The page lists 568 projects related to the topic "engage".
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1 | Light Night | Light Night | 2015 |
2 | YorNight | York: City of the Past, City of the Future | 2014 |
3 | SHARPER | SHAring Researchers’ Passion for Excellence and Results. European Reserarchers' Night in the Centre of Italy 2014 - 2015 | 2014 |
5 | EEBERS | EEB ICT ClustERS | 2015 |
6 | NeurogenesisCode | Deciphering the role of adult neurogenesis in hippocampal memory codes by optically imaging neuronal activity in freely behaving mice | 2015 |
7 | aidsocpro | Aiding Social Protection: the political economy of externally financing social policy in developing countries | 2015 |
8 | LOCOMOUSE | Cerebellar circuit mechanisms of coordinated locomotion in mice | 2015 |
9 | EURO-CARES | European Curation of Astromaterials Returned from the Exploration of Space | 2015 |
10 | Odysseus II | Youth for Space Challenge - ODYSSEUS II | 2015 |
11 | DOLFINS | Distributed Global Financial Systems for Society | 2015 |
12 | INSPIRATION | INtegrated Spatial PlannIng, land use and soil management Research ActTION | 2015 |
13 | VPH-CaSE | VPH-Cardiovascular Simulation and Experimentation for Personalised Medical Devices | 2015 |
14 | C-CASCADES | Carbon Cascades from Land to Ocean in the Anthropocene | 2015 |
15 | ACANTO | ACANTO: A CyberphysicAl social NeTwOrk using robot friends | 2015 |
16 | GrowMeUp | GrowMeUp | 2015 |
17 | FIESTA | Federated Interoperable Semantic IoT/cloud Testbeds and Applications | 2015 |
18 | PICSE | Procurement Innovation for Cloud Services in Europe | 2014 |
19 | MY-WAY | Strengthening the web entrepreneurship ecosystem in Europe for young people by creating a pan-European network of actively engaged student networks and student entrepreneurship centres | 2015 |
20 | PERGAMON | PERvasive Serious GAMes suppOrted by Virtual CoachiNg | 2015 |
21 | MAMEM | Multimedia Authoring and Management using your Eyes and Mind | 2015 |
22 | EU-XCEL | Accelerating Entrepreneurial Learning across European Regions | 2015 |
23 | TAMS4CPS | Trans-Atlantic Modelling and Simulation For Cyber-Physical Systems | 2015 |
24 | BLACK SEA HORIZON | Enhanced bi-regional STI cooperation between the EU and the Black Sea Region | 2015 |
25 | EU-GREAT | European guide and recommendations for the combined funding of large-scale RDI initiatives | 2015 |
26 | SMPFv2.0 | Next generation single molecule protein fluorescence | 2015 |
27 | CITYKEYS | Smart City performance measurement system | 2015 |
28 | PARTISPACE | Spaces and Styles of Participation. Formal, non-formal and informal possibilities of young people’s participation in European cities. | 2015 |
29 | TransSOL | European paths to transnational solidarity at times of crisis: Conditions, forms, role-models and policy responses | 2015 |
30 | STEP | Societal and political engagement of young people in environmental issues | 2015 |
31 | CATCH-EyoU | Constructing AcTive CitizensHip with European Youth: Policies, Practices, Challenges and Solutions | 2015 |
32 | BUILD UPON | A multi-stakeholder Regional Action Network as a living structural base to effectively help define and implement deep energy efficient building renovation at local, national and European level. | 2015 |
33 | TRIBE | TRaIning Behaviours towards Energy efficiency: Play it! | 2015 |
34 | SWH | Demonstration of a Binary-Logic Hybrid Transmission for Heavy-Duty Vehicles | 2014 |
35 | odis | Ensygnia Onescan Market Disruptive Technology | 2015 |
36 | FACCE SURPLUS | SUstainable and Resilient agriculture for food and non-food systems | 2015 |
37 | PROIntensAfrica | Towards a long-term Africa-EU partnership to raise sustainable food and nutrition security in Africa | 2015 |
38 | STRESSAGED | Molecular Mechanisms Linking Psychological Stress and Ageing-Related Disease | 2015 |
39 | C-BORD | effective Container inspection at BORDer control points | 2015 |
40 | AUGGMED | Automated Serious Game Scenario Generator for Mixed Reality Training | 2015 |
41 | EDUCEN | European Disasters in Urban centres: a Culture Expert Network (3C – Cities, Cultures, Catastrophes) | 2015 |
42 | DEVOLEMPA | The developmental and evolutionary basis of human intersubjectivity | 2015 |
43 | EGI-Engage | Engaging the EGI Community towards an Open Science Commons | 2015 |
44 | CREMLIN | Connecting Russian and European Measures for Large-scale Research Infrastructures | 2015 |
45 | FUTURES | Energy Futures of the High North: Assessing Intermediary Expertise and New Valuation Practices that Guide Arctic Hydrocarbon Development | 2016 |
46 | BiBiCrossLang | Language activation and control in the unimodal and bimodal bilingual lexicon | 2015 |
47 | Baltic Mikrorayon | Past, Present, and Future Lives of Soviet Housing Estates in the Baltic States | 2016 |
48 | LEXICON POETICUM | Lexicon Poeticum: A lexical resource for Old-Norse Icelandic skaldic poetry and its relevant social fields | 2016 |
49 | GATEWAY | Developing a Pilot Case aimed at establishing a European infrastructure project for CO2 transport | 2015 |
50 | ERIN | Europe's Reception of the Irish Melodies and National Airs: Thomas Moore in Europe | 2015 |
51 | MoStMusic | Models of Structure in Music | 2016 |
52 | TIGER | Transposable element Impacts on Gene Expression and Regulation | 2015 |
53 | TIME | Time of damage in classic galactosemia: is prenatal toxicity a determinant factor? | 2015 |
54 | SPAFIL | Structured photonics for advanced fibre lasers | 2015 |
55 | ENGAGE | Encouraging Network Generation’s Accountability and Global Engagement | 2015 |
56 | CL-3DE | Choice and learning in a 3-dimensional environment: an investigation of brain and behaviour | 2015 |
57 | SURFACE | Human-Landscape-Interactions and Global Dispersals: The SURFACE Record of Palaeolithic Arabia | 2016 |
58 | HIGGS-BSM-EFT | Higgs and Beyond the Standard Model Effective Field Theory, systematic developments. | 2015 |
59 | CONGO | Hybrid Political Orders and Violent Exchanges in the Eastern Congo | 2016 |
60 | CMCG | Engaging Urban Youth: Community, Citizenship, and Democracy | 2016 |
61 | FreshInk | Colour-code labelling for continuous monitoring of quality and safety of packed chicken meat | 2015 |
62 | GY | GameYourself - Create a virtual 3D model of a person’s face based on a short video taken with any smartphone cam. | 2014 |
63 | EbolaVac | Development of a Chimpanzee Adenovirus Type 3 Ebolavirus Zaire Vaccine | 2014 |
64 | PFMaker | PFMaker, the Advanced Interactive Video Tool | 2015 |
65 | Virtual Private Home | Virtual Privte Home - Privacy-by-design Home Energy Efficiency Platform | 2015 |
66 | SLA-Ready | SLA-Ready: Making Cloud SLAs readily usable in the EU private sector | 2015 |
67 | MIA | Multidisciplinary Institute for Ageing | 2015 |
68 | ImplantFreeSpine | World’s first complete motion-preservation 'Implant-less' surgical correction for Scoliosis | 2015 |
69 | MenWomenCare | Men, Women and Care: The gendering of formal and informal care-giving in interwar Britain | 2015 |
70 | JOPRAD | Towards a Joint Programming on Radioactive Waste Disposal | 2015 |
71 | HoNESt | History of Nuclear Energy and Society | 2015 |
72 | Modern2020 | Development and Demonstration of monitoring strategies and technologies for geological disposal | 2015 |
