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H2020 projects about "employment"

The page lists 376 projects related to the topic "employment".

# achronym  title  year 
3 ParaFishControl Advanced Tools and Research Strategies for Parasite Control in European farmed fish 2015
4 FoFAM Industrial and regional valorization of FoF Additive Manufacturing Projects 2015
5 RADICLE Real-time dynamic control system for laser welding 2015
6 RDRECON Risky Decisions: Revealing Economic Behaviour 2015
7 CASPIAN Around the Caspian: a Doctoral Training for Future Experts in Development and Cooperation with Focus on the Caspian Region 2015
8 IMPRESS Improved production strategies for endangered freshwater species. 2015
9 EuroCPS European Network of competencies and platforms for Enabling SME from any sector building Innovative CPS products to sustain demand for European manufacturing 2015
10 CHOReVOLUTION Automated Synthesis of Dynamic and Secured Choreographies for the Future internet 2015
11 PRO4VIP Innovative PROcurement for Visual Impaired People 2015
12 REMINE Reuse of mining waste into innovative geopolymeric-based structural panels, precast, ready mixes and insitu applications 2015
13 I3U Investigating the Impact of the Innovation Union 2015
14 ISIGrowth Innovation-fuelled, Sustainable, Inclusive Growth 2015
15 MOVE Mapping mobility – pathways, institutions and structural effects of youth mobility in Europe 2015
16 NEGOTIATE Negotiating early job-insecurity and labour market exclusion in Europe 2015
17 FairTax Revisioning the ‘Fiscal EU’: Fair, Sustainable, and Coordinated Tax and Social Policies 2015
18 SOLIDUS SOLIDUS: “Solidarity in European societies: empowerment, social justice and citizenship” 2015
19 QuInnE Quality of Jobs and Innovation Generated Employment Outcomes 2015
20 COMBI Calculating and Operationalising the Multiple Benefits of Energy Efficiency Improvements in Europe 2015
21 BRISKEE Behavioural Response to Investment Risks in Energy Efficiency 2015
23 TISSUE Tissue In Stroke Stratification Using e-ASPECTSTW 2014
24 SINTRAN Safe and INtegrated thermal TRANsformation of humid organic waste resulting in green energy and valuable remainders 2014
25 MIGRANTCHRISTIANITY Migration, religion and work in comparative perspective. Evangelical ‘ethnic churches’ in Southern Europe 2015
27 HOLES Highly Ordered Light-manipulators by Self-assembly 2015
28 EUP The implementation of the EU employment policies in Germany, Italy and Denmark 2015
29 NANOBIOENER NanoBio-inorganic generators for conversion of renewable chemical energy into electricity 2015
30 EWTEK Empowering Women with Traditional Ecological Knowledge 2015
31 INVENTION INnovatiVE cohereNt detecTIon Optical access Networks 2016
32 ALMP The Effect of Active Labour Market Policies on the Behaviour and Employability of Benefit Claimants 2016
33 Suninbox Portable SolUtioN for dIstributed geNeration in a BOX 2015
34 Ph1ProHap2 hapticom launches the world‘s 1st special tablet for over 20 million visually impaired people in the EU, enabling them access to barrier-free digital information and communication with all of society 2015
35 BilletPro Development of a harvesting machine for short rotation plantations for the production of billets with advantageous properties in terms of handling, drying and storing 2015
36 DIRS Deusto International Research School 2016
37 MASSIVE Multinationals, Institutions and Innovation in Europe 2015
38 CREATE Congestion Reduction in Europe : Advancing Transport Efficiency (CREATE) 2015
39 PERSISTDEBT Debt and Persistence of Financial Shocks 2015
40 INCIPIT INnovative Life sCIence Phd Programme in South ITaly 2016
41 PEGASUS-2 [PEGASUS]², giving wings to your career. 2015
42 RIFP Rutherford International Fellowship Programme 2015
43 EPFL Fellows Experienced Researchers Incoming Fellowship Programme at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne 2015
44 VATech Virtual AntennaTM Technology: the Next Generation Antenna for Wireless Devices 2015
45 CosMyFY A new Business Model for the Natural Cosmetic market 2015
46 COFUND-FP-CERN-2014 COFUNDing of the CERN Fellowship Programme 2014 2015
47 Multi-JOBINSEC Micro- and Macro-Level Determinants of Job Insecurity Perceptions: Individual, Organizational and Social Consequences. Multilevel Analysis and Comparisons among Countries 2015
48 INTICE Pathways to Intrinsically Icephobic Surfaces 2015
49 JET JET - Job market and Employment Transparency 2015
50 iLABOUR Online Labour: The Construction of Labour Markets, Institutions and Movements on the Internet 2015
51 ExCAPE Exascale Compound Activity Prediction Engine 2015
