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H2020 projects about "impressive"

The page lists 143 projects related to the topic "impressive".

# achronym  title  year 
1 INMARE Industrial Applications of Marine Enzymes: Innovative screening and expression platforms to discover and use the functional protein diversity from the sea 2015
2 realFlow Virtualization of Real Flows for Animation and Simulation 2015
3 NewAve New avenues towards solving the dark matter puzzle 2015
4 SQUALAC Preclinical development of squalenic acid and gemcitabine squalene nanomedicine 2015
5 BrainFrame Automated framework for rapid simulations of high-detail brain models 2015
6 Cancer-Targeted PolyIC Treatment of EGFR over-expressing cancers by targeted non-viral delivery of PolyIC 2015
7 Sound of Vision Natural sense of vision through acoustics and haptics 2015
8 AURES Auctions for Renewable Energy Support: Effective use and efficient implementation options 2015
9 Protein Lego Protein design from sub-domain sized fragments 2015
10 WISER Wide-Impact cyber SEcurity Risk framework 2015
11 CAPITULA Variation on a theme: evolutionary-developmental insights into the Asteraceae flower head 2015
12 NP4theLHC14 New Physics for the Large Hadron Collider: new minimal models of composite Higgs 2015
13 EWatLHC Electro-Weak corrections at the LHC 2015
14 SiPhoN Single-Photon Non-Locality 2015
15 Unbabel Unbabel: Scalable, affordable and seamless content globalization using distributed crowd-post editing 2015
16 CNAP HD Continuous Non-invasive diagnosis of Arterial Pressure and Hemodynamics 2015
17 Neural Designer A high performance solution for predictive analytics 2015
18 ComplEvol Evolutionary origins of complex ecological adaptations 2015
19 PlastiCell Using a natural cellular plasticity event to decypher the cellular requirements and molecular circuitry promoting transdifferentiation at the single cell level. 2015
20 ULTRAQCL Ultrashort Pulse Generation from Terahertz Quantum Cascade Lasers 2015
21 SURFINK Functional materials from on-surface linkage of molecular precursors 2015
22 SUPERFLUIDITY Superfluidity: a super-fluid, cloud-native, converged edge system 2015
23 HAS Harmonic Analysis and l-adic sheaves 2015
24 AEROSOL Astrochemistry of old stars: direct probing of unique chemical laboratories 2016
25 HERCULES High-Performance Real-time Architectures for Low-Power Embedded Systems 2016
26 PropMat Support to Future CROR and UHBR Propulsion System Maturation 2016
27 microCrysFact Microfluidic Crystal Factories (μ-CrysFact): a breakthrough approach for crystal engineering 2016
28 COMPROP Computational Propaganda:Investigating the Impact of Algorithms and Bots on Political Discourse in Europe 2016
29 CRISP Citizenship, Recovery and Inclusive Society Partnership 2016
30 A3R Air To Air Automatic Refuelling 2016
31 CATA-LUX Light-Driven Asymmetric Organocatalysis 2016
32 SolarALMA ALMA – The key to the Sun’s coronal heating problem. 2016
33 TissueMaps Integrating spatial and genetic information via automated image analysis and interactive visualization of tissue data 2016
34 ANSWER Autonomous Soft Robots Without Electronics 2016
35 nanoOIPC Surface characterization of nano-particle embedded organic ionic plastic crystals and ionic liquid using advance 3D high resolution optical and electrochemical imaging 2016
36 High-Spin-Grav Higher Spin Gravity and Generalized Spacetime Geometry 2016
37 SACRIMA The Normativity of Sacred Images in Early Modern Europe 2016
38 Lumiblast A paradigm shift in cancer therapy – using mitochondria-powered chemiluminescence to non-invasively treat inaccessible tumours 2016
39 CAROLINE Collaborative Research Fellowships for a Responsive and Innovative Europe 2016
40 STATLEARN The reading brain as a statistical learning machine 2016
41 RicciBounds Metric measure spaces and Ricci curvature — analytic, geometric, and probabilistic challenges 2016
42 B-Brighter Enhancing OLED device performance using Fused Borylated Materials 2016
43 BrainControl Stable Brain-Machine control via a learnable standalone interface 2016
44 QR-PATROL PRO A cost effective cloud-based platform for delivering the highest level of security, supervision and management for security companies utilizing Push-to-Talk and Internet of Things technologies. 2016
45 PAPER-P Unique technology to turn on-site paper waste from the printing industry into high-quality PHA bioplastic 2016
47 SCR Disruptive Cybersecurity SaaS for SMEs and freelance developers 2016