73 | ANTARES | Centre of Excellence for Advanced Technologies in Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security | 2015 |
74 | SMARTAgriFor | Collaboration to develop a business plan for the Centre of Agriculture and Forestry | 2015 |
75 | MAGicSky | Magnetic Skyrmions for Future Nanospintronic Devices | 2015 |
76 | ECO - ENGAGE | GreenApes Sustainability Software Service: Employee Engagement for Eco-innovation | 2015 |
77 | P3DNavitech | Novel navigation system for arthroscopy that uses solely the endoscopic video to perform measurements inside the joints and provide the necessary guidance to the surgeon. | 2015 |
78 | CITYCoP | Citizen Interaction Technologies Yield Community Policing | 2015 |
79 | GEDII | Gender Diversity Impact – Improving research and innovation through gender diversity | 2015 |
80 | TransGeno | The ERA Chair for Translational Genomics and Personalized Medicine | 2015 |
81 | PaRaDeSEC | Expanding Potential in Particle and Radiation Detectors, Sensors and Electronics in Croatia | 2015 |
82 | SESAME | Small cEllS coordinAtion for Multi-tenancy and Edge services | 2015 |
83 | COINS | Complex and Open Innovation for Networked Society | 2015 |
84 | EXCHANGE | Forensic Geneticists and the Transnational Exchange of DNA data in the EU: Engaging Science with Social Control, Citizenship and Democracy | 2015 |
86 | MultiCO | Promoting Youth Scientific Career Awareness and it Attractiveness through Multi-stakeholder Co-operation | 2015 |
87 | ER4STEM | Educational Robotics for STEM | 2015 |
88 | NEGEVBYZ | Crisis on the margins of the Byzantine Empire: A bio-archaeological project on resilience and collapse in early Christian development of the Negev Desert | 2015 |
89 | Hypatia | Hypatia | 2015 |
90 | SPARKS | SPARKS | 2015 |
91 | MASSTRPLAN | MASS Spectrometry TRaining network for Protein Lipid adduct ANalysis | 2015 |
92 | Privacy.Us | Privacy and Usability | 2015 |
93 | EMBRIC | European Marine Biological Research Infrastructure Cluster to promote the Blue Bioeconomy | 2015 |
94 | A-BAM | Application for Broadband Availability Mapping (A-BAM) | 2015 |
95 | NET- MARKET- FLUIDICS | Networking and market approach to tackle the bottleneck of deploying micro and nanofluidics in Europe | 2016 |
96 | SOCRATIC | SOcial CReATive IntelligenCe Platform for achieving Global Sustainability Goals | 2016 |
97 | KareShare | KareShare Platform for Effective Collaborative Clinical Care Management | 2015 |
98 | PSR94 | Commercialisation of 94GHz Phase Shifting Radar (PSR94) | 2015 |
99 | SWAPOUT | Smart Wireless Access Point with Objective User-Targeting | 2015 |
100 | CHoKO | Clearing House for Knowledge Options (CHoKO) - creating a marketplace for knowledge | 2015 |
101 | CAPTOR | Collective Awareness Platform for Tropospheric Ozone Pollution | 2016 |
102 | HiPEAC | High Performance and Embedded Architecture and Compilation | 2016 |
103 | PI-SCALE | Bringing flexible organic electronics to pilot innovation scale | 2016 |
104 | | European Framework Initiative for Energy and Environmental Efficiency in the ICT Sector | 2016 |
105 | ESOF2016 | EuroScience Open Forum 2016 (Manchester) | 2015 |
106 | TMC Brake | Development of a titanium composite brake part for weight reduction and hence lower fuel burn and emissions on a large, long haul aircraft | 2015 |
107 | REEEM | Role of technologies in an energy efficient economy – model-based analysis of policy measures and transformation pathways to a sustainable energy system | 2016 |
108 | OCProDx | Strategic planning for commercialisation of a multiplexed protein diagnostic (Dx) blood test for Organ-Confined Prostate cancer: OCProDx | 2016 |
109 | ARCFIRE | Large-scale RINA benchmark on FIRE | 2016 |
110 | DISCOVERY | Dialogues on ICT to Support COoperation Ventures and Europe-North AmeRica (Canada and USA) sYnergies | 2016 |
111 | MigrantParents | Reproducing Europe: Migrant Parenting and Questions of Citizenship | 2015 |
112 | mHealth4Afrika | Community-based ICT for Maternal Healthcare in Africa | 2015 |
113 | MuMMER | MultiModal Mall Entertainment Robot | 2016 |
114 | hackAIR | Collective awareness platform for outdoor air pollution | 2016 |
115 | Making Sense | Making Sense | 2015 |
116 | U_CODE | Urban Collective Design Environment: A new tool for enabling expert planners to co-create and communicate with citizens in urban design | 2016 |
117 | MinD | Designing for People with Dementia: designing for mindful self-empowerment and social engagement | 2016 |
118 | SIC | Social Innovation Community | 2016 |
119 | FEUTURE | The Future of EU-Turkey Relations. Mapping Dynamics and Testing Scenarios | 2016 |
120 | Mobile-Age | Mobile Age | 2016 |
121 | EU-STRAT | EU-STRAT - The EU and Eastern Partnership Countries: An Inside-Out Analysis and Strategic Assessment | 2016 |
123 | PD B2B FS | The Planned Departure: B2B Feasibility Study | 2015 |
124 | my-AHA | My Active and Healthy Aging | 2016 |
125 | EDI-Net | EDI-NET – The Energy Data Innovation Network; using smart meter data, campaigns and networking to increase the capacity of public authorities to implement sustainable energy policy | 2016 |
126 | DR-BOB | Demand Response in Block of Buildings | 2016 |
127 | POWER2INNO | Building competences for empowerment of small and micro companies’ for innovative entrepreneurship | 2016 |
128 | Science2Society | Improving university, industry and society interfaces to boost the throughput capacity of Europe's innovation stakeholders | 2016 |
129 | SCULTMARKET | Feasibility Study to Combat Physical Inactivity and Improve Sporting Skills through SCULT Sport Mentors and Coaches Marketplace | 2016 |
130 | POSE | Poetics of Statelessness in Twentieth-Century France and Europe | 2016 |
131 | Hidden Galleries | Creative Agency and Religious Minorities: ‘hidden galleries’ in the secret police archives in 20th Century Central and Eastern Europe | 2016 |
132 | MCTRinIA | Resolution Pharmacology and Physiology of MCTR in Arthritis | 2016 |
133 | HIGGSBNDL | Higgs bundles: Supersymmetric Gauge Theories and Geometry | 2016 |
134 | ICRI 2016 | International Conference on Research Infrastructures (ICRI 2016) | 2015 |
135 | EngageME | Automated Measurement of Engagement Level of Children with Autism Spectrum Conditions during Human-robot Interaction | 2016 |
136 | COEED | The Court of Elizabeth I – A European Drama | 2016 |
137 | NCR | Visible Light-Mediated Synthesis of Nitrogen-Centered Radicals: New Reactivity via Photoredox Catalysis and Electron-Transfer Complexes | 2017 |
138 | ANTILGBT | Anti-LGBT organising and its transnational dynamics: The case of the Balkans | 2016 |
139 | DrugCrops | Drought discovery to improve drought tolerance in crops | 2017 |
140 | OPEST | Organisational public engagement with science and society (OPEST) | 2016 |
141 | COLEDISO | Corporate Legitimacy in Digital Society: The Role of Citizens’ Judgments in Social Media | 2016 |
142 | Dig-For-Arch | Digital Forensic Archaeology | 2017 |
143 | ChroMe | Chromatin and Metabolism Chromatin-metabolism interactions as targets for healthy living | 2016 |
145 | DITOs | Doing It Together science (DITOs) | 2016 |
146 | STIMEY | Science Technology Innovation Mathematics Engineering for the Young | 2016 |
147 | EURAXIND | EURAXESS for Industry | 2016 |