52 SmartSite Optimisation, demonstration and implementation of an all-encompassing smart site management system for infrastructure construction and maintenance. 2015
53 PowerBase Enhanced substrates and GaN pilot lines enabling compact power applications 2015
54 FLOWERPOWER Establishing a new generation of horticulturists: Multidisciplinary approach for breeding innovative novelties using classical and biotechnological methods 2016
55 VOLUMETRIQ Volume Manufacturing of PEM FC Stacks for Transportation and In-line Quality Assurance 2015
56 SIRCIW Strengthening International Research Capacity in Wales 2015
57 WiBEC Wireless In-Body Environment 2016
58 MOGLYNET Modulation of glycolytic flux as a new approach for treatment of atherosclerosis and plaque stabilization: a multidisciplinary study 2015
59 MARmaED MARine MAnagement and Ecosystem Dynamics under climate change 2015
60 BrainMatTrain Development of Biomaterial-based Delivery Systems for Parkinson’s disease - an Integrated Pan-European Approach 2016
61 SOWELL Social Preferences, Well-Being and Policy 2015
62 STREAM Smart Sensor Technologies and Training for Radiation Enhanced Applications and Measurements 2016
63 WORKANDHOME Reshaping society and space: home-based self-employment and businesses 2015
64 SMART GROUND SMART data collection and inteGRation platform to enhance availability and accessibility of data and infOrmation in the EU territory on SecoNDary Raw Materials 2015
65 Fortissimo 2 Factories of the Future Resources, Technology, Infrastructure and Services for Simulation and Modelling 2 2015
66 SOCRATIC SOcial CReATive IntelligenCe Platform for achieving Global Sustainability Goals 2016
67 JobCity JobCity: addressing global youth unemployment by revolutionising psychometrics to enable Multiple Mass Psychometric Testing (MMPT) through online gamification 2015
68 GLAD-2 GNSS/INS Low-cost Attitude Determination and navigation system - Phase 2 2016
69 SELAM Large-scale piloting and market maturation of a novel process for sustainable European lobster aqua- and mariculture 2015
70 CBTA Feasibility Study for the CBT Academy 2015
71 GRICAS Galileo MEOSAR RLS Improvement for Better Civil Aviation Security 2016
72 OCProDx Strategic planning for commercialisation of a multiplexed protein diagnostic (Dx) blood test for Organ-Confined Prostate cancer: OCProDx 2016
73 Crystal Solar Organic-Inorganic perovskite and organic semiconductor films with improved crystal properties via reel-to-reel solution coating; application to photovoltaics and field effect transistors 2016
74 MacroFuels Developing the next generation Macro-Algae based biofuels for transportation via advanced bio-refinery processes 2016
75 MuMMER MultiModal Mall Entertainment Robot 2016
76 UniServer A Universal Micro-Server Ecosystem by Exceeding the Energy and Performance Scaling Boundaries 2016
77 INTMET Integrated innovative metallurgical system to benefit efficiently polymetallic, complex and low grade ores and concentrates 2016
78 HNV-Link High Nature Value Farming: Learning, Innovation and Knowledge. 2016
79 EASY Pv EGNSS high Accuracy SYstem improving PhotoVoltaic plants maintenance 2016
80 Sea Litter Critters A compact, unmanned, renewables-powered and self-sufficient vessel able to pick up marine litter and to treat it on board for volume reduction and energy recovery 2016
81 TrafficFlow TrafficFlow - Analytics for Smarter Cities 2016
82 ClimeFish Co-creating a decision support framework to ensure sustainable fish production in Europe under climate change 2016
83 WPolitical Wittgenstein and Political Theory 2016
84 By-BM By-products for Building Materials 2016
85 PEACH Parental Employment and Child Investments 2017
86 SDchirnanocat Sputtering-deposition of metallic nanoparticles onto chiral ionic liquids andapplications in enantioselective hydrogenation 2016
87 PEARLE Peers in ECEC centres: who are they and do they matter? An empirical analysis on ECEC group composition, its drivers and its effects 2016
88 BIGSSS-departs Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences - Doctoral Education in Partnerships 2016
89 NanoTRAINforGrowthII INL Fellowship programme in nanotechnologies for nanomedicine, energy, ICT, food and environment applications 2016
90 ECOBREW2 New eco-efficient and healthy professional espresso coffee machine 2016
91 SYNCHRO-CHAIR New synchro-tilt mechanism for high quality and cost-effective office chairs 2016
92 Go Fresh Go Fresh - Fresh and Quick Prepared, Healthy and Affordable Meal Solution 2016
93 WATERSPOUTT Water - Sustainable Point-Of-Use Treatment Technologies 2016
94 TLRH-VRF COFUND Trinity Long Room Hub Visiting Research Fellows COFUND programme 2016
95 DOC2AMU International, inter-sectoral and inter-disciplinary Doctoral Training Programme to Aix-Marseille University 2016
