ready SLA-Ready: Making Cloud SLAs readily usable in the EU private sector 2015
23 OPTi OPTiOptimisation of District Heating Cooling systems 2015
25 QUANTUMMETALINK Quantum Metamaterials: A Theoretical and Computational Approach Towards Seamlessly Integrated Hybrid Classical/Quantum Nano-structures 2015
26 Solvatten_agri-bus Feasibilty study to determine market entrance for the Solvatten green technology into the agri-business value chains in Eastern Africa 2015
27 CliniSenz CliniSenz(TM) - A Cost-effective Biosensor for Automatic Continuous Blood Glucose Monitoring 2015
28 VIRMETAL Virtual Design, Virtual Processing and Virtual Testing of Metallic Materials 2015
29 COINS Complex and Open Innovation for Networked Society 2015
30 IMMPACT Clinical validation of a serum protein biomarker signature for the early diagnosis of pancreatic cancer. 2015
31 SPIRE Stars: dynamical Processes driving tidal Interactions, Rotation and Evolution 2015
32 GEO Green Efficient Outboards 2015
33 EU-ToxRisk An Integrated European ‘Flagship’ Program Driving Mechanism-based Toxicity Testing and Risk Assessment for the 21st Century 2016
34 JPM Jensen Predictive Maintenance (JPM System) of district heating pipes 2015
35 SUPERMAT The VIRTUAL Centre for Integration of INNOVATIVE synthesis and Processing methods for SUSTAINABLE advanced Materials operating under Extreme Conditions 2016
36 EDAX Beating Complexity through Selectivity: Excited state Dynamics from Anti-Stokes and non-linear resonant inelastic X-ray scattering 2016
37 CODIC COmmercializing first-in-class dCTPase Inhibitors for treatment of hematological Cancers 2016
38 HYBOCOMIX Hydrogen bonds in diblock copolymer/ homopolymer melt 2016
39 SOLARACT Solar Dinitrogen Activation 2016
40 NAMDIA NonAdiabatic Molecular Dynamics of organic Intermediates in Atmospheric chemistry 2016
41 QuP Long Range Surface Plasmon Polaritons as an Alternative Information Carrier for Nanoscale Quantum Circuitry 2016
42 RAMSES Aryl amide metallofoldamersas selective saccharide sensors 2016
43 OXM Patent pending gearboxA patent pending gearbox for ships that decrease fuel consumption with 25% (appr 500 ton fuel and 1500 ton carbon dioxide per ship and year) 2016
44 VibraCoat High Performance Nano-structured Composites for Tooling Industry 2016
45 PainDynamics PainDynamics: Research on the dynamics of attention bias for pain in daily life. 2016
46 ZeoBio-NG Innovative biogas upgrading system based on novel Zeolite adsorbent technology for producing Bio-based Natural Gas 2016
47 UTOPES Unifying concepts in the topological design of non-crystalline materials 2016
48 MOLEQULE Unraveling molecular quantum dynamics with accelerated ab initio algorithms 2016
49 InPairs In Silico Pair Plasmas: from ultra intense lasers to relativistic astrophysics in the laboratory 2016
50 LOOP Disrupting Logistics in Smart Cities and Regions through an Advanced Logistics Platform. 2016
51 IMPACT The giant impact and the Earth and Moon formation 2016
52 Burst3D Type I bursts in 3D 2016
53 CC4SOL Towards chemical accuracy in computational materials science 2017
54 UfastU Theory of ultra-fast dynamics in correlated multi-band systems 2017
55 HYPOXIMMUNO Tackling the Achilles Heel of Immunotherapy: Validating imaging biomarkers and targeting the immunological niche of tumour hypoxia 2016
56 AB-SWITCH Evaluation of commercial potential of a low-cost kit based on DNA-nanoswitches for the single-step measurement of diagnostic antibodies 2017
57 CM Prevention of Cosmetic-Induced Non-Communicable Diseases and Micro Plastics entering Food Chains with the CosmEthics- Health App 2016
58 NanoArray Optical lattices around a nanofiber waveguide 2016
59 MagBURST Exploding stars from first principles: MAGnetars as engines of hypernovae and gamma-ray BURSTs 2017
60 MODMAT Nonequilibrium dynamical mean-field theory: From models to materials 2017
61 INISH MINI-BAR Inish Mini for On-Site Rapid Detection of Bacteria in Beer Directly from the Tap 2017
62 Biofrigas Turning manure into fuel: a container based LBG plant for small to medium scale farms 2017
63 GMP Green Marine Propulsion 2017
64 SANSO V2.0 Innovative mobile “continuous food mixer” to improve the sustainable use of raw materials and the quality of the products 2017
65 MicroMod-PSII Microscopic modelling of the highly efficient intra- and inter-antennae energy transfer to the reaction centre in plant photosystem II 2017