148 | Marine Mammals | Using marine mammals for making science education and science careers attractive for young people | 2016 |
149 | BigPicnic | Big Picnic:Big Questions - engaging the public with Responsible Research and Innovation on Food Security | 2016 |
150 | artes EUmanities | a.r.t.e.s. EUmanities - European Graduate School for the Humanities Cologne | 2017 |
151 | LANDSENSE | A Citizen Observatory and Innovation Marketplace for Land Use and Land Cover Monitoring | 2016 |
152 | GROW | GROW Observatory | 2016 |
153 | INTERWOVEN | Collecting, Displaying and Understanding Textiles in Decorative Arts Museums: Comparative Approaches in London and Madrid. | 2016 |
154 | MinimalSelf | Embodiment, Intersubjectivity, and the Minimal Self | 2016 |
155 | YnotSing | Evolution of sexual dimorphisms: all about losing not choosing? | 2016 |
156 | DEBUNKER | The Problem of European Misperceptions in Politics, Health, and Science:Causes, Consequences, and the Search for Solutions | 2016 |
157 | SUMPs-Up | European Programme for Accelerating the Take up of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans | 2016 |
158 | CLoSER | Cementing Links between Science and society toward Engagement and Responsibility | 2016 |
159 | reSEARCH | Re(search) | 2016 |
160 | Science Uncovered | Science Uncovered | 2016 |
161 | LIGHTS Nights | LIGHTS in Lincoln – Get Hold of Tech and Science research nights | 2016 |
163 | STEAM | STEAM- Making Sense of Science through Art | 2016 |
164 | LUNA 2016 | LUnga notte della Ricerca - Lange NAcht der Forschung | 2016 |
165 | COOLandHOT | COolest Of Labs Hottest Of Theories | 2016 |
167 | CompBioMed | A Centre of Excellence in Computational Biomedicine | 2016 |
168 | DENDRITECIRCUITS | The origins of dendritic computation within mammalian neural circuits | 2016 |
169 | MEDIA4SEC | The emerging role of new social media in enhancing public security | 2016 |
170 | FuSEL | FUnerals as public Services in long Eighteenth century London | 2016 |
171 | Human City Platform | A Human City Platform for town and city councils to foster citizen engagement | 2016 |
172 | SHARPER | SHAring Researchers’ Passion for Engagement and Responsibility | 2016 |
173 | ConnectProtect | A total cyber protection service to Small Businesses operating critical infrastructure and Residential customers | 2016 |
174 | Observable Stability | Evolutionary stability, observability, and efficiency | 2016 |
175 | ARCHES | Accessible Resources for Cultural Heritage EcoSystems | 2016 |
176 | SuccessfulGovernance | Success in Public Governance: Assessing and explaining how public problems are sometimes addressed remarkably effectively | 2016 |
177 | SIDSCA | Defective DNA Damage Responses in Dominant Neurodegenerative Diseases | 2016 |
178 | HOUSREG | Social Art as a Tool for Empowerment: Housing Deprivation and Citizen Initiatives for Change | 2016 |
179 | INPRO | Improving IPR management services to SMEs engaging in peer learning activities | 2016 |
180 | FRESH | FRESH - Find Researchers Everywhere and SHare | 2016 |
181 | BEU2016 | Organisation of the EU international Bioeconomy Stakeholders Conference - Utrecht 2016 | 2016 |
182 | King of App | Launching the First Open Source Mobile Content Management System for Apps | 2016 |
183 | EASYPONIC | The unique “Nanny” sensor and app that cares and engages growers through the hydroponic process | 2016 |
184 | SHIM | Shim-Scaling mental well-being through an automated self-help app | 2016 |
185 | BactInd | Bacterial cooperation at the individual cell level | 2016 |
186 | ARTIVISM | Art and Activism : Creativity and Performance as Subversive Forms of Political Expression in Super-Diverse Cities | 2016 |
187 | ETIP OCEAN | European Technology and Innovation Platform for Ocean Energy | 2016 |
188 | EUROPAH | The Extensive and Ubiquitous Role of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Space | 2016 |
189 | FIWARE Mexico | Enhancing FIWARE collaboration between Europe and Mexico | 2016 |
190 | CATCH | Cancer: Activating Technology for Connected Health | 2016 |
191 | TEAM | Technology Enabled Adolescent Mental Health | 2016 |
192 | AceForm4.0 | Activating Value Chains for EU leadership in FORMulation Manufacturing 4.0 | 2016 |
193 | BuyZET | BuyZET – Procurement of innovative solutions for zero emission urban delivery of goods and services | 2016 |
194 | EMOTIVE | Emotive Virtual cultural Experiences through personalized storytelling | 2016 |
195 | GIFT | Meaningful Personalization of Hybrid Virtual Museum Experiences Through Gifting and Appropriation | 2017 |
196 | MMPCURSRT | A multi-method perspective on children's use of rehearsal in serial recall tasks | 2016 |
197 | FAMEC | Forensic Architecture: The Media Environments of Conflict | 2016 |
198 | ACAP | Asset Centric Adaptive Protection | 2016 |
199 | Gaming Horizons | Gaming Horizons | 2016 |
200 | CASA | Common Agriculutral and wider bioeconomy reSearch Agenda | 2016 |
201 | EMMA | Enriching Market solutions for content Management and publishing with state of the art multimedia Analysis techniques | 2017 |
202 | INDALG | Development of an innovative algae based tertiary wastewater treatment and value recovery system | 2016 |
203 | EU-MACS | European Market for Climate Services | 2016 |
204 | BioReg | Absorbing the Potential of Wood Waste in EU Regions and Industrial Bio-based Ecosystems | 2017 |
205 | FORAM | Towards a World Forum on Raw Materials (FORAM) | 2016 |
206 | Trillium II | Trillium Bridge II - Reinforcing the Bridges and Scaling up EU/US Cooperation on Patient Summary | 2017 |
207 | SCOPE | Support and Coordination of the Partnering Environment for FET Flagships | 2017 |
208 | AgriDemo-F2F | Building an interactive AgriDemo-Hub community: enhancing farmer to farmer learning | 2017 |
209 | Adapptise | Redefining the way brands and game developers reach audiences - A fresh approach to advertising and customer retention. | 2016 |
210 | IACG-QFIIs | Institutional Activism in Corporate Governance: Qualified Foreign Institutional Investors in China | 2016 |
211 | Habit | Roman Catholic laywomen’s “turn to habit” as a strategy of developing modern pious womanhood: Catholic female social reformers in France, Germany and Partitioned Poland between 1878-1914. | 2016 |
212 | PHABLABS 4.0 | PHotonics enhanced fAB LABS supporting the next revolution in digitalization | 2016 |
213 | FLAME | Facility for Large-scale Adaptive Media Experimentation | 2017 |
214 | OPERAS-D | Design for Open access Publications in European Research Areas for Social Sciences and Humanities | 2017 |
215 | eInfraCentral | European E-Infrastructure Services Gateway | 2017 |
216 | U4IoT | User Engagement for Large Scale Pilots in the Internet of Things | 2017 |
217 | PLIS | Peer Learning Innovation Services | 2016 |
218 | CANDID | Checking Assumptions aND promoting responsibility In smart Development projects | 2017 |
219 | REVEAL | Realising Education through Virtual Environments and Augmented Locations | 2017 |
220 | Nature4Cities | Nature Based Solutions for re-naturing cities: knowledge diffusion and decision support platform through new collaborative models | 2016 |
221 | NextGEOSS | Next Generation GEOSS for Innovation Business | 2016 |
222 | FI-GLOBAL | FI-GLOBAL: Building and supporting a global open community of FIWARE innovators and users | 2016 |