96 INFRASTAR Innovation and Networking for Fatigue and Reliability Analysis of Structures - Training for Assessment of Risk 2016
97 MERCES Marine Ecosystem Restoration in Changing European Seas 2016
98 GPU-WEAR GPU-WEAR, Ultra-low power heterogeneous Graphics Processing Units for Wearable/IoT devices 2016
99 RISEWISE RISEWISE -RISE Women with disabilities In Social Engagement 2016
100 IoSense Flexible FE/BE Sensor Pilot Line for the Internet of Everything 2016
101 MICCO Monetary Spaces and hierarchies in Europe. Impact of Complementary Currencies 2016
102 CAROLINE Collaborative Research Fellowships for a Responsive and Innovative Europe 2016
103 INPhINIT Innovative doctoral programme for talented early-stage researchers in Spanish host organisations excellent in the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). 2016
104 BUSWEL Why is Business in Some Countries More Hostile to Social Redistribution than in Others? 2016
105 MagnonCircuits Nano-Scale Magnonic Circuits for Novel Computing Systems 2016
107 SwiftBuild Swiftty web mobile builder 2016
108 MATRIX Anthropogenic units detected by rare earth elements (REE) soil analysis in archaeological strata. 2016
109 MFP Martí i Franquès COFUND 2017
110 TRISORP Energy saving and reducing carbon dioxide emission by applying advanced ammonia/water absorption chillers and decentralised Trigeneration (CCHP) technology to small and medium enterprises 2016
111 MiTSoPro Migration and Transnational Social Protection in (post-)crisis Europe 2016
112 NEWFAMSTRAT The New Shape of Family-Related Gender Stratification 2016
113 In-K Strain System In-K Strain System: Carbon Nanotube ink based realization of ultraflexible composite strain sensors 2016
114 GREATMILLING Gentle Rice Separation Technology for Smallholder Milling 2016
115 ICE2LAST Innovative stunning technology based on a natural anesthetizing agent in ice to improve animal welfare and extend shelf-life of farmed fish 2016
116 EBFZ Float zone silicon from electron beam grown rods 2016
117 QUIBIM QUantitative Imaging Biomarkers Medice 2016
118 NASUM Innovative nanotech-based detection equipment in the area of homeland security 2016
119 CHEETAH Changing Energy Efficiency Technology Adoption in Households 2016
120 TRACT Training in Cancer Mechanisms and Therapeutics 2016
121 Z-Fact0r Zero-defect manufacturing strategies towards on-line production management for European factories 2016
122 Foie Gras Bioenergetic Remodeling in the Pathophysiology and Treatment of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease 2017
123 AM-motion A strategic approach to increasing Europe’s value proposition for Additive Manufacturing technologies and capabilities 2016
124 RUNIN The Role of Universities in Innovation and Regional Development 2016
125 FRESH FRESH - Fully bio based and bio degradable ready meal packaging 2017
126 SUPUVIR SUPercontinuum broadband light sources covering UV to IR applications 2016
127 EUUSEHEALTHWORK Mapping Skills and Competencies; Providing Access to Knowledge, Tools and Platforms; and Strengthening, Disseminating and Exploiting Success Outcomes for a Skilled Transatlantic eHealth Workforce 2016
128 UbiqutekGlide UbiqutekGlide: An advanced electrical weed control device to be integrated with existing agricultural equipment, yielding a zero chemical, organic result at a reduced operational cost 2016
129 ADST Advanced Digital Stuttering Therapy Tools 2016
130 OpenMaker Harnessing the power of Digital Social Platforms to shake up makers and manufacturing entrepreneurs towards a European Open Manufacturing ecosystem 2016
132 AGROinLOG Demonstration of innovative integrated biomass logistics centres for the Agro-industry sector in Europe 2016
133 MMAA Music Magazine and Artist APP project 2016
134 NonVisNumCog The role vision plays in shaping the representation of numbers. 2017
135 BITCAT Blocking Inhibition of T-cell Co-stimulation for Anti-tumour Therapy 2017
136 MiMo Inference in Microeconometric Models 2017
137 VineScout Intelligent decision from vineyard robots 2016
138 CareSTOR Market Uptake of Sustainable and Competitive Carbons for Energy Storage 2016
139 ThermaSiC New generation wear and corrosion coating enabling European industry growth 2016
140 SaaStified Simulation-as-a-Service Tool for Industrial Furnaces Innovative Engineering Design (SaaStified) 2016
141 MSCA 2017 Malta EU Presidency MSCA 2017 Conference: Enhancing RI capacity through researchers’ mobility 2016
142 DIGIMAN DIGItal MAterials CharacterisatioN proof-of-process auto assembly 2017
143 GGP-EPI Generations and Gender Programme: Evaluate, Plan, Initiate 2017
