Progetti FP7 coordinati da "Deutsche institute fur textil- und faserforschung denkendorf"

# progetto  anno  totale costo  contributi 
1 OPEN GARMENTS Consumer Open Innovation and Open Manufacturing Interaction for Individual Garments 2008 5˙165˙800.00 3˙614˙960.00
2 TEXWIN Textile Work Intelligence by hierarchical closed-loop control for product and process quality in the Textile Industry 2010 4˙844˙189.00 3˙293˙699.00
3 SMARTNETS SmartNets – The Transformation from Collaborative Knowledge Exploration Networks into Cross Sectoral and Service Oriented Integrated Value Systems 2011 4˙082˙619.00 2˙993˙433.00

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L'Ente deutsche institute fur textil- und faserforschung denkendorf partecipato anche in questi progetti.