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H2020 projects about "goals"

The page lists 1365 projects related to the topic "goals".

# achronym  title  year 
1 UPWARDS Understanding Planet Mars With Advanced Remote-sensing Datasets and Synergistic Studies 2015
2 dasQ Atomic-Scale Dynamics of Quantum Materials 2015
3 EcoPROLIVE Ecofriendly PROcessing System for the full exploitation of the OLIVE health potential in products of added value 2015
4 ENGRes2014 EU2014 Conference on the Empowerment of the Next Generation of Researchers - “Promoting talents, spreading excellence” 2014
5 SENIORS Safety-ENhancing Innovations for Older Road userS 2015
6 OPTIMUM Multi-source Big Data Fusion Driven Proactivity for Intelligent Mobility 2015
7 NIPSE Novel Integration of Powerplant System Equipment 2015
8 AMANAC Advanced Material And NAnotechnology Cluster 2015
9 MEASURE Metrics for Sustainability Assessment in European Process Industries 2015
10 ProRegio Customer-driven design of product-services and production networks to adapt to regional market requirements 2015
11 HESPERIA High Energy Solar Particle Events foRecastIng and Analysis 2015
12 MaMMoTH-Up Massively extended Modular Monitoring for Upper Stages 2015
13 BREATHE Biochemically modified messenger RNA encoding nucleases for in vivo gene correction of severe inherited lung diseases 2015
14 EQUALIZE Equalizing or disequalizing? Opposing socio-demographic determinants of the spatial distribution of welfare. 2015
15 FOC Foundations of Cryptographic Hardness 2015
16 aidsocpro Aiding Social Protection: the political economy of externally financing social policy in developing countries 2015
17 COALA Comprehensive molecular characterization of secondary organic aerosol formation in the atmosphere 2015
18 LimitMDR Utilizing evolutionary interactions to limit multidrug resistance 2015
19 MindBendingGrammars Mind-Bending Grammars: The dynamics of correlated multiple grammatical changes in Early Modern English writers 2015
20 aSCEND Secure Computation on Encrypted Data 2015
21 CatHet New Catalytic Asymmetric Strategies for N-Heterocycle Synthesis 2015
22 PHYSFISH The Role of Physiology in the Causes and Consequences of Fisheries-Induced Evolution 2015
23 QPE Quantum Photonic Engineering 2015
24 SQUALAC Preclinical development of squalenic acid and gemcitabine squalene nanomedicine 2015
25 Net4Mobility Net4Mobility: Network of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions National Contact Points 2015
26 STEPWISE SEWGS Technology Platform for cost effective CO2 reduction the in the Iron and Steel Industry 2015
27 GreenDiamond Green Electronics with Diamond Power Devices 2015
28 QUIC Quantum simulations of insulators and conductors 2015
29 ThermoDrill Fast track innovative drilling system for deep geothermal challenges in Europe 2015
30 FlexiFuel-SOFC Development of a new and highly efficient micro-scale CHP system based on fuel-flexible gasification and a SOFC 2015
31 e-Airport Increase airport capacity, safety and security using European GNSS 2015
32 ChildBrain Advancing brain research in children’s developmental neurocognitive disorders 2015
33 WATERINNEU Applying European market leadership to river basin networks and spreading of innovation on water ICT models, tools and data 2015
34 New_Innonet NEW_InnoNet: The Near-zero European Waste Innovation Network 2015
35 WIDEST Water Innovation through Dissemination Exploitation of Smart Technologies 2015
36 CoACH Advanced glasses, Composites And Ceramics for High growth Industries 2015
37 SELECTA Smart ELECTrodeposited Alloys for environmentally sustainable applications: from advanced protective coatings to micro/nano-robotic platforms 2015
38 Phonsi Nanophotonics by Nanocrystals, from integration to single photon operation 2015
39 CLEAN-Gas Combustion for Low Emission Applications of Natural Gas 2015
40 KAM2SouthPL Enhancing the innovation management capacity of SME’s – new Enterprise Europe Network services for the SMEs in four regions of the Southern Poland 2014
41 iManageCancer iManageCancer - Empowering patients and strengthening self-management in cancer diseases 2015
42 RegHealth-RI The European regions network for Health Research and Innovation 2014
43 myAirCoach Analysis, modelling and sensing of both physiological and environmental factors for the customized and predictive self-management of Asthma 2015
44 TWIST DIGITAL Transregional Web Innovative Services for Thriving Digital and Mobile Entrepreneurship 2015
45 Wi-5 What to do With the Wi-Fi Wild West 2015
46 PING Printed Intelligent NFC Game cards and packaging 2015
48 PROTEUS AdaPtive micROfluidic- and nano-enabled smart systems for waTEr qUality Sensing 2015
49 EuConNeCts 2 European Conferences on Networks and Communications (EuCNC) 2015
50 HUMANE HUMANE: a typology, method and roadmap for HUman-MAchine NEtworks 2015
51 FANCI Face and body Analysis Natural Computer Interaction 2015
52 CRACKER Cracking the Language Barrier: Coordination, Evaluation and Resources for European MT Research 2015
53 ROAM Revolutionising optical fibre transmission and networking using the Orbital Angular Momentum of light 2015
54 GEO-RAMP Geohazards: Risk Assessment, Mitigation and Prevention 2015
55 HYMADE Hybrid Drug Delivery Systems upon Mesoporous Materials, Self Assembled Therapeutics and Virosomes 2015
56 TraSaCu Traffic Safety Cultures and the Safe Systems Approach – Towards a Cultural Change Research and Innovation Agenda for Road Safety 2015
57 SPOOC Automated Security Proofs of Cryptographic Protocols: Privacy, Untrusted Platforms and Applications to E-voting Protocols 2015
58 IndustRE Innovative Business Models for Market Uptake of Renewable Electricity unlocking the potential for flexibility in the Industrial Electricity Use 2015
59 SmarterEMC2 Smarter Grid: Empowering SG Market Actors through Information and Communication Technologies 2015
60 Triangulum Triangulum: The Three Point Project / Demonstrate. Disseminate. Replicate. 2015
61 NEUCOS Neutrinos and the origin of the cosmic rays 2015
62 SymplecticEinstein The symplectic geometry of anti-self-dual Einstein metrics 2015
63 DYNPOR First principle molecular dynamics simulations for complex chemical transformations in nanoporous materials 2015
64 3DSPIN 3-Dimensional Maps of the Spinning Nucleon 2015
65 FNPMLS Fundamental nuclear properties measured with laser spectroscopy 2015
66 CSF From Cloud to Star Formation 2015
67 GAINBYSTRAIN Gain by Strain: Precise Cuts of Cyclopropanes as Key to Molecular Complexity 2015
68 Phosphoprocessors Biological signal processing via multisite phosphorylation networks 2015
69 ProCold ProCold: Empowering stakeholders to deliver highly energy efficient professional cold products 2015
70 NEGOTIATE Negotiating early job-insecurity and labour market exclusion in Europe 2015
71 CITYnvest Increasing Capacities in Cities for Innovative Financing in Energy Efficiency 2015
72 STEAM-UP STEam And Management Under Pressure 2015
73 SEI Metrics Developing Sustainable Energy Investment (SEI) metrics, benchmarks, and assessment tools for the financial sector 2015
74 ASTHMAPOC Disposable nitric oxide POC (point-of-care) test for home care easy management of asthma in chronic patients 2014
75 SolDent An innovative dental implant with osteoinductive properties by means of bioactive sol-gel coating 2014
76 IPCC Support for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) to facilitate the preparation of its next Assessment Report 2015
77 Elastomer Recycling World`s first innovative method for recycling of elastomers and plastics from industrial waste 2014
78 FLOTA Floating Offshore Photovoltaic systems 2014
79 SeaChange Sea Change 2015
80 MPerS Sustainable Mixed-ion Layered Perovskite Solar Cells 2015
81 EU-CIVCAP Preventing and responding to conflict: developing EU CIVilian CAPabilities for a sustainable peace 2015
82 eCAIMAN Electrolyte, Cathode and Anode Improvements for Market-near Next-generation Lithium Ion Batteries 2015
83 IECEU Improving the Effectiveness of the Capabilities (IEC) in EU conflict prevention 2015
84 REFINET REthinking Future Infrastructure NETworks 2015
85 FLYSEC Optimising time-to-FLY and enhancing airport SECurity 2015
86 OpenMinTeD Open Mining INfrastructure for TExt and Data 2015
87 ENVRI PLUS Environmental Research Infrastructures Providing Shared Solutions for Science and Society 2015
88 QUTEMAG Quantum-Enhanced Optical Magnetometers 2016
89 eLTER European Long-Term Ecosystem and socio-ecological Research Infrastructure 2015
90 NMOSPEC Experimental Nuclear Magneto-Optic Spectroscopy 2015
91 JUNO Joint Volumetric Reconstruction and Automated Analysis of the Fetal Heart from Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Images 2015
92 AdaptClim Genomic and epigenomic signatures of climate-mediated selection in cattle 2015
93 BIHC BIHC- Bio-inspired models of human crowds 2015
94 ResolvedJetsHIC Probing the Strongly-Coupled Quark-Gluon Plasma with Jets 2015
95 DPETNA Dynamics and Predictability of the ENSO teleconnection to the Tropical North Atlantic 2015
96 OHPF Optimizing for Happiness in Personal Finance 2015
97 SynOptic Synthetic Gauge Fields in Quantum Optics 2015
98 STATE CAPACITY Neither Dwarf nor Leviathan: Explaining Territorial and Functional Variation in State Capacity 2016
99 ENIRIS Electrogenic NItrate Reduction In marine Sediments 2016
100 Soft Gluons Soft Gluon Physics and Multi-Loop Calculations 2015
101 MicroEcoEvol Ecological and evolutionary forces shaping microbial diversity in freshwater blooms 2015
102 Amine-FUNC Amine-Directed Diverse C(sp3)-H Functionalization 2015
103 SmartMammaCAD Intelligent Automated System for detecting Diagnostically Challenging Breast Cancers 2015
104 FUDACT FUll Duplex Active Cancellation for wireless communication and co-exisTence 2015
105 QuantumLaP Quantum Effects in Multicolor Ultrafast Laser Processing: Broadening Boundaries of Classical Descriptions 2015
106 HS-GLASSion Highly stable glasses applied for lithium ion battery electrolytes 2015
107 DAMAGE An avian model for understanding and preventing the negative effects of poor developmental conditions on subsequent health state, fertility and ageing rate 2016
108 HORIP Higher-Order Rewriting for Intensional Properties of Programs and Circuits 2015
109 SIBG Strongly Interacting Bose Gases 2015
110 DEGASS An experimental approach to understand inDuced sEismicity in GAS Shales 2016
111 GEODEM Geography of Demography: modelling plant population responses to global habitat patterns 2015
112 FertilityPolicies Fertility, Public Policies, and Women in Turkey in Comparative Perspective 2016
113 Old and New How Old and New Media Influenced Each Other and Society in Iceland during the 16th and 17th Centuries 2015
114 LUMIMAGNET-NANO Multifunctional luminescent and magnetic nanoparticles for advanced biomedical applications 2015
115 HiPerMeGaFlowS High-Performance Curved Meshing and Unstructured High-Order Galerkin Solvers for High-Fidelity Flow Simulation 2015
116 SEDiLINK Sediment linkage between land, river and sea: evaluating impacts of historic mining on sediment quality in the coastal zone 2015
117 Forests and CO Co-Benefits and Conflicts between CO2 sequestration and biodiversity conservation in European Forests 2015
118 SPAFIL Structured photonics for advanced fibre lasers 2015
119 NP4theLHC14 New Physics for the Large Hadron Collider: new minimal models of composite Higgs 2015
120 ORRmetIR Development and in situ Infrared study of Novel Strained Core-shell Electrocatalysts: Towards an Understanding of the Oxygen Reduction Mechanism 2015
121 IPEIBD Identification of promoters and enhancers specific for inflammatory bowel disease and its subtypes 2015
122 IRC Imagination and Religious Credence 2015
123 MEMOTION Changing the course of cognitive decline in normal aging with positive emotions by training brain plasticity 2016
124 Light-Trap A SiPM upgrade for VHE Astronomy and beyond 2015
125 FreshwaterMPs The environmental fate and effects of microplastics in freshwater ecosystems 2015
126 Spiral DRAGNs Here be Spiral DRAGNs 2016
127 WATER INCENT Economic Instruments for Sustainable Water Management in Water Scarce and Drought Prone Irrigated Areas 2015
128 ACT against AMR Abyssomicin C Truncated derivatives against Antimicrobial Resistance 2015
129 AdoDigitFamX Adolescents, Parents and Digital Media: Looking for the pattern that dis/connects 2015
130 PARADOXGREATLAKES Security Paradoxes in the Great Lakes: Between the Military-Capable and the Good-Governed State 2015
131 SYMULGAS Synthetic magnetism with ultracold Fermi gases of strontium 2015
132 iREACT Inkjet-Printed Wireless Powered Circuits for Sensing and Identification. 2016
133 GENENET Gene networks to investigate lateral gene transfer in parasitic protozoa 2015
134 Greenrail Greenrail: sustainability, safety and saving in the the railroad sleeper of tomorrow 2015
135 MicroInstrmntsBP Novel Materials and Manifacturing Process Enabling Wristed Micro-Instruments: Business Feasibility Of Surgical Applications 2015
136 BilletPro Development of a harvesting machine for short rotation plantations for the production of billets with advantageous properties in terms of handling, drying and storing 2015
137 PRINTOO PRINTOO - flexible, thin, printed electronics prototyping kit 2015
138 SDO-MET Automatic Rail Safety Solution 2015
139 Infantium 2.0 Adaptive learning platform for personalized children education crossing cognitive and biometric inputs 2015
140 HEALEX HEALEX – High Efficiency Air Liquid Heat ExchangerAn innovative, new heat exchanger that improves energy efficiency in cooling and ventilation systems 2015
141 CNAP HD Continuous Non-invasive diagnosis of Arterial Pressure and Hemodynamics 2015
142 AgroPellet Development of a pelletising machine to process multiple-source agricultural mixes 2015
143 AgriCloud Demonstration of a cloud-based precision farming management system for a sustainable and intensive agriculture to secure long-term food supply in Europe 2015
144 bionic agitator Feasibility study of a bionic agitator – a prototype of this agitator has shown great potential for energy reduction of agitator technology. 2015
145 EBBR Commercialisation of expanded bed biofilm reactor technology for the treatment of waste-, used- or contaminated-water and for improved protection of the aquatic environment and atmosphere. 2015
146 Evolutionary Neurogenomics The impact of recent retrotransposon invasions on the evolution of human neural gene expression 2015
147 WeForYou Meet and learn What Excellent science does FOR YOU and the society 2014
148 A2F Conference Presidency Conference on Access to Finance for Research, Innovation and Growth 2014
149 EPIC Electric Propulsion Innovation and Competitiveness 2014
150 ConnectinGEO Coordinating an Observation Network of Networks EnCompassing saTellite and IN-situ to fill the Gaps in European Observations 2015
151 AWESOME Advanced Wind Energy Systems Operation and Maintenance Expertise 2015
152 LEO Low-cost / energy Efficient Oleds for lighting 2015
153 E-JADE Europe-Japan Accelerator Development Exchange Programme 2015
154 AARC Authentication and Authorisation for Research and Collaboration (AARC) 2015
155 GULWESS-PROP Green Ultra Light Weight Energy Storage System for Propulsion 2015
156 GLASUNTES Innovative high temperature thermal energy storage concept for CSP plants exceeding 50% efficiency 2016
157 SPECTRUM Spectral theory of random operators 2015
158 Bio-HyPP Biogas-fired Combined Hybrid Heat and Power Plant 2015
159 PRIMAVERA PRocess-based climate sIMulation: AdVances in high resolution modelling and European climate Risk Assessment 2015
160 CRESCENDO Coordinated Research in Earth Systems and Climate: Experiments, kNowledge, Dissemination and Outreach 2015
161 CD-LINKS Linking Climate and Development Policies - Leveraging International Networks and Knowledge Sharing 2015
162 MOSES Managing crOp water Saving with Enterprise Services 2015
163 AQUACROSS Knowledge, Assessment, and Management for AQUAtic Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services aCROSS EU policies (AQUACROSS) 2015
164 SMART GEMS Smart Grids Energy management Staff 2015
165 ENSURE Exploring the New Science and engineering unveiled by Ultraintense ultrashort Radiation interaction with mattEr 2015
166 CIMEC Cooperative ITS for Mobility in European Cities 2015
167 MAGIC Middleware for collaborative Applications and Global vIrtual Communities 2015
168 CEMEA Building-up Centre of Excellence for advanced materials application 2015
169 smartpolis Budapest Smart City Centre of Excellence 2015