144 RECAP preterm RECAP preterm: Research on European Children and Adults born Preterm 2017
145 GETM3 Global Entrepreneurial Talent Management 3 2017
146 EXPOVIBE Exposure to Political Violence and Individual Behavior 2017
147 MARINET2 Marine Renewable Infrastructure Network for Enhancing Technologies 2 2017
148 LYO-CHECK Automatic inspection of lyophilized preparations through innovative ICT control system 2016
149 QSave QUAKE SAVER: Emergency System for Door opening in any critical condition. 2017
150 HETEROPOLIS The Design of Social Policy in a Heterogeneous World 2017
151 MEMS MEM’S: My Easy Moving System 2017
152 Signs for Europe Business innovation through qualifying and (re-)employing of deaf people 2017
153 Enerstor Introduction of an electric energy power storage levelling module in the machine tools industry to unleash the enormous energy savings potential and significantly relieve the European power grid 2017
154 RELEASE Nanofiber based drug delivery for surgical therapy of adult and paediatric solid tumours 2017
155 E-APIS A smart, energy autonomous, universal and cost-effective dynamic passenger information system 2017
156 ECOLED Efficient and Low CO2 footprint B2B turnkey LED module with an innovative thermal solution 2017
157 AQUARAMAN Pipet Based Scanning Probe Microscopy Tip-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy: A Novel Approach for TERS in Liquids 2017
158 Elbee Elbee, a worldwide unique drive-from-wheelchair vehicle 2017
159 EDST Economic Development and Structural Transformation 2017
160 SMR Seismic Moment and Recurrence (SMR) using Luminescence Dating Techniques 2017
161 3DPD PhD position in commercial environment: cancer immunotherapy drug screening in 3D 2017
162 TheranOMICS Integration of high resolution -OMICS datasets towards personalized therapy in bladder cancer 2017
163 CARERA Information Day for Hungarian students and young researchers on career possibilities in the European Research Area 2017
164 LEEP Longitudinal employer–employee perspectives on the role of human capital investments for retirement transitions 2017
165 SEMCRI 2017 Maltese Presidency Conference on Strengthening Euro-Mediterranean cooperation through Research and Innovation 2016
166 SHARE Seizing the Hybrid Areas of work by Re-presenting self-Employment 2017
167 LABOREP Labor Market Segmentation and Political Participation 2018
168 innoPROCUR Improving support services to foster SMEs’ participation to PCP and PPI 2017
169 RE-mapping Tackling early school leaving and low school performance through working with students’ representational spaces. The case of 15 years old students in France, Italy and Greece. 2017
170 BICEPSvsHIV Novel strategies for anti-HIV-1 therapy: Small molecules targeting RNA partners of the nucleocapsid protein 2017
171 LessThanWagonLoad Development of ‘Less than Wagon Load’ transport solutions in the Antwerp Chemical cluster 2017
172 DLInnociate Innovation Associate knowledgeable in blockchain technologyfor real time economy platform business development 2017
173 FLASH Heterogeneous Effects of Fiscal Consolidation on Firms' Balance Sheets 2017
174 GoSMEs Governance and value-creation in SMEs in a service-dominant logic 2017
175 PFIMDULA Post-translational modifications during floral initiation: molecular dissection of the UFO-dependent LFY activation 2017
176 FCFP FRIAS COFUND Fellowship Programme for Junior and Senior Researchers - Phase 2 2017
177 smartMELAMINE A fire-resistant, thermal and acoustic insulating lightweight fabric 2017
178 MoRE2020 Mobility for Regional Excellence 2020 2017
179 ROCK Regeneration and Optimisation of Cultural heritage in creative and Knowledge cities 2017
180 BASKAM2 Innovation services and key account management support for Basque SMEs during 2017-2018 2017
181 FUSION The effects of financial capital accumulation on employment and wealth distribution 2017
182 ALGAMATER Using microalgae bioreactor technology to deliver the world’s most cost-effective, energy-efficient and adaptable system for the treatment of toxic industrial and landfill wastewater 2017
183 PROOFY Protecting Creations Made Easy. Unique Innovative solution to protect intellectual property of original works in digital format in an easy and cost-effective way 2017
184 Ghost Boat A new way to own, drive and maintain a boat 2017
185 UNIGEM Next Generation ‘Unified Guest Engagement System’ for Smart Hospitality Services and Unparalleled Guest Loyalty. 2017
186 PerformFISH Consumer driven Production: Integrating Innovative Approaches for Competitive and Sustainable Performance across the Mediterranean Aquaculture Value Chain 2017
187 TAKEMI5 Technology Advances and Key Enablers for Module Integration for 5 nm 2017