66 ITC Revolutionary instant thread colouring technology for industrial embroidery 2017
67 ABISSE AB Initio Simulations for Super-Earths 2017
68 BFO-Surf Properties across dimensions: an atomistic computational study of bismuth ferrite surfaces and nanocrystals 2017
69 CINK Advancing cancer immunotherapy using natural killer cells for hematological and metastatic cancers 2018
70 EXPHON Exciton-Phonon Coupling from First Principles 2017
71 XXQCD Excited and exotic hadron resonances from Quantum Chromodynamics 2017
72 BeBOP Quantum Dynamics Beyond the Born-Oppenheimer Picture: Making the most of wave function and trajectory-based approaches 2017
73 FERROVOLT For a better understanding and design of ferroelectric photovoltaics: First-principles study of optical absorption and charge-carrier transport at ferroelectric domain walls in BiFeO3 2017
74 TranSim The Next Generation Simulation-Based Training System for Optimal Transportation Systems 2017
75 IAHP Intelligent Active Hearing Protection 2017
76 SCCS Smart City Control System (SCCS) For Green Lighting 2017
77 PACS Pantograph Active Control System for e-Highways 2017
78 OHT A hydraulic collection tower, with a novel energy storage device for wave energy arrays 2017
79 TEC1p Big-Data Analytics for the Thermal and Electrical Conductivity of Materials from First Principles 2017
80 PROBIOTEARS Probiotic-based Ophtalmologic treatment for Bacterial and Allergic Conjunctivitis 2017
81 z-BURN Zero-Emission Catalytic Burner for heating in Electric and Hybrid Vehicles 2017
82 COSINE Training network for COmputational Spectroscopy In Natural sciences and Engineering 2018
83 FUN-PM Fundamental Understanding of Nanoparticle chemistry: towards the prediction of Particulate emissions and Material synthesis 2018
84 VDJtargeting Engineering T cells and B cells for Immunotherapy using V(D)J recombination 2017
85 NewPhysLat Search for new physics through lattice simulations 2017
86 3DMOSHBOND Three-Dimensional Mapping Of a Single Hydrogen Bond 2018
87 PrecisionNuclei Strong interactions for precision nuclear physics 2018
88 PROMOFS Nanoengineering and Processing of Metal-Organic Framework Composites for Photonic Sensors 2018
89 SIMDAMA Strong-interaction matter coupled to electroweak probes and dark matter candidates 2018
90 TNFL-TMML Topological New Fermions under Laser and New Topological Material Exploring via Machine Learning 2018
91 COMEX COmputational Modelling for EXtreme conditions 2018
92 DCI A new method for theoretical spectroscopy of strongly correlated materials - dynamical configuration interaction 2018
93 TOUGHIT Tough Interface Tailored Nanostructured Metals 2018
94 NuWeld Integrated Modelling and Analysis of Multiple Component Carbides in Welded hardfacings 2018
95 REPTOL Pre-leukemic B cell repertoire alterations in patients with familial chronic lymphocytic leukemia: looking for evidence of a genetically-inherited defect in tolerance induction 2019
96 SHARE_WW Spatial organization and Horizontal gene transfer of Antibiotic Resistance by ESBL in WasteWater 2018
97 ReaDy-NMR Relativistic and Dynamic effects in Computational NMR Spectroscopy of transition-metal complexes 2019
98 Radio-NP Computational characterisation of radiosensitising nanoparticles and their properties 2019
99 PREMOL At the crossroad of molecular physics, quantum optics and spectroscopy:ultra-high-precision molecular spectroscopy for fundamental physics 2018
100 UCRxF A novel ulcerative colitis treatment - A phase III ready feasibility study 2018
101 SEAGEM Developing a process to bring a unique Icelandic natural food sea gem worldwide 2018
102 MASTERCOW MASTERCOW, an antibiotic-free bioinorganic therapy for bovine mastitis 2018
103 StayAble A non-surgical and long-lasting treatment to substantially reduce back pain 2018
105 LiionFire Automated e-buses Lithium Ion Battery Early Warning and Fire Suppression System 2018
106 Biopsy X Endodrill® Model X - a new endoscopic biopsy instrument taking multiple cancer samples of varying depth in one single session 2018
107 FORMBECC LaminarPace System: a breakthrough technology for dry-formulation of sensitive pharmaceuticals at room temperature enhancing their stability beyond the cold chain 2018
108 Set-to-change Set to change: early life factors restricting and promoting neurocognitive plasticity through life 2018