170 EI3POD EMBL Interdisciplinary, International and Intersectorial Postdocs 2015
172 Lingvist Lingvist - the next generation language-learning software 2015
173 OPTEPLA Open OBDII Telematics Platform - OPTEPLA 2015
174 TheCityGame pilot TheCityGame; Feasibility study and mini-pilots 2015
175 REALISE GroLaS Runway independent automatic launch and landing system for civil UAV based on GroLaS 2015
176 RG Reading Global. Constructions of World Literature and Latin America 2015
177 N2FEED N2 as Chemical Feedstock – Synthetic Nitrogen Fixation beyond Haber-Bosch 2015
178 BIODESERT Biological feedbacks and ecosystem resilience under global change: a new perspective on dryland desertification 2016
179 HU-MOLMEDEX Creating the Hungarian Centre of Excellence for Molecular Medicine 2015
180 CEZAMAT-Environment CEZAMAT-Environment - Self-Organizing Networks for Real-Time, Wireless Monitoring of Natural Environment 2015
181 QUANTEXBIO Quantitative and Experimental Biology 2015
182 INTRANSYS Delivering next generation Transport Management System to European transport SMEs 2015
183 WayTO Wayfinding Through Orientation 2015
184 VIDOCK 2D Conformal mapping of protein surfaces: applications to VIsualization and DOCKing software 2015
185 DYNADE Dynamics of Development: Understanding Adolescents' Intergroup Attitudes, National Feelings, and Perception of Social Norms 2016
186 YbQuantumSim Quantum simulation of novel many-body phenomena with Ytterbium atoms in optical lattices 2015
187 LIBRA Leading Innovative measures to reach gender Balance in Research Activities 2015
188 CHARISMA Converged Heterogeneous Advanced 5G Cloud-RAN Architecture for Intelligent and Secure Media Access 2015
189 Mobile E-Admini Increase of awareness, activity and confidence of local residents in area of municipal administration and the reduction of barriers to access information in the age of mobility and e-government 2015
190 smaRtAIL Smart protective coatings on classic materials for a new generation of ecologically sustainable ‛green’ railway vehicles 2015
191 Polarsol Phase One Disrupting the energy market with the innovation in solar heating 2015
192 mixedplasticvalue Innovative new technology for creating value from mixed waste plastic 2015
194 OlfSwitch OlfSwitch: Neural circuit switches from molecules to behaviour 2015
195 R2POWER300 Preparing R2 extension to 300mm for BCD Smart Power 2015
196 MetCAF Uncovering the Role of Cancer Associated Fibroblasts in Facilitating Breast Cancer Metastasis 2015
197 AYURYOG Medicine, Immortality, Moksha: Entangled Histories of Yoga, Ayurveda and Alchemy in South Asia 2015
198 DECRESIM A Chemical Approach to Molecular Spin Qubits: Decoherence and Organisation of Rare Earth Single Ion Magnets 2015
199 RSM Rich, Structured Models for Scene Recovery, Understanding and Interaction 2015
200 HyMAP Hybrid Materials for Artificial Photosynthesis 2015
201 P-MEM-NMR Structure of paramagnetic integral membrane metalloproteins by MAS-NMR 2015
202 PowerBase Enhanced substrates and GaN pilot lines enabling compact power applications 2015
203 EURAXESS TOP III Making European research careers more attractive by developing new services and enhancing the current services of the EURAXESS network – EURAXESS TOPIII 2015
204 deepSLice Deciphering the greenhouse gas record in deepest ice using continuous sublimation extraction / laser spectrometry 2015
205 PanEur1970s Looking West: the European Socialist regimes facing pan-European cooperation and the European Community 2015
206 EXDCI European eXtreme Data and Computing Initiative 2015
207 ExaNoDe European Exascale Processor Memory Node Design 2015
208 ExaHyPE An Exascale Hyperbolic PDE Engine 2015
209 MetaFuel High Temperature Methanol Fuel Cell 2015
210 SMARTMEM Stimuli-responsive Membranes for consumer goods sustainability 2016
211 CONCERT European Joint Programme for the Integration of Radiation Protection Research 2015
212 WANDERINGMINDS Not all minds that wander are lost: A neurocognitive test of mind-wandering state’s contribution to human cognition. 2015
213 EPN2020-RI EUROPLANET 2020 Research Infrastructure 2015
214 ZOOMecular Read the fine print: Zooming into paleoenvironmental and biogeochemical processes through molecular imaging of biomarker distributions in sediments 2015
215 ITEAM Interdisciplinary Training Network in Multi-Actuated Ground Vehicles 2016
216 NEURO-PATTERNS How neuronal activity patterns drive behavior: novel all-optical control and monitoring of brain neuronal networks with high spatiotemporal resolution 2015
217 COMPEN Penal Policymaking and the prisoner experience: a comparative analysis 2015
218 CHROMOREP Reconstitution of Chromosome Replication and Epigenetic Inheritance 2015
219 SSeMID Stability and Sensitivity Methods for Industrial Design 2016
220 INSPIRATION Managing soil and groundwater impacts from agriculture for sustainable intensification 2016
221 HUGS HUmins as Green and Sustainable precursors of eco-friendly building blocks and materials 2015
222 E-CAM An e-infrastructure for software, training and consultancy in simulation and modelling 2015
223 TOPAs Tools for cOntinuous building Performance Auditing 2015
224 CerAMfacturing Development of ceramic and multi material components by additive manufacturing methods for personalized medical products 2015
225 ERVE Systematic discovery of functional elements in RNA virus genomes: an Encyclopedia of RNA Virus Elements 2015
226 Perspectival Realism Perspectival Realism. Science, Knowledge, and Truth from a Human Vantage Point 2016
227 CyberCare Integrated Sensing Architectures and Tools for Health Care 2016
228 KAM2SouthPL2 ‘Key account management’ for the SME Instrument beneficiaries and ‘Enhancing SME innovation management capacity’ as new proinnovative services for SMEs in the regions of Southern Poland 2015
229 PANINI Physical Activity and Nutrition INfluences In ageing 2016
230 MOMENTUM MOMENTUM - virtual, mobile CFO for small and medium enterprises 2015
231 RuMicroPlas The Plasmidome: a Driving Force of Rumen Microbial Evolution from Birth to Adulthood 2016
232 FOREMAT Finding a needle in a haystack: efficient identification of high performing organic energy materials 2015
233 PAINSTRAT Novel neurophysiological techniques to quantify pain and stratify patients 2016
234 PLACARD PLAtform for Climate Adaptation and Risk reDuction 2015
235 IMFDforHIC Improved Fluid Dynamics for Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions 2016
236 BHstabNL The fate of black holes in high-energy physics -- exploring their dynamical instabilities 2016
237 FIRST LIGHT Early Star-Forming Galaxies and Cosmic Reionisation 2015
238 Fortissimo 2 Factories of the Future Resources, Technology, Infrastructure and Services for Simulation and Modelling 2 2015
239 I4MS-Growth Support and stimulation of dynamic and organic growth of pan European ICT for Manufacturing SME Innovation Ecosystems 2015
240 SUNLIGHTING Harvesting the Sun 2015
241 SOCRATIC SOcial CReATive IntelligenCe Platform for achieving Global Sustainability Goals 2016
242 TACTILENet TACTILENet: Towards Agile, effiCient, auTonomous and massIvely LargE Network of things 2016
243 SOLIRING Solitons and frequency combs in micro-resonators 2016
244 MCEP Launching the Maritime Copernicus Enablement Platform 2015
245 JPM Jensen Predictive Maintenance (JPM System) of district heating pipes 2015
246 MODULAR INNODRIVE MODULAR INNODRIVE Powered Reel Drive in maritime environment 2015
247 ANAPRINT Additive Printing for Cell-Based Analysis 2015
248 GIDROM Drone-based integrated monitoring system for early detection of crop pathology and pest control in high tech greenhouse agriculture. 2015
249 WIDENLIFE Widening the Scientific Excellence for Studies on Women’s and Fetal Health and Wellbeing 2016
250 KMaaS Key Management as-a-Service 2016
251 PTAL Planetary Terrestrial Analogues Library 2016
252 RecRoad From Aquileia to Singidunum (Belgrade), reconstructing the paths of Roman travelers 2016
253 ATHENA Remote Sensing Science Center for Cultural Heritage 2015
254 TULIPP Towards Ubiquitous Low-power Image Processing Platforms 2016
255 NEWTON Networked Labs for Training in Sciences and Technologies for Information and Communication 2016
256 BlendIn oneTap e-paper business card wearable gadget to create a real meeting LinkedIN equivalent 2015
257 GEM in-wheel GEM in-wheel motor 2015
258 PELLETON PELLETON – a device for production of pellets from biomass and agricultural waste for energy purposes 2015
260 Respiratory-ImmunoDx Clinical validation of host biomarker signature for distinguishing bacterial versus viral lower respiratory tract infections (LRTI) in adults at the point-of-need 2015
261 European Framework Initiative for Energy and Environmental Efficiency in the ICT Sector 2016
262 ONEPLY The Greenest Tissue Paper in the World 2015
263 ADDACT GmbH ADDACT - Fanpowered Concerts 2015
264 MultiCoop Multidisciplinary approach to strengthen cooperation and establish novel platform for comprehensive assessment of food and feed safety 2016
265 REDISH CROR Engine Debris Impact SHielding. Design, manufacturing, simulation and Impact test preparation 2016
266 ALLIANCE Enhancing excellence and innovation capacity in sustainable transport interchanges 2016
267 F-CCW Functional Cell Culture Ware (F-CCW) : Technical and Commercial feasible? 2015
268 TopDyn Probing topology and dynamics in driven quantum many-body systems 2016
269 IN-SKA Square Kilometre Array: Infrastructure Detailed Design for SKA Phase 1 2016
270 SICLE Saadian Intellectual and Cultural Life 2016
271 OPSI Development of Public Sector Innovation Observatory 2016
272 TAX4INNO OECD Study on the Incidence and Impact of Tax Support for Research and Innovation 2016
273 ARCFIRE Large-scale RINA benchmark on FIRE 2016
274 AnTraQuGa Anderson Transition in a Quantum Gas Signatures and Characterization 2016
275 ISSELUB Innovative sealing and sensing technologies for extended life of lubricated elements. 2016
276 STRIGES Escaping from the Franck-Condon region : a theoretical approach to describe molecular STructural ReorganIzation for reversible EnerGy and information storage at the Excited State 2015
277 TopInSy Novel phases of matter emerging from topology, interactions, and symmetries 2016
278 FlexiFuel-CHX Development of a fuel flexible and highly efficient ultra low emission residential-scale boiler with coupled heat recuperation based on flue gas condensation 2016
279 MALIG A mathematical approach to the liquid-glass transition: kinetically constrained models, cellular automata and mixed order phase transitions 2016
280 HUMO What is everybody doing? Social prediction, categorization, and monitoring in the Prefrontal Cortex of the Macaque adopting a new human-monkey (H-M) interactive paradigm. 2016
281 VISION DMD VISION-DMD - Phase 2 Clinical Trials of VBP15: An Innovative Steroid-like Intervention on Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy 2016
282 T2DSystems Development of a systems biomedicine approach for risk identification, prevention and treatment of type 2 diabetes 2016
283 INHERIT INter-sectoral Health Environment Research for InnovaTions 2016
284 HemAcure Application of combined gene and cell therapy within an implantable therapeutic device for the treatment of severe hemophilia A 2015
285 AUTOSTEM Development of closed, scalable and AUTOmated robotic systems for therapeutic STEM cell manufacturing: aseptic systems from “Donor-to-Patient” 2016
286 LSFM4LIFE Production and characterization of endocrine cells derived from human pancreas organoids for the cell-based therapy of type 1 diabetes 2016
287 MAGICAL CMOS/magnetoelectronic Integrated Circuits wil Multifunctional Capabilities 2015
288 COIN Coding for Optical communications In the Nonlinear regime 2016
289 BabyRobot Child-Robot Communication and Collaboration: Edutainment, Behavioural Modelling and Cognitive Development in Typically Developing and Autistic Spectrum Children 2016
290 mHealth4Afrika Community-based ICT for Maternal Healthcare in Africa 2015
291 UniServer A Universal Micro-Server Ecosystem by Exceeding the Energy and Performance Scaling Boundaries 2016
292 netCommons network infrastructure as commons 2016
293 Digi-NewB Non-invasive monitoring of perinatal health through multiparametric digital representation of clinically relevant functions for improving clinical intervention in neonatal units (Digi-NewB) 2016
294 STRADE Strategic Dialogue on Sustainable Raw Materials for Europe 2015
295 MEDLEM Cost-effective microfluidic electronic devices for optimal drug administration based on fractional pharmacokinetics for leukemia treatments 2016
296 NANO-SUPREMI “Tracking nano-bioprocesses using Super-Resolution Microscopy Techniques” 2016
297 DEMOSTAF Emerging population issues in sub-Saharan Africa: Cross-checking and promoting demographic data for better action 2016
298 ALT Adaptation, learning and training for spatial hearing in complex environments 2016
299 BISON BrIdging Structural BiOlogy with Biological SyNthesis and Self Assembly to Reveal Key Processes in Living Systems 2016
301 ABRACADABRA Assistant Buildings’ addition to Retrofit, Adopt, Cure And Develop the Actual Buildings up to zeRo energy, Activating a market for deep renovation 2016
302 StarFormMapper A Gaia and Herschel Study of the Density Distribution and Evolution of Young Massive Star Clusters 2016
303 EXO-ATMOS Exploring the Plurality of New Worlds: Their Origins, Climate and Habitability 2016
304 START2ACT Engaging European Start-ups and Young SMEs for Action for Sustainable Energy 2016
305 MATHISIS Managing Affective-learning THrough Intelligent atoms and Smart InteractionS 2016
307 EULAC Focus Giving focus to the Cultural, Scientific and Social Dimension of EU – CELAC Relations 2016
308 SMART Sustainable Market Actors for Responsible Trade 2016
309 DR-BOB Demand Response in Block of Buildings 2016
310 TAIAC Breaking the paradigm: A new approach to understanding and controlling combustion instabilities 2016
311 SDDM-TEA Static and Dynamic Decision Making under Uncertainty: Theory and Applications 2016
312 CONENE Control of Large-scale Stochastic Hybrid Systems for Stability of Power Grid with Renewable Energy 2016
313 REPCOR The Role of Reputation and Corruption in Procurement 2016
314 PEAKapp Personal Energy Administration Kiosk application: an ICT-ecosystem for Energy Savings through Behavioural Change, Flexible Tariffs and Fun 2016
315 EU-MERCI EU-MERCI - EU coordinated MEthods and procedures based on Real Cases for the effective implementation of policies and measures supporting energy efficiency in the Industry 2016
316 PIANOSILICA Pianosilica – new, eco-friendly and fire-resistant construction materials. 2016
317 PUREJUICE Industrial scale-up of Pulsed Electric Fields technology for natural fruit juice processing 2016
318 TERAULTRA Terahertz Ultra-Short Pulses from Self-Induced Transparency Modelocked Quantum Cascade Lasers 2016
319 InstaGreen Bringing Local and Sustainable Produce Back to the City 2016
320 IMMIGRANTS The Effects of Media News about Immigrants on Majority’s Attitudes and Behaviors towards Immigrants 2017
321 PEARRL Pharmaceutical Education And Research with Regulatory Links: Innovative drug development strategies and regulatory tools tailored to facilitate earlier access to medicines 2016
322 CROSSCULT CrossCult: Empowering reuse of digital cultural heritage in context-aware crosscuts of European history 2016
323 SABRE Transforming the biodiesel industry to meet Europe’s need for sustainable aviation fuel: business feasibility study, technical validation and real-world demonstration 2016
324 AWESoMeStars Accretion, Winds, and Evolution of Spins and Magnetism of Stars 2016
325 MISFIT Mass-Independent SulFate IsoTopes 2016
326 eGALISM Characterizing properties of the interstellar medium to better understand how stars form in galaxies 2017
327 EVI1inCancer Overcoming the epigenetic and therapeutic barrier of EVI1-overexpressing cancers 2016
328 ComplexSwimmers Biocompatible and Interactive Artificial Micro- and Nanoswimmers and Their Applications 2016
329 HARVEST Plant foods in human evolution: Factors affecting the harvest of nutrients from the floral environment 2017
330 TOTAL Technology transfer between modern algorithmic paradigms 2016
331 HiggspT Differential Higgs distributions as a unique window to New Physics at the LHC 2016
332 Remote memory traces Cellular and molecular mechanisms of remote fear attenuation 2016
333 HOLDING-HANDS Holding hands: cell-cell junctions in breast cancer metastasis and resistance to therapy 2016
