# | ||||
1 | PRIV-WAR Regulating privatisation of “war”: the role of the EU in assuring the compliance with international humanitarian law and human rights | 2008 | 1˙439˙749.00 | 1˙138˙682.00 |
2 | PIREDEU Providing an Infrastructure for Research on Electoral Democracy in the European Union | 2008 | 3˙136˙000.00 | 2˙400˙000.00 |
3 | EU-NORTHEASTASIA As seen from North-East Asia: Potential and limits of the EU as a strategic actor | 2008 | 138˙981.00 | 138˙981.00 |
4 | SIWTW Social Insurance and Welfare-to-Work Programs: Optimal Design and Structural Evaluation | 2008 | 442˙705.00 | 442˙705.00 |
5 | EUROBIOLAW Towards a European model of biomedical law? | 2008 | 223˙439.00 | 223˙439.00 |
6 | TMG "Intellectual relations between Western Europe and Latin America, 1918-1939" | 2008 | 154˙254.00 | 154˙254.00 |
7 | RELEX-JHA "The achievement of an area of freedom, security and justice through the EU external relations" | 2008 | 100˙975.00 | 100˙975.00 |
8 | EMT "The Limits of Peaceful Co-existence: Jewish-Arab Relations, Urban Space and State Violence in Palestinian-Israeli Mixed Towns, 1882 to the Present" | 2009 | 163˙304.00 | 163˙304.00 |
9 | SCINET "Science without Empire: Science, Medicine, Scientific networks and the Danish Halle Mission in the Danish East Indies, 1770-1845" | 2009 | 154˙254.00 | 154˙254.00 |
10 | AISJ "Age, Inequality and Social Justice. Britain and Germany since 1945" | 2009 | 0.00 | 226˙974.00 |
11 | INTERMARRIAGE IN EU Trends and Patterns of Interethnic Parnerships and Well-being of Mixed Ethnic Children in the EU | 2009 | 0.00 | 156˙610.00 |
12 | GENDERFASCISM Reconfiguration of Catholic women’s league militancy in France and in Italy (1919-1939) | 2009 | 0.00 | 164˙526.00 |
13 | INMARWEL Market Integration and the Welfare of Europeans | 2009 | 880˙800.00 | 880˙800.00 |
14 | INJMCE Between Penal Revolution and National Resistances. The Influence of the Napoleonic Judicial Model in Continental Europe (1808-1814) | 2009 | 0.00 | 164˙526.00 |
15 | RESPONSE EU Public Opinion Trends and Policy-Making in the European Union | 2009 | 0.00 | 226˙974.00 |
16 | POLITICAL VIOLENCE Cycles of Political Violence A Comparative Historical Political-Sociology Analysis of Italy and Northern Ireland | 2009 | 0.00 | 141˙337.00 |
17 | EPFLE The Effects of Precarious Work on Family Life in Europe | 2009 | 153˙687.00 | 153˙687.00 |
18 | CULTURAL HERITAGE International criminal law as a tool for enhancing the protection of cultural heritage | 2010 | 0.00 | 102˙742.00 |
19 | ACCEPT PLURALISM "Tolerance, Pluralism and Social Cohesion. Responding to the Challenges of the 21st Century in Europe" | 2010 | 3˙444˙706.00 | 2˙600˙230.00 |
21 | FOREX & FUNDAMENTALS Exchange Rates and Fundamentals | 2010 | 83˙869.00 | 83˙869.00 |
22 | THINK A Think Tank Hosting an Interdisciplinary Network to provide Knowledge support to EU Energy Policy Making | 2010 | 2˙464˙401.00 | 2˙188˙848.00 |
23 | LEGAPOLIS Civil society and the mobilization of European human rights: Minorities and Immigrants in the Strasbourg Court | 2010 | 0.00 | 227˙541.00 |
24 | WOPINS Walking Old Paths in New Shoes: Individual Trajectories to Retirement and the Welfare State in Austria and Germany | 2010 | 0.00 | 156˙043.00 |
25 | AFSJ-AGENCIES "Agencies in the European Union Area of Freedom, Security and Justice: Frontex, Europol and Eurojust" | 2010 | 165˙739.00 | 165˙739.00 |
26 | EUROCIVILSOCIETY Between Contestation and Cooptation: the Participation of Civil Society Organisations to the European Union Integration Process | 2011 | 221˙553.00 | 221˙553.00 |
27 | EDULIFE Education as a Lifelong Process – Comparing Educational Trajectories in Modern Societies | 2011 | 2˙488˙360.00 | 2˙488˙360.00 |
28 | RELIGIOWEST "The (re)construction and formatting of religions in the West through courts, social practices, public discourse and transnational institutions." | 2011 | 1˙895˙232.00 | 1˙895˙232.00 |
