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H2020 projects about "solids"

The page lists 119 projects related to the topic "solids".

# achronym  title  year 
1 dasQ Atomic-Scale Dynamics of Quantum Materials 2015
2 Big Splash Big Splash: Efficient Simulation of Natural Phenomena at Extremely Large Scales 2015
3 new-ppd-environments First-principles global MHD disc simulations: Defining planet-forming environments in early solar systems 2015
4 INTHERM Design, manufacturing and control of INterfaces in THERMally conductive polymer nanocomposites 2015
5 NanoHeal Nano-tailoring organo-mineral materials -Controlling strength and healing with organic molecules in mineral interfaces 2015
6 Hi-Response Innovative High Resolution Electro-Static printing of Multifunctional Materials. 2015
7 SOLACYLIN A preparative approach to geometric effects in innovative solar cell types based on a nanocylindrical structure 2015
8 GROWMOF Modelling of MOF self-assembly, crystal growth and thin film formation 2015
9 MOSUDO Water and Drug Mobility at Silica Surfaces probed with DOSY NMR 2015
10 FLYELEC Quantum Optics with single flying electrons 2015
11 OPTIMAL NMR Optimal control methods for biological solid state nuclear magnetic resonance 2015
12 AEDMOS Attosecond Electron Dynamics in MOlecular Systems 2015
13 SUPER-2D Many-body physics and superconductivity in 2D materials 2015
14 PLANTMOVE Plant movements and mechano-perception: from biophysics to biomimetics 2015
15 S3D Feasibility study to determine the use of ITS technology to replace nuclear density meters in mining, dredging and other areas of hydraulic transport. 2015
16 AdMoRe Empowered decision-making in simulation-based engineering: Advanced Model Reduction for real-time, inverse and optimization in industrial problems 2015
17 Spin-NANO Nanoscale solid-state spin systems in emerging quantum technologies 2016
18 IbD Intensified by Design® for the intensification of processes involving solids handling 2015
19 NOC2D Nucleation of Organic Crystals onto 2D materials 2015
20 AMORPHORM New stability testing method to predict the performance of amorphous formulations 2016
21 ProDIA Production, control and Demonstration of structured hybrid nanoporous materials for Industrial adsorption Applications 2015
22 Residue2Heat Renewable residential heating with fast pyrolysis bio-oil 2016
23 MAYIM Integrated method for treating a wide range of industrial waste waters based on magnetic settling and catalytic oxidation 2015
24 COMPASS Colloidal Nanomaterials for Smart Applications 2016
25 BCOOL Barocaloric materials for energy-efficient solid-state cooling 2016
26 AlterMateria Designer Quantum Materials Out of Equilibrium 2016
27 CLUSTER Birth of solids: atomic-scale processes in crystal nucleation 2016
28 AROMA-CFD Advanced Reduced Order Methods with Applications in Computational Fluid Dynamics 2016
29 TERAMAG Ultrafast spin transport and magnetic order controlled by terahertz electromagnetic pulses 2016
30 VAPOMOF Vapour phase deposition of metal-organic frameworks with luminescent guests for solid-state lighting and sensing 2016
31 FLEXOCOMP Enabling flexoelectric engineering through modeling and computation 2016
32 MATTERDESIGN New Science and Technology of Artificial Layered Structures and Devices 2016
33 DYNAPORE Dynamic responsive porous crystals 2016
34 QSpec-NewMat Quantum Spectroscopy: exploring new states of matter out of equilibrium 2016
35 PhononGap Heat transfer and friction between two closely spaced objects due to phonon transfer across a vacuum gap 2016
36 HITSUPERJU Higher-dimensional topological solids realized with multiterminal superconducting junctions 2016
38 COSMIC European Training Network for Continuous Sonication and Microwave Reactors 2016
39 GRAMOFON New process for efficient CO2 capture by innovative adsorbents based on modified graphene aerogels and MOF materials 2016
40 HyperQC Hyper Quantum Criticality 2016
41 CC4SOL Towards chemical accuracy in computational materials science 2017
42 UNIGLASS The Enigmatic Universality of Glass 2017
43 QUESTDO Quantum electronic states in delafossite oxides 2017
44 VAPORE Vapor deposition of crystalline porous solids 2016
45 chem-fs-MOF Chemical Engineering of Functional Stable Metal-Organic Frameworks: Porous Crystals and Thin Film Devices 2017
46 DustPrints Dusting for the Fingerprints of Planet Formation 2017
47 H-CCAT Solid Catalysts for activation of aromatic C-H bonds 2017
48 DAFIA Biomacromolecules from municipal solid bio-waste fractions and fish waste for high added value applications. 2017
49 MULTI2HYCAT MULTI-site organic-inorganic HYbrid CATalysts for MULTI-step chemical processes 2017
50 NanoPhennec Nanophononic devices: from phonon networks to phonon CQED 2017
51 CONIN Effects of confinement on inhomogeneous systems 2017
52 ATOM Advanced Holographic Tomographies for Nanoscale Materials: Revealing Electromagnetic and Deformation Fields, Chemical Composition and Quantum States at Atomic Resolution. 2017
53 BeStMo Beyond Static Molecules: Modeling Quantum Fluctuations in Complex Molecular Environments 2017
54 TSuNAMI Trans-Spin NanoArchitectures: from birth to functionalities in magnetic field 2017
55 GlassUniversality Universal explanation of low-temperature glass anomalies 2017