334 SIRPOL Strongly interacting Rydberg slow light polaritons 2016
335 Extinction Genomics Exploring and exploiting the potential of extinct genome sequencing 2016
336 RNA ORIGAMI RNA-protein Nanostructures for Synthetic Biology 2016
337 BIG IoT BIG IoT - Bridging the Interoperability Gap of the Internet of Things 2016
338 Crystal Tandem Solar Single-Crystal Perovskite Tandem Solar Cells For High Efficiency and Low Cost 2017
339 OUTCROSS Operator semigroup techniques in the control of delay systems 2016
340 SF-QFT Fundamental physics with intense laser fields 2016
341 BIDMAG Biological detection with functionalized Magnetic Sensor 2016
342 UNRAVEL Understanding the Role of Antisense lncRNA in Vernalization, Memory and Life History 2016
343 URBANet Urban networks: multidisciplinary research into the formation of early urban societies in Campania (Italy) 2016
344 PHILANTHROPIC RULE International Authority and Intellectual Domination: External Donors and Local Organizations in Latin American Social Sciences (1945-1973). 2017
345 DynamAtt Dynamics of Attentional Networks in the Human Brain in Health and Disease: Evidence from Intracerebral and MEG Recordings 2017
346 EPILIPRO Elucidating the role of Arid1a in adult liver 2016
347 BOOMSTIM Understanding and Boosting Motivation using Brain Stimulation 2017
348 SYNERGINFO Developments on the relevance of SYNERGistic INFOrmation sharing modes 2017
349 BIASTRESS Neural mechanisms of cognitive bias and its role in the triggering of the stress response in zebrafish 2016
350 Glycoli Design of glycan epitope toolbox: a novel pathway for protein N-glycosylation in the E. coli cytosol 2016
351 MSCCC Marine Stratocumulus Cloud Cover and Climate 2016
352 Ex Anatolia lux Ex Anatolia lux. The Linguistic Origins of Europe: Word-formation and Lexicon in Anatolian and Core Indo-European. 2016
353 ZC Torsion units of integral group rings 2016
354 UPR Unconditional parental regard: Its nature and its consequences 2016
355 SAGE-CPSoC Self-Aware CPSoCs with Hierarchical Goal Management 2016
356 PYANO Retargeted Pyocins: A novel tool for combating major food borne pathogens and exploitingphage-host interactions 2016
357 smartCC Designing novel smart sensor interfaces based on a biologically abundant peptide motif: coiled-coils 2017
358 Exosomes Regulated secretion and role of urinary nanovesicles 2017
359 BWBN Black Women/Black Nationalism – Feminist Discourses on Nation-building in American and British Literature and Visual Arts 2016
360 GLUTORHIV Glucose metabolism and mTOR pathway role in CD8+ T cell control of HIV-1 2016
361 AAT-NAA Advancing Apatite Thermochronology: Novel analytical approaches for high eU apatites. 2016
362 eLection Evaluating the performance of local climate policies in Mexico (2009-2018) 2017
363 NIR-BIO-FLU Bio-conjugatable and Bio-responsive Near Infrared Fluorochromes 2016
364 DUSC3 DUSt, Climate and Carbone Cycle 2016
365 DURO DURO: Deep-memory Ubiquity, Reliability and Optimization 2016
366 JHSIGNAL Modulation of juvenile hormone signaling by receptor phosphorylation 2017
367 SafeWood Novel bio-inspired environmentally-friendly process for producing durable and dimensionally-stable wood 2016
368 SmartCOMBI Energy savings in residential buildings using a modular platform to control an all-in-one unit for water heating, climate control, and ventilation 2016
369 Smart Library The Smart Digital Library of Edutainment by Smile and Learn 2016
370 CHAMPIPACK Active packaging for extending lifespan of champignon 2016
371 Open Science NESCIO: NEtherlands Science Conference on Inclusive Open science 2016
372 POSEIDOMM Photochemistry at the Ocean's Surface: Effects and Interactions of Dissolved Organic Matter with Microplastics 2016
373 INVISIBLE WATERS Visualizing aquifers: sustainable water use in the Atacama Desert and beyond 2017
374 METAL-AID Metal oxide Aided Subsurface Remediation: From Invention to Injection 2016
375 MEAN4SG Metrology Excellence Academic Network for Smart Grids 2016
376 GutBCells Cellular Dynamics of Intestinal Antibody-Mediated Immune Response 2016
377 UrbanOccupationsOETR Industrialisation and Urban Growth from the mid-nineteenth century Ottoman Empire to Contemporary Turkey in a Comparative Perspective, 1850-2000 2016
378 CHAMELEON Intuitive editing of visual appearance from real-world datasets 2016
379 VIBRANT-BIO High-throughput vibrational fingerprinting by nanoplasmonics for disease biology 2017
380 TIMED Testing the role of Mediterranean thermohaline circulation as a sensor of transient climate events and shaker of North Atlantic Circulation 2017
381 WATERSPOUTT Water - Sustainable Point-Of-Use Treatment Technologies 2016
382 SmartCast Smart casting of concrete structures by active control of rheology 2016
383 NuBSM From Fermi to Planck : a bottom up approach 2016
384 COCTA Coordinated capacity ordering and trajectory pricing for better-performing ATM 2016
385 PROTECT Pervasive and UseR Focused BiomeTrics BordEr ProjeCT 2016
386 C3ISP Collaborative and Confidential Information Sharing and Analysis for Cyber Protection 2016
387 GAP Gaming for Peace 2016
388 CompOLEDs Computational studies on materials for organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) 2016
389 collActionStatus We are the 1%, we stand with the 99%: reactions of high-status groups faced with social change attempts from low-status groups 2016
390 AMUSIC nonlineAr Multimode and mUlticore optical fiberS for multIple appliCations 2016
391 MIGRADAPT An avian model for understanding adaptations and modulatory drivers of avian migration 2017
392 VORTSHEET Vortex sheets - from new intuitions to crucial questions. 2017
393 JERRI Joining Efforts for Responsible Research and Innovation 2016
394 SMART-map RoadMAPs to Societal Mobilisation for the Advancement of Responsible Industrial Technologies 2016
395 DEGLUMINATE Light-Responsive Adhesives for Debond-on-Demand Solutions 2016
396 Career-FIT Career Development Fellowships in the National Technology Centre Programme 2017
397 ConFooBio Resolving conflicts between food security and biodiversity conservation under uncertainty 2016
398 STEREOPOL Stereocontrolled Polymerisation: New Frontiers in Synthesis and Supramolecular Self Assembly 2016
399 CGCglasmaQGP The nonlinear high energy regime of Quantum Chromodynamics 2016
400 Endogenous_Info Financial Decision Making with Endogenous Information Acquisition 2016
401 GlobalMass Global land ice, hydrology and ocean mass trends 2016
402 CHAOS C-H Acids for Organic Synthesis 2016
403 BROADMAP Mapping Interoperable EU PPDR Broadband Communication Applications and Technology 2016
404 INTRANSYS Delivering next generation Transport Management System to European transport SMEs 2016
405 GrInflaGal Gravity, Inflation, and Galaxies: Fundamental Physics with Large-Scale Structure 2016
406 LUMINOUS Studying, Measuring and Altering Consciousness through information theory in the electrical brain 2016
407 AgroCycle Sustainable techno-economic solutions for the agricultural value chain 2016
408 PRIME Ultra-Low PoweR technologIes and MEmory architectures for IoT 2015
409 HIEXP High Dimensional Expanders, Ramanujan Complexes and Codes 2016
410 YnotSing Evolution of sexual dimorphisms: all about losing not choosing? 2016
411 HArchitHeC House Architecture and Heritage in modern Crete 2016
412 VISMEM Visualising memories of violence in urban places: gender and wellbeing in Istanbul 2016
413 Baltic Gender Baltic Consortium on Promoting Gender Equality in Marine Research Organisations 2016
414 GOAL-Robots Goal-based Open-ended Autonomous Learning Robots 2016
415 EVNSMAS An evolutionary approach to automated norm synthesis for multi agent systems 2016
416 BUSWEL Why is Business in Some Countries More Hostile to Social Redistribution than in Others? 2016
417 GeNoSOS Generation of Non-classical States in Optomechanical Systems 2016
418 NanoSCAN Developing multi-modality nanomedicines for targeted annotation of oncogenic signaling pathways 2016
419 NATURAL_BAT_NAV Neural basis of natural navigation: Representation of goals, 3-D spaces and 1-km distances in the bat hippocampal formation – the role of experience 2016
420 MACROTRADE Research on Macroeconomic Fluctuations and Trade 2016
421 TaCo Take Control 2016
422 CRO-INSPECT Collaborative RObotic Solution for Advanced Inspection of Complex Composite parts 2016
423 AVELEDA Fruit Wine AVELEDA Fruit Wine 2016
424 INSPiRE Industrialisation of Jet Noise Prediction Methods 2016
425 Hilet Highly linear efficient technology for wireless data transmission for 4G, 5G, wifi and beyond 2016
426 SET Plan 2016-CEEC X Strategic Energy Technology Plan 2016 – Central European Energy Conference X 2016
427 LOOWATT European Expansion for Circular Economy Off-Grid Toilets 2016
428 VDRConnect VDRConnect: VDR-based vessel telematics solution 2016
429 GuppY Recombination, sex-specific adaptation and evolution of the poeciliid sex chromosomes 2016
430 GravBHs A New Strategy for Gravity and Black Holes 2016
431 Miniature Robots Commercialisation of new miniaturised, automated robots for high throughput training and assessment of dexterity in rats and mice. 2016
432 TRISORP Energy saving and reducing carbon dioxide emission by applying advanced ammonia/water absorption chillers and decentralised Trigeneration (CCHP) technology to small and medium enterprises 2016
433 PHOSave Innovative solution for phosphate recovery from exhausted extinguishing powders 2016
436 DrugSynergy DrugSynergy: A data-driven systems biology approach to optimize drug combination strategies 2016
437 LIQUIDMASS High throughput mass spectrometry of single proteins in liquid environment 2016
438 PROSOCIAL The neural basis of prosocial development in adolescence 2016
439 ULT-MAS-DNP Dynamic Nuclear Polarization at ultra-fast sample spinning and ultra-low temperature 2016
440 VITAL MEDIA Vision, Insights and Trends for Awareness and Leadership in Media 2016
441 LocomotorIntegration Functional connectome of brainstem circuits that control locomotion 2016
443 INSEETO In-situ second harmonic generation for emergent electronics in transition-metal oxides 2017
444 SYNNOVATE Molecular organization and dynamics of synapse diversity: novel genetic, imaging and computational approaches 2016
445 SCOUTFermi2D Strongly correlated ultracold fermions in two-dimensional tailored optical potentials: pairing, superfluidity and disorder 2016
446 MARS Mechanism of allosteric regulation of SHP2 phosphatase and its role in cancer and geneticdiseases: a multidisciplinary computational, structural and biological approach 2017
447 BIODIV ISLAND-CONT Biodiversity drivers on islands and continents 2016
448 Neuro Care System Adaptive Neuro Care System 2016
449 AutoPilot-Dx Fast tracking market adoption of a novel immune-based diagnostic for improving antibiotic stewardship: automation, piloting and health economics 2016
450 Young-Italian 2015 Dangerous Masculinities: Young Men in Italian Cinema of the 1940s-1960s 2016
451 RuKNOW Knowledge on International Relations in Russia 2016
452 PEMs4Nano Portable Nano-Particle Emission Measurement System 2016
453 ESSENTIAL Evolving Security SciencE through Networked Technologies, Information policy And Law 2017
454 SOCRATES SOcial Cognitive Robotics in The European Society 2016
455 HUMAN HUman MANufacturing 2016
456 CircEuit Circular European Economy Innovative Training Network 2016
457 ERA CoBioTech Cofund on Biotechnologies 2016
458 ReWaCEM Ressource recovery from industrial waste water by cutting edge membrane technologies 2016
459 NITROS Network for Innovative Training on ROtorcraft Safety 2016
460 SESZEP Support to Energy Stakeholders of the Zero Emission Platform 2016
461 EJDFoodSci Food science, technology and engineering - European Joint Doctorate training towards knowledge, skills and mobility 2016
462 4PHOTON Novel Quantum Emitters monolithically grown on Si, Ge and III-V substrates 2017
463 HyproCell Development and validation of integrated multiprocess HYbrid PROduction CELLs for rapid individualized laser-based production 2016
464 BuyZET BuyZET – Procurement of innovative solutions for zero emission urban delivery of goods and services 2016
465 SPICE Support Procurements for Innovative transport and mobility solutions in City Environment 2016
466 LOWUP LOW valued energy sources UPgrading for buildings and industry uses 2016
467 Ascent AM Adding Simulation to the Corporate ENvironmenT for Additive Manufacturing 2016
468 FR8RAIL Development of Functional Requirements for Sustainable and Attractive European Rail Freight 2016
469 ITECCO Demo Demonstration and market replication of Innofreight’s innovative rail logistics equipment for the raw material supply of the steel industry 2016
470 HiEff-BioPower Development of a new highly efficient and fuel flexible CHP technology based on fixed-bed updraft biomass gasification and a SOFC 2016
471 ROLINCAP Systematic Design and Testing of Advanced Rotating Packed Bed Processes and Phase-Change Solvents for Intensified Post-Combustion CO2 Capture 2016
472 TOPSIM Topology and symmetries in synthetic fermionic systems 2016
473 PACMAN Prognostics And Computer Aided Maintenance 2016
474 TAOIDE Technology Advancement of Ocean energy devices through Innovative Development of Electrical systems to increase performance and reliability 2016
475 Greenrail Greenrail, innovative and sustainable railway sleepers: the greener solution for railway sector 2016
476 CombiCat Combined Catalysis: Enhancing Asymmetric Synthesis 2016
477 POWDERBLADE Commercialisation of Advanced Composite Material Technology: Carbon-Glass Hybrid in PowderEpoxy for Large (60-100m) Wind Turbine Blades 2016
478 SIRCAH Secretariat for the International Research Consortium on Animal Health 2016
479 AGROinLOG Demonstration of innovative integrated biomass logistics centres for the Agro-industry sector in Europe 2016
480 VIRT-EU Values and ethics in Innovation for Responsible Technology in EUrope 2017
481 RITMOCORE Arrhythmias monitoring and comprehensive care 2016
482 IC4WATER Tackling Water Challenges in the International Context 2017
483 urban-rev politics The Urban Revolution and the Political 2016
484 EMbRACe Effective Multidrug Cocktails for Cancer 2016
485 USEMITE Ultimate growth characterization for development of new semiconductor technologies 2016
486 HALODRUGSYN Innovative Strategies towards Halogenated Organic Molecules: From Reaction Design to Application in Drug Synthesis 2017
487 ELECTRON4WATER Three-dimensional nanoelectrochemical systems based on low-cost reduced graphene oxide: the next generation of water treatment systems 2017
488 CoSI Functional connectomics of the amygdala in social interactions of different valence 2016
489 GreenOnWaterCat Unravelling the Nature of Green Organic “On-Water” Catalysis via Novel Quantum Chemical Methods 2017
490 FACILITATORS Facilities for testing orbital and surface robotics building blocks 2016
491 SCOPE Support and Coordination of the Partnering Environment for FET Flagships 2017
492 ASNODEV Aspirations Social Norms and Development 2016
493 MOUSIE Multi-Organ UltraSound-based Inborn Evaluation 2016
494 MiTopMat Microstructured Topological Materials: A novel route towards topological electronics 2017
495 SIROM Standard Interface for Robotic Manipulation of Payloads in Future Space Missions 2016
497 GOAL Games Of Active Life 2016
498 iRead Infrastructure and integrated tools for personalized learning of reading skill 2017
500 OPERAS-D Design for Open access Publications in European Research Areas for Social Sciences and Humanities 2017
501 WiseGRID Wide scale demonstration of Integrated Solutions and business models for European smartGRID 2016
502 PJ16 CWP HMI Controller Working Position / Human Machine Interface - CWP/HMI 2016
503 T2S Transformations to Sustainability 2017
504 REINVENT Realising Innovation in Transitions for Decarbonisation 2016
505 MATERIALIZABLE MATERIALIZABLE: Intelligent fabrication-oriented Computational Design and Modeling 2017
506 SPECIAL Scalable Policy-awarE linked data arChitecture for prIvacy, trAnsparency and compLiance 2017
507 PJ10 PROSA Controller Tools and Team Organisation for the Provision of Separation in Air Traffic Management 2016
508 BDVe Big Data Value ecosystem 2017
509 PJ17 SWIM-TI SWIM Technical Infrastructure 2016
510 IMAGENE Characterizing Function Genetic Variants Linking Immunity and Psychiatric Disorders 2017
511 HybridSolarFuels Efficient Photoelectrochemical Transformation of CO2 to Useful Fuels on Nanostructured Hybrid Electrodes 2017
