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H2020 projects about "geochemistry"

The page lists 48 projects related to the topic "geochemistry".

# achronym  title  year 
1 EURO-CARES European Curation of Astromaterials Returned from the Exploration of Space 2015
2 MICROWINE MICROWINE - Microbial metagenomics and the modern wine industry 2015
3 BASE-LiNE Earth Brachiopods As SEnsitive tracers of gLobal marINe Environment: Insights from alkaline, alkaline Earth metal, and metalloid trace element ratios and isotope systems 2015
4 EPOCH GeoChem Early POpulations in Cretan History: Investigating residential mobility in the eastern Mediterranean using isotope GeoChemistry 2016
5 ECAMMETT Early Cenozoic Asian Monsoons: Mechanisms and Evolution Through Time 2015
6 MAIDEN-SPRUCE Tree growth, forest carbon storage and climate change in a Canadian boreal region using a model-data fusion approach 2015
7 KimberliteNewApproach A new approach to revealing the composition of kimberlite melts and their deep mantle source 2016
8 BIOCLIMA Microbial BIOdiversity – CLIMAte feedbacks during environmental crises in semi-enclosed basins: lessons from the Late Miocene (Messinian) 2016
9 SeisMo SEismology of the MOon 2016
10 PALEOCHAR PALEOCHAR: Insights into the Neanderthals and their demise from the study of microscopic and molecular charred matter in Middle Palaeolithic sediments 2015
11 STEEPclim Spatiotemporal evolution of the hydrological cycle throughout the European continent during past abrupt climate changes 2015
12 HiTech AlkCarb New geomodels to explore deeper for High-Technology critical raw materials in Alkaline rocks and Carbonatites 2016
13 UMIC Association of Uranium with Organic Matter- and Iron-bearing Colloids in Wetland Environments 2016
14 BRISOACTIONS To understand the redox variations and interactions between hydro-, bio- and atmosphere: the power of bromine stable isotopes. 2016
15 FETA Fluid impacts in EarTh Accretion 2016
16 RESOLVE Reconstructing the History of Lunar Volatiles 2016
17 ANOXIA-MEM Probing the Memory of Earth Anoxia: New Stable Isotope Constraints on the Rise of Oxygen 2016
18 IRONLAKE Establishing stable IRON isotopes of laminated LAKE sediments as novel palaeoclimate proxy 2016
19 ISOREE New insight into the origin of the Earth, its bulk composition and its early evolution 2016
20 PaNDA Paleo-nutriet dynamics in the Eurasian Arctic Ocean 2016
21 SOUTHERNCHANGE Accumulation rates and predominant atmospheric sources of natural and anthropogenic trace elements on the Falkland Islands 2016
22 MilkTeeth MilkTeeth: a biogeochemical investigation of ancient weaning and dairy Milk consumption using human Teeth 2016
23 Habitat-OASIS Habitability of Oceans and Aqueous Systems on Icy Satellites 2017
24 TEROPPLATE Testing the role of thermo-chemical piles in the generation and continuation of plate tectonics 2018
25 GOSSAN GOethite in Supergene Systems: ANalysing trace element substitution goethite and related iron oxides and oxyhydroxides. 2017
26 INoVA Geochemical Controls on the Ice Nucleating Efficiency of Volcanic Ash 2018
27 HARM High Attenuation Recycling Materials as sustainable barriers for waste disposal sites 2018
28 IPUSS The initial 244Pu abundance of the Solar System 2017
29 COLD Climate Sensitivity of Glacial Landscape Dynamics 2018
30 EXOKLEIN The Climates and Habitability of Small Exoplanets Around Red Stars 2018
31 RIFT-O-MAT Magma-Assisted Tectonics: two-phase dynamics of oceanic and continental rifts 2019
32 ANTELOPE Non-trAditioNal sTable mEtaL isotOPE (Fe, Mg, Zn) fractionation: a case study from the Bushveld Complex, South Africa 2018
33 SPECADIS Speciation and bioavailability of heavy metal cadmium (Cd) in the soil-plant system: a novel approach combining stable isotope geochemistry and experimental spectroscopy. 2019
34 REESources REESources: experimental investigation of the role of fluids in the formation of rare metals ore deposits. 2019
35 NEOMEDIS NEOlithic MEDiterranean diet through stable ISotope analysis 2019
36 EvolPhysiol Evolution of Physiology: The link between Earth and Life 2019
37 OldCO2NewArchives CO2 reconstruction over the last 100 Myr from novel geological archives 2019
38 ICORDA Ice CORe DAting tools revisited to infer the dynamic of glacial – interglacial transitions over the last 1.5 million years 2019
39 ARCTICO Uncovering the Magnitude of Arctic Climate Change 2019
40 SENSE BioSensing and rhizospherE – eNdosphere geochemical microprofiling of polychlorinated byphenils degradation by Soil microbiota upon stimulation of root Exudates 2019
41 SPELEOTOLIA Holocene climate reconstructions from western Anatolia based on speleothem data 2019
42 INDEXCLIMA Indian-Atlantic interocean exchange as modulator of global climate 2019
43 HAMA New insights on Earth’s formation and differentiation processes from in situ analyses of halogens (F, Cl, Br and I) in meteorites and mantle samples 2019
44 PALAEOCON Conservation palaeobiology of terrestrial and marine carbon sinks 2019
45 SHRED Survival of Hadean REmnants in a Dynamic mantle 2020
46 BICAEHFID Biogeographic and cultural adaptations of early humans during the first intercontinental dispersals 2019
47 GOforISOBIF Probing the Geochemistry of the First Oceans with Novel ISOtope Proxies in Banded Iron Formations (BIFs): New Perspectives into Early Continental Weathering, Ocean Oxygenation and Mantle Geodynamics 2020
48 MARIX Methane and Ammonium Removal In redoX transition zones 2020