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H2020 projects about "understandings"

The page lists 107 projects related to the topic "understandings".

# achronym  title  year 
1 We4SMESLO Enhancing the Innovation Management Capacity of SMEs (by EEN), Slovenia 2014
2 MIGRANTCHRISTIANITY Migration, religion and work in comparative perspective. Evangelical ‘ethnic churches’ in Southern Europe 2015
3 INHABIT Cities Investigating Natural, Historical, And Institutional Transformations - Cities 2015
4 NEW URBAN UNIVERSITY Situating the New Urban University: Higher Education in an Era of Global Urbanization 2015
5 FOODWASTE Food Waste In Denmark and Sweden - Understanding Household Consumption Practices to develop Sustainable Food Care 2016
6 Transpacific Assembling the Transpacific: Indigenous Curatorial Practices, Material Cultures and Source Communities 2015
7 ENTRUST Energy System Transition Through Stakeholder Activation, Education and Skills Development 2015
8 MenWomenCare Men, Women and Care: The gendering of formal and informal care-giving in interwar Britain 2015
9 VITAL The Vitality of Disease - Quality of Life in the Making 2015
10 TVOF The values of French language and literature in the European Middle Ages 2015
11 We4SMESLO Enhancing the Innovation Management Capacity of SMEs (by EEN), Slovenia 2015
12 AnCon A Comparative Anthropology of Conscience, Ethics and Human Rights 2015
13 MADE Migration as Development 2015
14 PRILA Prisons: the Rule of Law, Accountability and Rights 2016
15 BARCODE DIAGNOSTICS Next-Generation Personalized Diagnostic Nanotechnologies for Predicting Response to Cancer Medicine 2016
16 SCD Sexual Citizenship and Disability - Implications for Theory, Practice and Policy 2017
17 HARA Human-Animal Relationships in Archaeology: World Views of Hunter-gatherers in NorthernEurope 2016
18 BEAMED Better Addiction Medicine Education for Doctors 2017
19 Labour and Migration British workers emigrating to industrialising Europe, 1815-c.1870 2016
20 STUSOCSTA Students, social change and the construction of the post-independence Algerian state, 1962-1978 2016
21 EUICIT EU Intersex Citizenship 2016
22 INVISIBLE WATERS Visualizing aquifers: sustainable water use in the Atacama Desert and beyond 2017
24 EUROSTUDENTS Constructing the Higher Education Student: a comparative study of six European countries 2016
25 POLICYAID Policy, practice and patient experience in the age of intensified data sourcing 2016
26 PERCEIVE Perception and Evaluation of Regional and Cohesion policies by Europeans and Identification with the Values of Europe 2016
27 Persia and Babylonia Persia and Babylonia: Creating a New Context for Understanding the Emergence of the First World Empire 2017
28 BodyCapital The healthy self as body capital: Individuals, market-based societies and body politics in visual twentieth century Europe. 2016
29 SENSOTRA Sensory Transformations and Transgenerational Environmental Relationships in Europe, 1950–2020 2016
30 RitualModes Divergent modes of ritual, social cohesion, prosociality, and conflict. 2016
31 WYRED netWorked Youth Research for Empowerment in the Digital society 2016
32 AGATM A Global Anthropology of Transforming Marriage 2017
33 RICA Reputation Matters in the Regulatory State: Re-thinking the Fundamentals of Regulatory Independence, Credibility and Accountability 2017
34 LCLW Literary Communities and Literary Worlds 2017
35 EMTECH Emotional Machines:The Technological Transformation of Intimacy in Japan 2017
36 JUSTAM Justice, Morality, and the State in Amazonia 2017
37 We4SMESLO_3 Enhancing the Innovation Management Capacity of SMEs (by EEN), Slovenia 2017
38 SHADOWS SHADOWS: Tackling Undeclared Work in the European Union 2017
39 HeRstory Holistic Research into the story of buildings, objects and people in the high medieval period of Ireland, Britain and France from a gendered perspective 2017
40 OCEANURB the unseen spaces of extended urbanization in the North Sea 2017
41 BIRTHBRAZIL Birthing Abolition: Reproduction and the Gradual End of Slavery in Brazil 2017
42 URBANiTE Post-crisis urban governance transformations in Southern Europe: a comparativist approach 2017
43 AlgoFinance Algorithmic Finance: Inquiring into the Reshaping of Financial Markets 2017
44 DesignEng Designing Engineers: Harnessing the Power of Design Projects to Spur Cognitive and Epistemological Development of STEM Students 2018
45 MOBILIMA Mobility in situ: Debating emigration and return in Western Mali 2017
46 HCG Honour in classical Greece: esteem, status, identity, and society in ancient Greek literature, life, and thought 2018
47 FOOD CITIZENS Food citizens? Collective food procurement in European cities: solidarity and diversity, skills and scale 2017
48 COUPLED Operationalising telecouplings for solving sustainability challenges related to land use 2018
49 ECHOES European Colonial Heritage Modalities in Entangled Cities 2018
50 Aftermath THE AFTERMATH OF THE EAST ASIAN WAR OF 1592-1598. 2018
51 CALLIOPE voCAL articuLations Of Parliamentary Identity and Empire 2018