48 PhotoMedMet Towards Novel Inert (Photo-)toxic Ru(II) Polypyridyl Complexes 2016
49 SPLICECODE Alternative Splicing Codes for Synaptic Specificity 2016
50 SCREEN Synergic Circular Economy across European Regions 2016
51 RAMSES Reactivity and Assembly of Multifunctional, Stimuli-responsive Encapsulation Structures 2016
53 NeuroAgents Neuromorphic Electronic Agents: from sensory processing to autonomous cognitive behavior 2017
54 NinZA Theranostic molecular zipper based switchable nanomedicine for overcoming drug resistance 2017
55 AXONE Commercial multiple electrode lead technology for cardiac disease 2017
56 xBeam xBeam 3D Metal Printing 2017
57 MULTIFLEXO Hierarchical multiscale modeling of flexoelectricity and related materials properties from first principles 2017
58 AgentSeal Movement of Harbour seals: an individual-based modelling framework as a reliable management tool 2018
59 TreeGraSP Tree rewriting grammars and the syntax-semantics interface:From grammar development to semantic parsing 2017
60 BEQOM Bell Experiment on Quantum Optomechanical Microresonators 2017
61 PHOTOPEROVSKITES Photoexcitation Dynamics and Direct Monitoring of Photovoltaic Processes of Solid-State Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Perovskite Solar Cells 2017
62 DiskTorqueOnPlanets New Frontiers in Modeling Planet-Disk Interactions: from Disk Thermodynamics to Multi-Planet Systems 2017
63 EaRL Expert Rule? Judges, Lawyers, and the Practices of Interpretation in International Criminal Law 2018
64 CanFaster The Translational Cancer Faster Forward doctoral programme – CanFaster 2017
65 EPGR The Evolution Problem in General Relativity 2017
66 ePT ePT - Electronic Procedure Trainer for aviation pilots and cabin crew 2017
67 PALAEOSILKROAD A Silk Road in the Palaeolithic: Reconstructing Late Pleistocene Hominin Dispersals and Adaptations in Central Asia 2017
68 THUNDERR Detection, simulation, modelling and loading of thunderstorm outflows to design wind-safer and cost-efficient structures 2017
69 5G ESSENCE Embedded Network Services for 5G Experiences 2017
70 TERRANOVA Terabit/s Wireless Connectivity by TeraHertz innovative technologies to deliver Optical Network Quality of Experience in Systems beyond 5G 2017
71 CARTOFF Ultrasensitive Cartography of vectorial Force Fields at the nanoscale 2017
72 NewLoops Higher-loop amplitudes on the sphere: a new approach to the perturbative expansion of quantum field theories 2017
73 SOMBOT Soft Micro Robotics 2017
74 CHAMPP Czech Hamburg Advanced Medical and Photonics Project 2017
75 CARBAT CAlcium Rechargeable BAttery Technology 2017
76 RobustHormoneTrans Robustness and specialization among hormone transporters: Redundant and unique roles 2018
77 CARTNET Combatting Antimicrobial Resistance Training Network 2018
78 FarCatCH Innovative Strategies for Unprecedented Remote C-H bond Functionalization by Catalysis 2018
79 enzC-Hem Creating Versatile Metallo-Enzyme Environments for Selective C-H Activation Chemistry: Lignocellulose Deconstruction and Beyond 2018
80 EFFORT Effort and Social Inequality: Advancing Measurement and Understanding Parental Origin Effects 2018
81 PMT4NIIS Predictive Maintenance Tool for Non-Intrusive Inspection Systems 2018
82 SUPERMIN Correlative Super Resolution Imaging of the Collagen Mineralization Process 2018
83 INDECRUST Integrative ecological indicators of global change based on biocrust tissue traits 2018
84 NovoFold De novo protein discovery as a tool for understanding the folding conundrum 2019
85 CVVOC The ecological consequences of chemotypic variation of damage-induced volatile organic compounds in sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata) 2018
86 ReConAg Rethinking Conscious Agency 2018
87 APOLO SmArt Designed Full Printed Flexible RObust Efficient Organic HaLide PerOvskite solar cells 2018
88 MMGNRs Molecular Magnetic Graphene Nanoribbons 2019
89 DeepInternal Going Deep and Blind with Internal Statistics 2018
90 VEHICULA VEhicles as High-status Indicators in the CUlture of Late Antiquity 2018
91 InTheMLLrBALL Innovative Therapeutic Strategies for Mixed Lineage Leukemia-rearranged B-cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia 2018
92 Smart BioSense Smart engineered Bioreceptors for developing BioSensors 2018
93 TICTOCGRAV Exploring Gravity with Ultracold Cadmium and Strontium Optical Clocks and Bragg Interferometers 2018
