The page lists 974 projects related to the topic "quantitative".
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1 | BIOCYCLE | BIOlogical therapy CYCLEs towards tailored, needs-driven, safer and cost-effective management of Crohn’s disease | 2015 |
2 | CATCH ME | Characterizing Atrial fibrillation by Translating its Causes into Health Modifiers in the Elderly | 2015 |
3 | ReN2014-15 | 2014-2015 Researchers' Night: The Greek events | 2014 |
4 | RiNG-14-15 | European Researchers' Night in Bosnia and Herzegovina 2014-2015 | 2014 |
5 | DIABOLO | Distributed, integrated and harmonised forest information for bioeconomy outlooks | 2015 |
6 | SUSFANS | Metrics, Models and Foresight for European Sustainable Food and Nutrition Security | 2015 |
7 | DIAGORAS | Chair/bedside diagnosis of oral and respiratory tract infections, and identification of antibiotic resistances for personalised monitoring and treatment | 2015 |
8 | CDS-QUAMRI | A Clinical Decision Support system based on Quantitative multimodal brain MRI for personalized treatment in neurological and psychiatric disorders | 2015 |
9 | BETA3_LVH | A multi-center randomized, placebo-controlled trial of mirabegron, a new beta3-adrenergic receptor agonist on left ventricular mass and diastolic function in patients with structural heart disease | 2015 |
10 | SILNE-R | Enhancing the effectiveness of programs and strategies to prevent youth smoking: a comparative realist evaluation of 7 European cities | 2015 |
11 | ADVOCATE | Added Value for Oral Care | 2015 |
12 | ENTANGLED-TM-ALKANE | Entangled pincer ligand architectures and their application in the transition-metal-mediated activation of alkanes | 2015 |
13 | GQCOP | Genuine Quantumness in Cooperative Phenomena | 2015 |
14 | ALKENoNE | Algal Lipids: the Key to Earth Now and aNcient Earth | 2015 |
15 | QUANTPATTERN | Quantitative analysis of Nodal/Lefty-mediated pattern formation | 2015 |
16 | ChromArch | Single Molecule Mechanisms of Spatio-Temporal Chromatin Architecture | 2015 |
17 | AngioGenesHD | Epistasis analysis of angiogenes with high cellular definition | 2015 |
18 | CRCStemCellDynamics | Molecular Subtype Specific Stem Cell Dynamics in Developing and Established Colorectal Cancers | 2015 |
19 | MoNaLISA | Long-term molecular nanoscale imaging of neuronal function | 2015 |
20 | ENHANCEDQMMR | Enhanced Qualitative and Multi-Method Research in Political Science | 2015 |
21 | CASTELLANY ACCOUNTS | Record-keeping, fiscal reform, and the rise of institutional accountability in late-medieval Savoy: a source-oriented approach | 2015 |
22 | aidsocpro | Aiding Social Protection: the political economy of externally financing social policy in developing countries | 2015 |
23 | COALA | Comprehensive molecular characterization of secondary organic aerosol formation in the atmosphere | 2015 |
24 | AArteMIS | Aneurysmal Arterial Mechanics: Into the Structure | 2015 |
25 | INFO TECHNOLOGY | Information Technology and Institutions Supporting Human Capital Accumulation and Exchange | 2015 |
26 | ALH | Alternative life histories: linking genes to phenotypes to demography | 2015 |
27 | PRCTOERC | Novel Regulatory Principles of Polycomb Repressive Complex 2 | 2015 |
28 | VisuLive | Quantitative Nanoscale Visualization of Macromolecular Complexes in Live Cells using Genetic Code Expansion and High-Resolution Imaging | 2015 |
29 | Oscillations | Oscillatory signaling dynamics – a quantitative approach to reveal their origin and function in development | 2015 |
30 | MESOPROBIO | Mesoscopic models for propagation in biology | 2015 |
31 | OCT4IOL | Optical Coherence Tomography for Intraocular Lenses | 2015 |
32 | IMAGINE | Imaging magnetic fields at the nanoscale with a single spin microscope | 2015 |
33 | LOCOMOUSE | Cerebellar circuit mechanisms of coordinated locomotion in mice | 2015 |
34 | FLARECAST | Flare Likelihood and Region Eruption Forecasting | 2015 |
35 | DOLFINS | Distributed Global Financial Systems for Society | 2015 |
36 | NextGenVis | Training the Next Generation of European Visual Neuroscientists for the benefit of innovation in health care and high-tech industry | 2015 |
37 | KINDRA | Knowledge Inventory for hydrogeology research | 2015 |
38 | MEL-PLEX | Exploiting MELanoma disease comPLEXity to address European research training needs in translational cancer systems biology and cancer systems medicine | 2014 |
39 | FRESHER | FoResight and Modelling for European HEalth Policy and Regulation | 2015 |
40 | IMIXSED | Integrating isotopic techniques with Bayesian modelling for improved assessment and management of global sedimentation problems | 2015 |
41 | TraMOOC | Translation for Massive Open Online Courses | 2015 |
42 | WITDOM | empoWering prIvacy and securiTy in non-trusteD envirOnMents | 2015 |
43 | SSIX | Social Sentiment analysis financial IndeXes | 2015 |
44 | Immuno-NanoDecoder | Nanostructured molecular decoders for the quantitative, multiplexed, layer-by-layer detection of disease-associated proteins | 2015 |
45 | I3U | Investigating the Impact of the Innovation Union | 2015 |
46 | progRESsHEAT | Supporting the progress of renewable energies for heating and cooling in the EU on a local level | 2015 |
47 | NANOREACTOR | Multiscale modelling of stimuli-responsive nanoreactors | 2015 |
48 | DIMR | Data Intensive Modelling of the Rhizosphere Processes | 2015 |
49 | FORCASTER | Force, Motion and Positioning of Microtubule Asters | 2015 |
50 | NewSpindleForce | A new class of microtubules in the spindle exerting forces on kinetochores | 2015 |
51 | FlexNets | Quantifying Flexibility in Communication Networks | 2015 |
52 | VIBRA | Very fast Imaging by Broadband coherent RAman | 2015 |
53 | MOVE | Mapping mobility – pathways, institutions and structural effects of youth mobility in Europe | 2015 |
54 | NEGOTIATE | Negotiating early job-insecurity and labour market exclusion in Europe | 2015 |
55 | FairTax | Revisioning the ‘Fiscal EU’: Fair, Sustainable, and Coordinated Tax and Social Policies | 2015 |
56 | RE-InVEST | Rebuilding an Inclusive, Value-based Europe of Solidarity and Trust through Social Investments | 2015 |
57 | YMOBILITY | Youth mobility: maximising opportunities for individuals, labour markets and regions in Europe | 2015 |
58 | EXCEPT | Social Exclusion of Youth in Europe: Cumulative Disadvantage, Coping Strategies, Effective Policies and Transfer | 2015 |
59 | EMU Choices (former EMU_SCEUS) | The Choice for Europe since Maastricht. Member States' Preferences for Economic and Financial Integration | 2015 |
60 | CATCH-EyoU | Constructing AcTive CitizensHip with European Youth: Policies, Practices, Challenges and Solutions | 2015 |
61 | TOPTEN ACT | Enabling consumer action towards top energy-efficient products | 2015 |
62 | BeadCAP-DNA | BeadCAP-DNA: 30-minute on-site DNA test kit | 2014 |
63 | MICEXPRESS | Understanding how selection for body weight in mouse operates at the RNA level | 2015 |
64 | METACLOAK | Broadband cloaking and shielding of elastic waves in solids. | 2015 |
65 | URBANCO2FLUX | Quantifying the impact of the urban biosphere on the net flux of CO2 from cities into the atmosphere. | 2015 |
66 | DTI4micro | Quantitative characterization of cardiac tissue microstructure from Diffusion Tensor Imaging | 2015 |
67 | JUNO | Joint Volumetric Reconstruction and Automated Analysis of the Fetal Heart from Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Images | 2015 |
68 | HYDIN | Experimental constraints on indium transport in hydrothermal systems | 2016 |
69 | PleisTechnoVar | Technological Variability during the Late Pleistocene in Eastern Africa: lithic assemblages as indirect witnesses of past human population dynamics | 2015 |
70 | GETAGRIP | Evolutionary Trends And GRasping form and function In Primates and other tetrapod lineages | 2016 |
71 | Polyphemus | Towards a new framework for reception: Gongora’s poetics, ‘new’ readers and the material world | 2015 |
72 | QTMODEM | Quantitative Motor Control for Decision Making | 2016 |
73 | ViGOTHIC | Towards a typology of Visigothic script: the Beatus British Library Add. 11695 and its potential for dating and localising Visigothic script manuscripts | 2015 |
74 | MecaMorphEME | Four-dimensional physical modeling and numerical simulation of the early mouse embryo morphogenesis. | 2015 |
75 | 7DUP | Characterization of 7q11.23 reciprocal aneusomy syndromes: from patients to functional pathways (and back) | 2016 |
76 | KSHV QTV | Identification of novel KSHV immune evasion mechanisms using a quantitative temporal viromics analysis | 2015 |
77 | InterDemo | Intercultural Democracies: insights from mining conflicts for environmental justice in plurinational Bolivia and Ecuador. | 2015 |
78 | StarlightWinds | Mass loss in the lives and deaths of massive stars | 2015 |
79 | PETITE GUERRE | Experiences and Memories of French and Algerian Veterans. Remembering the 'petite guerre' in the Aurès-Nememcha | 2015 |
80 | QuantMR7 | Quantitative MRI of the brain using magnetic resonance fingerprinting | 2016 |
81 | NextGen RiBiomics | Next Generation Proteomic Analysis of Pre-Ribosomal Proteome Dynamics Coupled to Glucose Metabolism in Caner Cells | 2016 |
82 | SilentFACT | Functional networks and cancer roles of the essential histone chaperone FACT | 2015 |
83 | SMI REP | Investigating eukaryotic replisome dynamics at the single molecule level | 2015 |
84 | InVivo_DDR_ADPR | Decoding the DNA damage signalling in C. elegans by proteomic analyses of ADP-ribosylation | 2016 |
85 | COLPHAM | Collective Phenomena in dense Active Matter: phase transitions and non-equilibrium dynamics. | 2015 |
86 | SugarOsmoSignalling | Analysis of sugar- and osmo-signalling mechanisms in cell wall integrity maintenance | 2016 |
87 | PREF LEARNHEUR | Learning heuristics in preference elicitation tasks: insights from behavioural, computational and neurobiological investigations | 2015 |
88 | SpikeControl | Cerebellar Spiking Model For Real-time Closed-loop Sensorimotor Control | 2015 |
89 | PATOX | Development of pyrrolizidine alkaloid detection methods for the assessment of food contamination and impact on human and animal health | 2016 |
90 | MWMI | Mesoscopic characterization of human white-matter: a computational in-vivo MRI framework | 2015 |
91 | CONTESTED URBANISM | Contested Cities Revisited: a multidisciplinary, multi-scale analysis of urban space | 2015 |
92 | Old and New | How Old and New Media Influenced Each Other and Society in Iceland during the 16th and 17th Centuries | 2015 |
93 | BIDAMARK | BIg DAta-driven MARKeting for better competitiveness | 2015 |
94 | TWISTER | ToWards the Identification of Sesquiterpene TransportERs | 2015 |
95 | LeGaNa | Leggett-Garg test of a vibrating carbon nanotube | 2016 |
96 | MELANOPARK | Investigating the LRRK2-melanin connection through phosphoproteomics of isogenic melanoma cells | 2015 |
97 | EVOLMARIN | Rapid evolution and geographic ranges: predicting marine species persistence and distribution in a changing ocean | 2015 |
98 | HistoricEpi | Quantiative Study of Major Historic Epidemics and Transitions to longer, healthier lives | 2015 |
99 | MCMQCT | Multi-functional Computational Microscopy for Quantitative Cell Tracking | 2015 |
100 | EpiLIVER | Characterization and implications of DNA damage response in liver cancer | 2016 |
101 | APT-Met | Atom Probe Tomography (APT) Metrology for future 3D semiconductor devices | 2015 |
102 | WATER INCENT | Economic Instruments for Sustainable Water Management in Water Scarce and Drought Prone Irrigated Areas | 2015 |
103 | AdoDigitFamX | Adolescents, Parents and Digital Media: Looking for the pattern that dis/connects | 2015 |
104 | AccuCT | Accurate characterization of charge-transfer excited states | 2016 |
105 | ECOSOUND | Ecosystem mechanisms of noise impact on marine fauna | 2015 |
106 | PFSEXOME | Identification of protein kinases and signalling pathways important for Plasmodium falciparum malaria transmission | 2015 |
107 | MAPP | Mosquito Antiviral piRNA Pathway | 2015 |
108 | KINSELECT | Microtubule organisation and polarized transport of kinesins in neurons | 2015 |
109 | ICH-Bildung | The Impact of Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) in formal, non-formal and informal education and its contribution to the Key Competences for Lifelong Learning in the EU Reference Framework | 2015 |
110 | BinCosmos | The impact of Massive Binary Stars through Cosmic Times | 2015 |
111 | NMJALS | In vivo analysis of neuromuscular junction stability in zebrafish models of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis | 2015 |
112 | EGRET | European Glaucoma Research Training Program | 2015 |
113 | MIRCAB | Validation of diagnostic and/or prognostic miRNAs in triple-negative breast cancer | 2015 |
114 | Unbabel | Unbabel: Scalable, affordable and seamless content globalization using distributed crowd-post editing | 2015 |
115 | MalaDiag | Development of a very rapid diagnostic test for malaria, based on break-through detection technology and new biomarkers of infection. | 2014 |
116 | PHOCCS | Photon Cross Correlation Spectroscopy | 2015 |