223 | IE2advisor | Intelligent Energy Efficiency Advisor | 2016 |
224 | CARBOMET | Metrology of Carbohydrates for Enabling European Bioindustries | 2017 |
225 | ZikaPLAN | Zika Preparedness Latin American Network | 2016 |
227 | INTERWASTE | Synergising International Research Studies into the Environmental Fate and Behaviour of Toxic Organic Chemicals in the Waste Stream | 2017 |
228 | SLAFNET | Slavery in Africa: a dialogue between Europe and Africa | 2017 |
229 | WILDTHING | Crowdsourcing for the control of Invasive Alien Flora Species | 2016 |
230 | Homer | HOMER - Development of Home Rehabilitation system | 2016 |
231 | ESIL | Early Stage Investing Launchpad - Unleashing the potential of early stage investing in Europe | 2017 |
232 | FORCE | Cities Cooperating for Circular Economy | 2016 |
233 | BYPASSWITHOUTSURGERY | Reaching the effects of gastric bypass on diabetes and obesity without surgery | 2017 |
234 | INSTRUCT-ULTRA | Releasing the full potential of Instruct to expand and consolidate infrastructure services for integrated structural life science research | 2017 |
236 | PRE-EST | Preparatory Phase for the European Solar Telescope | 2017 |
237 | EOSCpilot | The European Open Science Cloud for Research Pilot Project. | 2017 |
238 | URBAN-EU-CHINA | EU-China Innovation Platform on Sustainable Urbanisation | 2017 |
239 | MEXRES | Restoration and Faith: practicing religion and conservation in Mexico's historic churches | 2016 |
240 | NARMESH | Narrating the Mesh: Ecology and the Non-Human in Contemporary Fiction and Oral Storytelling | 2017 |
241 | Al-medicare | Disruptive Artificial Intelligence engine to facilitate rapid low cost development of specialist e-health applications for smart decision making in medical pre-diagnosis | 2017 |
242 | ENCIRCLE | Enhancing Research Careers and mobility in Macedonia | 2017 |
243 | DEXCORE | The Digest and the Exploitation of the Countryside in the Western Roman Empire (2d cent. BC-3rd cent. AD). Evidence of the water control | 2017 |
244 | DARE | Dialogue About Radicalisation and Equality | 2017 |
245 | MITOSENSING | Decoding mitochondrial nutrient-sensing programs in POMC neurons as key determinants of metabolic health | 2017 |
246 | HumanUniqueness | Does the temporal cortex make humans special? What comparing the human and great ape brain can tell us about cognitive evolution | 2017 |
247 | ConscriptedVolunteer | Conscripted Volunteering: An Ethnographic Study of Community Engagement Schemes in the Israeli Military | 2017 |
248 | PRIMASKOTI | PReparing Introduction to MArket of SKOTI (PRIMASKOTI) - a breakthrough solution for real-time studies of cytoskeletal motors at single-molecule resolution | 2017 |
249 | HRMN | Human Rights, Memorialization and Nationalism | 2017 |
250 | S-OMMs | Smart Optical Metamaterials: A route towards electro-tuneable fast-reversible self-assembly of nanoparticles at controlled electrochemical interfaces | 2018 |
251 | MigSol | Migration Solidarity and Acts of Citizenship along the Balkan Route | 2017 |
252 | Sounds Delicious | Sounds Delicious: A historical anthropology of listening and sound in Danish and French cooking | 2018 |
253 | ASISA | Advanced Superlattice Infrared detectors for Space Applications | 2017 |
254 | Cleansing Water | Water and Baptism in Old English Poetry | 2017 |
255 | MER-CURE | Using global marine metagenomics to understand MERcury microbial associated processes: finding a CURE for mercury contaminated environments | 2018 |
256 | ENTIMENT | Industrial Exploitation and Market Uptake of a Temporal Cognition Toolbox for Commercial Robots | 2017 |
257 | ADAPT-SMART | Accelerated Development of Appropriate Patient Therapies: a Sustainable, Multi-stakeholder Approach from Research to Treatment-outcomes - Sofia ref.: 115890 | 2015 |
258 | ZVW | Evaluation of the side effects of Virtual Reality technology on young peoples' bodies and minds to create an innovative solution to a nascent problem | 2017 |
259 | FIEC | Fiction, Imagination, and Early Cinema | 2017 |
260 | GENSEG | Understanding the impact of parental occupation on gender differences in field of study choice in Germany | 2017 |
261 | PODI | Realizing the political rights of persons with disabilities | 2017 |
262 | ACTICIPATE | Action understanding in human and robot dyadic interaction | 2017 |
263 | GeneVision | Developing a cure for retinitis pigmentosa due to Usher syndrome | 2017 |
264 | PATHORISC | Reprogramming of small RNA function in plant-pathogen interactions | 2017 |
265 | VIRTUE | Wealth, Virtue and Social Justice in Contemporary Tibet | 2017 |
266 | IoMUT | The Internet of Musical Things - An ecosystem of interoperable devices connecting performers and audiences | 2017 |
267 | VRAASP | using Virtual Reality and Archaeoacoustic Analysis to Study and exhibit Presence | 2017 |
268 | ASSIST | ASSIST - Support Network for Household Energy Saving | 2017 |
269 | SAVES2 | Students Achieving Valuable Energy Savings 2 | 2017 |
270 | | Enhancing the Responsible and Sustainable Expansion of the Science Shops Ecosystem in Europe | 2017 |
271 | InSPIRES | Ingenious Science shops to promote Participatory Innovation, Research and Equity in Science. | 2017 |
272 | JOINTATT | The evolutionary and developmental origins of Joint Attention: a longitudinal cross-species and cross-cultural comparison | 2017 |
273 | FORENSICS | Illicit Markets, Unobserved Competitors, and Illegal Behavior | 2017 |
274 | AEGIS | Accelerating EU-US DialoGue for Research and Innovation in CyberSecurity and Privacy | 2017 |
275 | I3CP | Industrial and Infrastructure Investor Confidence Project | 2017 |
276 | Laelia Due | A smart pellet stove that combines efficient heat generation with IoT | 2017 |
277 | LIVESEED | Improve performance of organic agriculture by boosting organic seed and plant breeding efforts across Europe | 2017 |
278 | CLEAR 2.0 | enabling Consumers to Learn about, Engage with, Adopt and regulate Renewable energy technologies 2.0 | 2017 |
279 | POLITICO | Political Concepts in the World | 2018 |
280 | P2PCS | Peer-2-peer Car Sharing | 2017 |
281 | POLITICS | The politics of anti-racism in Europe and Latin America: knowledge production, decision-making and collective struggles | 2017 |
282 | EEN Scotland EIMC | EEN Scotland EIMC | 2017 |
283 | IRiMaS | Interactive Research in Music as Sound:Transforming Digital Musicology | 2017 |
284 | inDemand | Demand driven co-creation for public entities. | 2017 |
285 | EDIFLO PRO | Smart video for smart devices | 2017 |
286 | 3ants | Enhancing security of digital property rights and citizens’ awareness through an innovative anti-piracyframework of digital content based on Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence | 2017 |
287 | EFFIKILN | Development of an efficient hydro-based, waste heat extraction system for kiln rollers in ceramic tile production | 2017 |
288 | SIMDAS | Upgrade of CaSToRC into a Center of Excellence in Simulation and Data Science | 2017 |
289 | SLO-ACE | Slovenian Centre of Excellence for Agricultural Sciences | 2017 |
290 | GoNano | Governing Nanotechnologies through societal engagement | 2017 |
291 | FOOD CITIZENS | Food citizens? Collective food procurement in European cities: solidarity and diversity, skills and scale | 2017 |
