The page lists 90 projects related to the topic "nox".
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1 | ULTIMATE | Ultra Low emission Technology Innovations for Mid-century Aircraft Turbine Engines | 2015 |
2 | E-ferry | E-ferry – prototype and full-scale demonstration of next generation 100% electrically powered ferry for passengers and vehicles | 2015 |
3 | LeanShips | Low Energy And Near to zero emissions Ships | 2015 |
4 | 4FOLD | 4FOLD Reduction of the International Transport of Empty Containers by Folding | 2014 |
5 | I-Fusion | Innovative FUel Sensor for engIne OptimisatioN | 2014 |
6 | DEFLUG | Development of Environmentally Friendly Flue Gas Purification Solution | 2015 |
7 | Bio-HyPP | Biogas-fired Combined Hybrid Heat and Power Plant | 2015 |
8 | Respiratory Analyzer | Validation of calibrated RIP (respiratory inductive plethysmography) based biomarker for diagnosis of SDB (sleep-disordered breathing) and the identification of an accessible screening solution | 2015 |
9 | APA | Filter-less air pollution abatement system able to clean a wide range of pollutants at ground level for a healthier workplace and more sustainable environment. | 2015 |
10 | E6 Evolution | Dual Fuel Euro6 Engine Conversion Feasibility Study | 2015 |
11 | CARVE | Clean Air - Reduce Vehicle Emissions | 2015 |
12 | SSeMID | Stability and Sensitivity Methods for Industrial Design | 2016 |
13 | EONav | Earth Observation for Maritime Navigation | 2016 |
14 | HYBRID_BOATS | An innovative hybrid propulsion and generation system for yachts | 2015 |
15 | REDISH | CROR Engine Debris Impact SHielding. Design, manufacturing, simulation and Impact test preparation | 2016 |
16 | BIORECYGAS | Farming high value algae with industrial gas emissions | 2015 |
17 | FlexiFuel-CHX | Development of a fuel flexible and highly efficient ultra low emission residential-scale boiler with coupled heat recuperation based on flue gas condensation | 2016 |
19 | FIRE-PLUME-SENSE | Developing new drone-based gas sensing technology to characterise fire emission plumes by miniature low cost sensors | 2017 |
20 | pressureNose | Enhance efficiency of combustion engines by monitoring internal chambers Pressure with Novel contactless Optical SEnsor | 2016 |
21 | HiPower | Development of a commercial manufacturing process for a low cost, small footprint, high efficiency fully electric compressor and power controls to fulfil a market need for use in heavy goods vehicles | 2016 |
22 | 4FOLD Phase 2 | 4FOLD Reduction of the International Transport of Empty Containers by Folding | 2016 |
23 | SOPRANO | Soot Processes and Radiation in Aeronautical inNOvative combustors | 2016 |
24 | Gybrid | EKUPD | 2016 |
26 | EAGLE | Efficient Additivated Gasoline Lean Engine | 2016 |
27 | SCALAiR | Scaled Test Aircraft Preparation and Qualification | 2016 |
28 | Ascent AM | Adding Simulation to the Corporate ENvironmenT for Additive Manufacturing | 2016 |
29 | ECOVAPOR | Cost-effective High-efficiency Smart Steam Boiler of Low Emission technology | 2016 |
30 | Sleep for All | Diagnostics of sleep disorders for all patient groups | 2016 |
31 | ECO CARS | Device for reduction of emissions and fuel consumption, optimizing combustion by treatment of fuel on the vehicle | 2016 |
32 | ORBIT | Aerodynamic rigs for VHBR IP turbine | 2017 |
33 | Hi GEN Marine Turbin | Feasibility study into a portable wind turbine for ships which connects to the existing ships crane | 2017 |
34 | SABRE | Shape Adaptive Blades for Rotorcraft Efficiency | 2017 |
35 | HoxyTronic | Fuel savings and emissions reduction technology | 2017 |
36 | NANOCHEM | Nanopores for New Molecular Nitrogen Chemistry | 2017 |
37 | TRADE | Turbo electRic Aircraft Design Environment (TRADE) | 2017 |
38 | LOWCAT | Low Cost Material for Exhaust Catalysis (LowCat) | 2017 |
39 | z-BURN | Zero-Emission Catalytic Burner for heating in Electric and Hybrid Vehicles | 2017 |
40 | BIOPANELS | Biocomposite panels for transportation | 2017 |
41 | YawSTOP | First stabilisation device to enable rotation-free and rotation-controlled lifting and loading of cargo and goods by cranes or helicopters to make transportation more efficient, reliable and safe | 2017 |
42 | NYSMART | Novel dual-fuel system for modernisation of air-polluting diesel locomotives to clean and efficient gas operation | 2017 |
43 | BIRAN | IP TurBIne Rear Stage Aero/Noise Rigs | 2018 |
44 | KB plus | Ultra Compact and Highly Eco-efficient Heating System | 2017 |