117 | 2-NanoSi | Ratiometric FRET Based Nanosensors for Trypsin Related Human Recessive Diseases | 2015 |
118 | NewMoon | NewMoon - Smart Garments in Newborns and Babies Monitoring | 2015 |
119 | ATRS Instrument | Real time analysis of tablet and capsule dosage during pharmaceutical manufacturing | 2015 |
120 | PGE-PLANETS | Mineral scale platinum-group-element osmium isotope constraints on planet formation ‘late’ accretion | 2015 |
121 | PARK-IT | Unobtrusive, continuous and quantitative assessment of Parkinson’s disease: hard evidence for optimal disease management with information technologies | 2015 |
122 | MtbTransReg | Translational regulation in the persistence and drug susceptibility of Mycobacterium tuberculosis | 2015 |
123 | lincSAFARI | Sequence and Function Relationships in Long Intervening Noncoding RNAs | 2015 |
124 | iTPX | In-cavity thermophotonic cooling | 2015 |
125 | DEEP TIME | Dynamic Earth Evolution and Paleogeography through Tomographic Imaging of the Mantle | 2015 |
126 | HybridMiX | Genetic Mapping of Evolutionary Developmental Variation using Hybrid Mouse in vitro Crosses | 2015 |
127 | MultiScaleNeurovasc | Quantifying the structure-function of the neurovascular interface: from micro-circuits to large-scale functional organization | 2015 |
128 | ProPlantStress | Proteolytic processing in plant stress signal transduction and responses to abiotic stress and pathogen attack | 2015 |
129 | Enhancer ID | Identification and functional characterization of mammalian enhancers and transcriptional co-factors during cellular signaling and cell fate transitions | 2015 |
130 | STRINGFLATION | Inflation in String Theory - Connecting Quantum Gravity with Observations | 2015 |
131 | EVOLHGT | Selective Barriers to Horizontal Gene Transfer | 2015 |
132 | Riblet4Wind | Riblet-Surfaces for Improvement of Efficiency of Wind Turbines | 2015 |
133 | Dementia | DNA rEpair impaired Mice with accElerated Neurodegeneration as Tool to Improve Alzheimer therapeutics | 2015 |
134 | QuantOnCal | Feasibility study for clinical validation of an innovative point of care assay for the detection of low-grade-infections in joint replacement | 2015 |
135 | MEMEMTUM | Neurological evaluation with simple tools to track evolution and perform early detection of neurodegenerative issues | 2015 |
136 | ProCanEx | Prostate cancer diagnostic assay based on protein kinase activity profiling in exosomes | 2015 |
137 | OPTIMALZ | Optical imaging of ocular pathology in Alzheimer’s disease | 2015 |
138 | QUANTEXBIO | Quantitative and Experimental Biology | 2015 |
139 | NanoPaths | Identifying pathways of cellular nanoparticle uptake and early processing for novel nanomedicine applications | 2015 |
140 | CONC-VIA-RIEMANN | High-Dimensional Convexity, Isoperimetry and Concentration via a Riemannian Vantage Point | 2015 |
141 | HandsandBible | The Hands that Wrote the Bible: Digital Palaeography and Scribal Culture of the Dead Sea Scrolls | 2015 |
142 | THREEDCELLPHYSICS | The physics of three dimensional chromosome and protein organisation within the cell | 2015 |
143 | QuantPalm_immunity | Quantitative analysis of protein S-palmitoylation in host resistance to intracellular pathogens. | 2015 |
144 | GEDII | Gender Diversity Impact – Improving research and innovation through gender diversity | 2015 |
145 | LIBRA | Leading Innovative measures to reach gender Balance in Research Activities | 2015 |
146 | FutureTDM | Reducing Barriers and Increasing Uptake of Text and Data Mining for Research Environments using a Collaborative Knowledge and Open Information Approach | 2015 |
147 | MultiDiag | Rapid, cost-effective, multiplex point of care diagnostic immunoassay system | 2015 |
148 | COMBIOSCOPY | Computational Biophotonics for Endoscopic Cancer Diagnosis and Therapy | 2015 |
149 | PROTEOMICAN | Discovery of breast cancer aggressiveness markers using topo-proteomics mapping | 2015 |
150 | ACTOMYO | Mechanisms of actomyosin-based contractility during cytokinesis | 2015 |
151 | BRAINSTRUCT | Building up a brain: understanding how neural stem cell fate and regulation controls nervous tissue architecture | 2015 |
152 | NEXTGenIO | Next Generation I/O for Exascale | 2015 |
153 | CoCoBondsValuation | New System for Credit Rating of Hybrid Securities | 2015 |
154 | GV-FLU | A Genetic View of Influenza Infection | 2015 |
155 | DesignerPores | Understanding and Designing Novel NanoPores | 2015 |
156 | Allelic Regulation | Revealing Allele-level Regulation and Dynamics using Single-cell Gene Expression Analyses | 2015 |
157 | NuFEAST | Optimising Nutritional Health and Wellbeing Through Local Sustainable Food Systems -NuFEAST (Nutrition - Food (for) Everyone's health, Available, Sustainable and Trusted) | 2015 |
158 | BeadDiagnosis | Prognosis and Diagnosis of Protein Misfolding Diseases by Seeded Aggregation in Microspheres | 2015 |
159 | LASSO | Learning, Analysis, SynthesiS and Optimization of Cyber-Physical Systems | 2015 |
160 | MIMESIS | Mathematics and Materials Science for Steel Production and Manufacturing | 2015 |
161 | DIME | Disequilibirum metamorphism of stressed lithosphere | 2015 |
162 | ASICA | New constraints on the Amazonian carbon balance from airborne observations of the stable isotopes of CO2 | 2015 |
163 | DivIDe | A multidisciplinary approach to cell division: From human oocyte to synthetic biology | 2016 |
164 | STEEPclim | Spatiotemporal evolution of the hydrological cycle throughout the European continent during past abrupt climate changes | 2015 |
165 | MolCellTissMech | Molecular and cellular determinants of cell monolayer mechanics | 2015 |
166 | ProFF | Programming in vitro evolution using molecular fitness functions | 2015 |
167 | TRANSPOP | The Transformation of Popular Politics in Europe’s Long Nineteenth Century | 2015 |
168 | MarineIce | Ice Nucleating Particles in the Marine Atmosphere | 2015 |
169 | ETFA | Enough to feed an army. Carthaginian rural exploitation during the late third century BC | 2015 |
170 | BigDataFinance | Training for Big Data in Financial Research and Risk Management | 2015 |
171 | IbD | Intensified by Design® for the intensification of processes involving solids handling | 2015 |
172 | NANO | Intelligent Low-Cost Real-Time Nanomagnetooptical Integrity Monitoring and Sensing System for Asset Integrity Management | 2015 |
173 | ChromoCellDev | Chromosome Architecture and the Fidelity of Mitosis during Development | 2015 |
174 | KINSHIP | How do humans recognise kin? | 2015 |
175 | MADE | Migration as Development | 2015 |
176 | ArtEmpire | An ARTery of EMPIRE. Conquest, Commerce, Crisis, Culture and the Panamanian Junction (1513-1671) | 2016 |
177 | DNAmics | DNA mimetics: Synthetic molecular duplexes | 2016 |
178 | MASAM | New tools for key questions in plant development: using qualitative and quantitative proteomics for direct determination of the set of DNA and RNA-binding factors regulating single copy genes | 2015 |
179 | PROTEOMICS4D | Proteomics 4D: The proteome in context | 2015 |
180 | EGRET-Plus | European Glaucoma Research Training Program-Plus | 2016 |
181 | PolarNet | Principles of Polarity – Integrating genetic, biophysical and computational approaches to understand cell and tissue polarity | 2015 |
182 | EPIGEN | EPIGEN: A New Predictive Response Test for Non Small Cells Lung Cancer Treatment | 2015 |
183 | IXSI3D | Translating Hybrid Imaging for Interventions: Intra-operative Guidance and Evaluation using 2D and 3D Interventional X-ray Scintigraphy Imaging | 2015 |
184 | DISLIFE | Liveable disabilities: Life courses and opportunity structures across time | 2016 |
185 | EVILTONGUE | No Sword Bites So Fiercly as an Evil Tongue?Gossip Wrecks Reputation, but Enhances Cooperation | 2015 |
186 | FOREMAT | Finding a needle in a haystack: efficient identification of high performing organic energy materials | 2015 |
187 | WEY-CRISP | Well-being among European youth: The contribution of student teacher relationships in the secondary-school population | 2016 |
188 | eMicrobevol | Early Microbial Evolution | 2015 |
189 | CREATE | The CREAtion of the Department of Physical Chemistry of Biological SysTEms | 2015 |
190 | NuQFT | The Hall Plateau Transition and non-unitary Quantum Field Theory | 2015 |
191 | SM-GRAV | Gravity, Holography and The Standard Model | 2016 |
192 | NorFish | North Atlantic Fisheries: An Environmental History, 1400-1700 | 2016 |
193 | Diversity6continents | Ecological determinants of tropical-temperate trends in insect diversity | 2015 |
194 | MYCOCHASSIS | Engineering of a minimal bacterial therapeutic chassis | 2015 |
195 | SIMBIONT | A data-driven multiscale simulation of organogenesis | 2015 |
196 | PRION2020 | Function and malfunction of the prion protein | 2015 |
197 | 5HTCircuits | Modulation of cortical circuits and predictive neural coding by serotonin | 2016 |
198 | EU-ToxRisk | An Integrated European ‘Flagship’ Program Driving Mechanism-based Toxicity Testing and Risk Assessment for the 21st Century | 2016 |
199 | JPI-EC-AMR | ERA-NET for establishing synergies between the Joint Programming Initiative on Antimicrobial Resistance Research and Horizon 2020 | 2015 |
200 | NEWROFEED | Personalized medical device for the diagnosis and treatment of ADHD based on EEG biomarkers and Neurofeedback Training | 2015 |
201 | PNEUMOSIP | PNEUMOSIP | 2015 |
202 | TrainMALTA | Interdisciplinary Training in High-Throughput Sequencing, Bioinformatics and Model Systems: Moving towards Clinical applications of Genomics | 2016 |
203 | CellViewer | CellViewer: super-resolution systems microscopy to assess pluripotency and differentiation of stem cells at single cell level | 2016 |
204 | PoroFrac | A high-fidelity isogeometric simulation methodology for fracture in porous media | 2016 |
205 | FrailSafe | Sensing and predictive treatment of frailty and associated co-morbidities using advanced personalized patient models and advanced interventions | 2016 |
206 | SuperSART | Commercialization of an innovative tomographic reconstruction algorithm (Super-sampling SART) for various geometry setups | 2016 |
207 | ENHANCE | Building an Excellency Network for Heightening Agricultural ecoNomic researCh and Education in Romania | 2016 |
208 | TENSORNETSIM | Accurate simulations of strongly correlated systems with tensor network methods | 2016 |
209 | FluctEvol | Fluctuating selection, evolution, and plasticity in random environments | 2016 |
210 | SEO-DWARF | Semantic EO Data Web Alert and Retrieval Framework | 2016 |
211 | ImMoRiSt | Immune Monitoring for RIsk STratification in Solid Organ Transplant Recipients | 2016 |
212 | STAQAMOF | Statistical modelling across price and time scales: a quantitative approach to modern financial regulation | 2016 |
213 | P450RESIST | Understanding and exploiting the insect P450 resistome | 2016 |
214 | ThDEFINE | Re(defining) CD4+ T Cell Identities One Cell at a Time | 2016 |
215 | DROSADAPTATION | New approaches to long-standing questions: adaptation in Drosophila | 2016 |
216 | JCR | Judicial Conflict Resolution: Examining Hybrids of Non-adversarial Justice | 2016 |
217 | SCANS | Social Cognition in Adolescents: Brain Networks and Social Networks | 2016 |
218 | FAMilyDECisions | Family formation decisions and gender attitudes in crisis times: an international, historical and longitudinal comparison. | 2016 |
219 | TAT-CF | Novel therapeutic approaches for the treatment of cystic fibrosis based on small molecule transmembrane anion transporters | 2016 |
220 | INHERIT | INter-sectoral Health Environment Research for InnovaTions | 2016 |
221 | IDentIFY | Improving Diagnosis by Fast Field-Cycling MRI | 2016 |
222 | SPCCT | In Vivo Spectral Photon Counting CT Molecular Imaging in Cardio- and Neuro-Vascular Diseases | 2016 |
223 | Click-It | “In Vivo Click PET Imaging Agents”: Improving clinical companion diagnostics | 2016 |
224 | CIVILWARS | Social Dynamics of Civil Wars | 2016 |
225 | OXYGEN | Quantifying the evolution of Earth's atmosphere with novel isotope systems and modelling | 2016 |
226 | MIN-GUIDE | Minerals Policy Guidance for Europe | 2016 |
227 | ROBUST | Robotic subsea exploration technologies | 2015 |
228 | Errspitals | A knowledge transfer and sharing action for developing A new integrative approach to mitigating errors in hospitals: Resolving tensions in error research | 2016 |
229 | DEMOSTAF | Emerging population issues in sub-Saharan Africa: Cross-checking and promoting demographic data for better action | 2016 |
230 | QUEST | QUantitative paleoEnvironments from SpeleoThems | 2016 |
231 | GROWTHPATTERN | Coordination Of Patterning And Growth In The Spinal Cord | 2016 |
232 | REDOXCYCLE | The molecular interface between cell cycle and redox regulation | 2016 |
233 | VIP4SME | Value Intellectual Property for SMEs | 2015 |
234 | BATMAN | Development of Quantitative Metrologies to Guide Lithium Ion Battery Manufacturing | 2016 |
235 | JHEP2 | Support to the implementation of the Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) of the Joint Programming Initiative on Cultural Heritage and Global Change (JPI CH) | 2016 |