512 INVADE Smart system of renewable energy storage based on INtegrated EVs and bAtteries to empower mobile, Distributed and centralised Energy storage in the distribution grid 2017
513 COCORO Cocoro Advanced Lingerie, the ultimate reusable absorbent underwear 2016
514 LoTGlasSy Low Temperature Glassy Systems 2016
515 Smart Protocells Generation of prototissues from functional and chemoselective protocells 2017
516 SACCRED Structured ACCREtion Disks: initial conditions for planet formation in the time domain 2017
517 BRAINBELIEFS Proving or improving yourself: longitudinal effects of ability beliefs on neural feedback processing and school outcomes 2017
518 AENEAS Advanced European Network of E-infrastructures for Astronomy with the SKA 2017
519 REITER Support to the Development and Analysis of a Research and Innovation Policy Taxonomy and Questionnaire 2016
520 ORBIT Aerodynamic rigs for VHBR IP turbine 2017
521 SPARCLEs Self-assembled Plasmonic Aggregates for Raman sensing and Catalysis in Liquid Environments 2017
522 3D-Plant2Cells Exploring the Impact of Pesticide on the 3D Metabolome and the Microbiota from the Whole Plant to the Cell Scale 2017
523 SCOOBA Symbiotic COOperation and Boring Activity of Cliona sponges under a climate change context 2017
524 HP4all Persistent and Transportable Hyperpolarization for Magnetic Resonance 2017
525 Tesseract Best Curved Adapted Meshes for Space-Time Flow Simulations 2017
526 PUNCA Preparing for Unveiling the Nature of the Cosmic Acceleration 2017
527 SEPOMO Spins for Efficient Photovoltaic Devices based on Organic Molecules 2016
528 ILIAD Intra-Logistics with Integrated Automatic Deployment: safe and scalable fleets in shared spaces 2017
529 SLAFNET Slavery in Africa: a dialogue between Europe and Africa 2017
530 EDUHEALTH Educating for Equitable Health Outcomes- the Promise of School Health and Physical Education 2017
531 InjectoReducer Integrated reducer-filter-injector unit for natural gas engines 2016
532 EN-SUGI Eranet Sustainable Urbanisation Global Initiative 2016
533 TreatER Clinical study in Parkinson's disease with two unique goals: 1) Proof-of-concept of CDNF protein for disease modification; 2) Validation of clinically tested device for intracerebral drug delivery 2017
534 AMTRAS Adaptive Multifunctional Test Rigs for Aeronautical Structures 2017
536 CC-MEM Coordination and Composability: The Keys to Efficient Memory System Design 2017
537 RandMat Spectral Statistics of Structured Random Matrices 2017
538 QD-NOMS Elementary quantum dot networks enabled by on-chip nano-optomechanical systems 2017
539 CRYOMATH Cryo-electron microscopy: mathematical foundations and algorithms 2017
540 INFERNET New algorithms for inference and optimization from large-scale biological data 2017
541 PRE-EST Preparatory Phase for the European Solar Telescope 2017
542 PRO-METROFOOD Progressing towards the construction of METROFOOD-RI 2017
543 EXPOVIBE Exposure to Political Violence and Individual Behavior 2017
544 POPSTAR Reasoning about Physical properties Of security Protocols with an Application To contactless Systems 2017
545 time-data Time-Data Trade-Offs in Resource-Constrained Information and Inference Systems 2017
546 ARIES Accelerator Research and Innovation for European Science and Society 2017
547 Advance_eLTER Advancing the European Long-Term Ecosystem, critical zone and socio-ecological Research Infrastructure towards ESFRI 2017
548 AWARENET The World´s First Application-Aware Network: Enabling Dynamic Bandwidth Management and Guaranteed Data Connection Quality in Mobile Networks 2017
549 CEBRABIC Centre for Europe-Brazil Business and Innovation Cooperation 2017
550 SAFEnano Effect of water and wastewater treatment on the properties of engineered nanomaterials (ENMs) in context of their fate, toxicity and interaction with other contaminants 2017
551 PRESSURE Effectiveness of Terrestrial Protected Areas in Reducing Human Pressure 2017
553 GLYCONEOBRAIN Exploring glycosidic neo-epitopes of degenerative hippocampal granules in aged mice and humans: implications for ageing and dementia 2017
554 MecMy Mechanisms of Myelination – Elucidating the Diversity of Oligodendroglial Precursors and their Local Axon-Glia Interactions 2017
555 GASPARCON Molecular steps of gas-to-particle conversion: From oxidation to precursors, clusters and secondary aerosol particles. 2017
556 Spiders Fundamental Physics Using Black Widow, Redback and Transitional Pulsar Binaries 2017
557 CUTACOMBS Cuts and decompositions: algorithms and combinatorial properties 2017
558 Reg-Seq Functional genomics of non-coding mutations in regulatory regions of four metabolic tissues, and their involvement into type 2 diabetes through large-scale sequencing 2017
559 IMMUNE CELL SWARMS Innate Immune Cell Swarms: Integrating and Adapting Single Cell and Population Dynamics in Inflamed and Infected Tissues 2017
560 EURECON The Making of a Lopsided Union: Economic Integration in the European Economic Community, 1957-1992 2017
561 METLAKE Predicting future methane fluxes from Northern lakes 2017
562 Watchity Launching the First 360° Crowdsourced Live Video Platform. 2017
563 ENERGIZE Efficient Energy Management for Greener Aviation 2017
564 AQSuS Analog Quantum Simulation using Superconducting Qubits 2017
565 EPP Econometrics for Public Policy: Sampling, Estimation, Decision, and Applications 2017
566 TOPOQDot A bottom-up topological superconductor based on quantum dot arrays 2017
567 RINGO Research Infrastructures - Needs, Gaps and Overlaps 2017
568 EspLORE Extending the science perspectives of linear wires of carbon atoms from fundamental research to emerging materials 2017
569 Tmol4TRANS Efficient electronic transport at room temperature by T-shaped molecules in graphene based chemically modified three-terminal nanodevices 2017
570 CHEMMINE Chemical proteome mining for functional annotation of disease relevant proteins 2017
571 iShare iShare - a disruptive approach to vehicle sharing 2017
572 HarvPell Upscale and redesign of a mobile harvesting and pelletizing disruptive all-in-one machine 2017
573 BINGO Bio-INspired GOld metamaterials 2017
574 SAFER Innovative Concrete Barriers for Forgiving Road Infrastructure 2017
575 StrainBooster Enforced ATP wasting as a general design principle to rationally engineer microbial cell factories 2017
576 BOSS-WAVES Back-reaction Of Solar plaSma to WAVES 2017
577 PEPCo Problems in Extremal and Probabilistic Combinatorics 2017
578 KAM2SouthPL2 ‘Key account management’ for the SME Instrument beneficiaries and ‘Enhancing SME innovation management capacity’ as new proinnovative services for SMEs in the regions of Southern Poland 2017
579 GREENLOC A High-Sensitive Green Localization System for High-Speed Self-Driving Vehicles 2017
580 BRISRES The Basal Roughness of Ice Sheets from Radio-Echo Sounding 2017
581 Austere Reasons Do Desires, and only Desires, Justify Action? Evaluating a Radical Version of 'Internalism about Reasons' 2017
582 DUST-GLASS Improving global dust prediction and monitoring through data assimilation of satellite-based dust aerosol optical depth 2017
583 MMUSCLES Modification of Molecular structure Under Strong Coupling to confined Light modES 2017
584 EndoMitTalk Endolysosomal-mitochondria crosstalk in cell and organism homeostasis 2017
585 CROSSROADS Human Evolution at the Crossroads 2017
586 ZIPgeting Quantitative understanding of target recognition on DNA based on directional zipping processes 2017
587 WakeOpColl Learning and collective intelligence for optimized operations in wake flows 2017
588 OCCIM-DEV Optimised integration of Combined Computational Imaging and image processing for transparent Micro-DEVices 2017
589 CRISP-4-CROPS CRISPR/Cas9 technology implementation for improved resistance to Abiotic Stress in cereals 2017
590 LTPAM Low Temperature Plasma for Applications in Medicine 2017
591 MiMEtiC Molecular mechanisms of the mechanical interaction between the cell nucleus and the actin cytoskeleton 2017
592 NpQFT-NEq New non perturbative methods for out-of-equilibrium quantum field theory 2017
594 InvasiveSDM Frontiers in invasive species distribution modelling: incorporating human-associations and intraspecific niche structure to improve risk predictions. 2017
595 Hydrogenlogistics Enabling the Hydrogen Economy 2017
596 ULTIMATE Towards the ultimate dark matter detector 2017
597 CMBSPEC Next Steps in Cosmology with CMB Spectral Distortions 2017
598 SEQ Scientists and Engineers for the Quantum world 2017
599 AFRI-SKYFOR African Sky Forests: services, threats and management recommendations 2017
600 BMC-SVAR Developing a Bayesian technique to evaluate the validity of economic models: two applications to the Euro Area 2017
601 MAP Inside the Mind of Ancient People: the tangible and constructed landscape of the western Delta in the Late Period (664-332BC) 2017
602 CriticalGZ Critical Slope Gross-Zagier formula and Perrin-Riou's Conjecture 2017
603 SAPPHIRE Systematic analysis of Pacific phytoplankton and islands regional effects 2018
604 INCRICO The International Criminal Court and the Judicial Function: a Socio-Legal Study of Judicial Perceptions and Practices 2018
605 VALENCE-REPLAY Disentangling amygdala contributions to replay-mediated, hippocampal-dependent memory consolidation 2017
606 TcCFT Tools to Carve out Conformal Field Theories 2017
607 FLYWING Linking micro- and macroevolution: macroevolutionary quantitative genetics of Drosophila wing morhology 2017
608 AntibioPICs Enzyme-Degradable Polyion-Complex (PIC) Particles for the Treatment and Detection of Pseudomonas aeruginosa 2018
609 PERIGROWTH States, firms and, sustainable economic growth: A view from the periphery 2018
610 AFFINITY Amplitudes and form factors via integrability 2018
611 RF-MAFS Novel RF Driven MRI Magnet for Imaging Enhancement 2017
612 MOSK Gravity and Kinematic Space 2017
613 BALTIC KLEMS Baltic Countries Capital, Labour, Energy, Material and Service inputs 2017
614 STEADY SaTEllyte synthetic Aperture radar interferometry to model Dam stabilitY 2017
615 BioMedBC Molecular profiling of Bladder Cancer to support personalized medicine 2017
616 PREP-CRYPTO Preparing Cryptography for Modern Applications 2017
617 CROWD_USG Crowdsourcing Urban Sustainability Governance. Exploring innovative governance models for addressing urban sustainability through ICT-people interaction 2017
618 Gal-HD Our Galaxy at full HD 2018
619 MYRiCE The church of the Holy Apostles at Constantinople: the MYth and its Reception across the CEnturies 2017
620 HSPLS Highly symmetric partial linear spaces 2017
621 MedLitRefYouth Media Literacy for Unaccompanied Refugee Youth - A Path to Integration 2017
622 TETRASTYLON Definition, analysis and interpretation of a new typology of the Roman House: The TetrastyleCourtyard House, a domus with a hybrid cultural conception sheltered by a global civilization ofAntiquity 2018
623 TNT Transformations with Neutrals and Turbo analyses 2017
624 DiskTorqueOnPlanets New Frontiers in Modeling Planet-Disk Interactions: from Disk Thermodynamics to Multi-Planet Systems 2017
625 INSPirAUTOR Understanding how Inositol Polyphosphates regulate autophagy and lipid body formation in photosynthetic organisms: crosstalk with TOR signaling. 2018
626 Tuning COPs Tuning both the photoluminescence and conductive properties of new COP materials 2017
627 WORK-CHRIST The Young Christian Workers Movement and the radicalization of Social Conflict in Mediterranean Europe: France, Italy and Spain (1963-1978) 2017
628 RHAPSODY Assessing risk and progression of prediabetes and type 2 diabetes to enable disease modification - Sofia ref.: 115881 2016
629 AMYPAD Amyloid imaging to Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease – Sofia ref.: 115952 2016
630 BEAt-DKD Biomarker Enterprise to Attack DKD - Sofia ref.: 115974 2016
631 TransQST Translational quantitative systems toxicology to improve the understanding of the safety of medicines - Sofia: 116030 2017
632 MAGNET Models and Algorithms for Graph centrality grounded on Nonlinear Eigenvalues Techniques 2017
633 ICED Initial conditions of exoplanet formation in protoplanetary disks 2017
634 ATM-METFIN Quantifying atmospheric ice nucleating particle (INP) concentrations via advances in measurement techniques and field studies of ice nucleation 2017
635 FLUID Functional Low-Intensity Light Upconverting Inks for Everyday Applications 2018
636 SREACEP Sparse Robust Expander with Applications in Combinatorial Embedding Problems 2018
637 PaVeCo Parametrised Verification and Control 2017
638 SARSESNA Sustaining A Regional Screen Ecosystem In A Small Nation: Aarhus and the West Danish Film Fund, 2002-2019 2018
639 MAHEPA Modular Approach to Hybrid Electric Propulsion Architecture 2017
640 SABRE Shape Adaptive Blades for Rotorcraft Efficiency 2017
641 S-CAGE Smart Coordination Polymers with Compartmentalized Pockets for Adaptive Guest Entrance 2017
642 BRAINCODES Brain networks controlling social decisions 2017
643 EU-FER Economic Uncertainty and Fertility in Europe 2017
644 UVdynamicsProtection Aligning pigmentation and repair: a holistic approach for UV protection dynamics 2017
645 GenomMed Genomics and Mechanisms in Translational Medicine Doctoral Programme 2017
646 ISA-NPC-ASI In Situ structural Analysis of Nuclear Pore Complex ASsembly Intermediates by cryo-FIB-tomography 2018
647 PROFILE How should automated profiling be regulated? 2018
648 MITODYN Role of calcium fluxes in mitochondrial dynamics 2017
649 INITIATE INnovation through bIg daTa and socIal enTreprEneurship 2018
650 QUSON Quantum Sensing with Quantum Optical Networks 2018
651 SASPAT Smart Alloys Surface Patterning for Properties Tuning 2017
652 SEAL Sound and Early Assessment of Leakage for Embedded Software 2017
653 MITOMAD Functional characterisation of mitochondrial metabolic adaptations to innate sensing in dendritic cell subsets 2017
654 DUBs26S Role of a novel proteasome-associated DUB – A boon for therapeutics 2017
655 UNREDE Understanding Non-Photochemical Quenching Regulation in a Dynamic Environment. 2018
656 EpiAGPs Breaking frontiers in plant reproduction: understanding the roles of AGPs and epigenetics regulating male-female crosstalk towards fertilization 2017
657 ERC VP CSA Support to the Vice-Presidents of the ERC Scientific Council 2017 2017
658 SAbDA Sustainability Assessment based on Decision Aiding 2018
659 VIPS Venomics In Predator-prey Systems 2017
660 CHIMERA A novel instrument to identify chiral molecules for pharmaceutics and bio-chemistry. 2017
661 REPRODAMH Extra-gonadal roles of Anti-Müllerian Hormone in the aetiology of polycystic ovary syndrome: the domino effect to reproductive neuroendocrine dysfunctions 2017
662 NNNPDF Proton strucure for discovery at the Large Hadron Collider 2017
663 VISAGE Visible Attributes through Genomics: Broadened Forensic Use of DNA for Constructing Composite Sketches from Traces 2017
664 NewWorlds Magnetic Fields and the Formation of New Worlds 2017
665 OPTISOCHEM OPTimized conversion of residual wheat straw to bio-ISObutene for bio based CHEMicals 2017
666 QUCLN Quantum control of levitated nanoparticles 2017
667 EnAcTiVa Environmental Accountability through real-Time analysis of the Value chain 2017
668 COMPASS COMPASS: Climate-relevant Ocean Measurements and Processes on the Antarctic continental Shelf and Slope 2017
670 AIAS-COFUND II AIAS-COFUND II Fellowship Programme 2017
671 TRADE Turbo electRic Aircraft Design Environment (TRADE) 2017
672 EuConNeCts3 European Conferences on Networks and Communications (EuCNC) 2017
673 Smart4Europe Catalysing Digitisation throughout Europe 2017
674 SidekickHealth Improving health the fun way… seriously 2017
675 BrachyDOSE Developing a feasibility study for the future commercialization of BranchyDOSE – an innovative accurate and simple brachytherapy measurements tool 2017
676 RESPEC Reconstruction of Pollinator-Mediated Speciation by Identification and Substitution of Causative Mutations 2017
677 ImmuneCheckpointsAD Immune checkpoint blockade for fighting Alzheimer’s disease 2017
678 GENDER NET Plus ERA-NET Cofund Promoting Gender Equality in H2020 and the ERA 2017
679 INAFLOWT INnovative Actuation Concepts for Engine/Pylon/Wing Separation FLOw Control (Design, Build and Wind Tunnel Test) 2017
680 INSPYRE Investigations Supporting MOX Fuel Licensing in ESNII Prototype Reactors 2017
681 HILOGEAR High load gear and bearings materials 2017
682 MASS Micro AIS Shore Station - MASS 2017
683 FATE Functional Biology of Hepatic CD8+ T cells 2017