292 | UtilitEE | Utility Business Model Transformation through human-centric behavioural interventions and ICT tools for Energy Efficiency | 2017 |
293 | YEASTDOC | Yeast Biotechnology Doctoral Training Programme | 2017 |
294 | Evolchip | EVOLchip - predicting antibiotic resistance for sustainable antibiotic stewardship | 2017 |
295 | FEEdBACk | Fostering Energy Efficiency and BehAvioural Change through ICT | 2017 |
296 | FogGuru | FogGuru: Training the Next Generation of European Fog Computing Experts | 2017 |
297 | HYBRID | Innovative Training Network towards raising and supporting the next generation of creative and entrepreneurial cross-speciality imaging experts | 2017 |
298 | NESTORE | Novel Empowering Solutions and Technologies for Older people to Retain Everyday life activities | 2017 |
299 | PASTRES | Pastoralism, Uncertainty and Resilience: Global Lessons from the Margins | 2017 |
301 | EURITO | EU Relevant, Inclusive, Timely, Trusted, and Open Research Innovation Indicators | 2018 |
302 | ESOF2018 | EuroScience Open Forum ESOF2018 | 2017 |
303 | DecodingInfection | Decoding the host-pathogen interspecies crosstalk at a multiparametric single-cell level | 2017 |
304 | 3DMOSHBOND | Three-Dimensional Mapping Of a Single Hydrogen Bond | 2018 |
305 | NEMESIS | Novel Educational Model Enabling Social Innovation Skills development | 2017 |
307 | ST WI-FI | Innovative model of a simultaneous translation service, consisting in a cloud-based softwareplatform that delivers audio translations to venue audience through automated managed Wi-Finetworks. | 2017 |
308 | BOND | Bringing Organisations and Network Development to higher levels in the farming sector in Europe | 2017 |
309 | NGI MOVE | Ecosystem building blocks for the Next Generation Internet movement | 2017 |
310 | GENDEMOTION | The Gendered Politics of Emotion in Austerity Ireland | 2017 |
311 | FraMEPhys | A Framework for Metaphysical Explanation in Physics | 2018 |
312 | SUGARCODING | The neuroenergetics of memory consolidation – hybrid PET/MR imaging of the default mode network | 2018 |
313 | PoliVisu | Policy Development based on Advanced Geospatial Data Analytics and Visualisation | 2017 |
314 | EMPATHIC | Empathic, Expressive, Advanced Virtual Coach to Improve Independent Healthy-Life-Years of the Elderly | 2017 |
315 | CoSIE | Co-creation of service innovation in Europe | 2017 |
316 | Data4Impact | Big DATA approaches FOR improved monitoring of research and innovation performance and assessment of the societal IMPACT in the Health, Demographic Change and Wellbeing Societal Challenge | 2017 |
317 | AUTISMS | Decomposing Heterogeneity in Autism Spectrum Disorders | 2018 |
318 | ENABLING | Enhance New Approaches in BioBased Local Innovation Networks for Growth | 2017 |
319 | COLLECTORS | waste COLLECTiOn systems assessed and good pRacticeS identified | 2017 |
320 | S2S4E | Sub-seasonal to Seasonal climate forecasting for Energy | 2017 |
321 | LOFAR4SW | LOFAR for Space Weather | 2017 |
322 | SHARE4RARE | Social media platform dedicated to rare diseases, using collective intelligence for the generation of awareness and advanced knowledge on this large group of diseases. | 2018 |
323 | SEP 2.0 | Startup Europe Partnership 2.0 | 2018 |
324 | FotoInMotion | Repurposing and enriching images for immersive storytelling through smart digital tools | 2018 |
325 | Engage | Knowledge Transfer Network proposed in response to the SESAR-ER3-01-2016 Call | 2018 |
326 | GLOBTAXGOV | A New Model of Global Governance in International Tax Law Making | 2018 |
327 | UNIVERSAL HEALTH | Engaged Universals: Ethnographic explorations of ‘Universal Health Coverage’ and the public good in Africa | 2018 |
328 | DiSect | The Tumour Stroma as a Driver of Clonal Selection | 2018 |
329 | easyCOPRO | Open book EPC for Brussels’ condominiums | 2018 |
330 | INSULYNC | INSULYNC: Changing the way diabetes is treated | 2018 |
331 | BotsAndUS | BotsAndUS - First Assistant Robot For Retail And Hospitality | 2018 |
332 | HOLOBALANCE | HOLOgrams for personalised virtual coaching and motivation in an ageing population with BALANCE disorders | 2017 |
333 | ProTeAN | Production and Testing of humAn-derived Neurons and brain organoids: advanced model probing in neurodevelopmental disorders | 2018 |
334 | WAI | Wiraya Activation Intelligence | 2018 |
335 | NEFERTITI | Networking European Farms to Enhance Cross Fertilisation and Innovation Uptake through Demonstration | 2018 |
336 | SOCIOCOMPLEXITY | Sociocomplexity — new paradigms for understanding complex group-level adaptation | 2018 |
337 | MISFIRES | Misfires and Market Innovation: Toward a Collaborative Turn in Organising Markets | 2018 |
338 | E FUNDIA | Ecosystem function and Diversity in Amazonia | 2018 |
339 | ACElab | Alpine Community Economies Lab: Bringing together multi-level stakeholders to co-produce sustainable alpine futures in the light of economic globalisation and climate change | 2019 |
340 | Media andConspiracy | Lost in an Ocean of Information? Media in the Everyday Life of Conspiracy Theorists | 2019 |
341 | FINSEC | Integrated Framework for Predictive and Collaborative Security of Financial Infrastructures | 2018 |
342 | CultureLabs | Culture Labs: recipes for social innovation | 2018 |
343 | CUREORCURSE | Non-elected politics. Cure or Curse for the Crisis of Representative Democracy? | 2018 |
344 | DiCrEd | Towards a Digital Critical Edition of The Works of Giuseppe Verdi | 2019 |
345 | SOUNDSCENE | How does the brain organize sounds into auditory scenes? | 2018 |
346 | LIVERUR | Living Lab research concept in Rural Areas | 2018 |
347 | SOIL-4-CONTROL | Linking plant-soil feedbacks to aboveground-belowground interactions for noxious weed control | 2019 |
348 | SurvCom | Surveilling Communities: Public office holders and popular control in Southern Europe (13th-15th century) | 2018 |
349 | UNIFORM | A Unified Sustainability Index Framework for Small and Medium Enterprises | 2018 |
350 | WAEE | Women at the Edge of Empire: Female Social Identity in the Lower Danube in 4th-6th Centuries AD | 2018 |
351 | HACKIT | Hacking your way to IT expertise: What digital societies can (and need to) learn from informal learning in hackerspaces | 2019 |
352 | ORO | A General Strategy for the Generation and Use of Oxygen Centered Radicals in Organic Synthesis | 2018 |
353 | SCIENCE-MINQ | Developing Rapid Inquiry as a pedagogical framework for multimodal interactions in informal science settings | 2019 |
354 | ODYSSEA | Population Dynamics in the Southeast European Neolithic: Prehistoric Archaeology and Palaeogenomics | 2018 |
355 | PS | Predicting Suicide | 2018 |
356 | THREAT | The threat status of endemic Atlantic Forest trees | 2018 |
357 | ArcticLabourTime | Investing in the Arctic: the affective and temporal contradictions of work, mobility and inequality in northern peripheries | 2018 |
358 | INTIMIZ | Interracial intimacy in Africa: Afro-European couples, cross cultural transactions, and social changes in Islamic Zanzibar | 2018 |
359 | REMEDHY | Researching Environments that Magnify Health Everyday (REMEDHY) | 2018 |
361 | PEPPER | Positive Environment in Public Participation and Engagement for Responsible Research and Innovation | 2018 |
362 | NEUROTILES | Bioengineered hippocampal organoids for epilepsy treatment | 2018 |