236 | math4AAArisk | A mathematical platform for Abdominal Aortic Aneurism risk assessment and surgical planning | 2015 |
238 | SALSA | Small farms, small food businesses and sustainable food security | 2016 |
239 | TeSeR | Technology for Self Removal of Spacecraft | 2016 |
240 | HEMOTECT | Hemozoin Detection using Nitrogen-Vacancy centers in Diamond | 2016 |
241 | CyberWiz | Cyber-Security Visualization and CAD-Tool for the Vulnerability Assessment of Critical Infrastructures | 2015 |
242 | GvHDCure | Understanding the dynamics of the immune system to cure graft-versus-host disease (GvHD). | 2016 |
243 | ComplexSex | Sex-limited experimental evolution of natural and novel sex chromosomes: the role of sex in shaping complex traits | 2016 |
244 | F-ATPase | Towards a Complete Quantitative Model of the FOF1 ATP Synthase | 2016 |
245 | OptiQ-CanDo | Hybrid Optical Interferometry for Quantitative Cancer Cell Diagnosis | 2016 |
246 | PARPin | Regulation of (ADP-ribosyl)ation signalling in the DNA damage response: elucidating the function of a novel PARP1/ARTD1 interactor | 2016 |
247 | FERTISSIMO | Oxidative Stress as a biomarker for Embryo Selection in IVF Process | 2016 |
248 | Strength2Food | Strengthening European Food Chain Sustainability by Quality and Procurement Policy | 2016 |
249 | MolMap | From Tissues to Single Molecules: High Content in Situ Super-Resolution imaging with DNA-PAINT | 2016 |
250 | SATBIOFUN | Genome editing for spatiotemporal analysis of centriolar SATellite BIOgenesis and FUNction in cellular stress responses | 2016 |
251 | PULMO | PULMO: Population dynamics, trophic interactions, and human exploitation of a novel nutraceutical and pharmaceutical marine resource: the Mediterranean sea lung jellyfish, Rhizostoma pulmo . | 2016 |
252 | ANIMATION | Automatic Neurovascular Image Analysis and Quantification | 2016 |
253 | ENSAR2 | European Nuclear Science and Application Research 2 | 2016 |
254 | CMIL | Crosstalk of Metabolism and Inflammation | 2016 |
255 | RespMicroFlows | Unravelling respiratory microflows in silico and in vitro: novel paths for targeted pulmonary delivery in infants and young children | 2016 |
256 | JUDI-ARCH | The Rise of Judicial Self-Government: Changing the Architecture of Separation of Powers without an Architect | 2016 |
257 | ProFoundNet | Probabilistic Foundations for Networks | 2016 |
258 | PRILA | Prisons: the Rule of Law, Accountability and Rights | 2016 |
259 | ANGI | Adaptive significance of Non Genetic Inheritance | 2016 |
260 | FAMSIZEMATTERS | Family size matters: How low fertility affects the (re)production of social inequalities | 2016 |
261 | TOCNeT | Teaching Old Crypto New Tricks | 2016 |
262 | HISENTS | High level Integrated SEnsor for NanoToxicity Screening | 2016 |
263 | CanPathPro | Generation of the CanPath prototype - a platform for predictive cancer pathway modeling | 2016 |
264 | FACELOOK | Identity Management on Social Media by Diasporic LGBTQs | 2016 |
265 | THALES | Mass-production, landscape transformation and the birth of science in the land of Thales (8th-6th centuries BCE) | 2016 |
266 | INNOVATE | The innovation journey of tourism entrepreneurs: evidence from the UK and Spain and policy implications | 2016 |
267 | SocialBrain | Brain growth under social pressure: mathematical modelling of brain growth when individuals face social challenges | 2016 |
268 | Female Empowerment | “The Role of Urbanization in Female Empowerment: the Turkish Case in Comparative Perspective” | 2016 |
269 | GranD Cities | Green and Diverse Cities. The social impact of urban policies for sustainability in comparative perspective. | 2016 |
270 | PCCDX | Breaking the curse of dimension in heavy-element chemistry | 2016 |
271 | HOMER | Hydrocarbon Oxidation Mechanisms Elucidated from Radical scavenging | 2016 |
272 | TRIA | Transitivity in Indo-Aryan: A diachronic syntactic data base of valence-changing categories | 2017 |
273 | NanoSiAl | Silica and alumina nanophases – the building blocks for the ground under our feet. | 2017 |
274 | SuMAC | Sustainable Mobility, Affordable Cities: How do workplace sustainability plans shape transport affordability in Brussels and Sofia? | 2017 |
275 | CH4ScarabDetect | Detecting and quantifying CH4 emissions from scarab larvae using stable carbon isotopes | 2016 |
276 | FLAVIC DYNAMICS | Labeling Flavivirus capsid protein to unravel its dynamics during infection and egress by correlative super-resolution fluorescence and cryo-electron microscopy | 2017 |
277 | FLAMENCO | FLAgellated MicroswimmErs’ locomotioN in Confined flOws | 2016 |
278 | DynOMIS | Dynamic Origins of MHC class I Selector function | 2016 |
279 | SNAPCAT | Scanning probe energy loss spectroscopy of Nanoscale Alloy Particles for heterogeneous CATalysis | 2016 |
280 | CFQMLD | A Computational Framework For Quantitative Modeling of Leaf Development in Arabidopsis and Cardamine | 2017 |
281 | VIRCOLLAB | Virtual Proximity and Collaboration | 2016 |
282 | TGIP | Trans-generational immune priming: molecular basis and fitness consequences | 2016 |
283 | RICC | The Application of Advanced Raman Spectroscopies to the Quantitative Analysis of Industrial Chromatography Columns | 2016 |
284 | VOLTAIC | VOLcanic lighTning: a lAb and fIeld ApproaCh | 2016 |
285 | InviCitRom | Invisible Edges of Citizenship: Re-addressing the position of Romani Minorities in Europe | 2017 |
286 | Cells-in-drops | High throughput screening of single-cells using droplet microfluidics | 2016 |
287 | Exosomes | Regulated secretion and role of urinary nanovesicles | 2017 |
288 | PIM PROTEOMICS | Unravelling PIM kinase signal integration in the T cell response | 2017 |
289 | RATE | RATE: Respiratory Acoustics To estimate Energy in wild cetaceans | 2017 |
290 | PERSIST | Systematic identification of (p)ppGpp-dependent multidrug and stress tolerance factors | 2016 |
291 | ORGANIC QUAL TRACERS | Organic food quality control and metabolomic fingerprinting | 2016 |
292 | GolgiBiosSys | Identification and characterisation of plant Golgi biosynthetic multiprotein systems | 2016 |
293 | DUSC3 | DUSt, Climate and Carbone Cycle | 2016 |
294 | MOCCA | Mobile context-aware cross-cultural applications | 2016 |
295 | DIFIE | Direct and Indirect mechanisms of Fisheries-Induced Evolution | 2017 |
296 | TACT | Towards an objective and quantitative Assessment of human Corneal Transparency | 2017 |
297 | THERMIDRONE | Automated 3D Thermal Imaging of Industrial Plants and Residential Buildings by Drones | 2016 |
298 | RAD | A study for the technical and business feasibility of a fast-acting consumer test to detect gluten and other contaminants in food. | 2016 |
299 | ARCDIV | Up-scaling Arctic diversity analysis to link community organisation and ecosystem functioning | 2016 |
300 | CHODIA | Cultural Heritage of Dictatorship in Albania | 2016 |
301 | COLEDISO | Corporate Legitimacy in Digital Society: The Role of Citizens’ Judgments in Social Media | 2016 |
302 | DIET-SEX-GENOMICS | Linking genotype to phenotype - Role of diet on sex-specific reproduction | 2016 |
303 | Tolerome | Evolution of antibiotic tolerance in the 'wild': A quantitative approach | 2016 |
304 | PROMISE | PROMoting youth Involvement and Social Engagement: Opportunities and challenges for 'conflicted' young people across Europe | 2016 |
305 | DSMM | “(De) Securitising Muslims in Cyber space: Social Media, Civil society and Marginalisation After Charlie Hebdo and the Islamic State” | 2016 |
306 | PlantCellMech | Quantification of the role of mechanical stresses in plant cell morphogenesis. | 2016 |
307 | CADENT | Competitive Advantage for the Data-driven ENTerprise | 2016 |
308 | AGORAs | AGeing effects on human aORta: from shApe to flowS | 2016 |
309 | CGCglasmaQGP | The nonlinear high energy regime of Quantum Chromodynamics | 2016 |
310 | caLIBRAte | Performance testing, calibration and implementation of a next generation system-of-systems Risk Governance Framework for nanomaterials | 2016 |
311 | REPAiR | REPAiR - REsource Management in Peri-urban AReas: Going Beyond Urban Metabolism | 2016 |
312 | YouthCult | The Cultural Experience of International Students: Narratives from North and South Europe | 2016 |
313 | THAWSOME | THAWing permafrost: the fate of Soil Organic Matter in the aquatic Environment | 2016 |
314 | BoneImplant | Monitoring bone healing around endosseous implants: from multiscale modeling to the patient’s bed | 2016 |
315 | YEASTMEMORY | Memory in biological regulatory circuits | 2016 |
316 | GPSART | Geometric aspects in pathwise stochastic analysis and related topics | 2016 |
317 | DENOVOMUT | An integrated approach to understanding the impact of de novo mutations on the mammalian genome | 2017 |
318 | POWVER | Power to the People. Verified. | 2016 |
319 | YnotSing | Evolution of sexual dimorphisms: all about losing not choosing? | 2016 |
320 | NUTS | Nuclei Using Topological Solitons | 2016 |
321 | GREENLULUS | Green Locally Unwanted Land Uses | 2016 |
322 | Antibodyomics | Vaccine profiling and immunodiagnostic discovery by high-throughput antibody repertoire analysis | 2016 |
323 | REFORMED | Reforming Schools Globally: A Multi-Scalar Analysis of Autonomy and Accountability Policies in the Education Sector | 2016 |
324 | MACROTRADE | Research on Macroeconomic Fluctuations and Trade | 2016 |
325 | MorphoNotch | Multi-scale analysis of the interplay between cell morphology and cell-cell signaling | 2016 |
326 | MILESTONE | Multi-Scale Description of Non-Universal Behavior in Turbulent Combustion | 2016 |
327 | PROGRESS | Priorities for Addressing Opportunities and Gaps of Industrial Biotechnology for an efficient use of funding resources | 2016 |
328 | Curiosity Carnival | The Curiosity Carnival: Oxford European Researchers’ Night 2017 | 2016 |
329 | IRENE | Invitation to Researchers’ Night 2016-2017 HEllas | 2016 |
330 | VegAlert | Low cost, early Phytosanitary monitoring and alert service for horticultural farmers | 2016 |
331 | RiNG-16-17 | European Researchers' Night in Bosnia and Herzegovina 2016-2017 | 2016 |
332 | LUSH SPIKE | Genetic and Molecular Determinants of Spikelet Survival in Cereal Crops | 2016 |
333 | GROUPVIOLENCE | Groups and Violence: A Micro-sociological Research Programme | 2016 |
334 | PERCEIVE | Perception and Evaluation of Regional and Cohesion policies by Europeans and Identification with the Values of Europe | 2016 |
335 | GC2.0 | Global Change 2.0: Unlocking the past for a clearer future | 2016 |
336 | C-SENSE | Exploiting low dimensional models in sensing, computation and signal processing | 2016 |
337 | Totipotency | Transcriptional and Epigenetic Regulation of Totipotency in Mouse Early Embryos. | 2016 |
338 | RADIcAL | Non-invasive rapid assessment of chronic liver disease using Magnetic Resonance Imaging with LiverMultiScan | 2016 |
339 | OLEUM | Advanced solutions for assuring the overall authenticity and quality of olive oil | 2016 |
340 | ASYFAIR | Fair and Consistent Border Controls? A Critical, Multi-methodological and Interdisciplinary Study of Asylum Adjudication in Europe | 2016 |
341 | MAPLE | Measuring and Analysing the Politicisation of Europe before and after the Eurozone Crisis | 2016 |
342 | MOLEQULE | Unraveling molecular quantum dynamics with accelerated ab initio algorithms | 2016 |
343 | CentrioleBirthDeath | Mechanism of centriole inheritance and maintenance | 2017 |
344 | NEUROPOP | Large-scale analysis of neuronal population activity | 2016 |
345 | ELOXY | Eliminating Oxygen Requirements in Yeasts | 2016 |
346 | ChromADICT | Chromatin Adaptations through Interactions of Chaperones in Time | 2016 |
347 | CC-TOP | Cryosphere-Carbon on Top of the Earth (CC-Top):Decreasing Uncertainties of Thawing Permafrost and Collapsing Methane Hydrates in the Arctic | 2016 |
348 | NOVAMOX | Novel niches for anaerobic methane oxidation and their biogeochemical sigificance | 2016 |
349 | PicoCB | Exploring the Chemical Biology of Sequence Space via Picoliter Droplets | 2016 |
350 | CRESUCHIRP | Ultrasensitive Chirped-Pulse Fourier Transform mm-Wave Detection of Transient Species in Uniform Supersonic Flows for Reaction Kinetics Studies under Extreme Conditions | 2016 |
351 | SMALLDIS | The impact of small-scale disaster events: an exploration of disaster related losses, extensive risk management and learning at the institutional and community level in Italy | 2016 |
352 | OMiProbe | Bio-optical probe technology for safe, fast and non-destructive cancer diagnosis | 2016 |
353 | EPIScOPE | Reversing the epigenetic state of oligodendrocyte precursors cells in multiple sclerosis | 2016 |
354 | MATRICAN | Matrix during cancer progression | 2016 |
355 | NEUROMEM | A Neurocomputational Model of Episodic Memory | 2016 |
356 | PreMotive | Beyond the blob: characterizing Prefrontal Cortex networks in prediction and motivation with simultaneous EEG-fMRI recordings | 2016 |
357 | DILIPHO | Diffusional limitations to C4 photosynthesis | 2017 |
358 | PROSIT | Integration of a property simulation tool for virtual design and manufacturing of forged disks for aero engine applications | 2016 |