29 | MOBILIZING4DEMOCRACY Mobilizing for democracy: Democratization processes and the mobilization of civil society | 2011 | 1˙747˙200.00 | 1˙747˙200.00 |
30 | EUROCRIMJUS "EU Criminal Justice in Comparative Perspective (Council of Europe, European Union, United States)" | 2011 | 251˙275.00 | 251˙275.00 |
31 | EXTRALEAD Extraordinary Leadership and Radical Change in Democracy | 2011 | 222˙053.00 | 222˙053.00 |
32 | CIRCULAR CARE Circular migration and home care? The case of Romanian and Ukrainian home care workers in Northern Italy | 2011 | 173˙384.00 | 173˙384.00 |
33 | MCEUICS "Constructing Solidarities. Kinship Ties and Social Networks in the Urban Communities of Italy and the Low Countries, 1250-1550" | 2011 | 91˙706.00 | 91˙706.00 |
34 | ERPL European Regulatory Private Law | 2011 | 2˙097˙840.00 | 2˙097˙840.00 |
35 | BORDERLANDS "Borderlands: Expanding Boundaries, Governance, and Power in the European Union's Relations with North Africa and the Middle East" | 2011 | 1˙353˙920.00 | 1˙353˙920.00 |
36 | CATSSE "The Invisible Politics of Religion: Catholicism, Third Sector and Territory in Southern Europe" | 2012 | 243˙575.00 | 243˙575.00 |
37 | SURVEILLE "Surveillance: Ethical Issues, Legal Limitations, and Efficiency" | 2012 | 4˙382˙719.00 | 3˙382˙354.00 |
38 | MIGMEDCIS "The comparative analysis of the economic aspects of international migration: EU, Mediterranean, and CIS" | 2012 | 38˙000.00 | 38˙000.00 |
39 | TRANSFORMATIONS Transformations of violence during the decline of insurgencies | 2012 | 185˙763.00 | 185˙763.00 |
40 | WILLINGTOPAY Willing to Pay? Testing Institutionalist Theory with Experiments | 2012 | 2˙491˙135.00 | 2˙491˙135.00 |
41 | FEMIDE Female migrants from developed countries in Southern Europe: A study of integration | 2012 | 249˙911.00 | 249˙911.00 |
42 | POPREP Eurosceptic Populist Party Organization and Representation: A Comparative Study | 2012 | 193˙726.00 | 193˙726.00 |
43 | WOW: RADIO BARI “War of Waves”. European Radio Propaganda in the Arab World: the Experience of Radio Bari (1934-43) | 2012 | 249˙911.00 | 249˙911.00 |
44 | MEDALEX "Cooperating in Complex Environments: Cross-cultural Trade, Commercial Networks and Notarial Culture in Alexandria (Egypt) : 1360-1450" | 2012 | 249˙911.00 | 249˙911.00 |
45 | TRANSTEC "Transnational networking, knowledge circulation and technological change in early modern East Central Europe. The case of Hutterite artisans (c.1560-1720)" | 2012 | 257˙874.00 | 257˙874.00 |
46 | SESANDHEALTH Socioeconomic Status and Health: Disentangling causal pathways in a life course perspective | 2013 | 928˙631.00 | 928˙631.00 |
48 | BABE Bodies across borders: oral and visual memory in Europe and beyond | 2013 | 1˙488˙501.00 | 1˙488˙501.00 |
49 | COMPCITXU "In the frame of party competition: citizenship, voting rights and nation-building in the post-Yugoslav space" | 2013 | 179˙739.00 | 179˙739.00 |
50 | POLCON Political Conflict in Europe in the Shadow of the Great Recession | 2014 | 2˙488˙200.00 | 2˙488˙200.00 |
51 | IOW "The Individualisation of War: Reconfiguring the Ethics, Law, and Politics of Armed Conflict" | 2014 | 2˙397˙577.00 | 2˙397˙577.00 |
52 | TRA_MED Tra_Med - patterns of pastoral migrations in the Mediterranean region | 2014 | 187˙414.00 | 187˙414.00 |
53 | DEANDEUPL "Distributive Effects and EU Private Law: Justificatory Practices of EU Institutions in a Constitutional, Methodological and Communicative Perspective" | 2014 | 249˙242.00 | 249˙242.00 |
54 | EMIGRE European emigration governance - emigration and diaspora policies and discourses in the post-crisis era | 2014 | 300˙754.00 | 300˙754.00 |
55 | FUTEURCIT The Future of European Citizenship in Comparative Perspective | 2015 | 249˙242.00 | 249˙242.00 |
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