Libro completo e gratis su "An introduction to Data Science" (con esempi basati su R)


Libro completo e gratis su "An introduction to Data Science" (con esempi basati su R)

By Fàbio 2 | Martedì, 2017-05-02 16:11:31 | 857 visite

Per chi desidera diventare "dataScientist" e magari preferisce il programma R rispetto a python o ad altri applicativi segnalo questo bel pdf gratuito: (libriGratuiti, libriDataScience)

Alcuni estratti:

Data Science refers to an emerging area of work concerned with the collection, preparation, analysis, visualization, management, and preservation of large collections of information. Although the name Data Science seems to connect most strongly with areas such as databases and computer science, many different kinds of skills - including non-mathematical skills - are needed.

Data Science is different from other areas such as mathematics or statistics. Data Science is an applied activity and data scientists serve the needs and solve the problems of data users. Before you can solve a problem, you need to identify it and this process is not always as obvious as it might seem.

Buona lettura

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