359 | PENNY | Psychological, social and financial barriers to energy efficiency | 2016 |
360 | DEMO | Dementia modelling | 2016 |
361 | MMBio | Molecular Tools for Nucleic Acid Manipulation for Biological Intervention | 2017 |
362 | in3 | An integrated interdisciplinary approach to animal-free chemical and nanomaterial safety assessment | 2017 |
363 | DNAREPAIRMAN | Regulated Assembly of Molecular Machines for DNA REPAIR: a Molecular Analysis training Network | 2017 |
364 | ORCHESTRATE | Building complex life through self-organization: from organ to organism | 2016 |
365 | DIAL-IN | Dynamic Integrated structural and proteomic Analysis of the LUBAC complex and its involvement in NF-κB and inflammation | 2016 |
366 | WATER DROP | Droughts and Water Scarcity in the EU: Economic Impact, Adaptation, Policy Implications and Integrated Assessment Modelling | 2016 |
367 | IMAJINE | Integrative Mechanisms for Addressing Spatial Justice and Territorial Inequalities in Europe | 2017 |
368 | xMEMSDBS | Dried Blood Spot sampling at home in Therapeutic Drug Monitoring | 2016 |
369 | REMINDER | Role of European Mobility and its Impacts in Narratives, Debates and EU Reforms | 2017 |
370 | HyperQC | Hyper Quantum Criticality | 2016 |
371 | MF-Synapse | Presynaptic calcium channels distribution and impact on coupling at the hippocampal mossy fiber synapse | 2017 |
372 | POLEMIG | Being a politically active emigrant. The political structuring of the French and Italians abroad: a comparative analysis of mobile citizens | 2017 |
373 | ECHOES | Energy CHOices supporting the Energy union and the Set-plan | 2016 |
374 | VIRT-EU | Values and ethics in Innovation for Responsible Technology in EUrope | 2017 |
375 | CONTROLPASTCO2 | Quantifying the link between weathering and past CO2 levels | 2017 |
376 | NEIL | Nanoscale Electrochemistry in Ionic Liquids | 2016 |
377 | Ps2Share | Participation, Privacy and Power in the Sharing Economy | 2017 |
378 | BE-OI | Beyond EPICA - Oldest Ice | 2016 |
379 | SYNC_DEV | The importance of transcriptional coordination during development | 2017 |
380 | IACG-QFIIs | Institutional Activism in Corporate Governance: Qualified Foreign Institutional Investors in China | 2016 |
381 | MOUSIE | Multi-Organ UltraSound-based Inborn Evaluation | 2016 |
382 | PAMMOTH | Photoacoustic/Ultrasound Mammoscopy for evaluating screening-detected abnormalities in the breast | 2017 |
383 | FatemapB | High Resolution Mapping of Fetal and Adult B Cell Fates During Ontogeny | 2017 |
384 | SOLUS | Smart optical and ultrasound diagnostics of breast cancer | 2016 |
385 | ESOTRAC | Hybrid optical and optoacoustic endoscope for esophageal tracking. | 2017 |
386 | PHENOSPACE | Quantifying behavioural phenotype space: chemistry-to-gene screens and combination therapies | 2016 |
387 | BREATH | BREATH: Biomarkers for Respiratory diseases detected in Exhaled Air through a new Technological instrument for research and Healthcare markets. | 2016 |
388 | COMPOSELECTOR | Multi-scale Composite Material Selection Platform with a Seamless Integration of Material Models and Multidisciplinary Design Framework. | 2017 |
389 | Smart Protocells | Generation of prototissues from functional and chemoselective protocells | 2017 |
390 | CollectSwim | Individual and Collective Swimming of Active Microparticles | 2017 |
391 | DiVineGenoMe | Decoding cell-to-cell variation in genome integrity maintenance | 2017 |
392 | MECHANO-FLUO | Mechanofluorochromism: from molecular engineering to the elaboration of smart materials | 2017 |
393 | CARBO-IMmap | Immune activity Mapping of Carbon Nanomaterials | 2017 |
394 | CARESSES | Culture Aware Robots and Environmental Sensor Systems for Elderly Support | 2017 |
395 | PREMSOT | Precision Multi-Spectral Optoacoustic Tomography for Discovery Diagnosis and Intervention | 2017 |
396 | CAVEHEART | Heart regeneration in the Mexican cavefish: The difference between healing and scarring | 2017 |
397 | FluoSurf | FLUOrinated SURFactant formulations for droplet-based microfluidics | 2016 |
398 | RSPDE | Regularity and Stability in Partial Differential Equations | 2017 |
399 | AQUACOSM | Network of Leading European AQUAtic MesoCOSM Facilities Connecting Mountains to Oceans from the Arctic to the Mediterranean | 2017 |
400 | ANASTACIA | Advanced Networked Agents for Security and Trust Assessment in CPS/IOT Architectures | 2017 |
401 | THZCALORIMETRY | Time Resolved THz Calorimetry explores Molecular Recognition Processes | 2016 |
403 | TRUE DEPTHS | deTeRmine the trUe dEpth of DeEp subduction from PiezobaromeTry on Host –inclusions Systems | 2017 |
404 | SPACEVAR | Quantitative analysis of variability and robustness in spatial pattern formation | 2017 |
405 | ATOM | Advanced Holographic Tomographies for Nanoscale Materials: Revealing Electromagnetic and Deformation Fields, Chemical Composition and Quantum States at Atomic Resolution. | 2017 |
406 | FREEMIND | FREE the MIND: the neurocognitive determinants of intentional decision | 2017 |
407 | INFERNET | New algorithms for inference and optimization from large-scale biological data | 2017 |
408 | LMCat | Development of continuous two-dimensional defect-free materials by liquid-metal catalytic routes | 2017 |
409 | NANO | Low-Cost Real-Time Nanomagnetooptical Integrity Monitoring Tool and Intelligent Asset Integrity, Risk and Performance Management Software | 2017 |
410 | 3D-REPAIR | Spatial organization of DNA repair within the nucleus | 2017 |
411 | MAGCOW | The Magnetised Cosmic Web | 2017 |
412 | EmergingWelfare | The New Politics of Welfare: Towards an “Emerging Markets” Welfare State Regime | 2017 |
413 | RetroNets | Reverse Engineering Gene Regulatory Networks | 2017 |
414 | MODMAT | Nonequilibrium dynamical mean-field theory: From models to materials | 2017 |
415 | OMCIDC | Optical Manipulation of Colloidal Interfaces, Droplets and Crystallites | 2017 |
416 | ALC | Aircraft Light Communication | 2017 |
417 | QUALITY | Qualitative and Quantitative Social Science: Unifying the Logic of Causal Inference? | 2017 |
418 | STRUGGLE | Statistical physics of immune-viral co-evolution | 2017 |
419 | QuantSURG | Quantitative Surgical Guidance for Colorectal Surgery using Endogenous Molecular Contrast | 2017 |
420 | N4I_CLUSTERS | Networking for innovation: how entrepreneurs' network behaviours help clusters to innovate | 2017 |
421 | ENTRUST | Building trust in nuclear waste management through participatory quantitative story telling | 2017 |
422 | Alexander Krauss | The limits of the sciences in identifying causes and scientific laws | 2017 |
423 | SHARKS-XT | Shark extinctions: past and present | 2018 |
424 | BRISRES | The Basal Roughness of Ice Sheets from Radio-Echo Sounding | 2017 |
425 | LamelliActin | Mechanical Adaptation of Lamellipodial Actin Networks in Migrating Cells | 2017 |
426 | 3DQuant | Understanding long-range transcriptional regulation in the context of the 3D genome organization | 2017 |
427 | EGYPTOMICS | Paleoproteomics for cultural heritage conservation: biomolecular analysis of ancient Egyptian paint binders | 2017 |
428 | InsiliCardio | Image-based High-resolution In-silico Modeling of Total Cardiac Function | 2017 |
429 | WARCAP | Fiscal capacity and warfare in Europe and Latin America in the long nineteenth century (1789-1913). | 2017 |
430 | FOODSELFI | FOOD Safety monitoring by Electrochemical Lateral Flow Immunoassay | 2017 |
431 | CANCERSCREEN | Screening for cancer in the post-genomic era: diagnostic innovation and biomedicalisation in comparative perspective | 2017 |
432 | MultiLevelLandscape | Multilevel Selection for Specificity and Divergence in Bacteria | 2017 |
433 | ZIPgeting | Quantitative understanding of target recognition on DNA based on directional zipping processes | 2017 |
434 | CHROMONUMBER | Chromosome number variations in vivo: probing mechanisms of genesis and elimination | 2017 |
435 | MaintainMeth | Quantitative analysis of DNA methylation maintenance within chromatin | 2017 |
436 | QUANTIVIOL | Quantifying Quantum Gravity Violations of Causality and the Equivalence Principle | 2017 |
437 | FRAME | Framework for the Analysis of Research and Adoption Activities and their Macroeconomic Effects | 2017 |
438 | MULTIDET | Multiplex qPCR detection and chemical analysis towards multifunctional diagnosis | 2017 |
439 | LTPAM | Low Temperature Plasma for Applications in Medicine | 2017 |
440 | DyNAmics | Dynamic synthetic molecular duplexes | 2017 |
441 | MuRChap | The mutation-buffering capacity of RNA chaperones | 2017 |
442 | VINe | Social Vulnerability and its Intersections: The role of gender in a comparative perspective | 2017 |
443 | DENOCS | The Double Edged Role of Nitric Oxide and Hydrogen Peroxide in a Coral Symbiosis | 2017 |
444 | ECHO | Evolution of the Cochlea and Hearing in Odontocetes | 2017 |
445 | ZeoPoreDiff | Linking Zeolite Porosity to Molecular Diffusion at the Single Crystal Level | 2017 |
446 | REVERSING TAUOPATHY | Identifying and deciphering the mechanism of the cellular machinery responsible for disaggregation of intracellular prion-like Tau aggregates | 2017 |
447 | NETBIO-GE | Quantitative brain network biomarkers for patient-specific diagnostics in idiopathic generalized epilepsy | 2017 |
448 | PODARCIS | Potential Oxygen Limitation of Distributions And Responses to Changing Climates In Ectotherms | 2017 |
449 | MAAP | Multidimensional Analysis of Axis Patterning in Plant Embryo | 2017 |
450 | PHYSBIOHSC | Understanding the physical biology of adult blood stem cells | 2017 |
451 | GRADIENTSENSING | Cellular navigation along spatial gradients | 2017 |
452 | TreeGraSP | Tree rewriting grammars and the syntax-semantics interface:From grammar development to semantic parsing | 2017 |
453 | Envisage | ENVISAGE (Development of Environmentally-friendly Innovative Solutions for Affected Grounds and Ecosystems) | 2017 |
454 | LIDISNO | Linguistic Dimensions of Sexual Normativity | 2017 |
455 | TIP-N-POINT | Middle Palaeolithic projectile weapon TIPs: a regional and assemblage scale perspective on Neanderthal POINT technologies across Europe | 2017 |
456 | LEAF-OF-LIFE | Photosynthetic energy balance, chloroplast integrity, carbon flow and epigenetic regulation of isoprenoid biosynthesis during leaf development and senescence | 2017 |
457 | FLYWING | Linking micro- and macroevolution: macroevolutionary quantitative genetics of Drosophila wing morhology | 2017 |
458 | WACE | Women at the Cutting Edge. Assessing the gendered impact of industrial logging on well-being in Solomon Islands. | 2017 |
459 | Apricale | The impact of literary translation funding on the transnational mobility of minor European literatures. | 2017 |
461 | NANODRIVE | Polymeric Self-Assembling Units for a Controlled Adsorption and Release at the Nanoscale | 2017 |
462 | LIVEWELL | Living Well: Provisioning Systems for Sustainable Resource Use and Human Well-Being | 2017 |
463 | MICROS | Probing local ROS distributions in Calcium signaling microdomains after myocardial infarction | 2017 |
464 | LODALORD | Local Diversity and Long-Run Development | 2017 |
465 | PARK-IT 2.0 | Unobtrusive, Continuous and Quantitative Assessment of Parkinson’s disease: Hard Evidence for Optimal Disease Management with Information Technologies | 2017 |
467 | WallWatchers | Plant cell wall communication and remodelling: the wall watchers. | 2017 |
468 | PCAGED-KI | Photocaged Kinase Inhibitors as Molecular Tools for Investigating Neurodegenerative Diseases | 2017 |
469 | HIVGAYM | Analysing the migration choices of HIV-positive gay men in England and France | 2018 |
470 | DNAmod_PROPAGATION | Propagating DNA Modifications Across the Cell Cycle | 2018 |
471 | ReMix | Christian-Muslim families dealing with religious pluralism in everyday family lifeReligious reconstruction in religiously mixed marriages | 2018 |
472 | ACtIVAtE | The virulence potential of human pathogens: how Acinetobacter baumannii survives Acanthamoeba castellanii predation | 2018 |
473 | HECoW | Household Ecology. Consumption and Wellbeing in Early Modern Iceland | 2017 |
474 | ModelingCommonGround | Modeling Common Ground | 2017 |
475 | UCYN2PLAST | Exploring the mechanisms underlying the evolution of plastids through the study of an unusual nitrogen-fixing symbiosis | 2018 |
476 | GaTHeR | GaTHeR, Gender and Transfer of Knowledge in Hunter Gatherer Research | 2017 |
477 | Brain_stability | Elucidating novel post-transcriptional regulatory mechanisms in neural development | 2017 |
478 | NEURO_NMD | Functional impact of alternative splicing coupled to nonsense-mediated decay in developing neurons | 2017 |
479 | YEFF | Comprehensive analysis of yeast expression-fitness functions (EFFs) | 2018 |
480 | PRISM | Psychiatric Ratings using Intermediate Stratified Markers - Sofia ref.: 115916 | 2016 |
481 | ADAPTED | Alzheimers Disease Apolipoprotein Pathology for Treatment Elucidation and Development - Sofia ref.: 115975 | 2016 |
482 | TransQST | Translational quantitative systems toxicology to improve the understanding of the safety of medicines - Sofia: 116030 | 2017 |
