Blockchain and distributed ledger technologies for SMEs (Call : H2020-INNOSUP-2018-2020)


Blockchain and distributed ledger technologies for SMEs (Call : H2020-INNOSUP-2018-2020)

By Fabio | Mercoledì, 2018-04-04 09:27:50 | 1˙093 visite

Ci sono importanti opportunità   di finanziamento su blockchain e tecnologie simili (chiamiamole "registri elettronici distribuiti", in inglese suona meglio: distributed ledger technologies). La Commissione Europea ha aperto questa call: che scade il 15 maggio 2018. Lo scopo principale è il seguente:

The Action will be a piloting scheme for the uptake of DLTs by SMEs. It will aim at testing in real conditions the opportunities, challenges, risks and necessary conditions associated with DLTs in different context and sectors. Thereby it will stimulate (i) the uptake of DLTs by SMEs and inspire others to follow, and equally (ii) it will sensitize intermediaries to develop their expertise in this respect and (iii) it will help draw lessons for policy makers and regulators.

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