188 Dendromass4Europe Securing Sustainable Dendromass Production with Poplar Plantations in European Rural Areas 2017
189 OptiLift OPTILIFT - offshore lifting and logistics 2017
190 milkGUARD milkGUARD – a continuous whole milk disinfection system for calf feeding on-farm 2017
191 PADDLE Planning in A liquiD worlD with tropicaL StakEs: solutions from an EU-Africa-Brazil perspective 2017
192 FIRMNET Firms and Their Networks 2017
193 N2N European industrial doctorate for advanced, lightweight and silent, multifunctional composite structures 2018
194 eMRB CodeIT Electronic Manufacturing Record Book 2017
196 Cross4Health Collaboration among Aerospace, Biotechnology, ICT, Energy and Medical Devices sectors in generating innovative solutions, business models and work-flows that enhance patient-centered care 2017
197 EVOCLIM Behavioral-evolutionary analysis of climate policy: Bounded rationality, markets and social interactions 2018
198 A-FOD SAFER and TIMELY FLIGHTS with Automated Foreign Object Detection System 2017
199 CRESTING CiRcular Economy: SusTainability Implications and guidING progress 2018
200 ERICA Engineered Calcium-Silicate-Hydrates for Applications 2017
201 FibreNet A Training Network on Designing Novel Bio-based Fibre Products for Targeted Advanced Properties and New Applications 2017
202 GLOMO Global mobility of employees 2018
203 iDESIGN Delivering Better Starting Points for Drug Discovery: New Compound Libraries Driven By Intelligent Design 2018
204 MAESTRO MAking pErovskiteS TRuly explOitable 2017
205 MixITiN Bringing the paradigm for marine pelagic production into the 21st century: incorporating mixotrophy into mainstream marine research 2017
206 OBELICS Optimization of scalaBle rEaltime modeLs and functIonal testing for e-drive ConceptS 2017
207 PhD4GlycoDrug Multidisciplinary European Joint Doctorate in the Design and Development of Glyco Drugs 2017
208 QUIBIM Precision QUantitative Imaging Biomarkers Medicine 2017
209 INNO GREEN Encouraging INNOvation for development of GREEN jobs 2017
210 PAGE Paternity leave and the gender gap in pay and earnings 2018
211 FELLINI FELLowship for Innovation at INFN 2018
212 DOIT Entrepreneurial skills for young social innovators in an open digital world. A European Initiative 2017
213 SIRIUS Skills and Integration of Migrants, Refugees and Asylum Applicants in European Labour Markets 2018
214 NEWBIE New Entrant netWork: Business models for Innovation, entrepreneurship and resilience in European agriculture 2018
215 NEXUS Towards Game-changer Service Operation Vessels for Offshore Windfarms 2017
216 CAREANDWORK Male Family Caregiver’s Well-being: Balancing Work and Long-Term Care in France and Japan 2018
217 M3DLoC Additive Manufacturing of 3D Microfluidic MEMS for Lab-on-a-Chip applications 2018
218 ESMERA European SMEs Robotics Applications 2018
219 SUITCEYES Smart, User-friendly, Interactive, Tactual, Cognition-Enhancer that Yields Extended Sensosphere - Appropriating sensor technologies, machine learning, gamification and smart haptic interfaces 2018
220 SECCOPA The socio-economic consequences of temporary employment: A comparative panel data analysis 2018
221 BioBur Multifuel, Economic, High Efficiency High Thermal Power Rotating Biomass Burner for IndustrialApplications 2018
222 DAPHNE Innovative system for Bioinspired Atmospheric Water Generation without Input Energy 2018
223 CAPABLE Enhancing Capabilities? Rethinking Work-life Policies and their Impact from a New Perspective 2018
224 IMBALS IMage BAsed Landing Solutions 2018
225 POWERSWAP Fully robotic system for swapping electric car batteries within 3 minutes. 2018
226 RNASTIP RNA Sprays as a Tool for Crop Improvement and Protection 2018
227 DAMA Extreme-Scale Data Management 2018
228 ESEARCH Direct Empirical Evidence on Labor Market Search Theories 2018
229 NEW_ABC New issues in the Analysis of Business Cycles 2018
230 HYDROUSA Demonstration of water loops with innovative regenerative business models for the Mediterranean region 2018
231 SMOOTH GDPR Compliance Cloud Platform for Micro Enterprises 2018
232 WESREF-IU Welcoming Syrian Refugees to Ä°stanbul University: Improving Capacity and Knowledge Sharing 2018
234 SeReNa-SEA The Divine Tragedy of Securing the Sacred: Religion, Security and Nationalism in Southeast Asia 2019
235 ADAPT An adaptation-based approach to understand resilience after job loss: Identifying the underlying mechanisms leading to adaptive coping and re-employment 2019
236 FEMAGREE Female Agricultural Entrepreneurs: Identifying Institutional Barriers to Equality 2018
237 MAJORdom Intersections of class and ethnicity in paid domestic and care work: theoretical development and policy recommendations based on the study of 'majority workers' in Italy and in the USA 2018