483 | UbiArchitect | Understanding the complexity and architecture in protein ubiquitination | 2017 |
484 | ERA | Expanding Rights in an Age of Retrenchment: Women, Social Movements and the Politics of Family Leave | 2017 |
485 | SCAN-Deep | Systematic Characterisation and Archiving of megafauNa on a regional scale in a Deep-sea area threatened by mining | 2018 |
486 | GENSEG | Understanding the impact of parental occupation on gender differences in field of study choice in Germany | 2017 |
487 | IMMUNO-RQC | Role of Listerin ubiquitin ligase in MHC-I antigen presentation | 2017 |
488 | MOOC_DaSI | Patterns of diffusion and social implications of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs): A comparative study between United States and Europe | 2017 |
489 | funcSOFI-PD | Quantitative super-resolution optical fluctuation and phase microscopy for structural and functional imaging of Parkinson's disease | 2017 |
490 | REBUILD | Mechanisms of sarcomeric protein homeostasis during physical exercise and ageing | 2017 |
491 | CHAOSPIN | Chaos-based information processing using spintronic nano-oscillators | 2018 |
492 | EXPHON | Exciton-Phonon Coupling from First Principles | 2017 |
493 | SODIUMMRI-4-EU | Unlocking the potential of ultrahigh field 23Na magnetic resonance to quantify tissue sodium content for probing viability of the heart: where physics, biology and medicine meet | 2018 |
494 | SARSESNA | Sustaining A Regional Screen Ecosystem In A Small Nation: Aarhus and the West Danish Film Fund, 2002-2019 | 2018 |
495 | MINORG | The role of minerals in the oceanic carbon cycle | 2017 |
496 | Fluidblasto | Luminal pressure: a sculptor for mouse blastocyst self-organisation | 2018 |
497 | UNGULATE | Mechanisms of collective predator detection and information transfer in African ungulates | 2017 |
498 | GLARE | Exploring Gender in Children's Literature from Cognitive Corpus Stylistic Perspective | 2017 |
499 | NATRICINE | Phenotypic and lineage diversification of natricine snakes | 2017 |
500 | HERPES | Herpesvirus Effectors of RNA synthesis, Processing, Export and Stability | 2017 |
501 | TRADEPOWER | Power in international trade negotiations | 2017 |
502 | GLOBALMACRO | Global Production Networks and Macroeconomic Interdependence | 2017 |
503 | COMPCON | Competition under (niche) construction | 2017 |
504 | COGTOM | Cognitive tomography of mental representations | 2017 |
505 | ARTHUS | Advances in Research on Theories of the Dark Universe - Inhomogeneity Effects in Relativistic Cosmology | 2017 |
506 | DDD | Diffusive Droplet Dynamics in multicomponent fluid systems | 2017 |
507 | EPATEE | Evaluation into Practice to Achieve Targets for Energy Efficiency | 2017 |
508 | EvoCellFate | Evolution of cell fate decision during development | 2017 |
509 | SPADE | Speleothems paleoclimate: accounting for isotopic disequilibrium | 2017 |
510 | COMPECON | Complexity and Simplicity in Economic Mechanisms | 2017 |
511 | HERMENEUT | Enterprises intangible Risks Management via Economic models based on simulatioN of modErn cyber-aTtacks | 2017 |
512 | GEECCO | Gender Equality in Engineering through Communication and Commitment | 2017 |
513 | DYNAMINT | Dynamics of Probed, Pulsed, Quenched and Driven Integrable Quantum Systems | 2017 |
514 | AF-Cyber | Logic-based Attribution and Forensics in Cyber Security | 2018 |
515 | iHEART | An Integrated Heart Model for the simulation of the cardiac function | 2017 |
516 | COMPASS | COMPASS: Climate-relevant Ocean Measurements and Processes on the Antarctic continental Shelf and Slope | 2017 |
517 | EPiR | The Chemical Basis of RNA Epigenetics | 2017 |
518 | SystGeneEdit | Dissecting quantitative traits and their underlying genetic interactions via systematic genome editing | 2017 |
519 | MARQUESS | Multiscale Analysis of AiRframe Structures and Quantification of UncErtaintieS System | 2017 |
520 | TEC1p | Big-Data Analytics for the Thermal and Electrical Conductivity of Materials from First Principles | 2017 |
521 | Beacon | Bentonite mechanical evolution | 2017 |
522 | ATLASplus | Advanced Structural Integrity Assessment Tools for Safe Long Term Operation | 2017 |
523 | SPACE | Space-time structure of climate change | 2017 |
524 | RELATE | Environmental Spaces and the Feel-Good Factor: Relating Subjective Wellbeing to Biodiversity | 2017 |
525 | TROPICO | Transforming into Open, Innovative and Collaborative Governments | 2017 |
526 | EPIC | Evolving Program Improvement Collaborators | 2017 |
527 | Ub-BAC | Dissecting and targeting ubiquitin networks in the course of bacterial infections | 2017 |
528 | VRTogether | An end-to-end system for the production and delivery of photorealistic social immersive virtual reality experiences | 2017 |
529 | Multiscreen | Multiple cellular screens using microfluidic droplets | 2017 |
530 | IPV_Tanzania | Investigating the predictors of intimate partner violence: a mixed method longitudinal study in Tanzania | 2017 |
531 | SCALER | Scaling European Resources with Industrial Symbiosis | 2017 |
532 | SILVER | Silver Isotopes and the Rise of Money | 2017 |
533 | TelMetab | Telomere metabolism in Genome Stability and Disease | 2017 |
534 | CSRS | A Comparative Study of Resilience in Survivors of War Rape and Sexual Violence: New Directions for Transitional Justice | 2017 |
535 | IBIS | Platform for label-free quantitative detection of single proteins and extracellular vesicles | 2017 |
536 | Fertissimo | A ground-breaking medical system selecting the most viable embryo for successful IVF pregnancy | 2017 |
537 | SynCrop | Synthetic Circuits for Robust Orthogonal Production | 2018 |
538 | UNIFY | A Unified Framework for the Assessment and Application of Cognitive Models | 2018 |
539 | B-Q MINDED | Breakthroughs in Quantitative Magnetic resonance ImagiNg for improved DEtection of brain Diseases | 2018 |
540 | BIOCUDET | Identify and detect key ocular biomarkers towards personal medicine | 2017 |
541 | EmpoweredLifeYears | The Demography of Sustainable Human Wellbeing | 2017 |
542 | HYBRID | Innovative Training Network towards raising and supporting the next generation of creative and entrepreneurial cross-speciality imaging experts | 2017 |
543 | IBEX QDR | IBEX QDR: A Ground-breaking Technological Upgrade based on Quantitative Digital Radiography to Exploit the Full Diagnostic Potential of Standard Digital X-Ray | 2017 |
544 | KardiaTool | An integrated POC solution for non-invasive diagnosis and therapy monitoring of Heart Failure patients | 2017 |
545 | MATURATION | Age at maturity in Atlantic salmon: molecular and ecological dissection of an adaptive trait | 2017 |
546 | REACT | Optimising Radiomics for MRI-based personalised cancer treatment | 2017 |
547 | CAstRA | Comet and Asteroid Re-Shaping through Activity | 2018 |
548 | BioNet | Dynamical Redesign of Biomolecular Networks | 2018 |
549 | SymBreakOrganoid | Cell-to-cell variability during symmetry breaking in organoid development | 2018 |
550 | BioMeTRe | Biophysical mechanisms of long-range transcriptional regulation | 2018 |
551 | TRABIT | Translational Brain Imaging Training Network | 2017 |
552 | A4B | Analytics for Biologics | 2017 |
553 | CRIMTANG | Criminal Entanglements.A new ethnographic approach to transnational organised crime. | 2018 |
554 | PalM | The Rise of Placental Mammals: Dissecting an Evolutionary Radiation | 2018 |
555 | CM3 | Controlled Mechanical Manipulation of Molecules | 2018 |
556 | ANADEL | Analysis of Geometrical Effects on Dispersive Equations | 2018 |
557 | NanoVirus | Deciphering virus-host interactions using correlated confocal-atomic force microscopy | 2018 |
558 | GUPPYCon | Genomic basis of convergent evolution in the Trinidadian Guppy | 2018 |
559 | ExoAI | Deciphering super-Earths using Artificial Intelligence | 2018 |
560 | COLD | Climate Sensitivity of Glacial Landscape Dynamics | 2018 |
561 | ADMIRE | A holographic microscope for the immersive exploration of augmented micro-reality | 2017 |
562 | VIDEO | Versatile and Innovative Detector for Electron Optics | 2018 |
563 | FlexCT | Flexible and open-source tool for accurate reconstruction using industrial X-ray computed tomography | 2017 |
564 | BugTheDrug | Predicting the effects of gut microbiota and diet on an individual’s drug response and safety | 2018 |
565 | SCALAR | Scaling up behavior and autonomous adaptation for macro models of climate change damage assessment | 2018 |
566 | CoSpaDD | Competition for Space in Development and Diseases | 2018 |
567 | ECOLANG | Ecological Language: A multimodal approach to language and the brain | 2018 |
568 | OOID | The Ocean's Oxygen Isotopes Deciphered: Combining Observations, Experiments and Models | 2018 |
569 | LubSat | Unravelling Multi-scale Oral Lubrication Mechanisms (macro-to-nano): A Novel Strategy to Target Satiety | 2017 |
570 | activeFly | Circuit mechanisms of self-movement estimation during walking | 2017 |
571 | AIOSAT | Autonomous Indoor Outdoor SafetyTracking system | 2017 |
572 | LinPro | Principles of Neural Stem Cell Lineage Progression in Cerebral Cortex Development | 2017 |
573 | AgeCogCity | How visual perception shapes our cities: a cognitive model of ageing population | 2018 |
574 | ORI NUMBER | Unravelling the effect of origin number on the success of genome replication | 2017 |
575 | PRECONFIG | Learning and PREdiction based on the PREnatal CONnectome FInGerprint | 2018 |
576 | LIMA | Liquid biopsies and Imaging for improved cancer care | 2018 |
577 | moreSense | The Motor Representation of Sensory Experience | 2018 |
578 | ATOMICAR | ATOMic Insight Cavity Array Reactor | 2018 |
579 | ORGANOMICS | Reconstructing human cortex development and malformation with single-cell transcriptomics | 2018 |
580 | 1D-Engine | 1D-electrons coupled to dissipation: a novel approach for understanding and engineering superconducting materials and devices | 2018 |
581 | 3DCellPhase- | In situ Structural Analysis of Molecular Crowding and Phase Separation | 2018 |
582 | Oyster | Open characterisation and modelling environment to drive innovation in advanced nano-architectured and bio-inspired hard/soft interfaces | 2017 |
583 | nTRACK | Multimodal nanoparticles for structural and functional tracking of stem cell therapy on muscle regeneration | 2017 |
584 | IMPETUS | Pilot line for paper based electrochemical test strips dedicated to quantitative biosensing in liquids | 2018 |
585 | OpenGTN | Open Ground Truth Training Network : Magnetic resonance image simulationfor training and validation of image analysis algorithms | 2018 |
586 | Nunataryuk | Permafrost thaw and the changing arctic coast: science for socio-economic adaptation | 2017 |
587 | WATSON | FrameWork methodology for SME innovATion policy SuppOrt within RD tax credits and inceNtives schemes in the EU (WATSON) | 2017 |
588 | ISOOKO | A community platform for building peace through information-driven dialogue | 2018 |
589 | DeepMiR | Innovative testing of microRNA from liquid biopsies using bistable molecular circuits | 2017 |
590 | MIRACLE | Mid-infrared arthroscopy innovative imaging system for real-time clinical in depth examination and diagnosis of degenerative joint diseases | 2018 |
591 | MOLOKO | Multiplex phOtonic sensor for pLasmonic-based Online detection of contaminants in milK | 2018 |
592 | MERLIN | Multi-modal, multi-scale retinal imaging | 2017 |
593 | EVOAtm | Evolutionary ATM. A modelling framework to assess the impact of ATM evolutions | 2018 |
594 | SDS-OmiProbe | Revolutionary opto-biological methodology for aggressive HER2 cancer | 2017 |
595 | CellCount | CellCount, a revolutionary technology platform to solve current problems with microbiological contamination in water and food industries. | 2017 |
596 | CyanoKit | CyanoKit®, the fastest and easiest test for reliable on-site cyanide detection. | 2017 |
597 | SIRI | Serendipity in Research and Innovation | 2018 |
598 | PolarizeMe | Feeling Polarity: Integrating intracellular mechanics and forces for a biophysical understanding of epithelial polarity | 2018 |
599 | HiPhore | High-temperature Thermophoresis using advanced optical microscopies | 2018 |
600 | SMART-DNA | Single Molecule Analytical Raman Tools based on DNA nanostructures | 2018 |
601 | NEUROFISH | Whole-brain circuits controlling visuomotor behavior | 2018 |
602 | FREEDD | A real-time answer to environmental heavy metal contamination | 2018 |
603 | SensUS | SensUS: A non-invasive and quantitative ultrasound (QUS) device for an objective monitoring of the childbirth labour process. | 2018 |
604 | GrowthControl | Mechanical and systemic control of growth during Drosophila abdominal development | 2018 |
605 | KEEP-IT-UP | KEEP-IT-UP: Redefining shelf life monitoring in the global food industry with a new intelligent Time-Temperature Indicator for perishable products | 2018 |
606 | TCAPS | mRNA cap regulation and function in CD8 T cells | 2018 |
607 | TextileLab | Race to the bottom? Family labour, household livelihood and consumption in the relocation of global cotton manufacturing, ca. 1750-1990 | 2018 |
609 | DeepRNA | Discovering functional protein-RNA interactions through data integration and machine learning. | 2018 |