684 POLITICS The politics of anti-racism in Europe and Latin America: knowledge production, decision-making and collective struggles 2017
685 CATCH-U-DNA Capturing non-Amplified Tumor Circulating DNA with Ultrasound Hydrodynamics 2017
686 SMARTSOUND Pre-Commercialisation of Sound Recognition for Surveillance Applications 2017
687 ADORA Asymptotic approach to spatial and dynamical organizations 2017
688 CAPABLE Composite integrated photonic platform by femtosecond laser micromachining 2017
689 IN2DIAG Application of genomic inversions as diagnostic markers in precision medicine 2017
690 ONE5G E2E-aware Optimizations and advancements for the Network Edge of 5G New Radio 2017
691 X5gon X5gon: Cross Modal, Cross Cultural, Cross Lingual, Cross Domain, and Cross Site Global OER Network 2017
692 FED4SAE Federated CPS Digital Innovation Hubs for the Smart Anything Everywhere Initiative 2017
693 HEART HEalth related Activity Recognition system based on IoT – an interdisciplinary training program for young researchers 2017
694 InnoSpaceComm EnduroSat provides innovative space communication satellite solutions. 2017
695 KETBIO KETBIO: A novel cluster model to bring KEY ENABLING BIOTECHNOLOGY research closer to markets and society 2017
697 CGM A next generation nanomedia that can be tailored to capture and recycle specific micropollutants in contaminated industrial waste discharge 2017
698 MAGTOPRECON Perpendicular Magnetic Anisotropy: from Topological Defects to Reconfigurable Magnetic Devices 2018
699 MECHADIAN Mechanobiology of the cellular circadian clock 2018
700 NATVIS Characterizing neural mechanisms underlying the efficiency of naturalistic human vision 2017
701 ORCHID Organ on Chip in Development 2017
702 Pydro Turbine Energy-Recovery Turbine for Water Pipes 2017
703 SPICY Simulating 2d Spin Lattices with Ion Crystals 2017
704 SPRING Setting the framework for the enhanced impact of SPIRE projects 2017
705 EVOCLIM Behavioral-evolutionary analysis of climate policy: Bounded rationality, markets and social interactions 2018
706 CYCLODE Cyclical and Linear Timing Modes in Development 2017
707 ERA Earth Resilience in the Anthropocene (ERA)Integrating non-linear biophysical and social determinantsof Earth-system stability for global sustainabilitythrough a novel community modelling platform 2017
708 IBIS Platform for label-free quantitative detection of single proteins and extracellular vesicles 2017
709 FONTE Fibre optic nonlinear technologies 2018
710 ESSIAL Electrical Steel Structuring, Insulating and Assembling by means of the Laser technologies 2017
711 HOPE-ON Holistic Open Platform for Energy control and monitoring and facility digitalizatiON 2017
712 CLAIRPORT Clean Sky 2 - Airport Environmental Impact Assessments for Fixed-wing Aircraft 2017
713 COUCH Council of Coaches 2017
714 DEPART2050 Design Evaluation and Performance Assessment of Rotorcraft Technology by 2050 2017
715 EASITrain European Advanced Superconductivity Innovation and Training 2017
716 EMERGE Tuning Emergent Phases in 2D Materials 2017
717 ETAP Tracing Evolution of Auxin Transport and Polarity in Plants 2018
718 ImmerSAFE Immersive Visual Technologies for Safety-critical Applications 2018
719 InnoDC Innovative tools for offshore wind and DC grids 2017
720 Inspire4Nature INternational training at the Science-Policy Interface for Researchers in Europe, for Nature 2018
721 MAGISTER Machine learning for Advanced Gas turbine Injection SysTems to Enhance combustoR performance. 2017
722 mCBEEs Advanced integrative solutions to Corrosion problems beyond micro–scale: towards long-term durability of miniaturized Biomedical, Electronic and Energy systems 2017
723 NanoMAPs High performance algorithms for high precision GPS and cloud solutions for super resolution microscopy 2017
724 ONFIRE Future Optical Networks for Innovation, Research and Experimentation 2017
725 Ovage OvAge: an innovative, user-friendly digital methodology that quantifies ovarian reserve by integratingclinical, biochemical and 3D-sonographic data to help decision-making in all phases of woman life 2017
726 RECOMS Building Resourceful and Resilient Communities through Adaptive and Transformative Environmental Practice 2018
727 SSID Soundscape Indices 2018
729 ETOPEX Engineering Topological Phases and Excitations in Nanostructures with Interactions 2018
730 AMPLITUDES Manifesting the Simplicity of Scattering Amplitudes 2018
731 ALGOCom Novel Algorithmic Techniques through the Lens of Combinatorics 2018
732 EuroAgeism An international, multi-disciplinary, multi-sectoral training network on ageism 2017
733 TEQ Testing the Large-Scale Limit of Quantum Mechanics 2018
734 S4D4C Using science for/in diplomacy for addressing global challenges 2018
735 InsSciDE Inventing a Shared Science Diplomacy for Europe 2017
736 RTCure Rheuma Tolerance for Cure 2017
737 SET Plan X-CEEC 2017 SET Plan – The 10th Year Anniversary Central European Energy Conference 2017 2017
738 CHEERS Chinese-European Emission-Reducing Solutions 2017
739 ODDSUPER New mechanisms and materials for odd-frequency superconductivity 2018
740 SPEECHREPORTING Discourse reporting in African storytelling 2018
741 RECONFMATTER From colloidal joints to reconfigurable matter 2017
742 CORFRONMAT Correlated frontiers of many-body quantum mathematics and condensed matter physics 2018
743 Big Policy Canvas Big Policy Canvas - Needs, Trends and ICT Tools for Advanced Data-Driven Public Sector 2017
744 TRANSAFELOAD The European Leader Equipment for Packaging Testing 2017
745 HToMS Homotopy Theory of Moduli Spaces 2018
746 SUNMAG SUNMAG: Understanding magnetic-field-regulated heating and explosive events in the solar chromosphere 2018
747 ecoSave Market maturation of a packaging concept for sustainable and resource efficient food packaging 2017
748 CELLNAIVETY Deciphering the Molecular Foundations and Functional Competence of Alternative Human Naïve Pluripotent Stem Cells 2017
749 FELLINI FELLowship for Innovation at INFN 2018
750 ENERGYA ENERGY use for Adaptation 2018
751 CriBLaM Critical behavior of lattice models 2018
752 QuantumNet A Scalable Quantum Network based on Individual Erbium Ions 2018
753 PARE Perspectives for the Aeronautical Research in Europe 2017
754 OPTICS2 Observation Platform for Technological and Institutional Consolidation of research in Safety and Security 2017
755 MAKSWELL MAKing Sustainable development and WELL-being frameworks work for policy analysis 2017
756 RESPECT Realizing Europe’s Soft Power in External Cooperation and Trade 2018
757 CIRCASA Coordination of International Research Cooperation on soil CArbon Sequestration in Agriculture 2017
758 EOPEN EOPEN: opEn interOperable Platform for unified access and analysis of Earth observatioN data 2017
759 SCALESCRAPERS SCALESCRAPERS - how to support the growth of scale-ups to only sky is the limit 2017
760 OPTIYARD Optimised Real-time Yard and Network Management 2017
761 GHAIA Geometric and Harmonic Analysis with Interdisciplinary Applications 2017
762 NiSAN Voltage Nanosensors for Applications in Neuroscience 2017
763 BigDataGrapes Big Data to Enable Global Disruption of the Grapevine-powered Industries 2018
764 TheMotion The most cost-efficient video ad creation platform; +5.000.000 video-minutes per hour of hyper-personalised videos instantly and at massive scale 2017
765 LTCSEI Learning through Categories in Social and Economic Interactions 2018
766 MEDIACHINA Social Media and Traditional Media in China: Political and Economic Effects 2018
767 ERIEH Exact Results in Extended Holography 2018
768 INVASIMMUN The unseen adaptation of a non-native: A unique spatiotemporal study of infection dynamics and immunogenetics at a bioinvasion front 2018
769 EU-TRAIN The EUropean TRAnsplantation and INnovation (EU-TRAIN) consortium for improving diagnosis and risk stratification in kidney transplant patients 2018
770 HIT-CF Personalised Treatment For Cystic Fibrosis Patients With Ultra-rare CFTR Mutations (and beyond) 2018
771 CureCN Adeno-Associated Virus Vector-Mediated Liver Gene Therapy for Crigler-Najjar Syndrome 2018
772 AUTISMS Decomposing Heterogeneity in Autism Spectrum Disorders 2018
773 WorkOD Work on Demand: Contracting for Work in a Changing Economy 2018
774 MEMCIRCUIT Deconstruction of a neural circuit for working memory: hubs, coding mechanisms, and signal routing 2018
775 PyraSig Pyrazine Signalling in Commensal and Pathogenic Bacteria 2018
776 AGEnTh Atomic Gauge and Entanglement Theories 2018
777 DrySeasonPf Dry season P. falciparum reservoir 2018
778 INTERACT European Industrial Doctorate on Next Generation for sustaINable auTomotive ElectRical ACtuaTion 2017
779 MASTFAST Rapid production of HUMAN MAST CELLS 2017
780 WellCO Wellbeing and Health Virtual Coach 2017
781 CROSS-MIGRATION Current European and Cross-National Comparative Research and Research Actions on Migration 2018
782 ERSAT GGC ERTMS on SATELLITE Galileo Game Changer 2017
783 HATCH SME-led Space Portal for Europe 2017
784 SINCERE Strengthening INternational Cooperation on climatE change REsearch 2018
785 HOLDON HgCdte APD Optimization for Lidar Detection Of greeNhouse gases 2018
786 RDA Europe 4.0 The European plug-in to the global Research Data Alliance 2018
787 NanoSurf Nanostructural surface development for dental implant manufacturing 2018
788 Warmest loW Altitude Remote sensing for the Monitoring of the state of Cultural hEritage Sites: building an inTegrated model for maintenance. 2017
789 NanoFEED Nanostructured carriers for improved cattle feed 2018
790 CanBioSe Novel 1D photonic metal oxide nanostructures for early stage cancer detection 2018
791 SERENA gan-on-Silicon Efficient mm-wave euRopean systEm iNtegration plAtform 2018
792 RECOVER-E LaRge-scalE implementation of COmmunity based mental health care for people with seVere and Enduring mental ill health in EuRopE 2018
793 MindsEyeBCI Reading the mind’s eye at 7 Tesla - A fMRI-based communication brain-computer interface for severely motor-impaired patients 2018
794 EUROBENCH EUropean ROBotic framework for bipedal locomotion bENCHmarking 2018
795 TheyBuyForYou Enabling procurement data value chains for economic development, demand management, competitive markets and vendor intelligence 2018
796 SEP 2.0 Startup Europe Partnership 2.0 2018
797 I-BiDaaS Industrial-Driven Big Data as a Self-Service Solution 2018
798 Fun-COMP Functionally scaled computing technology: From novel devices to non-von Neumann architectures and algorithms for a connected intelligent world 2018
799 BIRAN IP TurBIne Rear Stage Aero/Noise Rigs 2018
800 U-Control Advanced Universal Control and monitoring solution to remotely manage complex power systems 2017
801 SRE Smart roof edge technology 2017
802 Enterprise BIM Enterprise BIM digitization platform feasibility verification 2017
803 EO-ALERT Next Generation Satellite Processing Chain for Rapid Civil Alerts 2018
804 CIC-BREL Development of deformation-based method for the behavior of masonry bracing elements, considering the cracked and inelastic state “CIC-BREL” Cracked Inelastic Calculation of BRacing ELements 2018
805 NovAnI Indentification and optimisation of novel anti-infective agents using multiple hit-identification strategies 2018
806 UNIVERSAL HEALTH Engaged Universals: Ethnographic explorations of ‘Universal Health Coverage’ and the public good in Africa 2018
807 MIRA Microbe induced Resistance to Agricultural pests 2017
808 ICARe International Cooperation in Aviation Research 2017
809 CoCoSym Symmetry in Computational Complexity 2018
810 QUANtIC Quantum Nanowire Integrated Photonic Circuits 2019
811 WaterWorks2017 Water Works 2018-2022 in Support of the Water JPI (WaterWorks2017) and of the EC Call SC5-33-2017: Closing the water cycle gap 2018
812 KeepWarm Improving the performance of district heating systems in Central and East Europe 2018
813 InvECAT Investor Energy-Climate Action Toolkit - Developing the framework and platform for non state actors' contribution to the Paris Agreement 2018
814 START inveSTigation of an ultrA compact Reverse flow combusTor 2018
815 AccuWater High accuracy water leakage and apparent loss detection 2018
816 SensUS SensUS: A non-invasive and quantitative ultrasound (QUS) device for an objective monitoring of the childbirth labour process. 2018
817 Ctrl-ImpAct Control of impulsive action 2018
818 ATTOLIQ Attosecond X-ray spectroscopy of liquids 2018
819 ADD-ON Advanced Damage Detection though Optical sensor Network 2018
820 AFPMeT Automatic Fiber Placement Metitalia Tooling 2018
821 MEPAFUS Metitalia prototype tooling for fuselage panel 2018
822 OASIS Optimisation of Friction Stir Welding (FSW) and Laser Beam Welding (LBW) for assembly of structural aircraft parts 2018
823 IRIDOX The Synergistic Merging of Iridium-Catalysed Hydrogen Borrowing and Asymmetric Catalysis in the Pursuit of Enantioenriched Small Molecules 2018
824 ProTeAN Production and Testing of humAn-derived Neurons and brain organoids: advanced model probing in neurodevelopmental disorders 2018
825 SEMS Smart Energy Management System 2018
826 InSPIRe Innovative Systems to Prevent Ice on Regional Aircraft 2018
827 MEPHISTO MEchanisms and PHysical processes governing Induced Seismicity: insights from Theoretical models and seismological Observations 2018
828 NOCO2 Novel CO2 condensation and separation in supersonic flows contributing to carbon capture and storage (CCS) 2019
829 BIONICS A biomimetic and neuroprotective delivery nanocapsule for the targeted treatment of post-ischemic stroke effects 2018
830 LYSOBONE Cellular and molecular analysis of the skeletal pathologies associated with mucopolysaccharidosis-VI (MPS-VI) 2018
831 TET2rec Mechanisms of TET2 DNA demethylase recruitment to specific genomic regions 2018
832 Exoplanet Finder Blazing the Trail: Enabling Exoplanet Imaging in the Habitable Zone with the European Extremely Large Telescope 2018
833 WISDOM The autonomous floral pathway: a WIndow to Study the tight link between non-coDing RNA and chrOMatin regulation 2018
834 BIOACT Development of biocompatible ionic electromechanically active polymer actuator/sensor 2018
835 US-E AntiRacism Catholicism and the “Negro Question”: Religion, Racism, and Antiracism in a Transnational Perspective (United States and Europe, 1934-1968) 2019
836 CROSSGRASS Cross-border analysis of grassland greenness in Asia: Climate variations, grazing pressure, and land policy change 2018
837 BorGal Borelli Galaxy. Visualizing Galileo's Heritage (1635-1700 ca.) 2018
838 NeuroBid Inside the bi-dialectal mind and brain: An electrophysiological study on executive functions 2018
839 BACTIN Shaping the bacterial cell wall: the actin-like cytoskeleton, from single molecules to morphogenesis and antimicrobials 2019
840 BioCore VIP Development of environmentally-friendly Bio-sources aerogel as the support Core for vacuum insulation panels (VIPs) 2018
841 CAPPUCCINO Characterising anthropogenic particulate properties in the ultraviolet by chamber and coordinated in situ observations 2019
842 CASACAMAhyps Cucurbit[8]uril Assisted Supramolecular Architectures of Carbon Materials for Hydrogels, Photocatalysis and Sensing 2018
843 CASCADE-X CO2 to light olefins conversion by cascade reactions over bifunctional nanocatalysts: an ‘all X-ray’ approach 2018
844 CGM A next generation nano media tailored to capture and recycle hazardous micropollutants in contaminated industrial wastewater. 2018
845 CHANCE Climate cHange mitigAtioN poliCies and Equality: distributional implications for different socio-economic groups 2019
846 Co-Inform Co-Creating Misinformation-Resilient Societies 2018
847 CO-SUSTAIN Collaborative Sustainable Innovation: co-designing governance approaches for a sustainable and innovative small-scale fishing industry in the Irish islands 2018
848 COBOM Convective Boundary Mixing in Stars 2018
849 ComBIOsites Reversibly photocrosslinked BIO-based composites with barrier properties from industrial by-products 2018
850 CORNEA Controlling evolutionary dynamics of networked autonomous agents 2018
851 darkBHgrowth Shedding light on the dark supermassive black hole growth in the early Universe 2018
852 DEPART DEmocratic PARticipation in Territorial states 2018
853 DMSWet Microbial Dimethylsulfide Degradation in Anoxic Wetland Sediments 2019
854 DYNaMIC DiarY by Nurses' iMplemented in the Intensive Care unit 2018
855 EcoGemCoat Smart anticorrosion coatings based on nanocontainers loaded with novel, eco-friendly cationic gemini surfactants as efficient corrosion inhibitors for carbon steel in seawater. 2018