56 PLANETESYS The next-generation planet formation model 2017
57 NExtNCNaBatt Novel Extended solids based on N=C chemistry for future Na-ion Batteries 2017
58 EPIC2D Engineering Electron-Phonon Interactions of Two-Dimensional Materials from First-Principles 2017
59 SINMOF Synthesis of Spirooxindoles and INdoles pharmaceuticals using Metal-Organic Frameworks 2017
60 PROIRICE Proton-Irradiated Ice: Dynamics and Chemistry from First Principles 2017
61 TOPONANOP Topological nano-photonics 2017
62 S-CAGE Smart Coordination Polymers with Compartmentalized Pockets for Adaptive Guest Entrance 2017
63 WHIPCAT van der Waals Heterostructures for Innovative PhotoCATalysts 2017
64 IPUSS The initial 244Pu abundance of the Solar System 2017
65 SSOP Sewage Sludge to Oil Process 2017
66 AFTERLIFE Advanced Filtration TEchnologies for the Recovery and Later conversIon of relevant Fractions from wastEwater 2017
67 PHONUIT Phononic Circuits: manipulation and coherent control of phonons 2018
68 APES Accuracy and precision for molecular solids 2018
69 PURPOSE Opening a new route in solid mechanics: Printed protective structures 2018
70 RIBATI Radically innovative bacterial treatment for recalcitrant industrial wastewater 2017
71 SOPHY The role of Softness in the Physics of Defects: Probing Buried Interfaces in Perovskites Optoelectronic Devices 2018
72 POPCRYSTAL Precisely Oriented Porous Crystalline Films and Patterns 2018
73 MISOTOP Mechanochemistry: a unique opportunity for oxygen isotopic labelling and NMR spectroscopy 2018
74 topDFT A topological approach to electron correlation in density-functional theories 2018
75 DCI A new method for theoretical spectroscopy of strongly correlated materials - dynamical configuration interaction 2018
76 ADOR Assembly-disassembly-organisation-reassembly of microporous materials 2018
77 SMERC Strong Microwave Erbium Coupling 2019
78 MOFdynamics Investigating metal-organic frameworks using excited-state dynamics and theoretical spectroscopy 2018
79 PLaTONE PLasmonics@Transparent cONductive oxidEs 2018
80 ExQuiSid Extreme Quantum Matter in Solids 2018
81 TRANSFORMER Structural transformations and phase transitions in real-time 2018
82 MIRed Streak Mid-InfraRed Streak Camera 2018
83 Pirocrack Integrated pyrolisis and thermal cracking technology to revolutionise the MSW treatment market 2018
84 SQUARE Scalable Rare Earth Ion Quantum Computing Nodes 2018
85 EntangleUltraCold Entanglement in Strongly Correlated Quantum Many-Body Systems with Ultracold Atoms 2019
86 ANGULON Angulon: physics and applications of a new quasiparticle 2019
87 FACT Factorizing the wave function of large quantum systems 2019
88 MIDNP Metal Ions Dynamic Nuclear Polarization: Novel Route for Probing Functional Materials with Sensitivity and Selectivity 2019
89 Dust2Planets Unveiling the role of X-rays in protoplanetary disks via laboratory astrophysics 2020
90 HERO Hidden, entangled and resonating orders 2019
91 miniX MINIaturitzed coherent soft X-ray source for research and industry 2019
92 2D4QT 2D Materials for Quantum Technology 2019
93 Desiccation Survival Discovery of intrinsically disordered sequences conferring desiccation survival 2019
94 ULTRADISS Ultra-sensitive mechanical dissipation in classical, quantum and non-equilibrium nanocontacts 2019
95 PhotoWann Bulk Photovoltaic effect via Wannier functions 2019
96 2D-MES Two Dimensional Molecular Electronics Spectroscopy for DNA/RNA Mutation Recognition 2020
97 OMECRY Organic Mesocrystals: Formation and controlling of oriented nanoparticles of molecular solids for drug development 2019
99 IDESoWa Increased drainage effects on soil properties and water quality 2019
100 DOCC Dynamics of Complex Continua 2019
101 WATCh Characterization and Active Control of Weyl Semimetals 2020
102 DynaLight Light-driven atomic dynamics in solids and liquids – from fundamentals of optics to engineering of novel photonics technologies 2019
103 ADFU Novel anaerobic digestion fertiliser unit 2019
104 DEEPTIME Probing the history of matter in deep time 2020
105 Extr3Me Extreme Mechanics of Metamaterials: From ideal to realistic conditions 2020
106 MUCUS Modelling revolUtion for Complex flUid flow over Surfaces and walls 2020
107 ANHARMONIC Anharmonic Semiconductors 2019
108 Hydroptics Photonics sensing platform for process optimisation in the oil industry 2019
109 ATTO-GRAM Attosecond Gated Holography 2020
110 ThoriumNuclearClock Thorium nuclear clocks for fundamental tests of physics 2020
111 emergenTopo Emergent topology in photon fluids 2020
112 Programmable Matter New materials enabled by programmable two-dimensional chemical reactions across van der Waals gap 2020
113 SENECA Shape-Shifting Ultrathin 2D Colloidal NanoPlatelets 2020
114 TReSFiDS Time-Resolved Spectroscopy of Strong-Field-Driven Solids 2021
115 THEOCORPES Theoretical Methods for Better Core Level Photoelectron Spectroscopy 2021
116 GRAPHEME Graphene and related materials membranes for efficient removal of toxic cations from water 2020
117 TankSensor Smart monitoring solution for better procurement and supply chain management - Speeding up chemical industry digitalization 2020
118 Genesis Geo-inspired pathways towards nanoparticle-based metastable solids 2020
119 DEFORM Dead or Alive: Finding the Origin of Caldera Unrest using Magma Reservoir Models 2020