610 | CHILECTO | Measuring Convergence and Divergence in Varieties of Chinese: A Lectometric Approach | 2018 |
611 | MYCOMOSS | Mosses as a gateway of nitrogen into northern ecosystems | 2018 |
612 | DisorMetox | Disorder and Order in the Conversion Mechanism of Metal Oxides in Lithium-ion Batteries | 2018 |
613 | WISDOM | The autonomous floral pathway: a WIndow to Study the tight link between non-coDing RNA and chrOMatin regulation | 2018 |
614 | FRAGMENT | FRontiers in dust minerAloGical coMposition and its Effects upoN climaTe | 2018 |
615 | FERALGEN | The Genomics of Feralisation | 2018 |
616 | CULTRAMACY | Normalizing a Difficult Past? Cultural trauma and collective memory in Austria and Croatia | 2019 |
617 | OASES | Outcomes Assessment of Sensory Education in Schools | 2018 |
618 | CARBS | Compositional Approximate Reasoning via Bialgebraic Semantics | 2019 |
619 | CHOCOLATE4LIFE | Achieving sustainable agriculture in African cacao through DNA metabarcoding and food web models | 2019 |
620 | CL_Exocytosis | “Molecular dissection of cytotoxic lymphocyte exocytosis | 2019 |
621 | CONSYN | Contextualizing biomolecular circuit models for synthetic biology | 2018 |
622 | Crater Chron | Understanding the role of impact cratering in Earth's evolution through state-of-the-art geochronology | 2018 |
623 | DOMES | Exhumation mechanisms of deep crust and formation of metamorphic domes in orogens: a Synergybetween naturalistic and numerical approaches | 2019 |
624 | DUX4 | Function of DUX4 in skeletal muscle and non-muscle tissues | 2018 |
625 | TOUGHIT | Tough Interface Tailored Nanostructured Metals | 2018 |
626 | PneumoCaTChER | The role of cell-to-cell variability in pneumococcal virulence and antibiotic resistance | 2018 |
627 | SafeHouse | Housing, Finance and the Macroeconomy, 1870-2015 | 2018 |
628 | JUSTINT | Justice Interactions and Peacebuilding: From Static to Dynamic Discourses across National, Ethnic, Gender and Age Groups | 2018 |
629 | MAGALOPS | The MAgnetic field in the GALaxy, using Optical Polarization of Stars | 2018 |
630 | SOCSEMICS | Socio-Semantic Bubbles of Internet Communities | 2018 |
631 | REALM | Re-inventing Ecosystem And Land-surface Models | 2018 |
632 | SVNeuroTrans | Mechanisms of neurotransmitter uptake and storage by synaptic vesicles | 2018 |
633 | ATG9_SOLVES_IT | In vitro high resolution reconstitution of autophagosome nucleation and expansion catalyzed byATG9 | 2018 |
634 | INTREE | How and when does climate influence carbon sink activity? Multi-temporal analysis of wood formation in conifers | 2018 |
635 | LikelyStructures | Accounting for correlated errors with maximum likelihood in crystallography and cryo-EM | 2018 |
636 | UTILIUM | Unraveling The Immune Landscape In Uveal Melanoma | 2018 |
637 | Target5LO | Targeting 5-lipoxygenase in the context of Acute Myeloid Leukemia | 2018 |
638 | NELMA | Nanoscale Electrochemistry on Light Metallic Alloys | 2018 |
639 | HI-SiMed | Hemodynamics in an Infarcted heart: from multi-physics Simulations to Medical analysis | 2019 |
640 | NAMISTMem | Nanoscale Analytical Methods to gain insight into the Initiation of Short-Term Memory | 2018 |
641 | ANTICORPOL | New dimensions and approaches to anti-corruption policy | 2018 |
642 | URMAC | Ultra Right Media And Communication | 2018 |
643 | TRANSACT | Book History and Translation History: Copyright, Wages, Censorship, and the (Proto-)Professionalisation of Translators in Nineteenth-Century Britain and Ireland | 2018 |
644 | EUTERPE | Estimation of the term premium in Euro Area government bonds | 2018 |
645 | MInMUS | Migration Policy in Multilevel Political Settings. City Network in Europe and North America | 2018 |
646 | TROPHY | The consequences of temperature-resource interactions for the future of marine phytoplankton communities | 2018 |
647 | MS-fMRI-QSM | Studying Multiple Sclerosis with a novel simultaneous functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) and Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping (QSM) sequence. | 2019 |
648 | Upbiosens | Near-infrared nucleic acids sensing and imaging using lanthanide-based nanoparticles capped with DNA | 2019 |
649 | MOVEMED | Linking Human Mobility and Marine Megafauna Movement in the Mediterranean Sea for a better integration of Blue Growth | 2019 |
650 | WPMF | Women, Politics and Media Framing (WPMF) in the UK and in Israel – Tackling Western Democracies' Gender Inequality in Politics | 2018 |
651 | PREMOTHER | PREvention of MOther-to-child Transmission of HIV and Syphilis using an Electrochemical Readout based on DNA Switches | 2019 |
652 | WONT-HATE | Online Hate against European Women Leaders: a Corpus-Assisted Multimodal Critical Analysis | 2019 |
653 | INTENSS | INformation-Theoretic analysis of Embodied and Situated Systems | 2018 |
654 | OPVANOX-ARDS | Advanced pulmonary vascular monitoring for optimum Nitric Oxide delivery in acute respiratory distress syndrome. Expanding Nitric Oxide applications | 2018 |
655 | Gut-AnorexiaNervosa | Metagenomics and metabolomics studies of patients with Anorexia Nervosa to identify intestinal microbial mechanisms contributing to pathogenesis | 2018 |
656 | MoMenT | Modelling and Measurement of Thermal Phenomena in Metal Cutting | 2018 |
657 | ORBETEC | ORganisational BEhaviour with new TEChnologies: a human resources management model for industry 4.0 | 2018 |
658 | REGinTRAN | Advanced manufacturing and the transition of regional economies: institutions, social regulation and development in Apulia and Lower Silesia | 2018 |
659 | ParAdapt | Theoretical and empirical approaches to understanding Parallel Adaptation | 2018 |
660 | IMM-GNRs | Human IMMune profiling of Graphene NanoRibbons | 2018 |
661 | NonlinearEBM | Nonlinearity of Key Economic and Environmental Variables in Coastal/Marine Ecosystem-Based Management (EBM) | 2018 |
662 | DECISIONSEQ | Neural bases of behavioral choices and sequences | 2018 |
663 | MRI COMIQSUM | MRI COntrast using MIcrobubbles in Quantitative SUsceptibility Mapping | 2018 |
664 | WORM_SLEEP | Sleep homeostasis in Caenorhabditis elegans | 2018 |
665 | TissueMaps | Elemental imaging of human tissue: clinical therapy support and development of new diagnostics | 2018 |
666 | Newron-TBI | Neurogenesis-related changes in hippocampal new neurons and circuits after traumatic brain injury | 2018 |
667 | SafePack | Assessing safety of food packaging through computational toxicology | 2018 |
668 | NANOBIOME | Gradient NANOcluster Screening Arrays for SERS Analytics of Wound MicroBIOMEs | 2018 |
669 | HyThermEl | Hybrid Thermoelectrics: From Model to Device | 2019 |
670 | GeoFodder | The scale and significance of early animal husbandry in SW Europe: development of aninterdisciplinary high-resolution approach to the investigation of livestock diets and herding practices. | 2019 |
671 | EyeTREAT | Innovative tool for personalized treatment of patients with neovascular age-macular degeneration: dosage optimization for long term efficacy treatment | 2018 |
672 | RECIPE | REliable power and time-ConstraInts-aware Predictive management of heterogeneous Exascale systems | 2018 |
673 | COASTAL | Collaborative lAnd Sea inTegration pLatform | 2018 |
674 | QuanTII | Quantitative T cell Immunology and Immunotherapy | 2018 |
675 | PANOPTIS | Development of a Decision Support System for increasing the Resilience of Transportation Infrastructure based on combined use of terrestrial and airborne sensors and advanced modelling tools | 2018 |
676 | CAMERA | Coordination and support Action for Mobility in Europe: Research and Assessment | 2017 |
677 | CharFL | Characterizing the fitness landscape on population and global scales | 2019 |
678 | GENPARENT | Revealing Sources of Gendered Parenthood: A multi-method comparative study of the transition to parenthood in same-sex and different-sex couples | 2018 |
679 | LIDD | Popular Sovereignty vs. the Rule of Law? Defining the Limits of Direct Democracy | 2018 |
680 | NEOGENE | Archaeogenomic analysis of genetic and cultural interactions in Neolithic Anatolian societies | 2018 |
681 | eCAPE | New energy Consumer roles and smart technologies – Actors, Practices and Equality | 2018 |
682 | FunctionalProteomics | Proteomic fingerprinting of functionally characterized single synapses | 2018 |
683 | DEVINCI | Developmental principles for the functional specialisation of inhibitory circuits in neocortical areas | 2018 |
684 | HITSCIL | How intraflagellar transport shapes the cilium: a single-molecule systems study | 2018 |
685 | KID | KiD: A low-cost KInematic Detector to assist early diagnosis and objective profiling of ASD | 2018 |
686 | TCBI | Tracking children in their best interests: electronic monitoring in three European juvenile justice systems | 2018 |
688 | QuantOCancer | Leveraging the unique organismic approach to health and disease of the Champalimaud Foundation through the inception of a quantitative biomedicine research programme focused on cancer | 2018 |
689 | LIPOMET | Dietary Influences on Metastasis: How, When, and Why | 2018 |
690 | ARTSOUNDSCAPES | The sound of special places: exploring rock art soundscapes and the sacred | 2018 |
691 | ARM-B | The ARM-B skin-allergy diagnostics patch is a compact, easy to apply, low-cost allergy testing product. | 2018 |
692 | PUPILOSCOPE | Pupiloscope, a Neuro-Critical Care Device, Enabling Quantitative, Real-Time, Pupillary Monitoring and Assessment of Patients with Neurotrauma and Head Injuries. | 2018 |
693 | Lab-on-Skin | Lab-on-Skin: A wearable medical device for improved clinical trial monitoring | 2018 |
694 | DLEDA | Do Legislatures Enhance Democracy in Africa? | 2018 |
696 | Sensa | Effortlessly Diagnosing Sleep Apnea with the Sensa Platform | 2018 |
697 | MINAPATH | MINAPATH: A novel and unique method to diagnose and prevent diseases that are caused by exposure and accumulation of inorganic mineral dusts. | 2018 |
698 | Smart Clot | SmartClot: Personalized platform for the combined evaluation of platelet and coagulation factor in haemostasis or during antithrombbotic therapy | 2018 |
699 | FOOT TRANSPORT | Foot Transport for a Smart Mobility | 2018 |
700 | CellCount | CellCount – a revolutionary testing platform to solve current problems with microbiological contamination in water and food industries | 2018 |
701 | CONSENT | Causes and consequences of senescence in wild insects | 2018 |
702 | SIMREC | Simulating Roman Economies. Studying the Roman Economy through computational network modelling and archaeological big data | 2019 |
703 | CoME EASY | SYncronising EEA to CoM and other EU initiatives (SCIS-EIP, CEN-ISO,S3...) about energy and climate policies to accompany more and more tuned municipalities in their 2030 performance | 2018 |
704 | Bio-LP-1 | Bio-LP-1 - A novel technology for water safety and surveillance testing | 2018 |
705 | INNOPRICK | Digitalization and analysis of skin surfaces for a fast and automated allergic diagnosis | 2018 |
706 | RiNG-18-19 | European Researchers' Night in Bosnia and Herzegovina 2018-2019 | 2018 |
707 | ENDONANO | Quantitative detection of bacterial endotoxin by novel nanotechnological approaches | 2019 |
708 | SpoilsofWAR | Spoils of War: The Economic Consequences of the Great War in Central Europe | 2019 |
709 | QIP | Towards a Quantitative Theory of Integer Programming | 2019 |
710 | HyGate | Hydrophobic Gating in nanochannels: understanding single channel mechanisms for designing better nanoscale sensors | 2019 |
711 | MUSIQ | Multiphoton Microscopy and Ultrafast Spectroscopy: Imaging meets Quantum | 2019 |
712 | PREDATOR | Revealing the cell biology of a predatory bacterium in space and time | 2019 |
713 | QUANTEDA | User-Friendly Software For the Quantitative Analysis of Textual Data | 2018 |
714 | AHEAD | Advanced techniques for quantification and modelling of phase-change processes of renewable fuels and their blends | 2019 |
715 | FOUNDCOG | Curiosity and the Development of the Hidden Foundations of Cognition | 2019 |
716 | MAREITA | Mapping Remediation in Italian Literature Beyond the Digital Revolution | 2018 |
717 | BAMBOO | Boosting new Approaches for flexibility Management By Optimizing process Off-gas and waste use | 2018 |
718 | REVFAIL | FAILURE: Reversing the Genealogies of Unsuccess, 16th-19th centuries | 2019 |
719 | CURVATURE | Optimal transport techniques in the geometric analysis of spaces with curvature bounds | 2019 |
720 | PRESEISMIC | Exploring the nucleation of large earthquakes: cascading and unpredictable or slowly driven and forecastable | 2019 |
721 | QUANT | A Quantitative Approach to Neolithic Plant-working Techniques: From Assessing Tool Use to Modelling Human Dispersals | 2018 |
722 | AURES II | Auctions for Renewable Energy Support II | 2018 |
723 | OceaNice | Paleoceanography of the Ice-proximal Southern Ocean during Past Warm Climates | 2019 |
724 | MechanoSignaling | Predicting cardiovascular regeneration: integrating mechanical cues and signaling pathways | 2019 |
725 | EPIC | Enabling Precision Immuno-oncology in Colorectal cancer | 2018 |