363 | Innovators2B | Integrated approach to first time innovators – assisting SMEs in transition of their potential to actual innovation | 2018 |
364 | TheSocialBusiness | The advantages and pitfalls of elicitated online user engagement | 2018 |
365 | DRONETHICS | Emergent Ethics of Drone Violence: Toward a Comprehensive Governance Framework | 2018 |
366 | CLEVER Cities | CLEVER Cities - Co-designing Locally tailored Ecological solutions for Value added, socially inclusivE Regeneration in Cities | 2018 |
367 | CALCULUS | Commonsense and Anticipation enriched Learning of Continuous representations sUpporting Language UnderStanding | 2018 |
368 | EUROLAB4HPC2 | Consolidation of European Research Excellence in Exascale HPC Systems | 2018 |
369 | NanoMAGIQ | Nanoscale magnetic imaging with quantum sensors | 2018 |
370 | CoCirculation2 | CO-FUNDED Brain Circulation Scheme 2 | 2018 |
371 | INNOCHALLENGE | Problem Driven Innovation Support Initiatives for SMEs | 2018 |
372 | MOSaIC | Molecular Signaling in Health and Disease - Interdisciplinary Centre of Excellence | 2018 |
373 | Clean City | Improve urban cleanliness while optimising resources and environmental footprint | 2018 |
374 | Social Digital Lab | Gamified and collaborative digital learning open-source platform with a blockchain-based system to facilitate crowdsourced learning and the implementation of personalized education strategies | 2018 |
375 | SeedOPT | Seedwiz Plant Variety OPTimizer Boosting Crop Growth for Global Food Security | 2018 |
376 | KEEN | Creation of the “Knowledge-Empowered Entrepreneurship Network” to position Kaunas University of Technology at the forefront of EU research in entrepreneurship | 2018 |
377 | ALTFInator | Capacity-building of the financial ecosystem and its participants for improving innovative SME´s access to alternative forms of finance in Europe with focus on SE and CEE | 2018 |
378 | MEDEA | Mediterranean practitioners’ network capacity building for effective response to emerging security challenges | 2018 |
379 | ReConNeCt | Research, Connections, Networks and Culture | 2018 |
381 | Our Science | My Science - Our Science | 2018 |
382 | TRUST | Twinning foR indUstrial SustainabiliTy | 2018 |
383 | FUTURES | FUTURES: Create. Imagine. Explore. | 2018 |
384 | Sci4all | Science is for all of us | 2018 |
385 | LUNA | LUnga notte della ricerca - Lange NAcht der Forschung | 2019 |
386 | QriUS | Come and Play Science at European Researchers` Night | 2018 |
387 | LIFE LAB | LIFE LAB - Connecting Communities with the UK's leading Biotechnology and Life Science Hub | 2018 |
388 | SitC | Science in the City | 2018 |
389 | REFRESH | REFRESH - Relate, Experience, Find Research Everywhere and SHare | 2018 |
390 | Cork Discovers | Cork Discovers: Learn, Live, Love Research | 2018 |
391 | ETIP-B-SABS 2 | European Technology and Innovation Platform Bioenergy - Support of Renewable Fuels and Advanced Bioenergy Stakeholders 2 | 2018 |
392 | GenderedPeace | A Gendered International Law of Peace | 2018 |
393 | RenalToolBox | Developing novel tools and technologies to assess the safety and efficacy of cell-based regenerative medicine therapies, focusing on kidney disease | 2018 |
394 | ETIP OCEAN 2 | European Technology and Innovation Platform for Ocean Energy | 2019 |
395 | INNOVATEDIGNITY | Training the next generation of leaders to deliver innovations in dignified sustainable care systems for older people | 2019 |
396 | Watch and Give | Reinventing the way donations are being made | 2018 |
397 | RETOPEA | Religious Toleration and Peace | 2018 |
398 | FAIRshare | FAIRshare. Farm Advisory digital Innovation tools Realised and Shared | 2018 |
399 | NHM Night 7 | NHM Researchers Night | 2018 |
400 | Pro-Enrich | Development of novel functional proteins and bioactive ingredients from rapeseed, olive, tomato and citrus fruit side streams for applications in food, cosmetics, pet food and adhesives | 2018 |
401 | SENTINEL | Single-Entity NanoElectrochemistry | 2019 |
402 | MISTRAL | Multi-sectoral approaches to Innovative Skills Training for Renewable energy And sociaL acceptance | 2019 |
403 | FluidKnowledge | How evaluation shapes ocean science. A multi-scale ethnography of fluid knowledge. | 2019 |
404 | 5GENESIS | 5th Generation End-to-end Network, Experimentation, System Integration, and Showcasing | 2018 |
405 | Secreters | A new generation of microbial expression hosts and tools for the production of biotherapeutics and high-value enzymes | 2019 |
406 | PROTEIN | PeRsOnalized nutriTion for hEalthy livINg | 2018 |
407 | Our Space Our Future | Our Space our Future: making careers in the space industry an inspiring reality for all | 2018 |
408 | HPC-GIG | High Performance Computing Governance Intelligence Gathering | 2018 |
409 | MMT | Moving Marketing Technology (MMT) – Autonomous infotainment display that creatively combines digital media with robotics to produce innovative public engagement | 2018 |
410 | SAFETY FOREST | An integrated decision-making platform for the prediction, prevention and extinction of wildfires in real-time. | 2018 |
411 | PIPPI | Platform for Innovation of Procurement and Procurement of Innovation | 2018 |
412 | RETHINK | RETHINK | 2019 |
413 | EULAC-PerMed | Widening EU-CELAC policy and research cooperation in Personalised Medicine | 2019 |
414 | LEDGER | decentraLizEd Data Governance for nExt geneRation internet | 2018 |
415 | ReachOut | The Beta Testing Campaign Platform for Research Projects | 2019 |
416 | NGI_TRUST | Partnership for innovative technological solutions to ensure privacy and enhance trust for the human-centric Internet | 2018 |
417 | POPREBEL | Populist rebellion against modernity in 21st-century Eastern Europe: neo-traditionalism and neo-feudalism | 2019 |
418 | RI-VIS | Expanding research infrastructure visibility to strengthen strategic partnerships | 2019 |
419 | CityxChange | Positive City ExChange | 2018 |
420 | Euro-Argo RISE | Euro-Argo Research Infrastructure Sustainability and Enhancement | 2019 |
421 | REBUILD | REBUILD - ICT-enabled integration facilitator and life rebuilding guidance | 2019 |
422 | Learning4Kids | App-based Learning for Kindergarten Children at Home | 2019 |
423 | SCREENED | A multistage model of thyroid gland function for screening endocrine-disrupting chemicals in a biologically sex-specific manner | 2019 |
424 | BE OPEN | European forum and oBsErvatory for OPEN science in transport | 2019 |
425 | PerformB | Innovative digital platform based on machine learning to analyze large databases, aggregate them and provide results to questions made in natural language. | 2018 |
426 | REFREAM | Re-Thinking of Fashion in Research and Artist collaborating development for Urban Manufacturing | 2018 |
427 | Panda Guide | Panda Guide | 2019 |
428 | MIND | The Muslim Individual in Imperial and Soviet Russia | 2019 |
429 | TETRA | Technology harvest & transfer for an Open Internet initiative | 2019 |
430 | CLIC | Classical Influences and Irish Culture | 2019 |
431 | SERUMS | Securing Medical Data in Smart Patient-Centric Healthcare Systems | 2019 |
432 | PaCE | Populism And Civic Engagement – a fine-grained, dynamic, context-sensitive and forward-looking response to negative populist tendencies | 2019 |