52 GLO Refiguring Conservation in/for 'the Anthropocene': The Global Lives of the Orangutan 2018
54 START Spatio-Temporal Attention and Representation Tracking: the precise neural architecture of conscious object perception 2018
55 DATAJUSTICE Data Justice: Understanding datafication in relation to social justice 2018
56 INDILANGHISTCULT Indigenous Language, History and Culture: Politics, Writing and the Decolonization of Knowledge amongst the Maya in Chiapas, Mexico, 1970-2015 2018
57 SPACES Sex, disPlacements, And cross-Cultural EncounterS 2018
58 Healing Encounters Healing Encounters: Reinventing an indigenous medicine in the clinic and beyond 2018
59 SECurITY Social-ECological Interdependencies in TransboundarY water resources systems 2019
60 PORTWINGS Decoding the Nature of Flapping Flight by port-Hamiltonian System Theory 2018
61 WAEE Women at the Edge of Empire: Female Social Identity in the Lower Danube in 4th-6th Centuries AD 2018
62 EPCFG Understanding globalization outside 'global cities': European provincial cities in the first globalization, 1880-1914 2018
64 EMBED Embedded Markets and the Economy 2018
65 MaCoTech Material counting technologies in numerical cognition 2018
66 NextGen Towards a next generation of water systems and services for the circular economy. 2018
67 FluidKnowledge How evaluation shapes ocean science. A multi-scale ethnography of fluid knowledge. 2019
68 DIGITENS DIGITal ENcyclopedia of European Sociability 2019
69 BROKEX Brokering China’s Extraversion: An Ethnographic Analysis of Transnational Arbitration 2019
70 RIVERS Water/human rights beyond the human?Indigenous water ontologies, plurilegal encounters and interlegal translation 2019
71 WhoP Whales of Power: Aquatic Mammals, Devotional Practices, and Environmental Change in Maritime East Asia 2019
72 We4SMESLO_4 Enhancing the Innovation Management Capacity of SMEs (by EEN), Slovenia 2019
73 SPINAPSE Creating complexity: toward atomic spin-based neural hardware 2019
74 VictPart Righting Victim Participation in Transitional Justice 2019
75 ArCarib Archaeology of Informal Maritime Commerce in the Colonial Caribbean 2019
76 High Risk Leadership High Risk Leadership in Latin America: Women's Pursuit of Gender Justice in Violent Contexts 2020
77 MERIR Methane related iron reduction processes in sediments: Hidden couplings and their significance for carbon and iron cycles 2019
78 METAPoF Metaphor as the Purpose of the Firm 2019
79 DIVLAW How God Became a Lawgiver: The Place of the Torah in Ancient Near Eastern Legal History 2020
81 CaTPoP Children and Transnational Popular Print, 1700-1900 2019
82 FEM-RESIST Women, Photography and Resistance in Transnational Perspective 2019
83 EndoReproTox Embodied Ecologies: An Ethnographic Study of Reproductive Toxicity, Infertility, Endometriosis and Delayed Childbearing 2019
84 YouthExistInTourism Youth negotiation of tourism-based employment in Goa and Lisbon 2019
85 VIAMEDIAITALICA The Scholar, the Jurist, the Priest: Moderation on the Italian Peninsula, 1700-1750 2020
86 TRANSJIHAD Explaining Transnational Jihad - Patterns of Escalation and Containment 2019
87 CNM-MOVES Consensual Non-Monogamies and Social Movements: A Comparative Study of Activism in Portugal and the UK 2019
88 lanloss Landscapes of Loss: Mapping the Affective Experience of Deforestation Among Diverse Social Groups in the South American Chaco 2020
89 STUDIOTEC Film Studios: Infrastructure, Culture, Innovation in Britain, France, Germany and Italy, 1930-60. 2019
90 MAU Making Africa Urban: The transcalar politics of large-scale urban development 2019
91 Ethno-ISS ETHNO-ISS: An Ethnography of an Extra-terrestrial Society: the International Space Station 2019
92 PANTROPOCENE PANTROPOCENE: Finding a Pre-industrial, Pan-tropical ‘Anthropocene’ 2020
93 PLATFORM DISCOURSES Platform Discourses: A Critical Humanities Approach to the Texts, Images, and Moving Images Produced by Tech Companies 2019
94 HumMingBird Enhanced migration measures from a multidimensional perspective 2019
96 LITCOM Literary Activism in sub-Saharan Africa: Commons, Publics and Networks of Practice 2020
97 CONTESTED_TERRITORY From Contested Territories to alternatives of development: Learning from Latin America 2020
98 ULTRA-VIOLENCE Ultras in Portugal: Narratives of Violence, Politics and Gender 2020
99 MadByz Being ‘Mad’ in Byzantium. Toward a History of Mental Disorders in Early and Middle Greek Middle Ages 2020
100 CIRCULAR X Experimenting with Circular Service Business Models 2020
101 CitIndus The ‘Citizenship Industry’: Commodified citizenship, the corporate sector and global inequality 2020
102 ColonialConsequences Colonial Consequences of the Japanese Empire in the Mariana Islands 2020
103 MANTARGET Super resolution imaging of nanoPMOs for cancer drug delivery 2021
104 CANALS Changing Water Cultures 2021
105 CoL Climates of Listening: Amplifying Pacific Experiences of Environmental Crisis 2021
106 REWA Resource wars in an unequal world: international law and beyond 2020
107 ANEMONE Evolving a Home for Nemo: Genomic Consequences and Convergence in a Model Marine Mutualism 2020