726 | PATHWISE | Pathwise methods and stochastic calculus in the path towards understanding high-dimensional phenomena | 2019 |
727 | RockDEaF | Dynamics of rock deformation at the brittle-plastic transition and the depth of earthquake faulting | 2019 |
728 | PEP-NET | Predictive Epigenetics: Fusing Theory and Experiment | 2018 |
730 | MCS-MD | The Molecular Dynamics of Membrane Contact Sites | 2019 |
731 | FEASIBLe | Finding how Earthquakes And Storms Impact the Building of Landscapes | 2019 |
732 | NeuroDevo | Spontaneous and sensory-evoked activity shape neural circuits in the developing brain | 2019 |
734 | VITAE | VIrTual BrAin PErfusion: Assessing cerebrovascular function by High Performance Computing from 3D brain vessel network data for vascular-targeted drug development in neurodegenerative diseases. | 2018 |
735 | TInnGO | Transport Innovation Gender Observatory | 2018 |
736 | PLUS | Platform Labour in Urban Spaces: Fairness, Welfare, Development | 2019 |
737 | ColorSensing | A quantitative, multifunctional, non-invasive and cost-effective food freshness indicator to reduce food waste | 2018 |
738 | GRANteD | GRant AllocatioN Disparities from a gender perspective | 2019 |
739 | MiCREATE | Migrant Children and Communities in a Transforming Europe | 2019 |
740 | INNOWWIDE | Viability assessment of collaborative and INNOvative business solutions in WorldWIDE markets | 2019 |
741 | NEPA | Non-Equilibrium Protein Assembly: from Building Blocks to Biological Machines | 2019 |
742 | MoViD | Brownian Motor Based Virus Detection | 2019 |
743 | COSMOLOCALISM | Design Global, Manufacture Local: Assessing the Practices, Innovation, and Sustainability Potential of an Emerging Mode of Production | 2019 |
744 | NestIOr | Who gets to live forever? Toward an Institutional Theory on the Decline and Death of International Organisations | 2019 |
746 | RISIS 2 | European Research Infrastructure for Science, technology and Innovation policy Studies 2 | 2019 |
747 | WEAR | Behaviour Phenotyping using Inertial Sensors | 2019 |
748 | REALNANO | 3D Structure of Nanomaterials under Realistic Conditions | 2019 |
749 | INSPIRE | System-wide discovery and analysis of inositol pyrophosphate signaling networks in plants | 2019 |
750 | ZebraZoom | ZebraZoom: Kinematic analysis for drug and genetic screening in zebrafish | 2018 |
751 | Homo.symbiosus | Assessing, preserving and restoring man-microbes symbiosis | 2019 |
752 | MapModern | Social Networks of the Past: Mapping Hispanic and Lusophone Literary Modernity, 1898-1959 | 2018 |
753 | CEAD | Contextualizing Evidence for Action on Diabetes in low-resource Settings: A mixed-methods case study in Quito and Esmeraldas, Ecuador. | 2019 |
754 | NGI FORWARD | NGI FORWARD | 2019 |
755 | FuncMAB | High-throughput single-cell phenotypic analysis of functional antibody repertoires | 2019 |
756 | EPICROP | Dissecting epistasis for enhanced crop productivity | 2019 |
757 | PROFECI | Mediating the Future: The Social Dynamics of Public Projections | 2019 |
758 | CLIOARCH | Cliodynamic archaeology: Computational approaches to Final Palaeolithic/earliest Mesolithic archaeology and climate change | 2019 |
759 | CULTIVATE MSS | Cultural Values and the International Trade in Medieval European Manuscripts, c. 1900-1945 | 2019 |
760 | AGENSI | A Genetic View into Past Sea Ice Variability in the Arctic | 2019 |
761 | COM | Cavity-enhanced optical microscope | 2019 |
762 | ReNewQuantum | Recursive and Exact New Quantum Theory | 2019 |
763 | ArpComplexity | Defining the role of Arp2/3 complex diversity at multiple scales of biology | 2019 |
764 | FOODCULT | Food, Culture and Identity in Ireland, 1550-1650 | 2019 |
765 | NanoInformaTIX | Development and Implementation of a Sustainable Modelling Platform for NanoInformatics. | 2019 |
766 | ActionContraThreat | Action selection under threat: the complex control of human defense | 2019 |
767 | MAGNESIA | The impact of highly magnetic neutron stars in the explosive and transient Universe | 2019 |
768 | URBAG | Integrated System Analysis of Urban Vegetation and Agriculture | 2019 |
769 | CAPTURE | CApturing Paradata for documenTing data creation and Use for the REsearch of the future | 2019 |
770 | MarsFirstWater | The physicochemical nature of water on early Mars | 2019 |
771 | TechChange | Technological Change: New Sources, Consequences, and Impact Mitigation | 2019 |
772 | DigitalValues | The Construction of Values in Digital Spheres | 2019 |
773 | PoliticsOfPatents | Politics of Patents: Re-imagining citizenship via clothing inventions 1820 - 2020 | 2019 |
774 | Piko | Revealing the adaptive internal organization and dynamics of bacteria and mitochondria | 2019 |
775 | ESTEEM3 | Enabling Science and Technology through European Electron Microscopy | 2019 |
776 | ReHaptix | Easy-to-use and highly accurate medical software for quantitative assessment of impairments in neurologically injured people. | 2019 |
777 | CKDSens | A novel healthcare tool for the active ageing with chronic kidney disease | 2019 |
778 | 2D4QT | 2D Materials for Quantum Technology | 2019 |
779 | DNACom | Compartmentalized DNA Computers for In-Vitro Diagnostic Applications | 2019 |
780 | EoCoE-II | Energy Oriented Center of Excellence : toward exascale for energy | 2019 |
781 | mitoUPR | Cellular modulation by the mitochondrial unfolded protein response | 2019 |
782 | CoDisEASe | Communicable Disease in the Age of Seafaring | 2018 |
783 | DNAsensPROT | Ultrasensitive Quantification of Proteins based on Amplification of DNA Displaced from DNA Aptamer Duplex using Semiconductor Technology | 2018 |
784 | GSYNCOR | Graphene-syncronized coherent Raman scattering laser and microscope | 2019 |
785 | TRANSLIGHT | Light-dependent composition of transcriptional complexes in plants | 2019 |
786 | PD-MitoQUANT | PD-MitoQUANT – A quantitative approach towards the characterisation of mitochondrial dysfunction in Parkinson's disease | 2019 |
787 | GuideArtifEvol | Tracking and guiding artificial enzyme evolution via landscape inference | 2019 |
788 | TRAFIG | Transnational Figurations of Displacement: Connectivity and Mobility as Solutions to Protracted Refugee Situations | 2019 |
789 | ENGRAVINg | Engaging Grammar and Visual Networks | 2019 |
790 | BIOVIB | Electric Interactions and Structural Dynamics of Hydrated Biomolecules Mapped by Ultrafast Vibrational Probes | 2019 |
791 | LNOB | Leave No One Behind: Youth in Protracted Crises | 2019 |
792 | Eco-CosmePharm | Computational 'eco-toxicity' assessment of pharmaceutical and cosmetics materials, an approach towards a green and sustainable environment | 2019 |
793 | HyTunnel-CS | PNR for safety of hydrogen driven vehicles and transport through tunnels and similar confined spaces | 2019 |
794 | SOLID | Policy Crisis and Crisis Politics. Sovereignty, Solidarity and Identity in the EU post 2008. | 2019 |
795 | HONORLOGIC | The Cultural Logic of Honor and Social Interaction: A Cross-Cultural Comparison | 2019 |
796 | QSHvar | Quantitative stochastic homogenization of variational problems | 2019 |
797 | BALANCE | Mapping Dispersion Spectroscopically in Large Gas-Phase Molecular Ions | 2019 |
798 | AmNorSSC | American Norwegian Sound Systems and Language Contact | 2019 |
799 | SOS-CROPS | Solving the tangled ontogenesis of the stem for sustainable crops | 2019 |
800 | HUNG | Hunger Bonds: Food Banks, Families and the Feeding of Poverty | 2019 |
801 | NaWaTL | Narrative, Writing, and the Teotihuacan Language: Exploring Language History Through Phylogenetics, Epigraphy and Iconography | 2020 |
802 | JBinBA | Joint Bodies in Bilateral Agreements | 2019 |
803 | DAMOSET | With data-driven modelling towards a successful energy transition | 2019 |
804 | AGENT | Ancient genetics (AGENT): Capturing signatures of nutrient stress tolerance from extant landraces to unlock the production potential of marginal lands | 2020 |
805 | EuroDipl | European Diplomacy Practices post-Lisbon: Adding Value through Cooperation | 2020 |
806 | BICE | Behavioural Individuality in C. elegans | 2020 |
807 | COLLECTITUDE | Building the collective at times of precarity: precarious labour and its countermovements | 2020 |
808 | qCHROMDEK | Quantitative insight into chromatin nanoscale structure: sub-nuclear organisation of oncoprotein DEK | 2019 |
809 | XYLAN-2.0 | Plant biomass for high-performing sustainable materials | 2019 |
810 | PiQiMosqBite | Understanding the roles of pathogen infection and sensory cue integration in mosquito blood-feeding behavior | 2019 |
811 | DIS2 | Disability and Disease during the 1918 Influenza Pandemic: Implications for Preparedness Policies | 2019 |
812 | TRANSMODERN | Untranslatable Modernity: Modern Literary Theory from Europe to Iran | 2019 |
813 | SingleCellAI | Deep-learning models of CRISPR-engineered cells define a rulebook of cellular transdifferentiation | 2019 |
814 | ChromaSTORM | Visualising how proteins fold DNA into topologically associating domains in single human cells | 2020 |
815 | SocBehGenoPheno | Genetic basis of emergent social behaviour from genotype-phenotype mapping | 2019 |
816 | PROSPER | Politics of Rulemaking, Orchestration of Standards, and Private Economic Regulations | 2019 |
817 | BeBamb | Beyond the Bamboo Hypothesis. A microscopic exploration of plant processing practices in prehistoric Palawan, Philippines, and their relationship to lithic technology. | 2019 |
818 | DENMARK | DNA, Environment, Mineral Association: Reaction Kinetics | 2020 |
819 | SONNET | SOCIAL INNOVATION IN ENERGY TRANSITIONS: Co-creating a rich understanding of the diversity, processes, contributions, success and future potentials of social innovation in the energy sector | 2019 |
820 | METASPINE | Comprehensive experimental and computational mechanical characterisation of metastatic vertebrae | 2019 |
821 | MODFaBe | Modelling individual farmer behaviours in Coupled Human Natural Systems under changing climate and society | 2020 |
822 | MAPPOLA | Mapping out the poetic landscape(s) of the Roman empire: Ethnic and regional variations, socio-cultural diversity, and cross-cultural transformations | 2019 |
823 | HomDyn | Homogenous dynamics, arithmetic and equidistribution | 2019 |
824 | TENDO | Tension of ENDOmembranes maintained by TORC1 | 2019 |
825 | MitoQuant | Development of Deep-UV Quantitative Microscopy for the Study of Mitochondrial Dysfunction | 2019 |
826 | OncoViroMRI | Brain Cancer Therapy Monitoring using a Novel Quantitative and Rapid Magnetic Resonance Imaging-based Method | 2019 |
827 | HoloStain | Imaging flow cytometry using holographic virtual staining | 2019 |
828 | TICLAUS | Transitivity in Courtroom Language: A Unified Solution | 2020 |
829 | THERM | Transport of Heat in hEteRogeneous Media | 2020 |
830 | BrownianReactivation | Neural stochasticity and criticality in memory replay | 2019 |
831 | MEDPOL | The fourth estate? media, frames and political behaviour towards the EU in comparative perspective | 2019 |
832 | CLOUDWORLDS | Cloud Worlds: from Venus to Exoplanet | 2019 |
833 | WetSlide | WEaThering in bedrock landSLIDE deposits | 2019 |
834 | GentriHealth | Gentrification processes and neighborhood liveability in Madrid and Brisbane: impact on population health and development of urban policy recommendations | 2020 |
835 | LinkFM | Linking Functional impact and Microstructural properties of fiber tract demyelination and remyelination in a rodent model of multiple sclerosis | 2019 |
836 | SENTIMOUV | Spatial and demographic dynamics of disease transfer at the wildlife-human interface | 2020 |
837 | PulsatERK | Intracellular ERK signalling dynamics mediated epidermal stem cell fate control | 2019 |
838 | UnsatPorMix | Impact of structural heterogeneity on solute transport and mixing in unsaturated porous media | 2019 |
840 | cesmine | Cultural ecosystem services of post-mining sites: socio-economic rehabilitation after quarrying | 2020 |
841 | PATTERNS | Detecting Polygenic Adaptation Targeting Gene Expression Regulation In Humans Using eQTL Networks. | 2020 |
842 | ASSESSnet | Language assessment in virtual mobility initiatives at tertiary level – teachers’ beliefs, practices and perceptions | 2019 |
843 | INFANTPATTERNS | Development of kinematic and muscle patterns in preterm infants | 2019 |
844 | ECO-DEKS | External knowledge sourcing strategies for environmental innovation in the industrial sector of Nigeria | 2019 |
846 | MS-INFINITE | MASS SPECTROMETRY WITHOUT LIMITS: Pioneer MS equipment and Automated Sample Preparation unit to boost New Therapies Development | 2019 |
847 | ISACS | Improving Safety and comfort for kidney transplanted patients by enabling Accurate therapeutic drug monitoring through quantitative Capillary home Sampling | 2019 |
848 | SURE2050 | SUstainable Real Estate 2050 | 2019 |
849 | ANTHROPOID | Great ape organoids to reconstruct uniquely human development | 2019 |
850 | Beyond EPICA | Beyond EPICA Oldest Ice Core: 1,5 Myr of greenhouse gas – climate feedbacks | 2019 |
851 | BovReg | BovReg - Identification of functionally active genomic features relevant to phenotypic diversity and plasticity in cattle | 2019 |