109 Airmee Optimizing Logistic Fleets with Machine Learning to Enable Sustainable On-Demand Deliveries in Cities 2018
111 ADVANCE ADVANCE: Sophisticated experiments and optimisation to advance an existing CALPHAD database for next generation TiAl alloys 2018
112 Notid Novel Target for Treatment of Chronic Inflammatory Diseases 2018
113 EWGB2000 Ekowasher Graffiti Blaster - A Closed-loop system for Environmentally Optimized Cleaning and Decontamination 2018
114 MOCEAN INTELLIGENCE Empowering SMEs to take part in the Ocean Industry with an Intelligent Platform that will support their Business decisions 2018
116 DiSeTCom Dirac Semimetals based Terahertz Components 2019
117 Swennis 2019 Services enhancing the innovation management capacity of SMEs in the Enterprise Europe Network 2019 2019
118 ARSS Accessible, Reliable and Simple Screening of stress- and memory-related diseases 2018
119 ANDLICA Anderson Localization of Light by Cold Atoms 2019
120 PROMINENT Solar prominences: unraveling the ultimate condensation catastrophe 2019
121 DIEinPEACE Double Incremental Expansion in Potential Energies from Automized Computational Exploration 2019
122 EMAGICS Atomistic spin dynamics and spectroscopic investigation of spin-induced magnetoelectric multiferroic materials 2019
123 TAURUS Theory for A Unified descRiption of nUclear Structure 2019
124 NanoEnHanCeMent Nanoparticle Enhanced Hadron-therapy: a Comprehensive Mechanistic description 2020
125 DNA-NANO-AB “DNA-based NANOdevices for the point-of-care electrochemical detection of AntiBodies” 2020
126 multiQCD time-like observables from multi-level lattice QCD 2019
127 MLS Multi Lawn Care System Robotic mower fleets to take care of large green areas and replace the fossil-fuel powered mowers 2019
128 ISACS Improving Safety and comfort for kidney transplanted patients by enabling Accurate therapeutic drug monitoring through quantitative Capillary home Sampling 2019
129 Modvion Modular wood-made wind turbine towers 2019
130 HARPER Home based Augmented Reality Platform for Efficient Rehabilitation of stroke patients 2019
131 TiMoleS Time-resolved Molecular Selfies (TiMoleS): Visualising molecular dynamics in real time 2020
132 APAC Advanced Pain Control – An innovation in pain control for those suffering from secondary bone cancer 2019
134 AB-DiRecT Antibiotic Distribution and Recovery in Tissue 2019
135 COLLEXISM Collisional excitation of interstellar molecules: towards reactive systems 2019
136 NANOELAST Next-Generation Urinary Catheters for Preventing Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infections: Emphasis on Antibiotic Resistance 2019
137 AGRICAM AGRICAM – reducing the usage of antibiotics and increasing animal welfare through advanced thermal imaging system for detecting early cases of mastitis in dairy cows 2019
138 DAICY Design and AI for sustainable and safe motorCYcles 2019
139 PrevictDrugs Smartphone Measured Eye-Based Digital Biomarkers for Drug Use Detection 2019
140 PexyEazy PexyEazy® - an innovative surgical device for treatment of haemorrhoids. 2019
141 NANOCELL A DNA NANOtechology toolkit for artificial CELL design 2020
143 E-Solution Flexible and effective solution for people with motor disabilities 2019
144 PANDORA Pandemics Outbreaks Rationalized: towards a universal therapy to eliminate intracellular pathogens and drug resistance 2020
145 DFD Deep Forestry Drones - revolutionising forestry mapping and analysis with artificial intelligence 2020
146 SPAWN Simulating particle acceleration within black hole magnetospheres 2020
147 NOTICE Novel Oxides and Topological Interfaces for quantum Computing Electronics 2020
149 Materials 4.0 Advancing materials design by high-accuracy finite-temperature first principles calculations accelerated by machine learning potentials 2021
150 CAMPVANS Investigation of carrier multiplication in van der Waals heterostructures for highly efficient solar cells 2021
151 PeSD-NeSL Photo-excited State Dynamics and Non-equilibrium States under Laser in Van der Waals Stacked Two-dimensional Materials 2020
152 NanoLight-QD Novel molecular spectroscopies by nanoconfined light shaping and ab initio quantum dynamics 2020
153 PROMISES Properties of nanomaterials made from misfit-layered compounds revealed by electron microscopy and simulations 2021
154 SPOT SPOT - Synthesis of Pretargeted Oncology Theranostics 2020