238 GlobaLISe Global Value Chains and Local Innovation Systems in Southern Europe:The Coevolution of Technology, Trade and Finance, and the Technological Divide 2018
239 iCARE-2 International Cancer Research Fellowships - 2 2018
240 iHand The First Soft Robotic Glove for Hand Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation 2018
241 ICE2LAST Innovative technology based on the integration of natural substances in ice to improve animal welfare and extend shelf-life of farmed fish 2018
242 SOFTCAR The cleanest and lowest cost car ever! 2018
243 COASTAL Collaborative lAnd Sea inTegration pLatform 2018
244 Handshake Enabling the transferability of cycling innovations and assessment of its implications 2018
245 PortForward Towards a green and sustainable ecosystem for the EU Port of the Future 2018
246 PERICLES PrEseRvIng and sustainably governing Cultural heritage and Landscapes in European coastal and maritime regionS 2018
247 TAPES3 Technology Advances for Pilotline of Enhanced Semiconductors for 3nm 2018
248 PROCESS Engineering Solutions for the Process Industry 2018
249 TRAINEd TRAIN@Ed 2018
250 DTA3 Extended University Alliance Doctoral Training Alliance in Energy, Applied Biosciences for Health and Social Policy DTA3 2018
251 EUXDAT European e-Infrastructure for Extreme Data Analytics in Sustainable Development 2017
252 WasteWater Science A novel affordable, portable and autonomous wastewater treatment unit for the agriculture industry 2018
253 Mimica Touch Bioreactive food expiry label that mimics the actual decay of food for a reliable and accurate method of reducing food waste 2018
254 TALENT SWARM 7D Collaborative Work Environment for Project Lifecycle Management (PLM) of Complex Industrial Assets 2018
255 Sonarc Speaker Sonarc - The world's first full audio frequency range, massless speaker technology platform, providing immersive and powerful sound from a smaller size. 2018
256 LIFESPAN Early-life influences on suicidal ideation, suicide attempts and suicide mortality: a life-courseperspective to inform prevention 2018
257 NAVSCIN High Accuracy Navigation under Scintillation Conditions 2018
258 FASTER Farmers’ Adaptation Sustainability in Tunisia through Excellence in Research: FASTER 2018
259 ScienceRouter ScienceRouter: AI-powered knowledge matchmaking to boost the innovation landscape 2018
260 prudenta Prudenta: Electronic Solution for Safer Drugs 2018
261 MilkGuard A continuous milk disinfection system for calf feeding on-farm 2018
262 PPROI Restoring competitiveness – Information system for the 21st Century Manufacturing 2018
263 Signs For Europe A new social business model for Europe to promote the integration of deaf people in the professional market 2018
264 OPERANDUM OPEn-air laboRAtories for Nature baseD solUtions to Manage environmental risks 2018
265 UNLEASHAD Unleashing the curative potential of cancer immunotherapy 2018
266 DINBEATPRO An innovative system to monitor pet’s health in veterinary clinics 2018
267 SPACEPORT 3D Volumetric Video Capturing and Streaming Software- SPACEPORT 2018
268 Chairless Chair The worldwide first exoskeleton for the creation of ergonomic, age-neutral and low-fatigue workplaces in industry and for the reduction of physical strains in the ageing workforce 2018
269 DARE Disability Advocacy Research in Europe 2019
271 MIGPACT The impact of neighbourhoods, peers and families on psychiatric disorders, substance usedisorders and crime in first- and second-generation immigrants 2018
272 aDDRess Joint Training and Research Program on Chromatin Dynamics and the DNA Damage Response 2019
273 Syn2Psy Synaptic Dysfunction in Neuropsychiatric Disorders 2019
274 BonePainII A European Training Network to Combat Bone Pain 2019
275 EcoSail Eco-friendly and customer-driven Sail plan optimisation service 2018
276 RedStroke Smart ICT-solution to cost-efficiently detect atrial fibrillation to Reduce Europe’s burden of Stroke 2018
277 RE-CITY Reviving shrinking cities – innovative paths and perspectives towards livability for shrinkingcities in Europe 2018
278 Snowless Real-time reaction, autonomous and energy-efficient snowmelt technology for lightly and heavily trafficked pavement surfaces. 2018
279 TInnGO Transport Innovation Gender Observatory 2018
280 DIAMOND Revealing fair and actionable knowledge from data to support women’s inclusion in transport systems 2018
281 IPOG Improving Pregnancy Outcomes Gloablly 2018
282 QualiChain Decentralised Qualifications' Verification and Management for Learner Empowerment, Education Reengineering and Public Sector Transformation 2019