856 EmorphProject Reconstructing habitat type and mobility patterns of Rangifer tarandus during the Late Pleistocene in Southwestern France: an ecomorphological study. 2018
857 FutureHealth Global future health: a multi-sited ethnography of an adaptive intervention 2018
858 TARGETMENISCUS Targeting Meniscus Degradation in Osteoarthritis 2018
859 NEMO New states of Entangled Matter Out of equilibrium 2018
860 NeoplAT Neoplatonism and Abrahamic Traditions. A Comparative Analysis of the Middle East, Byzantium and the Latin West (9th-16th Centuries) 2018
861 FLEXSEM Graded constraints in semantic cognition: How do we retrieve knowledge in a flexible way? 2018
862 SafeHouse Housing, Finance and the Macroeconomy, 1870-2015 2018
863 QNETWORK Quantum networks wired by multi-spin entanglement 2018
864 NovelExperiSENSE How experience shapes brain specializations 2018
865 ImmunAID Immunome project consortium for AutoInflammatory Disorders 2018
866 NISIHealth Digital Nudges, Incentives and Social Influence in Habit Formation of a Global Health Behaviour 2019
867 P-LH2 Characterisation of pressurised liquid hydrogen (LH2) releases 2019
868 SOS Smooth dynamics via Operators, with Singularities 2018
869 SECurITY Social-ECological Interdependencies in TransboundarY water resources systems 2019
870 MarHIST Historical dynamics of coastal and marine ecosystem services. 2018
871 RRING Responsible Research and Innovation Networked Globally 2018
872 Nedd8Activate How does the ubiquitin-like protein NEDD8 activate ubiquitin ligase machineries? 2018
873 SCOM Sustainable Company 2018
874 REvolTURN Managing Migrant Return through 'Voluntariness' 2018
875 MAGIC Multimodal Agents Grounded via Interactive Communication 2018
876 VALSL Valorisation of splice-switching oligonucleotides for lung cancer therapy 2018
877 SOLWARIS Solving Water Issues for CSP Plants 2018
878 REWOFUEL REsidual soft WOod conversion to high characteristics drop-in bioFUELs 2018
880 NONLOCAL PHENOMENA Concentration, geometric and topological phenomena in nonlocal elliptic equations. 2018
881 ASTRO_ECM Deciphering the role of astrocytes in chronic depression. 2018
882 MICROBE Metagenomic Investigation of Cow Reproductive Biology and Ecology 2018
883 MetalloGutRepair Identification of a Metalloproteinase-17-mediated cellular signalling circuit in intestinal regeneration and tumorigenesis 2018
884 Readers as Observers The construction of readers as (co-)observers in multimodal novels. Radical reader engagement in the visual age 2018
885 NLR_NLR-ID power NLR-ID diversity, mechanism and functionality upon transfer between species 2018
886 MapDung Dung as Construction Material During the Emergence of Animal Domestication: A Multi-Proxy Approach 2018
887 THREAT The threat status of endemic Atlantic Forest trees 2018
888 SQuHadron Strategies to tackle the Quest for Hadronization 2019
889 iCHEMGENODRUGS_TB Chemogenomics and in silico repurposing as an innovative approach for rapid drug discovery in tuberculosis 2018
890 SEARCh SurfacE structure-Activity-Relationship in atomically-defined, ultrathin film perovskite Catalysts 2018
891 SquaMem Interaction of squalene-based anti-cancer and neuroprotective drugs with cell membranes: in silico study 2018
892 STRIAVISE How the striatum contributes to visual-selection 2018
893 SEMSUBSET The Grammar of Inclusion: Exploring the Boundaries of Linguistic Competence 2019
894 ADAM5 ADvanced multicarrier wAveforms based Massive MIMO with full-duplex capability for green 5G and beyond 2018
895 INMARE Injectable hydrogels for magnetically-activated, remote-controlled drug delivery 2019
896 SINDIA Sulphide INclusions in DIAmonds: A Window into The Earth’s Interior Through Time 2019
897 5G-DRIVE 5G DRIVEn Resource Efficient Mobile Aggregation Networks 2018
898 GEiMS GridEye State Estimation of Medium Voltage Distribution Systems 2018
899 Multiple Sclerosis Development of a Functionalised Biomaterial Scaffold to Treat Multiple Sclerosis 2018
900 Joint-probe analyses Cosmological joint-probe analyses: constraining the effect of baryon physics on the matter distribution 2018
901 STRUDEL Information Theory beyond Communications: Distributed Representations and Deep Learning 2018
902 SKIN SUBSTITUTE Development of hybrid artificial skin substitute for chronic diabetic wounds 2018
904 NonlinearEBM Nonlinearity of Key Economic and Environmental Variables in Coastal/Marine Ecosystem-Based Management (EBM) 2018
905 DECISIONSEQ Neural bases of behavioral choices and sequences 2018
906 TRANSURBICIDE Transition urbicide: Post-conflict reconstruction in post-socialist Belgrade 2018
907 FASTMAGNETS Ultrafast Demagnetization Dynamics Using Novel Table-top X-ray Source 2018
908 NSINC Novel Soliton Synchronization and Interactions in Coupled Kerr Combs 2018
909 MAGNET-CELLPATCH Multimodal magnetic cellular-patches with synergistic effects for high performance theranostics 2019
910 PALMERA Low Power and Fault Tolerant Cache Memory Design through a Combination of Hardware and Software Approaches 2019
911 KaIROS Keeping and Increasing Resilience Opportunities and Sustainability of communities against earthquakes 2018
912 SQoL School for Quality of Life. Policy, practice and theory for a quality of life approach in Europeanschool systems. 2018
913 RECIPE REliable power and time-ConstraInts-aware Predictive management of heterogeneous Exascale systems 2018
914 LANDSUPPORT Development of Integrated Web-Based Land Decision Support System Aiming Towards the Implementation of Policies for Agriculture and Environment 2018
915 HyFiSyn Hybrid Fibre-reinforced composites: achieving Synergetic effects through microstructural design and advanced simulation tools 2018
916 Handshake Enabling the transferability of cycling innovations and assessment of its implications 2018
917 ReMAP Real-time Condition-based Maintenance for Adaptive Aircraft Maintenance Planning 2018
918 CAMERA Coordination and support Action for Mobility in Europe: Research and Assessment 2017
919 Loops and groups Loops and groups: Geodesics, moduli spaces, and infinite discrete groups via string topology and homological stability 2018
920 CLEVER Cities CLEVER Cities - Co-designing Locally tailored Ecological solutions for Value added, socially inclusivE Regeneration in Cities 2018
921 Minland Mineral resources in sustainable land-use planning 2017
922 Minland Mineral resources in sustainable land-use planning 2017
923 SHADOW SHADOW: An exploration of the nature of informal economies and shadow practices in the former USSR region 2018
924 PRYSTINE Programmable Systems for Intelligence in Automobiles 2018
925 PaVeS Parametrized Verification and Synthesis 2018
926 QUANTUM-N Quantum Mechanics in the Negative Mass Reference Frame 2018
927 M4D Metal Microstructures in Four Dimensions 2018
928 CoHuBiCoL Counting as a Human Being in the Era of Computational Law 2019
929 FirstGalaxies Finding the most distant galaxies with NIRSpec guaranteed time on the James Webb Space Telescope 2020
930 HIDDeN HIDDeN - Exploring the Hidden Dusty Nuclei of Galaxies 2018
931 EUROVISION Self-reported vision status and associated risk factors in Europe: prevalence and temporal change 2018
932 QuantOCancer Leveraging the unique organismic approach to health and disease of the Champalimaud Foundation through the inception of a quantitative biomedicine research programme focused on cancer 2018
933 HERCULES towards geoHazards rEsilient infRastruCtUre under changing cLimatES 2018
934 GlobalGoals Global Governance through Goals? Assessing and Explaining the Steering Effects of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 2018
935 Mol-2D Molecule-induced control over 2D Materials 2018
936 Topics in Behavioral Topics in Behavioral-Economics Theory 2018
937 ENVISION Novel mechanisms of early defense against virus infections 2018
938 AeroArch Fostering Knowledge and Applications of New Aerogel Superinsulation in Architecture and Construction 2018
939 IMPLEMENT Improving Local Energy and climate policy through quality management and certification 2018
940 PROCESS PROviding Computing solutions for ExaScale ChallengeS 2017
941 ANTOFERINE ANTOFERINE: An innovative eco-friendly process for chemical solvent free extraction of bioactive antifungal polyphenols from vineyard waste. 2018
942 ReSOLUTE Research empowerment on solute carriers (ReSOLUTE) 2018
943 TherGelFas Novel nanometrically structured therapeutic hydrogel as injectable for fascial tissues surrounding the nerves intended for preventive treatment of chronic pain 2018
944 Phytoponics A sustainable, affordable scalable hydroponic system for large-scale agriculture 2018
945 e4SME Utilities engaging SMEs with end-to-end Energy Management Experiences 2018
946 MINAPATH MINAPATH: A novel and unique method to diagnose and prevent diseases that are caused by exposure and accumulation of inorganic mineral dusts. 2018
947 CLEAN CABINET A unique and innovative cleanliness test bench that allows to increase test efficiency and reduce costs for cleanliness assessment of hydraulic, automotive and aeronautic components and systems 2018
948 NegaWh EXchange Balancing demand-response platform for an efficient, reasonably-priced and sustainable electricity market 2018
949 MYFOOD An Innovative Smart Greenhouse System based on Aquaponics, Bioponics and Permaculture for Self-Production of Safe and Ultra-Fresh Food. 2018
950 SIKB The Development of Students' Identities as Knowledge Builders 2018
951 TERRIFFIC Tools for early and Effective Reconnaissance in cbRne Incidents providing First responders Faster Information and enabling better management of the Control zone 2018
952 LIVECITIES Crowdsourcing platform for open city innovation challenges 2018
953 EUtrsfWPM Europe's Transformation: Where People Matter 2018
954 ERC VP CSA Support to the Vice-Presidents of the ERC Scientific Council 2018 2018
955 GLARTEK Revolutionary AR eyes for industrial maintenance 2018
956 SOCIETY How do you spell RESEARCH? SOCIETY - Science, histOry, Culture, musIc, Environment, arT, technologY 2018
957 TRUST Twinning foR indUstrial SustainabiliTy 2018
958 SCICITY Science in the City 2018
959 ENDONANO Quantitative detection of bacterial endotoxin by novel nanotechnological approaches 2019
960 GLOWING Spatio-temporal measurement and plasma-based control of crossflow instabilities for drag reduction 2019
961 OPeRATOR Modular Platform for Aircraft Flight and Ground Operation 2018
962 COSMOS Game theoretic Control for Complex Systems of Systems 2019
963 FLUO Industrial implementation of a step-change technology to measure fluorescence 2018
964 Neo-PRISM-C Neo-PRISM-C: NEurodevelopmental Optimal-Predictors, Risk factors, and Intervention from a Systems approach to Maladjustment in Children 2018
965 PET-AlphaSy PET Imaging of Alpha-Synuclein Fibril Formation 2018
966 PECREGEN Photoelectrochemical Hydrogen Production from H2S in a Regenerative Scrubber 2019
967 SolvoLig2Chem Design of selective lignin depolymerization routes by the means of biphasic solothermolysis. 2018
968 REFIND Remote strategies for fossil finding: multispectral images and species distributional modelling applications for large-scale palaeontological surveys. 2018
969 BeyondA1 Set theory beyond the first uncountable cardinal 2018
970 StrEnQTh Strong Entanglement in Quantum many-body Theory 2018
971 IMPROVE-PD Identification and Management of Patients at Risk – Outcome and Vascular Events in Peritoneal Dialysis 2019
972 REFLOW Phosphorus REcovery for FertiLisers frOm dairy processing Waste 2019
973 AHEAD Advanced techniques for quantification and modelling of phase-change processes of renewable fuels and their blends 2019
974 ArsNova European Ars Nova: Multilingual Poetry and Polyphonic Song in the Late Middle Ages 2019
975 SkinTrmDeep Tissue Resident Memory (Trm) CD8+ T cells: Genome-wide dissection of cellular differentiation and heterogeneity 2019
976 MAREITA Mapping Remediation in Italian Literature Beyond the Digital Revolution 2018
977 ASTERIQS Advancing Science and TEchnology thRough dIamond Quantum Sensing 2018
978 WrightBroS Working in a Collaborative Factory of the Flight Simulators Branch of RISE 2019
979 LINKS Kick-starting global cLimate Investments:uncovering hidden liNks in climate finance and exploring dynamic evolution of investment networKs for policy deSign 2019
980 Pulp and Fuel Pulp and Paper Industry Wastes to Fuel 2018
981 ETIP OCEAN 2 European Technology and Innovation Platform for Ocean Energy 2019
982 PREFET Proactive FET Observatory for early trends, project building and social responsibility 2018
983 GECKO Governance principles and mEthods enabling deCision maKers to manage and regulate the changing mObility systems 2018
984 ECORISK2050 Effects of global change on the emission, fate, effects and risks of chemicals in aquatic ecosystems 2018
985 QMiCS Quantum Microwave Communcation and Sensing 2018
986 EffectiveTG Effective Methods in Tame Geometry and Applications in Arithmetic and Dynamics 2018
987 EPI-X4Health Therapeutic potential of optimized derivatives of an endogenous CXCR4 antagonist for the treatment of cancers and inflammatory diseases 2018
988 APPFlow Active Pharmaceutical Production in Flow 2019
989 STIMUNO Searching for novel strategies improving cancer immunotherapy 2019
990 ReTraCE Realising the Transition to the Circular Economy: Models, Methods and Applications 2018
991 PASQuanS Programmable Atomic Large-Scale Quantum Simulation 2018
992 PARAMIR Investigating micro-RNA Dynamics using Paramagnetic NMR Spectroscopy 2019
993 REWOCRYPT Theoretically-Sound Real-World Cryptography 2019
994 ANALYST EM compatibility ANALYsis Statistical Techniques in aeronautics 2018
996 BEYOND4.0 Inclusive Futures for Europe BEYOND the impacts of Industrie 4.0 and Digital Disruption 2019
997 DISCE Developing Inclusive & Sustainable Creative Economies 2019
998 ADVANCE ADVANCE: Sophisticated experiments and optimisation to advance an existing CALPHAD database for next generation TiAl alloys 2018
999 MapProdIGI Microdata analysis for Policies for Productivity, Innovation, Growth and Inclusion 2018
1000 SAFETY FOREST An integrated decision-making platform for the prediction, prevention and extinction of wildfires in real-time. 2018
1001 ALEX ALgorithms EXposed. Investigating Automated Personalization and Filtering for Research and Activism 2018
1002 SiMBiT Single molecule bio-electronic smart system array for clinical testing 2019
1003 5G-CARMEN 5G for Connected and Automated Road Mobility in the European UnioN 2018
1004 ARTICONF smART socIal media eCOsytstem in a blockchaiN Federated environment 2019
1005 CloudButton Serverless Data Analytics Platform 2019
1006 iP-OSTEO Induced pluripotent stem cell seeded active osteochondral nanofibrous scaffolds 2019
1007 ERINHA-Advance Advancing European Research Infrastcuture on Highly Pathogenic Agents 2019
1008 PROTECT Personnel Location and Tracking for Safety, Security and Protection 2018
1009 REMIND Targeting pathological synaptic pruning by microglia in neurodegeneration 2019
1010 TopSurgeons Understanding the influence of human and organizational factors on surgeon performance to enhance patient outcomes: experimental evaluation of a customized coaching program 2019
1012 HY-NANO HYbrid NANOstructured multi-functional interfaces for stable, efficient and eco-friendly photovoltaic devices 2019
1013 LIGHTMATT-EXPLORER Experimental determination of the paraxial-vectorial limit of light-matter interactions 2019
1015 SYNPATH Regulation of synaptic development and plasticity by molecular pathways linked to human evolution 2019
1016 SUNI-SEA Scaling-up NCD Interventions in South East Asia 2019
1017 PANACEA Protection and privAcy of hospital and health iNfrastructures with smArt Cyber sEcurity and cyber threat toolkit for dAta and people 2019
1018 NanoSolveIT Innovative Nanoinformatics models and tools: towards a Solid, verified and Integrated Approach to Predictive (eco)Toxicology (NanoSolveIT) 2019
1019 VHFMoDRAD Viral Haemorrhagic Fever: Modern Approaches for developing bedside Rapid Diagnostics 2019
1020 ELIOT Enhance Lighting for the Internet of Things 2019
1021 WASTE2GRIDS Converting WASTE to offer flexible GRID balancing Services with highly-integrated, efficient solid-oxide plants 2019
1022 TRIFECTs Trions and sp3-Defects in Single-walled Carbon Nanotubes for Optoelectronics 2019
1023 MaX MAterials design at the eXascale. European Centre of Excellence in materials modelling, simulations, and design 2018
1024 JetNS Relativistic Jets in Astrophysics -Compact binary mergers, Gamma-Ray Bursts, and Beyond 2019