433 | Flaner | Flaner, a memory enhancement software platform | 2018 |
434 | STARTS Ecosystem | Support to STARTS Community and Lighthouse Projects through the creation of an ecosystem for hybrid talent | 2019 |
436 | NGI0-Discovery | NGI Zero Discovery | 2018 |
437 | CEAD | Contextualizing Evidence for Action on Diabetes in low-resource Settings: A mixed-methods case study in Quito and Esmeraldas, Ecuador. | 2019 |
438 | MULTIPLY | Municipal peer-to-peer learning in integrating transport, land-use planning and energy policy at district level | 2018 |
439 | Gov4Nano | Implementation of Risk Governance: meeting the needs of nanotechnology | 2019 |
441 | UNMAKING | Societal transformation to sustainability through the unmaking of capitalism? A comparative study of radical grassroots innovations in Europe | 2019 |
442 | FLEXDYM | FLEXDYM, the material revolution for microfluidics | 2019 |
443 | SCAUT | Ser-Col; from finger to laboratory; personalized and automated serum collection for laboratory diagnostics | 2019 |
444 | DYNASNET | Dynamics and Structure of Networks | 2019 |
445 | SoNAR-Global | A Global Social Sciences Network for Infectious Threats and Antimicrobial Resistance | 2019 |
446 | BOTSANDUS | BotsAndUs - First Assistant Robot for Retail, Hospitality, Aiports and Real Estate Buildings | 2019 |
447 | HomeSafe | Non-Invasive, Private and Ultra-Low Cost 24/7 Health Care Monitoring for the Elderly Community | 2019 |
448 | InsurFarm | Oko's mobile-centric micro insurance protecting small farmers in developing countries from climate risks | 2019 |
449 | CSA-Industy4.E | Coordination and Support Action for Industry4.E | 2018 |
450 | BIT-ACT | Bottom-up initiatives and anti-corruption technologies: how citizens use ICTs to fight corruption | 2019 |
451 | SMAGRINET | Smart grid competence hub for boosting research, innovation and educational capacities for energy transition | 2019 |
452 | Solar QUEST | QUalitative Electricity STorage for Solar energy | 2019 |
453 | ReCoDE | Reshaping cortical circuits to decrease binge eating | 2019 |
454 | INTERRFACE | TSO-DSO-Consumer INTERFACE aRchitecture to provide innovative grid services for an efficient power system | 2019 |
455 | ENGAGE | ENGineering extracellular matrix-based de novo proteins with high Affinity to Growth factors for Enhancing bone regeneration | 2019 |
456 | SOCIALEU | The missing pillar. European social policy and Eurosceptic challenges (SOCIALEU) | 2019 |
457 | Microbial-light | Illuminating black boxes in the nitrogen cycle | 2019 |
458 | PHAS | Development of a new generation of bioengineered bandages | 2019 |
459 | High Risk Leadership | High Risk Leadership in Latin America: Women's Pursuit of Gender Justice in Violent Contexts | 2020 |
460 | SafeCEREAL | Safe Copper Engineered for Release and Efficacy on Agricultural Land | 2019 |
461 | SUFIN | Sustainable Finance and the News Media | 2019 |
462 | GREEN-FRC | Fibre Reinforced Concrete with Recycled and Waste Materials Optimised for Improved Sustainability of Urban Projects | 2020 |
463 | BICACH | Novel bifunctional HAT catalysts for site-divergent C-H functionalizations mediated by photoredox catalysis | 2019 |
464 | MAP | Music-assisted programmes: Developing communication in autism spectrum disorder through music making | 2019 |
465 | HARBOR | HARBOR. Humanitarianism and Refugees at the Border: A Transnational Feminist Analysis of Nonprofit Organizations | 2019 |
466 | PlantSoilGradients | Plant-soil feedback and local adaptation along soil fertility gradients | 2020 |
467 | ANAT-MEC | Developing 2-photon optical imaging for neural-network studies in medial entorhinal cortex of freely moving mice | 2019 |
468 | RESILIENCE | RESILIENCE: Understanding the role of resources in building resilience in marketing systems of refugee-run businesses in Europe | 2019 |
469 | MARS | Versatile mass and rheological sensing platform | 2020 |
470 | GENI | Gender, emotions and national identities: a new perspective on the abortion debates in Italy (1971-1981). | 2019 |
471 | CAR-OAC | Carotid-artery-on-a-chip device to model thromboembolisms induced by vascular lesions and perform drug screenings | 2020 |
472 | ResonanceCircuits | Illuminating neural microcircuitry underlying flicker resonance in the visual cortex | 2020 |
473 | FarGo | 'Farming God's Way': Cultivation and religious practice in contemporary South Africa | 2019 |
474 | AGRUMIG | ‘Leaving something behind’ - Migration governance and agricultural & rural change in ‘home’ communities: comparative experience from Europe, Asia and Africa | 2019 |
475 | iProcureSecurity | Strategic Partnership of Emergency Medical Service Practitioners for Coordination of Innovation Procurement | 2019 |
476 | SLIPPED | Maintenance and relapse in long-term desistance from crime and recovery from addiction | 2019 |
477 | LOBSTER | Development of Photochemical Strategies for the Generation and Use of Sulfur Radicals in the Assembly of C-S Bonds | 2019 |
478 | BIZPOL | Business as political actor – evolving practice, emerging norms and shifting expectations for a pivotal determinant of public trust in both business and democracy (BIZPOL) | 2019 |
479 | TypoArabic | Towards historically informed practice in contemporary Arabic typography | 2019 |
480 | IMPACTS9 | IMplementation Plan for Actions on CCUS Technologies in the SET Plan | 2019 |
481 | CrowdLawLab | CrowdLaw: Towards a More Inclusive Lawmaking Through Technology | 2020 |
482 | HACKS | Heating And Cooling Know-how and Solutions | 2019 |
483 | ASSESSnet | Language assessment in virtual mobility initiatives at tertiary level – teachers’ beliefs, practices and perceptions | 2019 |
484 | Ren-on-Bill | Residential Building Energy Renovations with On-Bill Financing | 2019 |
485 | BOOST HEALTH | Introducing preventive management of chronic thyroid conditions through patient empowerment and a ML-powered mHealth solution | 2019 |
486 | CHICKENSTRESS | Variations in stress responsivity in hens: matching birds to environments | 2019 |
487 | ROADMAP | Rethinking Of Antimicrobial Decision-systems in the Management of Animal Production | 2019 |
488 | FOX | Innovative down-scaled FOod processing in a boX | 2019 |
489 | NAVIGATE | Next generation of AdVanced InteGrated Assessment modelling to support climaTE policy making | 2019 |
490 | ENGAGE | Exploring National and Global Actions to reduce Greenhouse gas Emissions | 2019 |
491 | CausalBrain | Dynamic directed functional connectivity of causal learning | 2019 |
492 | SPEEDIER | SME Program for Energy Efficiency through Delivery and Implementation of EneRgy Audits | 2019 |
493 | SENSEI | Smart Energy Services Integrating the Multiple Benefits from Improving the Energy Efficiency of the European Building Stock | 2019 |
494 | EIPOD4 | EMBL Interdisciplinary Postdoc Programme 4 | 2019 |
495 | Peer2Scale-Health | Peer2Scale-Health: Peer-learning action to improve innovation support to health SMEs in their scale-up process | 2019 |
496 | BrainPlay | The self-teaching brain | 2019 |
497 | SHARE | StakeHolder-based Analysis of REsearch for Decommissioning. | 2019 |
498 | RELEVANT REALISM | Relevant Realism - Truth, Power, and Action for 21st Century Societies | 2019 |
499 | DyCLE | Dynamics of Cadmium concentrations in Leaves in response to a challenging Environment | 2019 |
