Progetti FP7 coordinati da "Universidad de cordoba"

# progetto  anno  totale costo  contributi 
1 PK2-KISS "Physiological characterization of PK2 in the control of fertility, and its interaction with kisspeptins" 2009 225˙998.00 225˙998.00
2 META-GNRH Metabolic Targeting of GnRH Neurons: Molecular Mechanisms and Neuropeptide Pathways 2009 222˙090.00 222˙090.00
3 CATTLECON IKTA "Improving, transference and applicability of knowledge in conservation and characterization technologies in cattle breeds from Egypt and the Iberian Peninsula" 2011 172˙800.00 172˙800.00
4 QUIPROD Quercus Ilex proteomic studies on the germination and early seedling growth under drought stress 2011 174˙610.00 174˙610.00
5 EPI-PUBERTY Metabolic Control of Puberty: Role of Epigenetic Regulatory Mechanisms 2011 223˙669.00 223˙669.00
6 COMET-LA COmmunity-based Management of EnvironmenTal challenges in Latin America 2012 2˙473˙699.00 1˙870˙973.00
7 TRANSUCYNA Analyzing metabolism in an unusual nitrogen fixing symbiosis using metatranscriptomics 2014 254˙474.00 254˙474.00

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