1025 TORCH ThermoacOustic instabilities contRol in sequential Combustion cHambers 2019
1026 InOutBioLight Advanced biohybrid lighting and photovoltaic devices 2020
1027 PRO-Heritage PROtect traditional built HERITAGE Skills – PRO-Heritage 2019
1028 FeatureCloud Privacy preserving federated machine learning and blockchaining for reduced cyber risks in a world of distributed healthcare 2019
1029 ACTION Participatory science toolkit against pollution 2019
1030 NGI0-Discovery NGI Zero Discovery 2018
1031 TeDiMo Technology Diffusion Model 2018
1032 METANICHE Regulation of bone metastases by age-associated angiocrine signals 2019
1033 SCARE Side-Channel Aware Engineering 2018
1034 SELECTIONDRIVEN Gaining insights into human evolution and disease prevention from adaptive natural selection driven by lethal epidemics 2019
1035 wHiSPER investigating Human Shared PErception with Robots 2019
1036 EpiTune Epigenetic fine-tuning of T cells for improved adoptive cell therapy 2019
1038 MapModern Social Networks of the Past: Mapping Hispanic and Lusophone Literary Modernity, 1898-1959 2018
1039 IMMCEPTION Nociception and sensory nerves as regulators of type 2 immunity and skin inflammation 2019
1040 BABE Why is the world green: testing top-down control of plant-herbivore food webs by experiments with birds, bats and ants 2018
1041 UNICORE A Common Code Base and Toolkit for Deployment of Applications to Secure and Reliable Virtual Execution Environments 2019
1043 KETJU Post-Newtonian modelling of the dynamics of supermassive black holes in galactic-scale hydrodynamical simulations (KETJU) 2019
1044 EPIC Earth-like Planet Imaging with Cognitive computing 2019
1045 PREMUS Preservation and Efficacy of Music and Singing in Ageing, Aphasia, and Alzheimer’s Disease 2019
1046 HYPROTIN Hyperpolarized Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy for Time-Resolved Monitoring of Interactions of Intrinsically Disordered Breast-Cancer Proteins 2019
1047 GESTURALORIGINS Gestural Origins: Linguistic Features of pan-African Ape Communication 2019
1048 MILESTONE From mineral inclusions in zircon to continents: An in situ isotopic perspective on the evolution of the continental crust, the onset of plate tectonics and the development of a habitable Earth 2019
1049 4D Designing Devices by Doping on Demand 2019
1050 FIDELIO Forecasting social Impacts of bioDiversity consErvation poLicies In EurOpe 2019
1051 Algo-Grid Platform for Operations and Maintenance Management of Power Smart Grids based on advanced algorithms and artificial intelligence 2019
1052 THRIVE Helping Businesses Thrive in Sales with a new fully automatic platform that integrates and coordinates different sales tools 2019
1053 KAM2SouthPL2 ‘Key account management’ for the SME Instrument, FTI and FET-Open beneficiaries and ‘Enhancing SME innovation management capacity’ as proinnovative services for SMEs in the regions of Southern Poland 2019
1054 PHOTOMASS Imaging Biomolecular Self-Assembly with a Molecular Photonic Scale 2019
1055 APPS Assembly guided by particle position and shape 0
1056 LAAA Late Antiquity After Antiquity: The Last of the Ancient Platonists in the Early Modern Period 2019
1057 LYMPHVECs Development of lipid nanoparticles based on solid matrix for Benznidazole oral delivery targeting to the lymphatic system to treat Chagas disease 2019
1058 MARSoluT Managed Aquifer Recharge Solutions Training Network 2019
1059 QAFA Quantum Algorithms from Foundations to Applications 2019
1060 LINCHPIN A platform to LINk between CHemistry and PhysIcs of colloidal Nanomaterials 2020
1061 LArcHer Breaking barriers between Science and Heritage approaches to Levantine Rock Art through Archaeology, Heritage Science and IT 2019
1062 REACH REACH: Russian European Alliance for research among women, Children and adolescents impacted by HIV, TB and HCV 2019
1063 MUSSILAMS Mussila MS (Mussila Music School) - An innovative solution in Music Education 2019
1064 Lernwolke The first AI-driven smart-learning platform that teaches not only contents but also interdisciplinary skills as the key to success 2019
1065 DentistRobot In-mouth drilling robots for automating tooth repair and scaling dentist revenues 2019
1066 MAYA MAnufacturing of the lining panel using hYbrid technologies; Additive manufacturing, injection moulding and thermoforming 2019
1067 SU-DG-IWG Support Unit for the Deep Geothermal Implementation Working Group 2019
1068 FIN-TECH A FINancial supervision and TECHnology compliance training programme 2019
1069 iPC individualizedPaediatricCure: Cloud-based virtual-patient models for precision paediatric oncology 2019
1070 NADiA Novel Air Distribution Approaches 2019
1071 SCOPUS Smart Converters for Optimized Power Usage and Storage 2019
1072 D2P Diabeloop to Patients: An Artificial Pancreas solution to improve the balance, safety and autonomy of 20 million people 2019
1073 PRiSM Programming Sensory regulation of Metabolism 2019
1074 CSA-Industy4.E Coordination and Support Action for Industry4.E 2018
1075 BIONICbacteria Integrating a novel layer of synthetic biology tools in Pseudomonas, inspired by bacterial viruses 2019
1076 TRIcEPS Tilt Rotor Integrated Air Intake and Engine Protection Systems 2019
1077 SUST-BLACK Sustainable development at the Black Sea 2018
1078 iDysChart Charting key molecules and mechanisms of human immune Dysregulation 2019
1079 QTONE Quantum Plasmomechanics with THz Phonons and Molecular Nano-junctions 2019
1080 TeRRIFICA Territorial RRI fostering Innovative Climate Action 2019
1081 DENOX Innovative Technologies of Electrochemical Suppression and Electromagnetic Decomposition for NOx Reduction in Aeroengines 2019
1082 RENASCENCE The Role of European National Health Services in the enhancement of sustainable food systems 2019
1083 Extending MEDT Extending the Molecular Electron Density Theory 2019
1084 RAISD Reshaping Attention and Inclusion Strategies for Distinctively vulnerable people among the forcibly displaced 2019
1085 I-AM-GUT Impact of maternal Adrenomedullin on the Microbiome and Gut health: insights into preventing chronic intestinal disorders 2019
1086 GPCR-MS Molecular Details of Membrane Protein Receptor Dynamics 2019
1087 INFLOW Finding Flow: Negotiating diverse temporalities in migrant family life 2020
1088 FundaMentalHM FundaMentalHM: Innovative methods for better estimation of Fundamental Health Metrics associated with Mental disorders and other general medical conditions 2019
1089 GATE4RAIL GNSS Automated Virtualized Test Environment for RAIL 2018
1090 BrainWatch Transient micromachined pressure-monitoring implants for chronic brain disorders 2019
1091 CLEAN Well-Confined Mucosal LasEr Ablation with a Negative Pressure Based Endoscopy Capsule 2019
1092 DiLeBaCo Distributed Learning-Based Control for Multi-Agent Systems 2019
1093 HyCARE An innovative approach for renewable energy storage by a combination of hydrogen carriers and heat storage 2019
1094 BCLLatlas Single-cell genomics to comprehensively understand healthy B-cell maturation and transformation to chronic lymphocytic leukemia 2019
1095 NEWCOMERS New Clean Energy Communities in a Changing European Energy System (NEWCOMERS) 2019
1097 ConvergeAnt Uncovering the genomic underpinnings of the convergent evolution of a major social trait 2019
1098 PARNANT Pathogenetic pathways in age-related neurodegenerations as novel therapeutic targets for Parkinson’s disease 2019
1099 MOMENTUM Modelling Emerging Transport Solutions for Urban Mobility 2019
1100 QSHvar Quantitative stochastic homogenization of variational problems 2019
1101 PICASSO Project on Integrated Assessment model-based Scenarios for Sustainable development Objectives 2019
1102 LawWithoutMercy Law without Mercy: Japanese Courts-Martial and Military Courts During the Asia-Pacific War, 1937-45 2019
1103 PAVITRA GANGA Unlocking wastewater treatment, water re-use and resource recovery opportunities for urban and peri-urban areas in India 2019
1104 ADMIGOV Advancing Alternative Migration Governance 2019
1105 Assets4Rail Measuring, monitoring and data handling for railway assets; bridges, tunnels, tracks and safety systems 2018
1106 SCIROCCO Simulation and Control of Renewable COmbustion (SCIROCCO) 2019
1107 SafeCEREAL Safe Copper Engineered for Release and Efficacy on Agricultural Land 2019
1108 STRICt Sustainable development Transition through Regulation-Induced technological Change 2020
1109 SUFIN Sustainable Finance and the News Media 2019
1110 EARTH@LTERNATIVES Sustainability, efficiency, equity and resilience of land and water use for global food and energy security: synergies and fundamental trade-offs 2019
1111 SO-ReCoDi Spectral and Optimization Techniques for Robust Recovery, Combinatorial Constructions, and Distributed Algorithms 2019
1112 PIE ANIMALS Of beasts and men. The animals of the Proto-Indo-Europeans 2019
1113 ULTRA-OLEO Ultrasonic standing waves as a new tool for improved oleogels 2020
1114 INSPIRE In Situ Probing of transition metal-oxide heteroInterfaces for high-peRformance solid-state Energy devices 2019
1115 EDiMplant Electrical Discharge Machining for enhanced osseointegration and antibacterial capabilities of β-phase Titanium Implant 2019
1116 INFINITY Infinity in Mathematics: A Philosophical analysis of Critical Views of Infinity 2019
1117 INTERACTION resIlieNT EneRgy systems for climAte Change and susTaInable develOpmeNt 2019
1118 IRIOA Interactions between reversible and irreversible Operator Algebras. 2019
1119 CarbEx Tracing carbon exchanges/fluxes between Arctic and Atlantic basins 2019
1120 PSF-2-PREDICT Predicting when plant-soil feedbacks promote or prevent alien plant invasion. 2020
1121 TOPCHEM Topological Chemistry in Ternary Compunds 2019
1122 HIFIG High-Fidelity Photonic Quantum Gates 2020
1123 PRESQUE A predicting platform for designing semiconductor quantum devices 2019
1124 AXIONRUSH Rethinking Ultraviolet Scenarios for Hunting the AXION 2019
1125 ELOTEQ Interfacing Levitated Optomechanics with Superconducting Qubits 2019
1127 MUSYCA MUltimetallic SYstems for C-H Activation processes 2019
1128 CLOSeR Contribution of Land water stOrage to Sea-level Rise 2019
1129 RESILIENCE RESILIENCE: Understanding the role of resources in building resilience in marketing systems of refugee-run businesses in Europe 2019
1130 GENI Gender, emotions and national identities: a new perspective on the abortion debates in Italy (1971-1981). 2019
1131 PaTreME Partioning Tree Methane Emissions 2020
1132 LIPPS Literacy’s influence on the production and perception of speech 2020
1133 MULTIRES MULTI-level framework to enhance seismic RESilience of RC buildings 2019
1134 PALP Pathiana Archaeological Landscapes Project 2019
1135 PPILOW Poultry and PIg Low-input and Organic production systems’ Welfare 2019
1136 FAIRsFAIR Fostering FAIR Data Practices in Europe 2019
1137 SubNano Computational Photochemistry in the Long Timescale: Sub-ns Photoprocesses in DNA 2019
1138 HoloFlat Holography for Asymptotically Flat Spacetimes 2019
1139 PHOENIX Electrical Power System’s Shield against complex incidents and extensive cyber and privacy attacks 2019
1140 MIRROR Migration-Related Risks caused by misconceptions of Opportunities and Requirement 2019
1141 SIMARGL Secure Intelligent Methods for Advanced RecoGnition of malware and stegomalware 2019
1142 QUAMAP Quasiconformal Methods in Analysis and Applications 2019
1143 OncoViroMRI Brain Cancer Therapy Monitoring using a Novel Quantitative and Rapid Magnetic Resonance Imaging-based Method 2019
1144 VEHICLE Valorise Extensive quantities of HemIcellulosic and Cellulosic sugars from Lignocellulosic biomass into high-value End products 2019
1145 LABandFAB Enabling the scalable and cheap production of efficient and stable organic-based photovoltaic technology realized via printing techniques, for electricity generation 2020
1146 EstAMR Estimating the Prevalence of AntiMicrobial Resistance 2020
1147 MacMeninges Control of Central Nervous Sytem inflammation by meningeal macrophages, and its impairment upon aging 2019
1148 GAII Governing activation in Ireland: comparing Ireland's mixed-economy of public employment services 2020
1149 BoundModProbAG Boundedness and Moduli problems in birational geometry 2019
1150 IMPACTS9 IMplementation Plan for Actions on CCUS Technologies in the SET Plan 2019
1151 XmonMASER Josephson maser and heat transport in dissipative open quantum systems 2019
1152 TOPIS-BioCirc Integrating torrefaction of pulp and paper industry sludge with microbial conversion: A new approach to produce bioenergy carriers and biochemicals in a view of bio and circular economy. 2020
1153 ETE SPEAKER Robust End-To-End SPEAKER recognition based on deep learning and attention models 2019
1154 SocioEcoFrontiers Frontiers in social-ecological research: achieving the promise of integration in Marine Spatial Planning for resilient social and environmental outcomes 2020
1155 SPFPs Photo-Fenton degradation of Persistent Organic Pollutants present in Real Contaminated Waters using Solar pilot plant Reactors 2020
1156 TWISTM Strongly correlated phenomena in twisted bilayers of graphene and transition metal dichacogenides 2020
1157 CREDit Chronological REference Datasets and Sites (CREDit) towards improved accuracy and precision in luminescence-based chronologies 2020
1158 cesmine Cultural ecosystem services of post-mining sites: socio-economic rehabilitation after quarrying 2020
1159 Recruit Origin and Function of Tumor-Associated Macrophages and Mesenchymal Stromal Cells in GBM Subtypes 2019
1160 HACKS Heating And Cooling Know-how and Solutions 2019
1161 TyphiNET A global multi-institutional Typhoid fever genomic surveillance network to improve global public health outcomes 2020
1162 VITAL-ISE Development and application of ion-sensors for multi-analyte detection 2020
1163 LitRivus Assessment of riverine litter (plastics) inputs to the marine environment 2020
1164 RIVELIN-CLO The Ultimate Therapy for the Oral Lichen Planus 2019
1165 EVAPO-CONTROL EVAPO-CONTROL: System for avoiding evaporation losses in Agriculture dedicated water reservoirs 2019
1166 SURE2050 SUstainable Real Estate 2050 2019
1167 HELP Collaboration for innovation: Establishment of a pan-nematode drug development platform 2019
1168 CONSOLE CONtract SOLutions for Effective and lasting delivery of agri-environmental-climate public goods by EU agriculture and forestry 2019
1169 SPROUT Sustainable Policy RespOnse to Urban mobility Transition 2019
1171 MIND STEP Modelling INdividual Decisions to Support The European Policies related to agriculture 2019
1172 DESIRA Digitisation: Economic and Social Impacts in Rural Areas 2019
1173 REFLOW constRuctive mEtabolic processes For materiaL flOWs in urban and peri-urban environments across Europe 2019
1174 4C Climate-Carbon Interactions in the Current Century 2019
1175 NAVIGATE Next generation of AdVanced InteGrated Assessment modelling to support climaTE policy making 2019
1176 HIEIC Heavy ion collisions: collectivity and precision in saturation physics 2019
1177 QUADAG Quadratic refinements in algebraic geometry 2019
1178 FlexMod A Flexible, Data-driven Model Framework to Predict Soil Responses to Land-use and Climate Change 2020
1179 WhiteMech White-Box Self-Programming Mechanisms 2019
1180 BUILD UPON2 Supporting public sector's capacity and leadership in decarbonising Europe's building stock, through the development of a multi-level renovation impact framework 2019
1181 MALAGA Applying Machine Learning to Cyber Risk Analysis and Mitigation 2019
1182 EMB3Rs User-driven Energy-Matching & Business prospection tool for industrial Excess heat/cold Reduction, Recovery and Redistribution 2019
1183 UDE Artificial Intelligence and Computer Vision for real-time diagnosis of public spaces 2019
1184 BIOSPACE Monitoring Biodiversity from Space 2019
1185 DNA-DOCK Precision Docking of Very Large DNA Cargos in Mammalian Genomes 2019
1186 EuConNeCts4 European Conferences on Networks and Communications (EuCNC) 2019
1187 Power2Power The next-generation silicon-based power solutions in mobility, industry and grid for sustainable decarbonisation in the next decade. 2019
1188 Fair4Fusion Fair for Fusion - open access for fusion data in Europe 2019
1189 PantEOn A Multi-Scale Earth Observation Indicator System for Land Degradation Assessment of Transitional Mediterranean Climates 2020
1190 PhotoXLink Development of biomolecular tools for the spatiotemporal photocontrol of AMPA receptors mobility 2019
1191 InDiQE Infinite-dimensional quantum effects 2019