94 SYNMAT Synthesis of Functional Multi-Component Supramolecular Systems and Materials 2018
95 COLMIN A Google Earth Approach to Understanding Collagen Mineralization 2019
96 UBioRec Development and Testing of a Reference Computational Platform for Understanding BiomolecularRecognition 2018
97 NextGen Towards a next generation of water systems and services for the circular economy. 2018
98 MIN4ALD Use of MIN-102 for the treatment of children with cerebral ALD 2018
99 IN-do HW-free indoor navigation: augmented reality app-based SW for mobile devices 2018
100 IT4B-ALL Therapeutic immunotherapy targeting NG2 and CD22 antigens for MLL-rearranged and MLL-germline B-cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia 2019
101 PASQuanS Programmable Atomic Large-Scale Quantum Simulation 2018
102 IMPRESSIVE Integrated Marine Pollution Risk assessment and Emergency management Support Service In ports and coastal enVironmEnts 2018
103 CALORIC The Smart Thermostat with Heating Power Adjustment 2018
104 FIT2GO A toolbox for fitness landscapes in evolution 2019
106 THOR TeraHertz detection enabled by mOleculaR optomechanics 2019
107 HEAT High Efficiency heAt pipes using hierarchical nano Tubes 2019
108 SLING Efficient algorithms for sustainable machine learning 2019
109 PhotoArM Directed Evolution of Photoredox Powered Artificial Metalloenzymes for Stereodivergent Catalysis 2019
110 IMPRESSIVE ground-breakIng tandeM of transPaRent dyE SenSitIsed and peroVskite solar cElls 2019
112 AEROSIMULAT High-performance aerodynamics and aeroacoustics simulations of the new generation of high-speed gas turbines via high-order Galerkin methods 2020
113 LUBARTWORLD Migration and Holocaust: Transnational Trajectories of Lubartow Jews Across the World (1920s-1950s) 2019
114 OXWALD 2D Oxide and van der Waals layered devices 2019
115 E2-CREATE E2-CREATE: Encoding Embodied CreativityVisual arts, performing arts, film, design 2020
116 GANDALF Gamification and Datafication towards Learning Forecasting 2019
117 PepDNA-4D Four-dimensional self-assembly from peptides and DNA 2019
118 CERQUTE Certification of quantum technologies 2020
119 Hybrid-CO2RR Functional Organic-Inorganic Hybrids for Electrochemical CO2 Reduction 2020
120 Life-Inspired Life-inspired complex molecular systems controlled by enzymatic reaction networks 2019
121 SUPAIR Spectroscopy SUPAIR Spectroscopy: Single-Use Process Analytical Infrared Spectroscopy 2019
122 Starborne Novel map-population and rendering techniques for reinventing massively multiplayer online computer games 2019
123 ONCO-BOOST Boosting immuno-oncology strategies with innovative immuno-stimulants derived from bacteria, to be administrated in combination with therapeutic monoclonal antibodies 2019
124 HIBOO HIBOO, the data platform to visualize and predict the industrial world 2019
125 PHOTO-WALK Metal-catalyzed remote functionalization of aliphatic amines and amides triggered by photocatalytic sp3 C-H activation 2020
126 PCBIS Printed Circuit Board Innovative Solution 2019
127 ACOSENSE ACOSENSE: The first Acoustic online instrument for intelligent fluids analysis 2019
128 Extr3Me Extreme Mechanics of Metamaterials: From ideal to realistic conditions 2020
129 NanoGraphy Plasmon Enhanced Photocatalytic Nano Lithography 2020
130 CanFaster-Postdoc The Translational Cancer Faster Forward postdoctoral programme – CanFaster-ER 2020
131 NeuroPa Targeting the brain sigma-1 receptor: A paradigm shift for the treatment of neuro-degenerative disorders 2019
132 ThinkAhead Thinking Ahead: human planning from a predictive processing perspective 2020
133 FORCEDMIGDEV Forced Migration and Development 2020
134 RAGT Robust Algorithmic Game Theory 2020
135 SIPhoDiAS Space-grade Opto-electronic Interfaces for Photonic Digital and Analogue Very-high-throughput Satellite payloads 2020
136 e-port Drive your Electric Vehicle with the Power of the sun 2020
137 ForM-SMArt Formal Methods for Stochastic Models: Algorithms and Applications 2020
138 SunSHINE The Sun-chariot’s Journey Towards the Nordic Sky: on the (Pre-)History of Ideas on Sky, Sun, and Sunlight in Northern Europe 2020
139 MXTRONICS MXene Nanosheets For Future Optoelectronic Devices 2020
140 CriLiN An Atomic Quantum Simulator with long-range, multi-body interactions 2020
141 SAVIJU Saharan Visions of Jesus. Poetics of Muslim-to-Christian religious conversions 2020
142 COSMos Chemistry of Sponge Microbiomes 2020
143 VUAD Video Understanding for Autonomous Driving 2020