283 CICERONE Creative Industries Cultural Economy Production Network 2019
284 EnviroLENS Copernicus for environmental law enforcement support 2018
285 Our Space Our Future Our Space our Future: making careers in the space industry an inspiring reality for all 2018
286 GLORIA Global Industrial Research & Innovation Analyses 2018
287 MapProdIGI Microdata analysis for Policies for Productivity, Innovation, Growth and Inclusion 2018
288 ORTIKA Toward sustainable fashion: nettle and blueberry garments to promote sustainable development of mountain areas and to boost young talents 2018
289 Unispotter International higher education student recruitment going mobile 2018
290 Norrdigi NorrDigi revolutionary Energy Saver 2018
291 sustAGE Smart environments for person-centered sustainable work and well-being 2019
292 REBUILD REBUILD - ICT-enabled integration facilitator and life rebuilding guidance 2019
293 MIICT ICT Enabled Public Services for Migration 2018
294 MENDER Securing the worlds connected devices through open source and ease of use 2018
295 PerformB Innovative digital platform based on machine learning to analyze large databases, aggregate them and provide results to questions made in natural language. 2018
296 Gravity Sketch Multiplatform for multi-users 3D content co-creation and collaboration in Real-time (VR/AR/Mobile) 2018
297 EXTREME The Rise and Fall of Populism and Extremism 2019
298 Smart Certificate The trusted solution for issuing certified documents to the blockchain, checkable in just a click 2018
299 EEN InnoS Journey The extended EEN innovation support service for innovative SMEs in Serbia — EEN InnoS Journey 2019
300 BASKAM3 Innovation services and key account management support for Basque SMEs for 2019 2019
301 Innovation.NRW_1 Establishing services enhancing the innovation management capacity of SMEs by the Enterprise Europe Network in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, in 2019 2019
302 DigitalComp Algorithms, Digital Platforms and Competition 2019
303 TechChange Technological Change: New Sources, Consequences, and Impact Mitigation 2019
304 FirmIneq Wage inequality within and across firms: The role of market forces, government and firm policies 2019
305 BIOSCENE 2019 Organising the European Bioecononomy Scene 2019 Conference during the Finnish EU Presidency in July 2019 in Helsinki 2019
306 EDE The Sustainable Renovation Hub for Existing Buildings 2019
307 Circlenergy Production of renewable methanol from captured emissions and renewable energy sources, for its utilisation for clean fuel production and green consumer goods 2019
308 FELTWOOD The advanced eco-technology manufacturing of materials as a way of competitiveness for Europe's industrial business 2018
309 InProV An inventory of the prosimetra in vulgar tongue in the early centuries of Italian Literature (1250-1500) 2019
310 MicroFSMA MicroFluidic based platform for SeMen Analysis 2019
311 ELECTROSULF Electrochemical Sulfonylation of Lysine Residues in Continuous Flow Microreactors. 2019
312 GAII Governing activation in Ireland: comparing Ireland's mixed-economy of public employment services 2020
313 SSF-value Valuing the socio-cultural and economic contributions of small-scale fisheries to coastal communities 2020
314 LICE LICE CULTIVATOR: Fast mechanical cultivator reducing fuel and herbicide use 2019
315 eCOCO2 Direct electrocatalytic conversion of CO2 into chemical energy carriers in a co-ionic membrane reactor 2019
316 InnovaXN Doctoral programme for innovators with X-rays and neutrons 2019
317 QUSTEC QUSTEC: international, interdisciplinary and intersectoral doctoral programme in Quantum Science and Technologies 2019
318 EIPOD4 EMBL Interdisciplinary Postdoc Programme 4 2019
319 JUNIOR LEADER Junior Leader la Caixa Postdoctoral Fellowship Programme: Shaping the new generation of leaders in research 2019
320 LubeMonitor Graphene based lubrication monitoring, lowering costs, improving ecology 2019
321 DLIVER DLIVER - Digital B2B marketplace for fast and efficient parcel delivery 2019
322 MigrantLife Understanding Life Trajectories of Immigrants and Their Descendants in Europe and Projecting Future Trends 2019
323 BRAIN Building a Robotics and Artificial Intelligence Network 2019
324 VERDAD A blood based biomarker identifying early Alzheimer Disease's pathology 2019
325 PATGlycoPrint Development of a new process analytical technology based on an innovative nanoplasmonic detection array for monitoring glycosylation of monoclonal antibodies 2019
326 SKILLS Unpacking Skills at the Cradle: A Machine Learning Approach to Construct Infant Skill Measures 2019
328 6i-DIRS 6i-DIRS: A growing attractive collaborative ecosystem for boosting impact driven research careers 2019