500 | QuaIL | Quantum Information Learning | 2020 |
501 | e-DNA BotStop | e-DNA BotStop | 2019 |
502 | INFINITECH | Tailored IoT & BigData Sandboxes and Testbeds for Smart, Autonomous and Personalized Services in the European Finance and Insurance Services Ecosystem | 2019 |
503 | ON-MERRIT | Observing and Negating Matthew Effects in Responsible Research and Innovation Transition | 2019 |
504 | SEAS | Science education for action and engagement towards sustainability | 2019 |
505 | OSHub | Open Science Hub Network: Empowering Citizens through STEAM Education with Open Schooling | 2019 |
506 | Close | Redefining the customer journey of live event visitors | 2019 |
507 | OpCo | Operation Co-Pilot: Healthcare Process Improvement through Patient Empowerment | 2019 |
508 | EXPAND II | EXPAND II - Widening participation of countries and stakeholders in JPI Urban Europe through capacity building in urban policy, funding and research | 2019 |
509 | NAAS | NaaS - Newsroom as a service | 2019 |
510 | GeoUS | Geothermal Energy in Special Underground Structures | 2020 |
511 | CHRONO | Chronotype, health and family: The role of biology, socio- and natural environment and their interaction | 2019 |
512 | NI4OS-Europe | National Initiatives for Open Science in Europe | 2019 |
513 | FEINART | The Future of European Independent Art Spaces in a Period of Socially Engaged Art | 2020 |
514 | IEW Bucharest 2019 | INNOVATIVE ENTERPRISE WEEK BUCHAREST 2019 | 2019 |
515 | BlockStart | Helping SMEs take the first steps into the Blockchain | 2019 |
516 | MOSAICS | Hearing Matters: European Industrial Doctorate to train experts in auditory implants for minimised outcome spread and maximized participation in society | 2019 |
517 | OPEN_NEXT | Company-Community Collaboration for Open Source Development of products and services | 2019 |
519 | BIOEASTsUP | Advancing Sustainable Circular Bioeconomy in Central and Eastern European countries: BIOEASTsUP | 2019 |
520 | NeuSoSen | Neural Computations Underlying Social Behavior in Complex Sensory Environments | 2020 |
521 | PACE | The leading manufacturer-independent connected-car platform, disrupting value creation and customer communication in the automotive aftermarket | 2019 |
522 | SHERPA | Sustainable Hub to Engage into Rural Policies with Actors | 2019 |
523 | WE | Who are we? Self-identity, Social Cognition, and Collective Intentionality | 2020 |
524 | RRUSHES-5 | Commodity & land rushes and regimes: Reshaping five spheres of global social life | 2019 |
525 | CENTRAL ASIAN LAW | Legal Cultures and Business Environments in Central Asia | 2020 |
526 | RE-SOURCING | Global Stakeholder Platform for Responsible Sourcing | 2019 |
527 | Piomic | Empowering homecare solutions in advanced wound care | 2019 |
528 | Memorix | Start Learning in 3D-Worlds with Powerful Memo-Techniques | 2019 |
529 | ICHTHYS | OptImization of novel value CHains for fish and seafood by developing an integraTed sustainable approacH for improved qualitY, safety and waSte reduction | 2020 |
530 | ArtsAutonomy | The Arts of Autonomy: Pamphleteering, Popular Philology, and the Public Sphere, 1988-2018 | 2020 |
531 | EnTrust | Enlightened trust: An examination of trust and distrust in governance – conditions, effects and remedies | 2020 |
532 | SnapEarth | Fostering Earth Observation market uptake thanks to natural and holistic access to added value data generated through cutting-edge Artificial Intelligence technologies | 2019 |
533 | SmartCulTour | Smart Cultural Tourism as a Driver of Sustainable Development of European Regions | 2020 |
534 | EASYRIGHTS | Enabling immigrants to easily know and exercise their rights | 2020 |
535 | ENRIITC | European Network of Research Infrastructures & IndusTry for Collaboration | 2020 |
536 | KYKLOS 4.0 | An Advanced Circular and Agile Manufacturing Ecosystem based on rapid reconfigurable manufacturing process and individualized consumer preferences | 2020 |
537 | ATLOMY | Anatomy in Ancient Greece and Rome: An Interactive Visual and Textual Atlas | 2020 |
538 | METRICS | Metrological Evaluation and Testing of Robots in International CompetitionS | 2020 |
539 | REINFORCE | REsearch INfrastructures FOR Citizens in Europe | 2019 |
540 | CHAMELEONS | Championing A Multi-Sectoral Education and Learning Experience to Open New Pathways for Doctoral Students | 2020 |
541 | MIDEBT | The Micro-foundations of Debt Crises | 2020 |
542 | UNDERTREES | Creating knowledge for UNDERsTanding ecosystem seRvicEs of agroforEStry systems through a holistic methodological framework | 2020 |
543 | CONTESTED_TERRITORY | From Contested Territories to alternatives of development: Learning from Latin America | 2020 |
544 | CSI-COP | Citizen Scientists Investigating Cookies and App GDPR compliance | 2020 |
545 | Motionlab | Motionlab: Data driven SaaS platform that made the complex video-personalization accessible and easy | 2019 |
546 | ESOF2020 | EuroScience Open Forum 2020 Trieste | 2019 |
547 | CardioProtectMI | A New Drug Therapy for the treatment of ST Elevated Myocardial Infarction | 2019 |
548 | WorkFREE | Slavery, Work and Freedom: What Can Cash Transfers Contribute to the Fight for Decent Work? | 2020 |
549 | IMPACT DIABETES B2B | Implementation Action to prevent Diabetes from Bump 2 Baby (IMPACT DIABETES B2B): a low-resource system of care intervention for appropriate gestational weight gain and improved postnatal outcomes | 2020 |
550 | DigiFed | Digital Innovation Hubs (DIH) federation for large scale adoption of digital technologies by European SMEs | 2020 |
551 | TRIPS | TRansport Innovation for vulnerable-to-exclusion People needs Satisfaction | 2020 |
552 | EEN Scotland EIMC | EEN Scotland EIMC | 2020 |
553 | Mendi Neurofeedback | The world’s most powerful brain training device for home use. | 2019 |
554 | INCIT-EV | Large demonstratIoN of user CentrIc urban and long-range charging solutions to boosT an engaging deployment of Electric Vehicles in Europe | 2020 |
555 | Ports | Between Sea and City: Ethnographic explorations of infrastructure, work, and place around leading urban container ports | 2020 |
556 | SPATEMP | From spatial relationships to temporal correlations: New vistas on predictive coding | 2020 |
558 | EVaP | Elections, Violence, and Parties | 2020 |
559 | FACEDIFF | Individual differences in facial expressivity: Social function, facial anatomy and evolutionary origins | 2020 |
560 | ULTRA-VIOLENCE | Ultras in Portugal: Narratives of Violence, Politics and Gender | 2020 |
561 | SOJUFOW | Social Justice and the Future of Work | 2020 |
562 | UViMCA | Utility and Usership in Virtual Museums of Contemporary Art | 2020 |
563 | BFHA 2020 | Innovation for better ageing | 2019 |
564 | ECURES | Encouraging CUlture of REsponsible RoboticS | 2021 |
565 | REALMAX | Replenishing the limited Aluminium reservoir of MAX phase coatings in harsh environments | 2020 |
566 | AscNet | Favorable Conditions of the Spread of the Cult of Asclepius across the Transportation Network of the Roman Mediterranean: A Quantitative Evaluation | 2020 |
567 | RESCATA | Species Responses to Climate Change in the Amazon To Andes region | 2020 |
568 | IDENTIS | Identity-scapes of Sardinia: productivity, burials, and social relationships of AD 100-600 west-central Sardinia | 2020 |