1192 DIGIACT Digital Authoritarian Practices: Internet Surveillance and Repression against Transnational Activist Networks 2019
1193 HOTHSPOH Homotopy theory of spaces of homomorphisms 2019
1194 EMPAtHy Endothelial Cell Molecular and Metabolic Heterogeneity in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension 2019
1195 OrthoChirp New method to mechano-spectroscopically investigate the transient evolution of a complex-fluid's microstructure subjected to a non-linear deformation or flow 2020
1196 ARCAID Amsterdam Rheumatology Center for AutoImmune Diseases 2020
1197 Hybead Hybrid Bead Adsorbents 2019
1198 CO2Fokus CO2 utilisation focused on market relevant dimethyl ether production, via 3D printed reactor- and solid oxide cell based technologies 2019
1199 VACCIBIOME Cancer Vaccines and Gut Microbiome: a rational approach to optimize cancer immunotherapy 2019
1200 ActiTOX Active organotypic models for nanoparticle toxicological screening 2019
1201 Start-at-best Promoting STARTups and SMEs as the BEST place to work through workplace innovation 2019
1202 MatManager MatManager - New standard in road construction efficiency 2019
1203 ON-MERRIT Observing and Negating Matthew Effects in Responsible Research and Innovation Transition 2019
1204 SALT High-Flux Synchrotron Alternatives Driven by Powerful Long-Wavelength Fiber Lasers 2019
1205 SIRAMM Eastern European twinning on Structural Integrity and Reliability of Advanced Materials obtained through additive Manufacturing 2019
1206 STRENTEX ERA Chair for emerging technologies and innovative research in Stretchable and Textile Electronics 2020
1207 ERC VP CSA Support to the Vice-Presidents of the ERC Scientific Council 2019 2019
1208 SlaveVoices Slave Testimonies in the Abolition Era. European Captives, African Slaves and Ottoman servants in 19th century North Africa 2019
1209 Chaperon ERA Chair Position for Excellent Research in Oncology 2019
1210 RAPTOR Research of Aviation PM Technologies, mOdelling and Regulation 2019
1211 HYPATIA Privacy and Utility Allied 2019
1212 CPS4EU Cyber Physical Systems for Europe 2019
1213 EmPower EmPowering electricity access in off-grid areas with a portable battery pack with Internet of Things connectivity 2019
1214 DEEPTIME Probing the history of matter in deep time 2020
1216 ETIMan ETIMan: Emergency and Triage Information Manager, disrupting the Emergency Medicine industry 2019
1217 Solar-Win Next generation transparent solar windows based on customised integrated photovoltaics 2019
1218 MYODM-FSMP New food for special medical purposes to nutritionally manage Myotonic Dystrophy type 1 2019
1219 VW Glare control with media functionality - VideowindoW 2019
1220 FANO Fano Photonics 2019
1221 Pregnolia A Diagnostic Medical Device Determining the Risk of Preterm Birth 2019
1222 SSB Surgify Safety Burr 2019
1223 MAAS MOBILITY AS A SERVICE PLATFORM for employers and individuals. 2019
1224 doks Innovation Automated AI-based inventory management for logistics 2019
1225 ConnectToBrain Connecting to the Networks of the Human Brain 2019
1226 200SMEchallenge Design-driven Open Innovation Challenge for 200 SMEs 2019
1227 PlaMES Integrated Planning of Multi-Energy Systems 2019
1228 ENSEMBLE3 Centre of ExcelleNce for nanophotonicS, advancEd Materials and novel crystal growth-Based technoLogiEs 2019
1229 EcoFLEXY Innovative nanocellulose bioplastic film from fruit waste 2019
1230 MoSaiQC Modular Systems for Advanced Integrated Quantum Clocks 2020
1231 POLISS Policies for Smart Specialisation 2019
1232 LISA Laser Ionization and Spectroscopy of Actinide elements 2019
1233 PRECODE PancREatic Cancer OrganoiDs rEsearch Network 2019
1234 BeMAGIC Magnetoelectrics Beyond 2020: A Training Programme on Energy-Efficient Magnetoelectric Nanomaterials for Advanced Information and Healthcare Technologies 2019
1235 FoodE Food Systems in European Cities 2020
1236 FoodSHIFT2030 Food System Hubs Innovating towards Fast Transition by 2030 2020
1237 syn.ikia Sustainable Plus Energy Neighbourhoods 2020
1238 CLASSY Cell-Like ‘Molecular Assembly Lines’ of Programmable Reaction Sequences as Game-Changers in Chemical Synthesis 2019
1239 AutoCapSyn Capsule based machines for the automated synthesis of organic molecules for drug discovery and medicinal chemistry 2019
1240 WiPLASH Architecting More Than Moore – Wireless Plasticity for Heterogeneous Massive Computer Architectures 2019
1241 ENCATFLOW Encapsulated catalysts in flow chemistry for continues chemical processes 2019
1242 CMBLENS CMB Lensing at Sub-Percent Precision: A New Probe of Cosmology and Fundamental Physics 2020
1243 T-CUBE Theoretical Chemistry of Unbound Electrons 2020
1244 NanoMMs Solution-Based Engineering of Nanodimensional Phase-Change Materials and Memory Devices 2020
1245 CAST Active Monitoring of Cancer As An Alternative To Surgery 2019
1246 MATER Innovative Training Network in Female Reproductive Care 2019
1247 SPARCs Sustainable energy Positive & zero cARbon CommunitieS 2019
1248 FARCROSS FAcilitating Regional CROSS-border Electricity Transmission through Innovation 2019
1249 FPPAs Field Programmable Photonic Arrays 2019
1250 FIBRING Fibring of manifolds and groups 2020
1251 Pilot3 A software engine for multi-criteria decision support in flight management 2019
1252 GLIMPSE2050 Global Impact Assessment of Regulations and Policies for Sustainable Aviation by 2050 2019
1253 OPTIMISE Open data: improving transparency, reproducibility and collaboration in science 2020
1254 FOSC Food System and Climate (FOSC): Assessing the impact of climate change on food and nutrition security and designing more sustainable and resilient food systems in Europe and beyond 2019
1255 InnoSTAT Innovative STATOR 2019
1256 TPAAE Transcultural Perspective in Art and Art Education 2020
1257 PEPSA-MATE Nanopeptides and Nanosaccharides for Advanced and Sustainable Materials 2020
1258 STELLAR Development of SmarT Eco-friendly anticontamination technologies for LAminaR wings 2019
1259 SCORPION Strongly CORrelated Polaritons In Optoelectronic Nanostructures 2020
1260 Immune-Image Immune-Image: Specific Imaging of Immune Cell Dynamics Using Novel Tracer Strategies 2019
1261 SUNCOAT Protecting wind-turbine leading edges with nanoengineered superhydrophobic urethane coatings 2019
1262 GuMeCo Gut-Brain Communication in Metabolic Control 2020
1263 SongNeuroGen Species discrimination in birds: A behavioural-neurogenomics approach to auditory learning 2019
1264 CAPARDUS Capacity-building in Arctic standardisation develoment 2019
1265 SHExtreme Estimating contribution of sub-hourly sea level oscillations to overall sea level extremes in changing climate 2020
1266 QUALITOP Monitoring multidimensional aspects of QUAlity of Life after cancer ImmunoTherapy - an Open smart digital Platform for personalized prevention and patient management 2020
1267 SWOP The first non-toxic bio-based polymer resin to revolutionize the wood panel industry 2019
1268 MACBETH Membranes And Catalysts Beyond Economic and Technological Hurdles 2019
1269 EGO Portable EGO Portable: A Portable, small size, modular solar water heater suitable for different applications with do-it yourself installation 2019
1270 Memorix Start Learning in 3D-Worlds with Powerful Memo-Techniques 2019
1271 ArtsAutonomy The Arts of Autonomy: Pamphleteering, Popular Philology, and the Public Sphere, 1988-2018 2020
1272 DIPVAR Digital Platforms: Pricing, Variety and Quality Provision 2020
1273 FASTCORR Ultrafast dynamics of correlated electrons in solids 2020
1275 WorkYP Working, Yet Poor 2020
1277 WelcomingSpaces Investing in 'Welcoming Spaces' in Europe: revitalizing shrinking areas by hosting non-EU migrants 2020
1278 CURE Copernicus for Urban Resilience in Europe 2020
1279 CERTO Copernicus Evolution – Research for Transitional-water Observation 2020
1280 QGBoot Scattering Strings and Other Things: A Modern Approach to Quantum Gravity and the Conformal Bootstrap 2020
1281 ETHNA System Ethics Governance System for RRI in Higher Education, Funding and Research Centres 2020
1282 TRESCA Trustworthy, Reliable and Engaging Scientific Communication Approaches 2020
1283 Demos Design Principles of Branching Morphogenesis 2020
1284 PALAEOFARM Linking livestock genetic diversity with three thousand years of agricultural crises and resilience 2020
1285 RenoHUb Integrated Services to Boost Energy Renovation in Hungarian Homes 2019
1286 ERIGrid 2.0 European Research Infrastructure supporting Smart Grid and Smart Energy Systems Research, Technology Development, Validation and Roll Out – Second Edition 2020
1287 ELVER Energy from Limited Velocity Estuaries and Rivers 2019
1288 ThinkAhead Thinking Ahead: human planning from a predictive processing perspective 2020
1289 INTERACT Interactive Machine Learning for Compositional Models of Natural Language 2020
1290 InflaPML Promyelocytic leukemia protein (PML) outside the tumor: a new player in the control of inflammation 2020
1291 PAVax A training network for the design of new synthetic carbohydrate-based vaccines to combat antibiotic resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa 2020
1292 RESBIOS RESponsible research and innovation grounding practices in BIOSciencies 2020
1293 DocEnhance Enhancing skills intelligence and integration into existing PhD programmes by providing transferable skills training through an open online platform 2020
1294 PRISAR2 proactive monitoring of cancer as an alternative to surgery 2020
1295 FEST Future Experiments seek Smart Technologies 2020
1296 PRODIGEES Promoting Research on Digitalisation in Emerging Powers and Europe towards Sustainable Development 2020
1297 WorkFREE Slavery, Work and Freedom: What Can Cash Transfers Contribute to the Fight for Decent Work? 2020
1298 ALERT Action Leveraging Evidence to Reduce perinatal morTality and morbidity in sub-Saharan Africa 2020
1299 EarlyCause Causative mechanisms & integrative models linking early-life-stress to psycho-cardio-metabolic multi-morbidity 2020
1300 PolyCarbon Polycentric Carbon Pricing Governance: Cooperation, Contestation and Connectivity 2020
1301 BARRIER BREAK Breaking the barrier: How inflammation spreads from skin to joint 2020
1302 IMOTHEP Investigation and Maturation of Technologies for Hybrid Electric Propulsion 2020
1303 NEMASIS The next generation energy management solution for industry 4.0 2019
1304 NewSOC Next Generation solid oxide fuel cell and electrolysis technology 2020
1305 MORAL Export free rad-hard microcontroller for space applications 2020
1306 SOLUTIONSplus Integrated Urban Electric Mobility Solutions in the Context of the Paris Agreement, the Sustainable Development Goals and the New Urban Agenda 2020
1307 PRIVATETRACK PRIVATETRACK: Privacy-friendly, low-power intelligent room occupancy detection and people counting. 2019
1308 INDIVISUAL Individual differences in human gaze behaviour and the visual system 2020
1309 STUOD Stochastic Transport in Upper Ocean Dynamics 2020
1310 GPRV Overcoming stellar activity in radial velocity planet searches 2020
1311 RandomMultiScales Computational Random Multiscale Problems 2020
1312 SAMMBA Standard And Modular Microlauncher BAsed services 2020
1313 CREMLINplus Connecting Russian and European Measures for Large-scale Research Infrastructures - plus 2020
1314 COLLABS A COmprehensive cyber-intelligence framework for resilient coLLABorative manufacturing Systems 2020
1315 RadicalHOUSING Radical Housing: Cities and the global fight against housing precarity 2020
1316 PIVOT2 Performance Improvement for Vehicles on Track 2 2019
1317 UnDark New Approaches to Uncover Dark Matter in the post-WIMP Era 2020
1318 SPEAR Standard model Precision Electroweak tests at Acute Rapidities 2020
1319 CLEANH2 Chemical Engineering of Fused MetalloPorphyrins Thin Films for the Clean Production of Hydrogen 2020
1320 EndoSolve A novel medical device for the treatment of Endometriosis 2021
1321 INCENTIVE Indo-European Consortium for Next Generation Influenza Vaccine Innovation 2020
1322 KAM2SouthPL2 ‘Key account management’ for the EIC Pilot beneficiaries and ‘Enhancing SME innovation management capacity’ as proinnovative services for SMEs in the regions of Southern Poland 2020
1323 LuSH Art Luminescent Solar Heterostructures for Artificial photosynthesis 2020
1324 emergenTopo Emergent topology in photon fluids 2020
1325 PIPE Learning Pixel-Perfect 3D Vision and Generative Modeling 2020
1326 MSCA2020.HR MSCA Presidency Conference 2020 2019
1328 SURE 3-D Super resolution Ultrasound Real time imaging of Erythrocytes 2020
1329 ConFoBiNM A multidimensional analysis on the joint-effect of retention forestry and landscape structure on large mammals communities 2021
1330 OLEA Olea expansion and mosaic Landscape formation in an island Environment since human Arrival 2020
1331 GROUT Governing ResOurce UrbanisaTion (GROUT): Multi-stakeholder governance of extractive industries in the era of planetary urbanisation 2020
1332 TESTIMONY Tumor Endothelial Cells: Gatekeepers Of Anti-Tumor Immunity 2020
1333 LINKER Elucidating transcriptional rewiring on hematological malignancies via computational methods 2020
1334 BLaSt Better Languages for Statistics: foundations for non-parametric probabilistic programming 2020
1335 NANOMORT Development of a novel and ecologic mortar based on nanoparticles of lime and organic additives for the repair of Built Heritage and new construction 2020
1336 ESMORGA Exploiting Superconvergence in Meshes for Optimal Representations of the Geometry with high Accuracy 2020
1337 NanoLight-QD Novel molecular spectroscopies by nanoconfined light shaping and ab initio quantum dynamics 2020
1338 Turbo-MPMI-Discovery TurboID-charging discovery of plant pathogen virulence and host resistance mechanisms 2020
1339 FuturePowerFlow Exploiting the full integration potential of fluctuating renewable energies in power grid operation by new predictive technologies 2020
1340 ADDPLUGIN Plug-in Electric System to Cut Emissions on Transportation 2020
1341 RENEW Renewable Energy through New Electrolysis catalysts for Water splitting 2020
1342 ECOGAL Understanding our Galactic ecosystem: From the disk of the Milky Way to the formation sites of stars and planets 2020
1343 POLAR-4DSpace 4DSpace: integrated study for space weather at high latitudes 2020
1344 GelPrint Printable polypeptide hydrogels with antimicrobial properties 2020
1345 MendoFold Linking mechanics and endoreduplication with tissue folding 2020
1346 Alloem Maternal immune response to allogeneic embryos 2020
1347 Ceratina Social evolution in Ceratina bees: a comparative approach 2020
1348 LiVE Living with Vultures in the Sixth Extinction: An Ethnographic Study of Avian Conservation in Changing European Landscapes 2020
1349 CARBOFLOW Streamlined carbon dioxide conversion in ionic liquids – a platform strategy for modern carbonylation chemistry 2020
1350 InnovaTron Design study of an innovative high-intensity industrial cyclotron for production of Tc-99m and other frontier medical radioisotopes 2020
1351 COASTAL ROUTES Travel, Environment, Sustainability: A Literary and Cultural History of Irish and Scottish Coastal Routes 2020
1352 cRETMS Cerebellar Rhythmic Entrainment with Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation: A new approach for the study of cerebellar connections with the cortex. 2020
1353 2DTriCat4Energy 2D Trifunctional Catalysts for Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage 2020
1354 STAMPEDE Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Modern and Past Elephant DivErsity 2021
1355 A.L.I.B.I. Helping Children to Make the Best of their Transition to High School 2020
1356 UNTWIST UNraveling the knoT of the Water-energy-food nexus usIng ecosySTems services 2021
1357 GALSIZE Galaxy Sizes as Tracers of Dark Matter 2020
1358 MEM-ENTO Tracing memory formation in a behaving animal: analysis of learning-induced morpho-functional plasticity along the bee’s olfactory system 2020
1359 SHINE Chemical Approach to Scalable Fabrication of Hybrid Plasmonic Materials in the Strong-Coupling Regime 2020
1360 INVENTOR INnoVative dEsign of iNstalled airframe componenTs for aircraft nOise Reduction 2020
1361 SCIFY Self-Calibrated Interferometry for Exoplanet Spectroscopy 2020
1362 INTRANCES Integrated modelling of transport scenarios from stakeholders for air quality and emissions 2020
1363 MICROSCOPE Molecular dIffusion of organiCs in secondaRy Organic aeroSols and impaCts On Particle chEmistry 2020
1364 GeMeTIC Gestural Meanings: Typology and Interface Constraints 2020
1365 ALGALVANISE ALGAL biorefinery of biogas digestate to high VAlue fuNctional IngredientS through circular approachEs 2020