329 M-CTS The disruptive Multifunctional Container Transfer System, a seamless & horizontal transfer of containers - low cost, more efficient utilisation in cargo freight and with care for the environment 2019
330 CreditStretcher The fastest, easiest and cheapest way to achieve 90 days of credit based on your invoice 2019
331 MatManager MatManager - New standard in road construction efficiency 2019
332 TWIND Twinning for an Offshore Wind Energy Partnership 2019
333 STRENTEX ERA Chair for emerging technologies and innovative research in Stretchable and Textile Electronics 2020
334 InDx InDx - an innovative implant that restores natural motion to patients with thumb base joint arthritis 2019
335 ESPS Epileptic Seizure Prediction System (ESPS) - Predicting and preventing epileptic seizures based on respiratory biofeedback & machine learning. 2019
337 FUTURBINE Transforming distributed energy generation through the FUTURe Gas TurBINE 2019
338 VOROCO KOBOT – a VOice-responsive RObot for the COnstruction floor 2019
339 REsPecTMe Resolving Precariousness: Advancing the Theory and Measurement of Precariousness across the paid/unpaid work continuum 2019
340 iMIRACLI innovative MachIne leaRning to constrain Aerosol-cloud CLimate Impacts (iMIRACLI) 2020
341 S2S-Future SIGNAL PROPAGATION IN SOURCE TO SINK for the FUTUre of earth Ressources and Energies 2020
342 OPTAPHI European Joint Doctorate Programme on Optical Sensing using Advanced Photo-Induced Effects 2020
343 InnovationOrigin Assessment of Zoan products as biomaterials for 3D printing in health care 2019
345 SUPERGALAX Highly sensitive detection of single microwave photons with coherent quantum network of superconducting qubits for searching galactic axions 2020
346 SkinFactory 2.0 SkinFactory 2.0: GMP-in-a-box 2019
347 ETIQMEDIA Counterfeiting and Piracy will not affect to our firms in the EU any longer. 2019
348 LIKE LIdar Knowledge Europe 2019
349 TubInTrain Tuning Tubulin Dynamics and Interactions to Face Neurotoxicity: a Multidisciplinary Approach for Training and Research 2019
350 StaphIMPACT SA.100: Next-generation targeted antibacterial product entering European market 2019
351 PULSE-COM Photo-Piezo-ActUators based on Light SEnsitive COMposite 2019
352 eggXYt A novel approach for sexing chicken embryos on day one before incubation - saving them from being hatched and disposed of. 2019
354 HMI4auto aXiom – a first of its kind Human-Machine Interface Chip designed for the automotive industry 2019
355 HECAT Disruptive Technologies Supporting Labour Market Decision Making 2020
356 UPLIFT Urban PoLicy Innovation to address inequality with and for Future generaTions 2020
357 COENCO Display Color-enriching nano coating for mobile displays 2019
358 CHAMELEONS Championing A Multi-Sectoral Education and Learning Experience to Open New Pathways for Doctoral Students 2020
359 MindBot Mental Health promotion of cobot Workers in Industry 4.0 2020
360 RARITY RAtional design of canceR ImmunoTherapY: one size does not fit all 2019
361 DocEnhance Enhancing skills intelligence and integration into existing PhD programmes by providing transferable skills training through an open online platform 2020
362 CoAct Co-designing Citizen Social Science for Collective Action 2020
363 Tolka Pro Manual Assistant (hand for upper limb disability) – a new approach designed to restore user's manual capabilities. 2019
364 EPHOR Exposome project for health and occupational research 2020
365 LPS For a full data privacy on the go. 2019
366 DYNANSE Righting the Wrongs. A Life Course Dynamics Approach for Non-Standard Employment 2020
367 FEATHERS FEATHERS (FE / MALES AND THEIR SCRIBES): Authorship and the Mediation of Voices, c. 1558-1642 2020
368 Innovation.NRW Establishing services enhancing the innovation management capacity of SMEs by the Enterprise Europe Network in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, in 2020-21 2020
369 BASKAM4 Innovation services and key account management support for Basque SMEs for 2020-2021 2020
370 HUMANeye Implantable titanium net to combat pathological corneal shape deformations 2019
371 MIGKNOW Migrating Knowledge: The Global Knowledge Networks of German Medic, Botanist and Migration Commissioner Wilhelm Hillebrand in Hawai‘i (1821-1886) 2020
372 RightsLab Towards Transnational Labour Rights? Temporary Work Agencies and Third Country National Workers in the EU. 2021
373 Financing_Entrep Financing Frictions in High-Potential Entrepreneurship 2020
375 OMR X-Ray Fluorescence, Shape recognition & Machine Learning for Efficient and Economic Recycling of Mixed Metals from Co-mingled Waste. 2020
376 GENCARGAP Gender Career Gap and Firm Composition 2020