852 | RURALIZATION | The opening of rural areas to renew rural generations, jobs and farms | 2019 |
853 | MEESO | Ecologically and economically sustainable mesopelagic fisheries | 2019 |
854 | RECEIPT | REmote Climate Effects and their Impact on European sustainability, Policy and Trade | 2019 |
855 | 4C | Climate-Carbon Interactions in the Current Century | 2019 |
856 | HYPERION | Development of a Decision Support System for Improved Resilience & Sustainable Reconstruction of historic areas to cope with Climate Change & Extreme Events based on Novel Sensors and Modelling Tools | 2019 |
857 | HIEIC | Heavy ion collisions: collectivity and precision in saturation physics | 2019 |
858 | CanISeeQG | Can I see Quantum Gravity? | 2019 |
859 | KW Rebel Integration | The International Rebel Integration Toolkit Revisited: What Approaches Work for the Successful and Sustainable Incorporation of Former Rebel Groups after Civil War? | 2019 |
860 | MADMpancreas | Using the precision mouse genetic tool MADM to elucidate the role of EGFR in directing beta cell differentiation and pancreatic morphogenesis | 2019 |
861 | CIFTRESS | Climatic Impact on Food Trade RESilience and Security | 2019 |
862 | TRANSJIHAD | Explaining Transnational Jihad - Patterns of Escalation and Containment | 2019 |
863 | FORCHAR | Unlocking the hidden information in char to create a new quantitative toolkit for use in forensic fire investigations | 2019 |
864 | INO3D | Mechanism of ATP Dependent Chromatin Modelling and Editing by INO80 Remodellers | 2019 |
865 | NETCONTROLOGY | Controllability of biological networks | 2020 |
866 | FRC BioEnergetics | Functional dissection of metabolic checkpoints in lymph node fibroblastic reticular cells | 2020 |
867 | ToMComputations | How other minds are represented in the human brain: Neural computations underlying Theory of Mind | 2019 |
868 | CLOCK | Characterization of the circadian chromatin landscape using a novel CRISPR/Cas9-guided proximity-labelling technique | 2020 |
869 | PoInt | Principles of Integrin Mechanics and Adhesion | 2019 |
870 | RepDiff | Revealing novel molecular mechanisms linking DNA replication and cell fate decisions | 2020 |
871 | CLIMEX | Climate Exposure Tool for Financial Risk Analysis | 2019 |
872 | TOPAS | Exploiting the Tumor Proteome Activity Status for Future Cancer Therapies | 2019 |
873 | MitoCRISTAE | Mitochondrial Cristae Biogenesis | 2019 |
874 | DrugPhosphoProfiler | Accelerating drug and biomarker discovery through a new proteomic service: DrugPhosphoProfiler | 2019 |
875 | Dyneelax | The world’s first automated laximetry device that replicates daily movements and activities through a dynamic test. | 2019 |
876 | MoVEMENT | Mobility of Volatiles in the Earth’s Mantle by Experimental and Numerical Technics | 2020 |
877 | DEMOSERIES | Shaping Democratic Spaces: Security and TV Series | 2020 |
878 | REsPecTMe | Resolving Precariousness: Advancing the Theory and Measurement of Precariousness across the paid/unpaid work continuum | 2019 |
879 | RCT4MANU | Test an innovative support scheme for manufacturing SMEs and accelerate the use of RCTs in innovation agencies | 2019 |
880 | TIPAT | Training towards Personalized Antibiotic Treatment | 2020 |
881 | SOFTMANBOT | Advanced RoBOTic Technology for Handling SOFT Materials in MANufacturing Sectors | 2019 |
883 | FreeATPOC | Towards an instrument-free future of molecular diagnostics at the point-of-care | 2020 |
884 | NOVA-MRI | Novel Applications in 19F Magnetic Resonance Imaging | 2020 |
885 | DoSSIER | Domain Specific Systems for Information Extraction and Retrieval | 2019 |
886 | SYGMA | Synthetic photobiology for light controllable active matter | 2019 |
887 | EpiRep | Mechanism of nucleosome assembly during DNA replication | 2019 |
888 | T-CUBE | Theoretical Chemistry of Unbound Electrons | 2020 |
889 | NIRD | Nanoelectromechanical Infrared Detector | 2019 |
890 | ULTRAIMAGE | Advanced EUV/soft X-ray microscopy in the ultrafast regime: imaging functionality of nanomaterials across length scales | 2020 |
891 | DISTRACT | The Political Economy of Distraction in Digitized Denmark | 2020 |
892 | TAMING CORROSION | Towards mastering the long-standing challenge of ageing infrastructures in corrosive environments | 2020 |
893 | PROBOSCIS | Proboscidean sensitive soft robot for versatile gripping | 2019 |
894 | TeraSlice | Terahertz Analogue-to-Digital Conversion Using Photonic Chipscale Soliton Frequency Combs and Massively Parallel Spectrally Sliced Detection | 2020 |
895 | 3D-loop | Mechanism of homology search and the logic of homologous chromosome pairing in meiosis | 2020 |
896 | Immune-Image | Immune-Image: Specific Imaging of Immune Cell Dynamics Using Novel Tracer Strategies | 2019 |
897 | SYSAGING | A platform for rapidly mapping the molecular and systemic dynamics of aging | 2020 |
898 | MYOCLEM | Elucidating the Molecular Mechanism of Myoblast Fusion in Vertebrates | 2019 |
899 | ACTION | Assessing Climate TransItion OptioNs: policy vs impacts | 2020 |
900 | MOVE | Modelling to Optimize Vector Elimination: Destabilising mosquito populations | 2020 |
902 | HumMingBird | Enhanced migration measures from a multidimensional perspective | 2019 |
903 | EUROSHIP | Closing gaps in social citizenship. New tools to foster social resilience in Europe | 2020 |
904 | MIMY | EMpowerment through liquid Integration of Migrant Youth in vulnerable conditions | 2020 |
905 | IMPACTOUR | IMproving Sustainable Development Policies and PrActices to assess, diversify and foster Cultural TOURism in European regions and areas | 2020 |
906 | QuantMig | Quantifying Migration Scenarios for Better Policy | 2020 |
907 | MATILDE | Migration Impact Assessment to Enhance Integration and Local Development in European Rural and Mountain Areas | 2020 |
908 | SELEX | X-ray sensor for the recognition of polymer type, additive and fillers in black and coloured plastics for recycling and analysis | 2019 |
909 | reCreating Europe | Rethinking digital copyright law for a culturally diverse, accessible, creative Europe | 2020 |
910 | trainABL | Turbulence-Resolving Approaches to the Intermittently Turbulent Atmospheric Boundary Layer | 2020 |
911 | SYNBIO.ECM | SYNBIO.ECM: Designer extracellular matrices to program healthy and diseased cardiac morphogenesis | 2020 |
912 | Demos | Design Principles of Branching Morphogenesis | 2020 |
913 | PALAEOFARM | Linking livestock genetic diversity with three thousand years of agricultural crises and resilience | 2020 |
914 | RheoCare | Rheological Monitoring of Chronic Respiratory Diseases | 2019 |
915 | FIDELITY | Full field Imaging for Damage Evaluation in Lightweight structures under Impact TYpe Loading | 2020 |
916 | KEYNESGROWTH | Economic Fluctuations, Productivity Growth and Stabilization Policies: A Keynesian Growth Perspective | 2020 |
917 | FORCEDMIGDEV | Forced Migration and Development | 2020 |
918 | SOAR | Solitude: Alone but Resilient | 2020 |
919 | YADES | Improved Resilience and Sustainable Reconstruction of Cultural Heritage Areas to cope with Climate Change and Other Hazards based on Innovative Algorithms and Modelling Tools | 2020 |
920 | EMPOWER | European platforM to PromOte Wellbeing and HEalth in the woRkplace | 2020 |
921 | THyGA | Testing Hydrogen admixture for Gas Applications | 2020 |
922 | QSPainRelief | Effective combinational treatment of chronic pain in individual patients, by an innovative quantitative systems pharmacology pain relief approach. | 2020 |
923 | ISLET | Advancing Innovative Stem Cell-based Therapy for Diabetes in Europe | 2020 |
925 | TradeRES | Tools for the Design and modelling of new markets and negotiation mechanisms for a ~100% Renewable European Power Systems | 2020 |
926 | QS2DM | Quantum sensing of two-dimensional magnets | 2021 |
927 | M6AQuantKit | Development and commercialization of kit for quantitative interrogation of a key RNA modification | 2020 |
928 | ChromatinLEGO | Chromatin readout: Dissecting the protein-chromatin interaction code in living cells | 2020 |
929 | SENATOR | Staff Exchange for Novel applications in 19f magnetic resonance imaging | 2020 |
930 | POST-IT | Pathogen Oriented SNARE Trafficking for Immune Tailoring | 2020 |
931 | DisMaLS | Distributional Macroeconomics in the Long and Short Run | 2020 |
932 | MyeRIBO | Deconstructing the Translational Control of Myelination by Specialized Ribosomes | 2020 |
933 | ResilienceBuilding | Social Resilience, Gendered Dynamics, and Local Peace in Protracted Conflicts | 2020 |
934 | WACONDY | Waves and concentration dynamics in biology | 2021 |
935 | CarbOcean | An integrative approach to unravel the ocean's biological carbon pump | 2020 |
936 | NeuroTrans | NEUROtransmitter TRANSporters: from single molecules to human pathologies | 2020 |
937 | LEAFHOUND | Leader-follower hybrid control and task planning for multi-agent systems under spatiotemporal logic specifications | 2020 |
938 | CollectiveDynamics | Collective signaling oscillations in embryonic patterning – revealing underlying principles | 2020 |
939 | LOSS | Narratives of Loss: Unravelling the Origins of Support for Socially Conservative Political Agendas | 2020 |
940 | DEEP-MAPS | Deep Earth Mantle Phase Transition Maps: Studied by Time-Resolved Experiments | 2020 |
941 | ExpoBiome | Deciphering the impact of exposures from the gut microbiome-derived molecular complex in human health and disease | 2020 |
942 | EVaP | Elections, Violence, and Parties | 2020 |
943 | ACE-OF-SPACE | Analysis, control, and engineering of spatiotemporal pattern formation | 2020 |
944 | ISICD | Exploring the identity construction of IS members through linguistic markers in online discourse | 2020 |
945 | CAPTURE | Carbon pathways in the Southern Ocean | 2020 |
946 | PolyCRomA | Polychromy: the meaning of Colour in Roman African statues | 2020 |
947 | RARE MAPS | Dynamic proteomic maps of stem cell-derived neurons as a mechanistic discovery pipeline for rare neurological disease | 2020 |
948 | AMI | Animals Make identities. The Social Bioarchaeology of Late Mesolithic and Early Neolithic Cemeteries in North-East Europe | 2020 |
949 | NitroScission | Electrochemical scission of dinitrogen under ambient conditions | 2021 |
950 | CODer | The molecular basis and genetic control of local gene co-expression and its impact in human disease | 2020 |
951 | NSTree | Understanding substrate delivery for cell wall biosynthesis in plants | 2020 |
952 | Cartesian Networks | Cartesian Networks in Early Modern Europe: A Quantitative and Interdisciplinary Approach | 2020 |
953 | METABONE | A new approach of metastatic bone fracture prediction using a patient-specific model including metastatic tissue, daily-life activities and local failure criteria | 2020 |
954 | SuprAtom | Boosting Cation Exchange in Self-Assembled Supraparticles through Advanced Electron Tomography Techniques | 2020 |
955 | OXYGEN | The redox evolution of arc magmas: from the oxygenation of the Earth’s atmosphere to the genesis of giant hydrothermal ore deposits | 2020 |
956 | ProArc | The protein archive: preservation potential of ancient human diets and diseases. | 2020 |
957 | MALDIP | Machine Learning in Disordered Photonics | 2020 |
958 | immunoassays | Development of new immunoassays for the diagnosis and prediction of drug-related complement pathology | 2020 |
959 | CLOSER | Bringing Cognitive Linguistics and Language Teaching Closer Together | 2020 |
960 | SOJUFOW | Social Justice and the Future of Work | 2020 |
961 | TecWell | Digital Technology Use and Teen Wellbeing in Context: An Ethnographic Investigation | 2021 |
962 | SmartHeart | SmartHeart, a 3D in vitro assay for improved assessment of cardiac drug efficacy and toxicity | 2020 |
963 | RabTarget4Metastasis | Targeting Rab27A with covalent inhibitors for the treatment of metastatic breast cancer | 2020 |
964 | AscNet | Favorable Conditions of the Spread of the Cult of Asclepius across the Transportation Network of the Roman Mediterranean: A Quantitative Evaluation | 2020 |
966 | BoRiS | uncovering the anatomical archive of annual RINGS to understand abiotic and biotic drivers of SHRUB growth at the range BORDER | 2020 |
967 | SUBIMAP | SUBduction Initiation at Magma-poor rifted margins: an Atlantic Perspective | 2021 |
968 | NOSCAR | decipheriNg Oncogenic SIgnalling patterns to break CAncer drug Resistance | 2020 |
969 | CAESAR | Integrating Safety and Cybersecurity through Stochastic Model Checking | 2020 |
970 | BALTIC | Machine learning based analytics for bacteria cell cycle characterization using super resolution microscopy | 2020 |
971 | GABARPET | ImmunoPET directed to specific subtypes of GABAA receptors as strategy for molecular mapping of behaviour and mental illness | 2020 |
972 | CellMechSensE | Cell mechanosensing in the extracellular matrix | 2020 |
973 | GeMeTIC | Gestural Meanings: Typology and Interface Constraints | 2020 |
974 | TweeTERS | Coupling of Optical tweezers with Tip-enhanced Raman Spectroscopy for single-molecule investigation of supramolecular systems | 2020 |