45 | AFIRMATIVE | Acoustic-Flow Interaction Models for Advancing Thermoacoustic Instability prediction in Very low Emission combustors | 2018 |
46 | NOXTEK | NOx-Mitigation Technology for Retrofitting Diesel Engines | 2018 |
47 | BLUESKY | Robust kit to convert diesel vehicles to Natural Gas and Biogas for extended life and reducedcontaminants emission | 2018 |
48 | APA | Filter-less water-based Air Pollution Abatement system | 2018 |
49 | RENShip | Hybrid Carbon-free electrically driven fishing longliner with low power methanol combustion enginefor propulsion back-up and auxiliary equipment | 2018 |
50 | X-TEC | A groundbreaking renewable-energy technology for reducing truck emissions | 2018 |
51 | Particle-bound ROS | Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) in atmospheric aerosols: exploring formation, sources and dynamics of a new air pollution toxicity metric | 2018 |
52 | FUELSAVE | FS MARINE+: Hydrogen syngas injection unit for ships to save fuel and cut emissions | 2018 |
53 | ENABLEH2 | ENABLing cryogEnic Hydrogen based CO2 free air transport (ENABLEH2) | 2018 |
54 | ONE-MIX | Mid-infrared optical dual-comb generation and spectroscopy with one unstabilized semiconductor laser | 2019 |
55 | ENG GAM 2018 | Engine ITD - GAM 2018 | 2018 |
56 | Hybrid Drive | The worldwide first hybrid multi-functional municipal vehicle for a significant reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, fine particles and noise pollution in cities | 2018 |
57 | HyMethShip | Hydrogen-Methanol Ship propulsion system using on-board pre-combustion carbon capture | 2018 |
58 | PreMa | Energy efficient, primary production of manganese ferroalloys through the application of novel energy systems in the drying and pre-heating of furnace feed materials. | 2018 |
59 | ADORNO | Aicraft Design and nOise RatiNg for regiOnal aicraft | 2018 |
60 | ADVANCE | ADVANCE: Sophisticated experiments and optimisation to advance an existing CALPHAD database for next generation TiAl alloys | 2018 |
61 | SARMENTI | Smart multisensor embedded and secure system for soil nutrient and gaseous emission monitoring | 2019 |
63 | INSTABRIQ | Resource-efficient Machine for the Recycling of coal dust into High-calorie Briquettes | 2018 |
64 | NADiA | Novel Air Distribution Approaches | 2019 |
65 | SCOPUS | Smart Converters for Optimized Power Usage and Storage | 2019 |
66 | FUSINBUL | Full scale innovative pressure bulkheads for Regional Aircraft Fuselage barrel on-ground demonstrators | 2019 |
67 | DENOX | Innovative Technologies of Electrochemical Suppression and Electromagnetic Decomposition for NOx Reduction in Aeroengines | 2019 |
68 | LEAFINNOX | Development of the Lean Azimuthal Flame as an Innovative aviation gas turbine low-NOX combustion concept | 2019 |
69 | CHAiRLIFT | Compact Helical Arranged combustoRs with lean LIFTed flames | 2019 |
71 | CLEANERFLAMES | CompLex thErmoAcoustic iNteraction mEchanisms in spRay Flames in Low-nox Annular coMbustion chambErS | 2019 |
72 | AVIATOR | Assessing aViation emission Impact on local Air quality at airports: TOwards Regulation | 2019 |
73 | CASCAT | Catalytic cascade reactions. From fundamentals of nanozymes to applications based on gas-diffusion electrodes | 2019 |
74 | NOx Conversion | NOx Conversion | 2019 |
75 | FLAMINCO | Flameless affordable and high efficency micro turbine system for sustainable residential cogeneration | 2019 |
76 | SPE | Silicon-Carbide-Fiber Pilot-production in Europe | 2019 |
77 | UNIFIER19 | Community Friendly Miniliner | 2019 |
78 | RAPTOR | Research of Aviation PM Technologies, mOdelling and Regulation | 2019 |
79 | InAir | An Air Quality Monitoring Station in a Chip | 2019 |
80 | CLEAN-Photo-TEX | Advanced photocatalytic textiles to remediate urban air pollution | 2019 |
81 | GLOWOPT | Global-Warming-Optimized Aircraft Design | 2019 |
82 | ELICA | ELectric Innovative Commuter Aircraft | 2019 |
83 | DT4BIOMASS | Digital twin for biomass boilers | 2019 |
84 | SiC-MOSFET | Gas Sensors for future Ultra Low NOx Emission Legislation – Euro 7 | 2019 |
85 | ATELIER | AmsTErdam BiLbao cItizen drivEn smaRt cities | 2019 |
86 | LONGRUN | Development of efficient and environmental friendly LONG distance powertrain for heavy dUty trucks aNd coaches | 2020 |
88 | SAPIENTIAM | Secondary organic Aerosols Production in pre and post-Industrial-like ENvironments : The Impact of biogenic and Anthropogenic emissions on cliMate | 2020 |
89 | SulPure | Exhaust Gas Purification System | 2020 |
90 | AFC4TR | Active Flow Control for Tilt Rotor | 2020 |